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They're having one last parade before they surrender to Ukraine.
Newsweek ran a story headlined, “Kissinger Predicts China Involvement Will Lead to Ukraine Peace Talks.”
You probably didn’t even know Henry Kissinger, 99, was still alive and making the diplomatic rounds. But thanks to the blood of many infants — haha, just kidding — thanks to his healthy diet and exercise, the heavily-accented former Secretary of State is getting around better than a Transylvanian Energizer Bunny.
In a Sunday interview with CBS’s Ted Koppel, Kissinger said he was confident China will turn the tide of the ongoing war. “Now that China has entered the negotiation, it will come to a head, I think, by the end of the year,” Kissinger sonorously opined. “We will be talking about negotiating processes and even actual negotiations.”
Maybe it will be even sooner than the end of the year, who knows?
The ancient diplomat was referring to President Xi’s 12-point peace plan, which the U.S. has repeatedly rejected on behalf of Ukraine. Kissinger even offered to call Putin and Xi himself, saying he believed they’d take his call. But … isn’t that leaving someone out? What about Zelensky? Nobody seems to have thought of calling him, for some reason.
It’s almost like Zelensky doesn’t matter or something.
This is just a other plot by the globalist marxists, no loyalty except to the government. And womyn are the easiest to get to agree to inhumanity. Cause they are perfect solipsists. All of them. You can get a better one whom it's worth building a family with, a decent mom, and hopefully who is hot and puts out and a delight to boot, but to a certain degree they all are solipsists. Feminism and govt backed hoelimony and all these shit sandwiches were part of it, metoo etc. Priming them to fully develop their innate solipisism and become majorly egotistical cunts, destabilizing a formerly strong society.
You probably didn’t even know Henry Kissinger, 99, was still alive and making the diplomatic rounds. But thanks to the blood of many infants — haha, just kidding
The_Deplorable says
In other words the notion that Ukraine is winning the war against Russia is bunk - nothing more than fantasies and wishful thinking - and frankly it is time to face reality.
The reality is that this war is going to easily continue into 2024.
What Russia/Putin are not realizing is we can just send weapons
World Wars didn't get labeled that out the gate. This is likely WWIII. Multiple nations are sending military weapons, contractors, mercenaries, gear to Ukraine.
You need training on weapons. You can't just take a day or two to learn how to drive a tank or fly a jet, or even use gun.
Modern systems are intuitive so they're easy to learn. If a teenager can fly planes with no training it doesn't take a whole lot.
Firing a gun is trivial.
We've had legit retarded people mow down kids and high schoolers at Columbine.
Again, I don't condone the war, but it's better than sending our men over there regardless.
"Russia has already lost."
If Russia lost, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!
If Russia lost, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!
"If Russia won, then how come they lost all the land they conquered earlier in their invasion?"
"If Russia won, how come NATO has now expanded right on their border?"
"If Russia won, how come their military is now shown to the World to be an international laughing stock of incompetency, corruption and brutality?"
socal2 says
"If Russia won, then how come they lost all the land they conquered earlier in their invasion?"
Tactical defensive moves are not loss of land. Again, If Russia is losing, then how come Eastern Ukraine is now part of Russia? No answer!
socal2 says
"If Russia won, how come NATO has now expanded right on their border?"
The US and NATO are suffering a massive humiliating defeat in Ukraine.
socal2 says
"If Russia won, how come their military is now shown to the World to be an international laughing stock of incompetency, corruption and brutality?"
socal2, follow the evidence, not the propaganda.
RFK explained:
That’s what Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said in 2022, our objective is to exhaust and degrade Russian forces so they cannot fight anywhere else. President Biden acknowledged that one of his objectives in the war was regime change in Russia and removing Vladimir Putin. If those are the objectives, that is the opposite of a humanitarian mission. That is a mission to maximize casualties to prolong the war. It’s essentially a war of attrition, and that’s what we are seeing, and the brunt of this is being paid by the flower of Ukrainian youth.…
What we’re doing in Ukraine is not good for the Ukrainian people. We have killed 300,000 Ukrainian troops and 14,000 civilians in a neocon geopolitical machination - in our own plot to try to get rid of Putin and exhaust the Russian army - and we’re sacrificing the Ukrainian people in that vanity.
"At the end, the US will claim victory, and Russia will also claim victory, absolutely regardless of the outcome... I predict the war will go on for years..."
The era of bombing Serbia without rhyme or reason, invading Iraq based on a pack of lies, the murder of Gaddafi in Libya, the attempted regime change in Syria etc etc is over.
No, a US and NATO defeat in Ukraine has consequences that are already taking place. A US and NATO defeat means the collapse of NATO, the end of the unipolar world order, the emergence of a multipolar world order, the collapse of the dollar as an international currency with the ruble and yuan taking its place, the emergence of BRICS as a financial power etc. etc...
I personally have been a big fan of Pax Americana and the masssive worldwide peace and prosperity it has provided the globe.
Yes there is corruption and it is far from perfect, but it is a better system than all of the current competitors who are vying for greater influence on the rest of us.
Ukraine's military said Wednesday it had routed a Russian infantry unit and forced it to retreat from crucial ground around the eastern city. The claims were supported by the furious account of the mercenary chief whose fighters have led Russia's push for a symbolic victory there, and who has blamed Moscow's defense chiefs for the setbacks.
The ONLY influence the US has comes at the end of a gun, or in the form of a bribe.
"So we are clear. Are You rooting for that result?"
Of course. That is pretty much how every nation state has peddled influence from the dawn of man.
Despite America being involved in dozens of bushfire wars since WWII, it has managed to keep "The Rest of the World" much more peaceful and economically prosperous despite all the efforts of Marxists and Islamists trying to fuck everything up.
If America isn't pushing its influence, China, Russia and the Islamic nations are more than happy to fill in the gap.
America is far from perfect and has gotten a bit worse in recent years with all of the Woke B.S. we've been trying to push on everyone - but we are still light years ahead and better than the alternatives right now IMO.
"Do Americans (assuming you are American) really want to go back to a multipolar world and all of the war, violence and genocide that went with that?"
Poland reverts to historic name for Russia's Kaliningrad
From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec
From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec, based on the recommendation of the government commission for geographic names abroad.
zzyzzx says
From now on, it will be designated on Polish maps as Krolewiec, based on the recommendation of the government commission for geographic names abroad.
What is wrong with "East Prussia?"
Globalists with their USA murder monkeys want to seed the Ukrainian soil with radiation instead of salt. Depleted uranium if they can't inflict the DNA specific bioweapons, and provocation of the Russians to turn the scene of their crimes to glowing, radioactive ash so the crime scene evidence is hidden. Yeah, we are so proud that these entities want to rule our planet.
Depleted uranium is uranium that has been stripped of its U235 isotope, so it is almost totally U238, which has a half-life of 4 billion years. It is thousands of times less radioactive than a banana (which has potassium 40). If there are any health risks, they are from heavy metal poisoning, not radioactivity.
The chief justice of Ukraine’s Supreme Court has just been arrested on corruption charges after he was caught accepting a $2.7 million bribe.
The head of the nation’s highest court, Vsevolod Kniaziev, has been detained by Ukrainian prosecutors, according to the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office (SAPO).
Long before Russia invaded, Ukraine was considered the most corrupt nation in Europe. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/feb/04/welcome-to-the-most-corrupt-nation-in-europe-ukraine
Nevertheless, President Joe Biden and the Democrats have continued to gift Ukrainian leadership with over $110 billion in U.S. tax dollars and weapons.
Despite the obvious concerns with funneling so much cash to the country, the money has not been audited.
He is at the centre of a wide search yet has managed to elude them all: London lawyers, the FBI, Ukrainian banks, the Russian secret services are all trying to pinpoint Igor Kolomoisky, who slipped off the radar at the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
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