Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2572   richwicks   2023 Jun 28, 10:59pm  

Bd6r says

There are Patnetters who believe that Putin is savior of Western civilization, anti globalization, etc. His actions during pLandemic and attack of Ukraine at exact time to take spotlight away from gubbermint-committed Covid crimes speak otherwise, and so does his fraternization with Bush crime family.

@Bd6r What Patnetters think that Putin is "savior of Western civilization"? Name them, and support your statement, or this is just another fucking strawman that's just bullshit rotting in your "mind".
2573   richwicks   2023 Jun 28, 11:12pm  

NuttBoxer says

He has supporters in Moscow, likely inside the Kremlin. During the tense 24 hours before it become clear he would not be advancing all the way to Moscow, most of the powerful people stayed silent. If they thought Prigorzhin had no chance, they would have all quickly denounced him.

@NuttBoxer - you don't know any of this shit. You have no idea what was said behind closed doors.

This was an ACTUAL attempt at an insurrection - and what happened? Are there 800 people in jail over one, supposed, insurrection rotting in jail, with no trial date? Did Moscow have agent provocateurs to entrap people? No - but the United States "government" does that today.

Prigorzhin was simply exiled, and Wagner, is gone, as any mercenary group should be. No mercenary group has any honor nor should they exist. They are paid murderers, nothing more, like Blackwater. By definition, they are just paid killers, nothing more.
2574   Bd6r   2023 Jun 29, 4:18am  

richwicks says

Bd6r says

All appears to be true according to pro-Prigozhin telegram channels. He downed 5 or 6 helicopters and 1 aircraft because they were either firing at them or coordinating fire. Nearly all Russian regular troops showed either support or positive indifference to Wagner. Putin the fearless fled to his Waldai residence from Moscow.

What evidence do you have of any of this?

Read grey zone and rybar telegram channels - I have links to them above. First one is channel of Wagner and they have all of the information I gave and much more.
Don’t be a lazy boy, please.
2575   Bd6r   2023 Jun 29, 4:24am  

richwicks says

Bd6r says

There are Patnetters who believe that Putin is savior of Western civilization, anti globalization, etc. His actions during pLandemic and attack of Ukraine at exact time to take spotlight away from gubbermint-committed Covid crimes speak otherwise, and so does his fraternization with Bush crime family.

Bd6r What Patnetters think that Putin is "savior of Western civilization"? Name them, and support your statement, or this is just another fucking strawman that's just bullshit rotting in your "mind".

Ones who say that outlet is calling out West about pedophilia and homosexuality, for example (while ignoring well-documented evidence that Putler is a pedo himself). Search threads on PATNET and please don’t be a potty-mouthed and ignorant person who, for example, in his brilliant mind could not predict that Russia will attack Ukraine, who refused to believe that Russian troops were in Ukraine in 2014, among many other examples of ignorance.
2576   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 29, 8:34am  

Ceffer says

I seriously doubt that Putin wouldn't have a way to pull the plug on Wagner i.e. not trust the mercenaries and inch. One rumor is he has the families of the Wagner leaders under soft arrest and anything untoward happens, they are toast down their generational gene pools. That seems to be the language they understand.

I don't think Putin was that involved, although I'm betting he tightens Shoigu's leash quite a bit after this, and certainly could take action against Prigozhin. Shoigu didn't bother with the families, he tried to take out the men pretty directly.
2577   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jun 29, 8:41am  

richwicks says

NuttBoxer - you don't know any of this shit. You have no idea what was said behind closed doors.

What the fuck are you rambling about? Nothing that I said was secretive at all. The head of RT said she was "On a boat in the river", and that's why she didn't communicate during that period. You can look up yourself exactly how many powerful Russians made public statements denouncing Prigozhin, because they're fucking public.
2578   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 29, 11:18am  

June 6th is an interesting coincedence. To put things in perspective: the D-day was also on June 6th (1944) and Allied force only managed to break out of the beachhead at the end of July. For example it took till July 21st to capture Caen, which is located less than 10 miles from the shore. So what would we call Operation Overlord on June 29th, 1944 if we use the same criteria journos are using for this counter-offensive? "A disaster, an abject failure! Time to stop this sillines, accept the reality and negotiate peace with Hitler!"
2579   richwicks   2023 Jun 29, 12:43pm  

2580   richwicks   2023 Jun 29, 12:44pm  

2581   richwicks   2023 Jun 29, 12:46pm  

2582   Patrick   2023 Jun 29, 1:34pm  

Patrick says


WASHINGTON, D.C. — As a sign of ongoing commitment and support for Ukraine in its war against Russia, American President Joe Biden has announced he is officially canceling the 2024 elections.

"If it's the right move for Zelensky, it's the right move for us," Biden said when the announcement was made. "With the current state of hostilities between Ukraine and Russia, it's vital that we maintain continuity of leadership…here in the United States, I mean. Suspending the 2024 elections will ensure I stay in office and the war machine keeps churning in Ukraine. Butter pecan!"

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky drew attention this past week by suspending elections in the country, citing Ukrainian laws that require elections to be held during peacetime. "It would be both illegal and unethical for us to hold elections now," Zelensky said. "We cannot hold elections until the war is over, and the war cannot be over until I have completed my collection of sports cars, gold jewelry, and rare Funko Pop figures. We will continue to fight the evil Russian invaders to keep this a free and democratic nation, and anyone who questions my decision will be eliminated."

Since the war began, Zelensky has consolidated all Ukrainian TV outlets into one state-run broadcast, dissolved opposing political parties, and sought to outlaw the Ukrainian Orthodox Church — all of which have provided great inspiration for Biden. "That guy really knows how to run a free country, folks," Biden said of Zelensky. "My administration hopes to follow his great example. Where am I, again?"

At publishing time, Zelensky had granted himself additional emergency powers, declared himself Emperor, and announced the creation of a clone army.
2583   Patrick   2023 Jun 29, 2:46pm  

richwicks says

awaiting moderation

"You're a complete waste of time." is definitely intended as a personal insult.

Please don't do that.
2584   richwicks   2023 Jun 29, 3:20pm  

2588   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 30, 9:27am  

Blow-by-blow on how VKS was liberated of 7 airframes in 1 day:

-2 attack helicopters (Ka-52 and Mi-35)

-1 armed transport helicopter (Mi-8)

-3 electronic warfare helicopters (Mi-8MTPR-1)

-1 Il-22M airborne command post/comms relay plane


And all this literally self-inflicted. What a clown country.
2589   Patrick   2023 Jul 1, 9:25am  


Yesterday, the Washington Post slyly ran a fake investigative piece, no doubt dished up by the intel agency, headlined “CIA director, On Secret Trip To Ukraine, Hears Plan For War’s Endgame.”

Hahahaha! A secret trip to Ukraine! On the WaPo’s front page! These guys are so funny.

The sub-headline explained the “endgame” isn’t about winning. “During meetings in Kyiv, William Burns was told of Ukraine’s ambitious goal to retake territory and push Moscow into talks by the end of the year.”

Talks! By the end of the year. In a serious, non-circus world, this sea-change in Proxy War policy about how the war will end would be earthshaking news. Until ten seconds ago, the official Biden policy has been “no deals.” Recent disclosures have shown that Washington has even frustrated and blocked several earlier peace talks.

Before continuing the story, it is helpful to note the clock the Biden Administration is under. The Proxy War must be wrapped up by the end of this year to avoid becoming an election-year issue in 2024. The general rule is that virtuous, exciting, NEW wars are helpful to a candidate’s re-election chances, whereas old, languishing wars of attrition are NO BUENO. ...

In addition to telling us all about Zelensky’s “secret meeting” with the head of the CIA, William J. Burns — and just what is the CIA even doing in Ukraine, one wonders; and what does the CIA have to do with negotiating a peace deal? I mean, whose war is it anyway? — the paper also told us all about Ukraine’s “secret” new strategy to improve its negotiation position: first move artillery and missile systems near the boundary line of Russian-controlled Crimea; push further into eastern Ukraine; and only then open negotiations with Moscow for the first time since peace talks “broke down” (with U.S. help) in March of last year.

“Russia will only negotiate if it feels threatened,” explained an unidentified, anonymous senior Ukrainian official. More specifically, the strategy is to build up pressure so the war-torn country isn’t negotiating from a position of weakness:

In agreeing not to take Crimea by force, Kyiv would then demand that Russia accept whatever security guarantees Ukraine can secure from the West, said Ukrainian officials.

Conspicuous by its absence was any mention of getting back the “disputed territories” in Eastern Ukraine that Russia now claims to have annexed into the Motherland. Maybe revealing this change in position was the article’s real goal, to re-set liberal expectations for what might be considered acceptable terms.

Interestingly, WaPo’s story also dropped the nugget that the U.S. intelligence community knew as early as mid-June that the Wagner Group was plotting an armed assault of some kind, according to an unidentified, anonymous U.S. official. Then the newspaper assiduously assured its readers that Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the Wagner “rebellion,” just like he didn’t have anything to do with blowing up Russia’s gas pipelines.

But … I mean … where’s the old journalistic curiosity? Exactly HOW did the CIA know about Prigozhin’s little civil war ahead of time? Hmm? The WaPo didn’t speculate.

But look at what the relatively-short article did admit:

Ukraine has taken heavy casualties as its troops and armored vehicles navigate thick minefields and fortified trenches across wide-open territory. The challenging terrain has left troops vulnerable to Russian airstrikes and missile attacks. Zelensky has acknowledged that the counteroffensive is going “slower than desired,” and officials have confirmed the destruction of some Western-provided Leopard 2 tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles.
Uh oh. So, I guess things aren’t exactly going swimmingly in the Proxy War. Here is the timeline that one can piece together from this fake news story:

1) Ukraine was losing the “last chance” counteroffensive.

2) The CIA waited for the Wager Group’s rebellion, which came, if you think about it, at a particularly peculiar time, given that Ukraine was losing. Was Wagner’s implosion a deep-state Hail Mary?

3) Then, the WaPo published this story stating, for the very first time, there’s a “secret plan” to negotiate and end to the war with only “security guarantees.” Forget about that stupid “not one inch” business.

Now, I’m just a lawyer, not a deep-state color revolution plotter, but as a litigator I have LOTS of experience with negotiating. And I can assure you with no reservations that telling your negotiating opponent about your secret negotiating strategy ahead of time is NOT a typical move. Loose lips sink ships, and so forth. Usually, giving away your secret haggling formula is not especially helpful to getting what you want.

So. The Proxy War clock is running.
2590   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 1, 11:08am  

There's also a secret Mini-Iran Deal going on with Biden

The Biden Regime is basically promising mucho dinero in return for vague promises like Obama-Kerry's deal again. They have to write it in such a way that it finds INARA - the 90-day restriction giving Congress time to real Iran-WH deals before they are signed - loopholes.
2591   Ceffer   2023 Jul 1, 11:18am  

Putin dangles Odessa as a bait worm for negotiations, but it does seem that Russia will take it eventually. Why let Ukraine keep their Black Sea port for ongoing criminal enterprises when they can be landlocked and forced into partition?

Bottom line, everybody blustering propaganda aside know that Ukraine has lost, it is toast, there will be no forever war of attrition, that the bankrupt foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC cannot support further measures without the corrupto bucks of Ukrainian laundering and criminal enterprise, NATO and EU are falling apart etc.
2592   AD   2023 Jul 3, 10:23am  

Looks like the mainstream media got new narrative. Now they are putting pressure on Ukraine to accept a peace deal.


2593   richwicks   2023 Jul 3, 11:01am  

ad says

Looks like the mainstream media got new narrative. Now they are putting pressure on Ukraine to accept a peace deal.

I think they are preparing for failure on Ukraine's part, but this war will go on for many years. My bet is the media will stop reporting on the war, and we'll have no idea what is going - like Syria. THAT war is still going on. How violent it is? No idea. Israel has bombed Damascus a few times this year.


The hypothesis I've heard is that Israel is simply trying to cost Syria money by activating their air defense systems. Those are expensive.
2595   Ceffer   2023 Jul 4, 11:13am  

LOL! 'Think Tanks' only think about how to spread the Globalist crime agendas and resource thefts through military murder.

"Hmm, let me THINK about this. Yeah, I think some financial hit man action and bombing raids would work there. Now, let me gussy that up with 'intellectual-eze' phraseology and bait hook it for DOD. Wow, that was an easy multi million dollar grant!"
2596   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 11:33am  

richwicks says


Argue ideas not personalities. Ignore really does work, and you don't have to push a button.
2597   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 12:19pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says


Argue ideas not personalities. Ignore really does work, and you don't have to push a button.


I'm complaining about a lack of sources. People who believe bullshit who don't bother to check, and post it anyhow, are fucking annoying.

The whole point of hyperlinks is so people can verify what is said is true. Like this:

The QR code takes you to this page: https://www.amazon.com/What-Will-Happen-Marriage-Legalized/dp/B00JPJW2IK

I have 2 rules on information

1) If you can't comment on a story, it's propaganda.
2) if your comments are deleted or shadowbanned, you're reading propaganda.

and now 3

3) If you can't provide a source and you're reporting on it, I assume you're either misinformed or lying.

We've had hyperlinks for 30 years. When some asshole in The Washington Post prints an article about how the Mueller Report is damning, doesn't allow you to comment on the article, and doesn't point to the Mueller Report, and doesn't even QUOTE it, they're lying.

There's solutions to information sharing RIGHT NOW and still, people treat this as if it's 1920.

It's not a tremendous habit to get into to say "this is where I got this from". When they DON'T do this, I find 90% of the time, that it's bullshit, 90%.

I know how the fucking intelligence agencies work. They stir up shit CONSTANTLY with false narratives. You want to see an example of an ACTUAL reporter, a modern one?


Do a search for "Source Links"

Everything he says in that, goes back to a source, everything. Now the sources MIGHT be wrong, that's fine, but at least I can check to see if the source is incorrect, instead of wasting time trying to first find the source, THEN going to their source, and so on.

I am sick and tired of people NOT doing this. I was sick and tired of it 20 years ago. I would ask reporters in the comments section "why didn't you link to your source, HERE IT IS: https://www.website.com/document" and they wouldn't. Fuck 'em

We could completely crush propaganda and ACTUAL disinformation in months, if not weeks, if people just fucking posted goddamned links.
2598   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 12:29pm  

richwicks says

I am sick and tired of people NOT doing this.

I'm just saying that you can refute their ideas without personal attack, or ignore the idiots.

Even better subtly mock them.
2599   Onvacation   2023 Jul 4, 12:32pm  

richwicks says

We could completely crush propaganda and ACTUAL disinformation in months, if not weeks, if people just fucking posted goddamned links.

I doubt it. We would then be arguing over validity of sources.
2600   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 12:50pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

I am sick and tired of people NOT doing this.

I'm just saying that you can refute their ideas without personal attack, or ignore the idiots.

Even better subtly mock them.

No. I do not think mockery is a good way to go. Everybody makes errors, everybody skips thinking at times, everybody can be discourteous at times without knowing it.

I have a friend that constantly uses sarcasm, because the people he's talking to don't realize he's using sarcasm, and he thinks this is tremendously funny. I keep pointing out "well, you're not going to change a mind THAT way" and his response is "oh, it's IMPOSSIBLE to change anybody's mind".

That's fucking bullshit. If it was true, I'd be the same, stupid, arrogant kid I was at 20, so would everybody.

Don't mock, don't be mean, just explain how they are wrong. I said "post link or shut up" - to WHOM? You don't know. That was my "personal attack" against.... Somebody. Patrick's site, he can do what he wants.
2601   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 12:54pm  

Onvacation says

I doubt it. We would then be arguing over validity of sources.

FINE. That's just fine.

Sources often have sources themselves, that's how a research paper works. You know that.

This is peer review, allow people to do fucking peer review. When you just CLAIM something, you're just making a claim. People need to be pushed (apparently) to back up their bullshit. I propose this be a new netiquette rule.

Saying "Hunter Biden left cocaine in the whitehouse and the whitehouse was evacuated as a result" isn't evidence to me, even if it's entirely believable. Was Hunter Biden there? How do you know it was cocaine, where did you hear that? But that's been a story for a few days. If the story is picked up, and it turns out to be false, it just serves the purpose of "oh, look at those stupid conservatives, they'll believe anything!"

I don't expect everybody to go through the links, verify something is true or false, but SOMEBODY will, always. I do it frequently, and I'm tired of being in a minority. If it's false, there's always somebody that will scream it is.

It takes more work than it should to verify anything. Make it easy. If you're posting something - you got from somewhere - is it that hard to post a link? It's trivial - you have it RIGHT THERE.

Here: look at this:

original link

Start at 30:18 (click original link, instead of the video, I can't embed Odysee here) - he does what I do, but makes a living off from it. Half the work is debunking.

The gubermint says they don't want misinformation on the Internet - FINE - let's call their fucking bluff.

Debunking is a pain in the ass, because those that want us remain ignorant treat us like mushrooms - they keep us into the dark, and feed us shit.

With just MINIMAL effort, no more shit.
2602   Ceffer   2023 Jul 4, 1:40pm  

Proudly link impaired. Do your own triangulation tango.

2604   richwicks   2023 Jul 4, 1:43pm  

Ceffer says

Proudly link impaired. Do your own triangulation tango.

Then you are part of the problem. Why do you want to be part of the problem? You're the worst offender of spreading bullshit, at least here, in my opinion. Why do you do this? Do you think this is funny? Do you just do this because I have asked you dozens of times not to do this, and then gotten pissed off because you refuse to post links? I hope you're at least being paid to do it.

I know, with certainty that every group, is infiltrated. Every group, unless they are very tiny.

I don't try to piss off anybody here, but I do get frustrated. I'm looking at this marvel of communication and information - why don't people use it? 90% of the bandwidth is porn and spam. It's like when the Discovery Channel first showed up, it was great, then it was "Are Mermaids real?", on Discovery, the documentary channel... Discredit EVERYTHING you did prior.

This is an individual system.
2605   Patrick   2023 Jul 4, 1:47pm  


UN Spox Left Speechless When Confronted Over U.S. Occupation of Syria While Lecturing About Ukraine Conflict
July 4th 2023, 12:29 pm

UN stooge struggles to explain the difference between U.S. troops occupying Syria and Russian troops occupying eastern Ukraine.

A UN spokesman struggled to explain how the U.S. was not violating the international “rules based order” by continuing its military occupation inside Syria.

In a clip from March receiving renewed interest online, UN Deputy Spokesman for the Secretary-General Farhan Haq was confronted by Chinese journalist Edward Xu over the hypocrisy of the U.S. foreign policy of occupying any nation they wish but condemning other nations for doing the same.

“Do you think the presence of the U.S. military in Syria is illegal or not?” Xu asked Haq.

Haq was caught flat-footed by the question.

“Uh, that’s not an issue that we’re- that we’re dealing with at this stage. There’s been a war…” he responded, referring to the Syrian civil war that kicked off in 2011, over a decade ago.

Xu suggested the situation “sounds very familiar” to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where Russia has decided to occupy a portion of Ukraine’s eastern territory.

“Because it sounds very familiar,” Xu said. “This week we talk a lot about the UN Charter, the international law and relative resolutions. But it sounds to me, a foreign presence in another country without invitation sounds like something else to me.”

Haq dodged the question, saying, “I’ll leave your analysis to you. That there’s- at this stage….in Syria there’s no…”

Xu pushed forward, asking, “What’s the difference between the situation in Syria and the situation in Ukraine?”

Haq insisted there’s “no US armed forces inside of Syria.”

“So I don’t have a…it’s not a parallel situation,” Haq added, clarifying there’s U.S. “military activity” but no “ground presence” in Syria.

But Xu pointed out that earlier this year, 5 U.S. service members were wounded in a suicide drone strike in Syria that resulted in retaliatory airstrikes against Iranian-linked targets in Syria.

“Five U.S. soldiers were injured in that attack. If there were no U.S. service members in Syria, how could they [have gotten] injured?” Xu asked.

Haq was left speechless.

“That’s weird right?” Xu asked. “Should I asked you about that?”

Of course there are still U.S. troops in Syria, because the U.S. House of Representatives in February voted down a proposal put forward by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) to withdraw those troops from the region.

“Congress has never authorized the use of military force in Syria,” Gaetz said in a statement upon introducing the bill. “The United States is currently not in a war with or against Syria, so why are we conducting dangerous military operations there? President [Joe] Biden must remove all U.S. armed forces from Syria.”
2607   HeadSet   2023 Jul 4, 8:39pm  

i created this flag in Inkscape after seeing 2603 post above.
2608   Onvacation   2023 Jul 5, 8:38am  

richwicks says

Why do you do this? Do you think this is funny?

I do. Much of what ceffer posts is obviously probably possibly untrue. But it's funny.

Some people have a hard time with parody and sarcasm. Either take it at face value or research until you find out that it really is a joke.
2609   Patrick   2023 Jul 5, 10:22am  

I met up with some people in SF yesterday who could not believe that darling Zelensky would halt elections. Today I was sent a Snopes link as "proof" that Zelensky "had to" halt elections:

> Did Zelenskyy Say There Would Be No Elections in Ukraine Until War Ends?
> The Ukrainian Constitution does not allow for elections when martial law is imposed.

But ChatGPT says:

"The Ukrainian constitution does not explicitly state that elections must be suspended during martial law. However, it does grant certain powers to the President in times of martial law, including the ability to impose restrictions on citizens' rights and freedoms."

So it looks like Zelensky lied, and Snopes lied too. Who fact checks the fact checkers?

2610   richwicks   2023 Jul 5, 10:40am  

Onvacation says

Some people have a hard time with parody and sarcasm. Either take it at face value or research until you find out that it really is a joke.

@Onvacation Is this parody or real?

Does it make a difference to you if that's parody or if that article ACTUALLY exists?
2611   Patrick   2023 Jul 5, 10:48am  

I'm pretty sure it's true.

Zelensky can remain president for as long as he continues martial law.

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