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"The birth rate in Ukraine is falling sharply. The next generation needs a plan”:
Ukraine is in a state where there are 0.7 children per woman of reproductive age, and the life expectancy of men is lower only in four countries in Africa.
“On average, one Ukrainian woman of reproductive age (from 15 to 50 years) has 0.7 children. At the same time, the life expectancy level in Ukraine among men is 57–58 years old - this is one of the lowest indicators in the world - only four African countries are lower: Lesotho (55), Central African Republic (55), Chad (54) and Nigeria ( 54).
🔸The demographic picture in Ukraine is grim, and a shortage of children, compounded by widespread violent deaths and the exodus of millions of refugees, has called the country's very survival into question.
🔸The country's population has recently decreased from 36 to 25 million people.
Of course, the birth rates are plunging. Every Ukranian woman of child birthing age left the country.
Misc says
Of course, the birth rates are plunging. Every Ukranian woman of child birthing age left the country.
More so that so many Ukey males of reproductive age got slaughtered or crippled.
They are putting preggo females on the front, too.
Ukraine Is Fucked.
The Russian Navy just lost another ship.
More demographically fucked than even China is.
What an accomplishment.
The Russian Navy just lost another ship.
Yeah - just imagine China's demographics if it had a much bigger and stronger next door neighbor who invaded China with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, prisoners, mercenaries and drunk meat-sacks?
Ukraine War is a) a sea-based war like WW2 in the Pacific. Or b) a land-based war like EVERY war that has ever been fought in Ukraine.
Since Russia said it planned on starving Ukraine and their economy to death with a naval blockade of Ukraine's grain exports - its a pretty big failure for Russia.
But you can keep pretending that Russia is "winning" anything in their total cockup of a war.
No pretending. Ukraine Is Fucked.
Dude, I don't get where you're going. I still don't think Socal has even said Ukraine will win this shit bomb.
Dude, I don't get where you're going.
still don't think Socal has even said Ukraine will win this shit bomb.
The point is that Russia looks like shit on so many levels.
is not a NATO nation
it did was make Russia's situation globally completely fucked
WookieMan says
Dude, I don't get where you're going. I still don't think Socal has even said Ukraine will win this shit bomb.
This is what it is like discussing Ukraine with some people.
He is essentially denying Ukraine Is Fucked
You didn’t ask, but things are not going so well in our remote-control war in Ukraine against Russia (Putinland). Our Zelensky team (we own it) got completely rope-a-doped, punched itself out, its knees are buckling. Victoria Nuland, the renowned State Department girlie war-hawk, says she’s confident that Congress will pass the new $61 billion aid package for the Z-team, according to Radio Free Europe, the blob’s official propaganda outlet. The blob wants you to think that Putin wants to turn all of Europe into Putinland. I’m sure. Tori Nuland probably thinks we can save Ukraine with the fabulous girlie army and some snazzy new drones from McDonnell Douglas. Hey, it’s war, war, war. Bomb them all — Iran, Russia, Texas — and let God sort them out.
Uh no - just denying that Russia is winning anything despite their tremendous expenditure of blood and treasure
You are essentially making the argument that a rapist who got their eyes gouged out by their victim and thrown into prison has "won" because they still managed to successfully rape their victim.
Russia has almost 1 million mobilized now, a war economy that outproduces the West and embarrassed the West by making a mockery of their retarded sanctions.
Trump all in on supporting Ukraine.
Grow a brain. He's all for setting Europe up to fail NATO again.
He definitely wants out of NATO. He wants the war done, but I don't think it's something he can achieve. Russia is going to occupy Ukraine for a decade. There won't be a permanent resolution to the conflict. Both nations are butt fucking themselves. The human loss isn't trivial on either side. They've fucked themselves for decades.
Bringing in Central Asians won't help because their next generation will become 1 and a half child women also, which happened to previous waves of Central Asians immigrating to Russia West of the Urals.
"Fertility rate/child per woman:"
Kulak, I cannot find the fertility rates in the link with the divorce rates. Do you have another table for the fertility rates?
So, do you really want to chance this Putin guy actually explaining calmly and clearly to folks here how our own State Department cooked up this war in Ukraine, and keeps it going month after month? Figures such as the ex-conservative Bill Kristol (now blob cheerleader), want to prevent the Tucker Carlson satellite from re-entering the USA after its Moscow visit. Mr. Kristol is apparently under the illusion that we are at war with Russia. Somebody please inform him that this is just not so. Strictly speaking, Russia is just another European nation that Americans can visit on a visa. That’s a fact, Jack. And if you happen to be there, and you’re a journalist, and Putin, Putin, Putin agrees to an interview, well. . . you sit down and talk to the guy. . . and record it. . . and let people around the world decide what to think about it.
Ukrainian drones denazified a Lukoil oil refinery in the Krasnoarmeysky District, Volgograd region in the USSR. UP reports the involvement of Ukrainian SBU. It is reported that this refinery is the largest producer of petroleum products in the Southern Federal District of the USSR.
Strictly speaking, Russia is just another European nation that Americans can visit on a visa.
Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun told Shoigu that the PRC will support Russia on the "Ukrainian issue" despite continuous pressure from the US and Europe.
Earlier, China recognized the Taliban government in Afghanistan.
❗️The masks are off.
KYIV/BEIJING, Feb 1 (Reuters) - China demanded on Thursday that Ukraine immediately remove more than a dozen Chinese companies from a list of firms designated as "international sponsors of war", saying it wanted Kyiv to "eliminate negative impacts".
The remarks came after Reuters reported that China's ambassador in Kyiv had told senior Ukrainian government officials last month that the inclusion of the companies on the list could hurt bilateral ties.
"China firmly opposes the inclusion of Chinese enterprises in the relevant list and demands that Ukraine immediately correct its mistakes and eliminate negative impacts," a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson told Reuters after the report was published. It did not specify what those impacts may be.
Correction: another Asian nation that stupid Americans can visit on a visa. Because the chances of getting scooped up on BS charges and spend 3-5 years in Gulag waiting to be exchanged for some KGB fuck are extremely non-trivial.
In the understated words of one war watcher, Ukraine’s precarious position is “becoming increasingly untenable.” Frankly, it is a disaster. It is a disaster we all knew was coming from the first moment U.S. State Department maven Viktoria Nuland waddled into the fray. It would not even be unreasonable to call the situation ‘apocalyptic,’ since there are (at least) four horsemen of disaster facing Ukraine, all fatal, none resolvable, and every one galloping at full speed towards some kind of grim final conclusion.
The Red Horse—Ukraine is Losing. In what looks like a coalescing global offensive, Russia is attacking all along the contested line, and none of the news anywhere is good news for Ukraine. I don’t monitor the day-to-day village-level news like the warbloggers, but there is a solid consensus that Ukraine is losing everywhere. ...
Ukraine is not winning, anywhere on the battlefield. Which brings us to the next horse.
Unlike Ukraine, Russia has successfully transformed its economy into a growing war economy with strong military manufacturing capability. Russia is now building more artillery shells than the rest of the world combined. But, because it lazily relies on foreign aid for military materiel, Ukraine has not built out much of any military manufacturing infrastructure.
Ukraine took the easy way, and in doing so made itself vulnerable to the vicissitudes of unreliable foreign partners, all of whom have different reasons and politics than Ukraine for being involved. ...
The Times’ non-paywalled article cited above described Zelensky’s latest political trial balloon, which looks like nothing less than a threat of a good-old Soviet-era purge. In other words, Zelensky is facing a large, well-equipped internal enemy, an enemy the media has nominated to be represented by the leader of Ukraine’s armed forces, General Valeriy Zaluzhny.
Now, for Zelensky to survive, like the Trotsky-ites of old, the Zaluzhny-ites must go.
But Zelensky isn’t Stalin, and things aren’t shaping up well for the little proto-dictator. Two weeks ago, Zelensky publicly asked Zaluzhny to resign, and Zaluzhny refused. Zelensky then offered the General money and prestige in the form of his pick of plum assignments, such as the country’s Ambassadorship to Great Britain, if he would step down, and again, Zaluzhny refused.
After back-and-forth headlines for two weeks, on Friday compliant corporate media dutifully reported that President Zelensky had “officially informed” the Biden Administration of Zelensky’s “decision” to give Zaluzhny his walking papers, fired, pink slipped, terminated effective immediately without severance, buh bye.
Well, it’s now Wednesday, and General Zaluzhny remains at the helm of Ukraine’s military, tweeting up a storm from his official offices. Apparently he’s now also refused to be fired, which is nothing less than a soft coup. It may be Zelensky hasn’t yet followed through with termination all the way, or some other politics may be in play, or he simply has no viable replacement for Zaluzhny and didn’t think about that before, but no matter how thinly you slice the situation, it looks terrible for the former comedian.
It has become painfully obvious to the meanest intelligence that General Zaluzhny must be well-protected, enjoying support from a large and politically-powerful cohort within Ukraine’s government, and that Zelensky’s power and ability to form a government has waned to an embarrassingly low point and is more or less in a ditch. Which is probably why Zelensky has now retreated to babbling about a broad “reorganization,” which provides a smokescreen and coward’s cover for why General Zaluzhny is still taking up space in his office.
“A reset, a new beginning is necessary,” Mr. Zelensky ironically told Italian media outlet Rai News on Sunday night. “I have something serious in mind, which is not about a single person but about the direction of the country’s leadership.”
The direction of the country’s leadership. Zelensky seemed oblivious to the fact his quote could be directed right back at him. After all, who represents the country’s leadership more than he does? Maybe Ukraine’s reset and its new beginning need to start where the buck stops — at the penis pianist.
It need hardly be said that the middle of a war — especially a war that’s not going well — is the worst possible time to replace your top general and purge your government of all his supporters. Even mentioning the move smacks of desperation and futility and sinking ships.
The days when it was treason to question the Proxy War have long passed. The United States is also now distracted by its own problems, problems that are right on its own borders, not to mention a newer, younger, more attractive proxy war shaping up in the Middle East. To the neocons, the Middle East is a 22-year-old hot yoga instructor, and Ukraine is a middle-aged divorcee with a psychotic ex-husband, thirteen cats, and three drug-addled grown children who all live at home.
You could even argue the Biden Administration would secretly be happy to dump the Ukraine problem on Republicans, to avoid being tarred with a shameful, inevitable defeat on the battlefield during an election year. In that sense, Team Biden cares not that the S.S. Ukraine is already sinking into the abyss, so long as a late-fired, ‘Republican obstruction’-torpedo catches the blame.
The bottom line is Ukraine is on the ventilator. Russia isn’t waiting around to see whether the Americans will get back to propping the luckless Eastern European country up like a real-life Weekend at Zelensky’s.
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