Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   369,895 views  4,042 comments

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2612   Patrick   2023 Jul 5, 11:13am  

On July 4, 1821, John Quincy Adams gave his famous speech declaring that America “goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” The speech still resonates today:

“She (America) is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own...

“She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom.

“The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force.... She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.”
2615   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 9:49pm  

Patrick says

I'm doubtful of this.

The US is run by either total fucking incompetents, or a 5th column, but they aren't THAT stupid or THAT suicidal. If they created another Chernobyl, the US will be vilified. It will be the end of NATO, and Europe will ally itself against the United States.

The only short term interest Europe has in NATO is the free money they get from it. They don't pay for it. It's just a bunch of bribed / blackmailed assholes in Europe under the CIA's thumb running the various countries.

I really think the US is at war with Europe in a way. The US just doesn't have any fucking diplomats. All we had to do, was get along with these assholes. All we had to do is convince Europe not to cooperate with Russia, and have REAL criticisms of Russia. There's plenty to criticize Russia about. Their economy isn't great, they can't seem to make anything, they've been in poverty for decades and it's just because of their fucked up infrastructure. Even meet a Russian engineer? They're fucking awesome, but they can't make shit in Russia.

Fucking hate the Neocons. Stupid, arrogant, fools.
2617   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 12, 9:40am  

Ukraine, which has the corruption level of Gabon in Africa, was the nexus for money laundering, human trafficking, and since it had a large supply of IT guys and educated people, served as the Deep State Misinformation headquarters, as well as hosting all kinds of weird biolabs right next to Russia.

I mention the latter because if Russia is a threat, and there was warfare which turned out to happen, all that stuff would be accessible to the Russians. BUT, it was more important to have to biolabs doing weaponization gain of function, which are the same thing.
2618   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 12, 4:25pm  

Doesn't matter what country, just don't do bad stuff.
2619   richwicks   2023 Jul 12, 4:30pm  

This is a stupid conflict which Ukraine cannot possibly win. The prolongation of this is just more dead men.

This has nothing to do with morality, who is right and who is wrong, it doesn't matter - Ukraine will lose this war, it is cruel to prolong it. This war is just killing men, and I see no good in that.
2620   socal2   2023 Jul 12, 4:52pm  

richwicks says

This is a stupid conflict which Ukraine cannot possibly win.

I think the Taliban, North Vietnamese and Iraqi insurgents were told the same thing and they weren't nearly as armed or as sophisticated as the Ukrainians.

Besides - what does a Russian "win" look like at this point? Hanging onto parts of Eastern Ukraine and dealing with a grinding insurgency for the next quarter century?

Is that "win" worth the hundreds of thousands of Russian lives lost or ruined, Billions wasted and having 2 more Russian neighbors join NATO?

The war and killing stops tomorrow if Putin makes the call.

It's all on him.
2621   richwicks   2023 Jul 12, 7:47pm  

socal2 says

Besides - what does a Russian "win" look like at this point? Hanging onto parts of Eastern Ukraine and dealing with a grinding insurgency for the next quarter century?

A Russian win is when Ukraine doesn't accept NATO weaponry and stops bombing Eastern Ukraine, according to Putin. That will be achieved, however, I don't know what the real motive of the war is.

socal2 says

The war and killing stops tomorrow if Putin makes the call.

Zelenskyy cannot win - the war is already over, it's just a question of how many people die until it's official.

This is a proxy war between the United States and Russia. Ukraine is just a pawn in this. They (the young Ukrainian men) are all going to die, and that is just fucking horrible. I don't think the nation will survive - too many men will be killed, and I even suspect that NATO may collapse, this isn't good for Europe after all - why do European nations care about this?

I just view this as a terrible, easily preventable tragedy, instigated by a bunch of Neocon fuckers. I am appalled they control our foreign policy. They are complete, criminal, scum. Victoria Nuland will die peacefully in her sleep I bet, she should be in Guantanamo now. How many people are dead because of her decisions? Who is above her that allowed this? They should be executed as well. Demons run our nation now.
2622   Onvacation   2023 Jul 12, 8:47pm  

socal2 says

Besides - what does a Russian "win" look like at this point? Hanging onto parts of Eastern Ukraine and dealing with a grinding insurgency for the next quarter century?

This is NOT an insurgency. It's a war of attrition. Russia holds territory. Zelensky must attack entrenched defenders if he wants to recover "lost territory". How's that working out for the Ukrainians?
2623   Patrick   2023 Jul 12, 8:55pm  


I used to think maybe Zelenskyy, now a billionaire, just didn’t have any suits.

Wait, what?

How does an actor turned politician suddenly become a billionaire?

Hmmm, we have been shipping billions to Ukraine...
2627   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Jul 12, 9:44pm  

But, but...we were constantly told that Ukraine is winning!

Right along with cluster bombs are war crimes, we would never allow F-16s to be sent to Ukraine and this was all 'to save democracy' even though Ukraine is a dictatorship that won't hold elections, arrests reporters that report inconvenient things and bans opposition parties.

So why this:

2628   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 13, 10:19am  

Patrick says

Wait, what?

How does an actor turned politician suddenly become a billionaire?

Hmmm, we have been shipping billions to Ukraine...

He's in the Panama Papers. Not saying his wealth is legit, just that he had it before the war started.
2629   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 13, 10:20am  

There's one picture of one moment with him just standing by himself at the NATO event, is that really enough to say he's out?
2630   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Jul 13, 11:25pm  

NuttBoxer says

There's one picture of one moment with him just standing by himself at the NATO event, is that really enough to say he's out?

You mean this one?

RayAmerica says

Maybe these 'world leaders' know something that we don't?

"It’s a Big Club, and You Ain’t in it" - George Carlin

And this one?

Trollhole says

2631   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 14, 10:16am  

Yeah, just seems like classic over-reaction based on little actual content...
2632   Ceffer   2023 Jul 14, 11:19am  

Without Sean Penn following Z (or avatar) around or whatever sucking its cock, it just doesn't create the same impression.
2633   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 16, 11:48am  

Roseanne Barr - Piers Morgan Interview

Roseanne Barr: "I’m from the Ukraine - there's a large amount of Nazis in the Ukraine, and they actually killed my whole family... They marched my entire family... grandparents, 10 siblings, out into the forest and buried them alive..." https://twitter.com/MyLordBebo/status/1679053307128496128

Again, by supporting the Nazis in Ukraine, we support Democracy? <==== Read this again.

And how come Ukraine is a Democracy given that the USA overthrew the Democratically elected government of the Ukraine in 2014?
2634   Ceffer   2023 Jul 16, 11:53am  

I knew it. Roseanne is a Ukrainian spy. How come she's not in DARPA or the NSC?
2635   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 17, 6:04am  

Ooops!... They did it again.

PS. I believe yesterday was the exact 1 year since the former Cretin of Kremlin promised "Armageddon" if that bridge is hit. Hmmm.
2636   Eric Holder   2023 Jul 17, 10:49am  

Patrick says

How does an actor turned politician suddenly become a billionaire?

He didn't. Just a mere millionaire and he was that before being elected. He did run a major media empire after all. Ask that guy for a proof of Zelensky being a "billionaier"- he'll run into the bushes never to be seen again.
2637   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 17, 11:30am  

Eric Holder says

He didn't. Just a mere millionaire and he was that before being elected. He did run a major media empire after all. Ask that guy for a proof of Zelensky being a "billionaier"- he'll run into the bushes never to be seen again.

And yet again, I'll refer you to the Panama Papers. Zelensky's income is as legitimate as Biden's.
2639   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 17, 2:45pm  

Civilians unable to leave a warzone is humorous? Maybe if you're a sociopath..
2641   HeadSet   2023 Jul 18, 2:03pm  


When I was in the Air Force, we supported "Red Horse" that was specifically able to do quick repair or install bridges and other structures. The Army had portable bridges capable of supporting tanks that could be set up in hours. I am fairly certain the Russians have similar capability. There is also airlift and sealift.
2642   NuttBoxer   2023 Jul 18, 2:30pm  

Ok, but if Russia refuses to call this a war, refuses to commit their full military and resources, do you think they're going to pull out their portable bridges, or give a rats ass about getting anyone off the island?
2643   richwicks   2023 Jul 18, 2:33pm  

HeadSet says

When I was in the Air Force,


I, _, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic

Your oath is bullshit. False words to get a job to kill people. You're a goon, a thug. You'd murder me before you'd dispatch a traitor.

Isn't that correct?

Can't find the traitors yet? Let me point them out. They are in Langley Virginia, Washington DC, Silicon Valley California, and Wallstreet NY.

Can't fucking see them yet?

Your oath is bullshit. You are the greatest disappoint to me and to this nation. "Thank you for you FALSE service". You have never served me or this nation, I was just made to pay for you at the end of a gun.

You worked as a criminal thug for multinational corporations that undermined this country with a criminal syndicate that forced me to pay for it. Eyes wide open. At least I didn't participate in it, you did.

You can bitch about what I just said, how am I incorrect?

Fucking 30 years of fucking war. Fuck you for engaging in it. A complete waste of our resources. You got a pension don't you? For murdering people. Good for you. I live in a society that only the SHIT rises to the top. If I engage in immoral, depraved evil, it's easy to move up. You just did that early. I'm still resisting it.
2644   socal2   2023 Jul 18, 2:50pm  

richwicks says

Fucking 30 years of fucking war. Fuck you for engaging in it. A complete waste of our resources. You got a pension don't you? For murdering people. Good for you.

Nice asshole comment.

You have no clue how well our generation has had it thanks to Pax Americana.

Whatever our sins (which are many), we managed to keep the world a much more peaceful and prosperous place since we became the world's policeman and no longer had a multi-polar world of state actors killing everyone.

I don't care that America isn't perfect, I care that we are better than everyone else.

2645   richwicks   2023 Jul 18, 2:52pm  

NuttBoxer says

Ok, but if Russia refuses to call this a war, refuses to commit their full military and resources, do you think they're going to pull out their portable bridges, or give a rats ass about getting anyone off the island?

Russia will slowly consume all of Ukraine. They don't really care about civilians, no more than the United States does.
2646   richwicks   2023 Jul 18, 3:00pm  

socal2 says

You have no clue how well our generation has had it thanks to Pax Americana.

Oh, it's great paying the highest taxes ever, where almost all of our college graduates leave college in debt, being slaves. So wonderful.

So we can pay for a fucking war.

socal2 says

Whatever our sins (which are many), we managed to keep the world a much more peaceful and prosperous place since we became the world's policeman

POLICEMEN? Haha, like the Capone gang, that's how you justify "your police". The military has no interest in keeping the "peace". They intentionally create conflict to justify what they do, which is murder.

socal2 says

I don't care that America isn't perfect, I care that we are better than everyone else.

Why do you still trust the government at this point?

Here's out climate catastrophe:

How fucking much do they have to lie to you, before you realize they are lying to you? Did you forget about the cornavirus statistics? Was THAT true?

It's infuriating. No matter how much they blow smoke up your asshole, you can't see it. "Well, if they were lying to me SOMEBODY would tell me the truth" - well I am doing that now. I'm sick of this shit. You'll believe any bullshit if it comes out the propagandabox. I'm tired of it.

In your graph, what the Y axis? Percentage? Numbers? Cow farts? It's not labelled. I wonder why that is.
2647   Misc   2023 Jul 18, 3:16pm  

During Pax Americana nation states did not go to war with each other for territory. That era has now ended.

It was a most congenial period of time.
2648   richwicks   2023 Jul 18, 3:29pm  

Misc says

During Pax Americana nation states did not go to war with each other for territory. That era has now ended.

Iraq is owned by the United States, it's just not on a map.

Why do you trust official decrees? Why can't you see through this?

Does the UN have to tell you what to think? The US owns Iraq as much as it owns Japan, or Germany for that matter. These nations will not act in any way that they are not directed, by the United States, to act. Don't you realize that?
2649   Misc   2023 Jul 18, 3:42pm  

richwicks says

Misc says

During Pax Americana nation states did not go to war with each other for territory. That era has now ended.

Iraq is owned by the United States, it's just not on a map.

Why do you trust official decrees? Why can't you see through this?

Does the UN have to tell you what to think? The US owns Iraq as much as it owns Japan, or Germany for that matter. These nations will not act in any way that they are not directed, by the United States, to act. Don't you realize that?

The US does not own Iraq.

We have put in place diplomatic treaties with Japan and Germany for mutual defense. Until now they have greatly relied on our promises for their security. Things have gotten iffier lately as to what the US can militarily control. Hence, the outbreak of civil war in Sudan. Without the US being able to contain the violence there, expect it to spread to neighboring countries. I am expecting several millions to die because of our inability to act.
2650   HeadSet   2023 Jul 18, 4:23pm  

Misc says

The US does not own Iraq.

We have put in place diplomatic treaties with Japan and Germany for mutual defense.

Correct. If we "owed" Germany, they would be not have to be begged to spend the required 2% on defense and would not have imported gas from Russia.
2651   HeadSet   2023 Jul 18, 5:15pm  

richwicks says
You'd murder me before you'd dispatch a traitor.

Why would I kill you? Maybe a military member would follow your diatribe and determine on his own that you are an enemy of the Constitution, then follow your advice and take you out.

Are you so far into anger that you cannot see that when an entity is granted the ability to use force, that entity need be kept on a leash? That is why the military does not determine the enemy and is kept under civilian control. Politicians determine who we go to war with, what weapons the miliary gets, and the rules of engagement. Judges determine who is not acting with the Constitution. Why can't you see that if every military member decided who was a domestic enemy, then generals would rule? Every senator would worry about some special forces commander declaring that senator "unconstitutional."

I wrote previously that you could use your 2nd Amendment rights to go after any politician you deemed a tyrant. You replied that you would get killed. I flew tankers but have some friends who flew F-111s. During the 1st Gulf War, those F-111 guys were told they would experience 25% casualties (did not happen, but nobody knew that ahead of time). The crews flew anyway, sometimes multiple sorties per day dodging anti-aircraft fire. Now think of the ground folks, like the tank drivers who had to drive through land that had to be cleared for mines to fight the 4rth largest army in the world that would hit them with tanks of their own, artillery, and attack helicopters. These guys also went into battle even when told to expect high casualties.

You seemed dismayed that a military man is not willing to take out who you deem an enemy of the Constitution, while you are too cowardly to do that job yourself. You better be glad that the military is disciplined to attack only when commanded by appointed authorities and nor free to attack who they please. Otherwise, you would just be some soldier's bitch.

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