Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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4185   Patrick   2024 Nov 5, 10:55am  


Question asked: “Hey, whatever happened to the Ukraine war?” Ann Coulter wondered in this clip. You can find the full interview in the link.


4186   Ceffer   2024 Nov 5, 11:34am  

Ukraine war? What Ukraine war?
4187   Booger   2024 Nov 7, 9:55pm  


North Korean soldiers hooked on porn after getting internet access for first time while helping Russia fight Ukraine: report
4188   Patrick   2024 Nov 8, 11:02am  


Another surprise the media never saw coming. Ukraine’s national nightmare may also soon be over. The far-left, pro-war Economist ran a story yesterday headlined “Why Volodymyr Zelensky may welcome Donald Trump’s victory.” I am not making this up: “Disillusion with Joe Biden,” the subheadline quietly advised, “has reached deep levels.” Now they tell us.

The gist of the story was, Ukrainians wanted Trump to win (just like the rest of us). Not just any Ukrainians either: the ones with the most to lose, Ukraine’s top generals and soldiers.

Suddenly! Suddenly and unexpectedly! And surprisingly. “It comes as quite a surprise,” a surprised Economist reported, “to learn that many senior Ukrainian officials were hoping for a Donald Trump victory.” For some baffling reason the Economist could not quite grasp, the Ukrainians were “prepared to gamble” on “a wildcard president who would rip up the rules and almost certainly cut aid.” ...

President Trump promised to end the Ukraine war “in 24 hours.” When he said “24 hours,” it was obviously a metaphor for a very short time. But you can expect the media to go berserk on Day Two if the war isn’t over yet. (Trump’s first broken promise! Wheee)

As the surprised Economist described it, the battlefield situation looks dire for Ukraine. Literally nothing is going right. They are heading into the winter without electricity. Up to a fifth of the entire army has gone AWOL. Morale has collapsed along critical sections of the front line. Russia’s army is stronger and better supplied than ever. (Laughably, the Economist sneered at Russia’s inflation rate, which unlike ours is caused by their overheated economy.)

Why would senior Ukrainian military officials hope for Trump to win? It’s simple. Russia has only ever wanted one thing, which has been clear since before the Proxy War started. Russia does not want Ukraine’s land. Russia does not want Ukraine’s minerals. Russia definitely does not want Ukraine’s comedic former president.

Russia just wants Ukraine to stay out of NATO.

Of course there are other details, but that is pretty much it. Now, let me ask you something: How would that country’s joining NATO benefit the average Ukrainian? Answer: it wouldn’t. The average Ukrainian could care less about NATO. Only warmongering neocons care about Ukraine joining NATO.

Trump will soon control NATO. When Trump gets Ukraine to pledge not to join NATO, or gets NATO to pledge never to admit Ukraine, nobody will care except the deep state and its captured corporate media. After that critical problem is out of the way, the rest of the peace negotiation with Russia becomes much simpler.

Putin was trying not to make the first move by not calling Trump. But by inviting Trump’s call, Putin made the first move anyway. Trump will accept the invitation and make the call, and things will start happening fast, since neither Trump nor Putin are chronic, dissembling liars like Biden’s bellicose neocons.

The only thing that remains unclear is how much Trump can accomplish before he’s sworn in. There are no legal impediments, but obviously Trump can’t order weapons shipments to Ukraine be stopped yet. In 2024, much depends on how well the various leaders trust Trump to keep his promises once he takes office.

My guess is they will trust Trump.

I don’t mean to overstate things, but I’m not sure this point could be overstated: When Trump makes the deal to end the Ukraine war, he will have single-handedly hauled the world back from the brink of global thermonuclear war, and will therefore have instantly succeeded as the 47th President — potentially before he even takes the oath.

And since Ukraine is the lynchpin for nearly all current world conflict, removing that constant irritant would yield a deposit of political currency with which Trump could negotiate other successful resolutions. It is not unreasonable to think we could be looking at an era of more global peace and security since … never.
4190   Patrick   2024 Nov 18, 11:49am  


Late last week, many folks were disconcerted by Joe Biden’s warmth and friendliness in welcoming President Trump to the White House. It seemed … unreal that Biden would happily help Trump’s transition. This weekend, the other orthopedic slipper dropped. A 100% anonymously sourced story appeared in Sunday’s New York Times headlined, “Biden Allows Ukraine to Strike Russia With Long-Range U.S. Missiles.” Nice transition you had there! ...

“Mr. Biden’s decision,” the Times understatedly explained, “is a major change in U.S. policy.” And right as Biden was on his way out, too. Was this the deep state’s way of using ATACMS to FUBAR Trump’s peace deal, by making it as hard as possible to end the Proxy War? Is war itself the goal? To give you some idea of the sky-high stakes, yesterday Robert Kennedy captured the moment in a tweet:

... In March, the first thing Zelensky did with his new, secretly supplied ATACMS was launch them at defenseless civilian targets in Russia, like the apartment buildings pictured above, a war crime under international rules, and worse, a target with zero strategic value except bad optics. Zelensky’s retarded misfire created great excitement at the Pentagon, and caused flummoxed US generals to put down their eyeliner pens and rethink whether Zelensky could be trusted with a child’s BB gun much less an advanced missile system.

Logic finally penetrated the Pentagon’s ever-present fog of injected estrogen, and they strapped a bunch of new rules on the ATACMS, stopping the uncontrollable and unpredictable Ukrainians from blasting away at everything in sight. We gave you those missiles to fight a war, not knock over apartment buildings, the generals scolded.

Despite enthusiastic application and a pronounced generosity with its dwindling supplies of missiles, the ATACMS never measurably benefited the Ukrainians. When they are used by Americans against non-peer adversaries, ATACMS are probably pretty devastating. But when used against an experienced, rival military like Russia’s, which enjoys top-notch air defenses, ATACMS has been notably much less effective.
4191   Patrick   2024 Nov 20, 11:23am  


Jeffrey Sachs tells the cold, hard truth how the US and NATO provoked war in Ukraine
4194   Patrick   2024 Nov 21, 3:44pm  


Russia Fires Nuclear-Capable Intercontinental Ballistic Missile into Ukraine for First Time

In a significant escalation of the conflict, Russia has just fired an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) into Ukraine.

Kiev confirmed that Russian troops launched various missiles, including an ICBM, from the Astrakhan region.

The missiles were fired in an attack on Ukraine early Thursday morning.
4199   Patrick   2024 Nov 22, 4:59pm  


Unfortunately, many still wrongly believe that Russia are the aggressors.

The US overthrew Ukraine via color revolution, took control via proxy, built a standing army on Russia’s border, supplied them with NATO weapons and training, and are now launching US missiles into Russia.

How would you feel if Russia overthrew Canada via color revolution, took control of their government via proxy, built a massive army on our border, gave them Russian missiles, and then helped Canada shoot those missiles inside the United States? Because that’s what the US just did to Russia.

Remember the Cuban missile crisis? The US had a hard red line for the Soviet Union, that they could NOT put nuclear missiles within range to strike the US. We almost went to direct kinetic war with Russia over the situation.

Now the US, by control of the Deep State, put missiles and armies on Russia’s border, after Putin told us for decades that it was a hard red line for them, just like it’s a red line for the US.

The US are the aggressors. They ignored all the attempts at diplomacy, they ignored Russia’s warnings, brought war to Russia’s doorstep, and now Putin is backed into a corner. He does not want this war, he just wants NATO missiles and armies away from his border, which historically, is a fairly reasonable request.

If you still think that Russia moved into Ukraine “unprovoked”, you are brainwashed.
4200   Patrick   2024 Nov 22, 5:04pm  


Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, says that the Biden regime are provoking Russia with missile strikes via Ukraine as proxy, in an attempt to “leave as bad a legacy as possible” to the incoming Trump administration.

Russia know what’s going on.

They know the Deep State are trying to create a broader conflict, in an attempt to sabotage Trump’s upcoming presidency. The Biden regime are trying to bait Putin into a significant response, in order to justify full-scale kinetic war with Russia, before Trump assumes office and prevents it from happening.

It’s reassuring to know Putin and his government are aware of the situation, but terrifying that the Biden regime are trying to instigate nuclear war for political gain.

This is just the next extension of the Trump witch hunt. The Deep State are willing to start WW3 to stop Trump.
4201   Patrick   2024 Nov 22, 5:37pm  


This video depicts the novel Russian intermediate-range ballistic missile “Oreshnik” striking the PA Pivdenmash military-industrial facility in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, yesterday evening. The attack marks the first-ever use of a MIRV payload in combat. The Oreshnik is obviously designed for nuclear warheads, but this time the Russians deployed it with conventional munitions, as a mere warning to the West and a signal to us all that we have stepped closer to nuclear war than perhaps at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis.

The Russian attack comes in response to NATO provocations. Last Sunday, the senile U.S. President Joe Biden reversed his own long-standing policy and authorised the use of American long-range missiles against targets inside Russia. Six American ATACMS missiles were fired from Ukraine three days later, on Tuesday; a separate volley of British Storm Shadows followed late Wednesday evening or early Thursday morning. They were directed at targets in Kursk and Bryansk. ...

One of the most obnoxious consequences of NATO, is what you might call the Crazy Girlfriend Effect. Many European countries and no few German politicians, secure behind the American defensive umbrella, just revel in their bellicosity in ways they wouldn’t if they actually bore direct responsibility for their own security. They’re like a drunk girl at a bar who is confident that her boyfriend will handle whatever hostilities she provokes.
4202   Ceffer   2024 Nov 22, 6:02pm  

Trump has had Cheyenne Mountain locked up on war status since his administration. He knew that the goal of IHLlary, the Globalists, and the handshake secret groups was to start WWIII in earnest, and we see these relentless implementations against the will of the People grinding forward in spite of.

Of course, WWIII isn't being started in Russia, it is being orchestrated by the Three Cities, bloodlines and the Demonic Masonic edicts who control the mercenary MIC. It's why it seems so insane, destructive and irrational because it is intended to be insane, destructive and irrational.

However, propaganda and Hegelian opposition Illuminati tactics aren't working like they used to and the King has no clothes. There is poor penetration of the hawkish creations and demonizations generating the fake antipode like the previous world wars. Only the foolish minority team spirit beguiled are kicking up their skirts over it.

I wonder if Putin is going to have a 'courtesy nuke' to short circuit the plot as another demo for world audiences, because Trump controls the nuclear football. However, the MIC beribboned fags might have their own private reserve of nukes for their own fireworks shows, including domestic false flag operations to get the main nuclear events started in earnest.

Break out the iodine impregnated marshmallows?
4204   goofus   2024 Nov 23, 6:44am  

4205   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 24, 12:50am  

According to former Polish Deputy Minister Piotr Kulpa, Ukrainian authorities have allegedly siphoned off up to half of the U.S. aid money sent to their country and redirected a portion of it back to the Democratic Party through laundering schemes.

4206   🎂 WookieMan   2024 Nov 24, 2:13am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

According to former Polish Deputy Minister Piotr Kulpa, Ukrainian authorities have allegedly siphoned off up to half of the U.S. aid money sent to their country and redirected a portion of it back to the Democratic Party through laundering schemes.

No surprise there. My take away is I never realized how short Zelensky is. Biden is 6' on a good day. They claim Zelensky is 5'7" and I call bull shit. That dude is 5'4". Sorry to the short guys out there, but you don't show power.

Point of the height thing is it's no surprise they're laundering money. Zelensky has little man syndrome. Uses fraud to benefit his insecurities. Common for guys 5'6" and under. Case in point with Putin. Never trust a short man. Taller men project power and strength even if normal looking and not fat. Trump walks into a room with Putin he's damn near a foot taller.

Not a huge fan of Crowder, but he does make a good joke about Putin's massive table he has meetings at with 2 people. He's overcompensating for his shortness. Making the table big makes him look small, but the table gets the attention showing power and wealth.
4207   RayAmerica   2024 Nov 24, 1:01pm  

Former Polish Minister: At Least Half of US Aid Was Laundered by Ukrainians and Much Was Given to Democrats

Former Polish Minister Piotr Kulpa says up to half of the US aid to Ukraine was laundered by Ukrainians, and much was given to US Democrats.

Maybe that’s why the Democrat lawmakers were waving Ukrainian flags on the House floor?

Did anyone really not believe this was happening?

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/11/former-polish-minister-least-half-us-aid-was/

(No surprise here. Just about ALL of our foreign 'aid' is nothing other than payoffs to corrupt leaders for their 'support' for the good old USA, and a lot of it ends up in American politician's off shore accounts in the form of kickbacks!)
4209   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 3:59pm  


Only close war watchers know that on Thursday, the Russians quietly obsoleted modern warfare and most of the West’s defensive arsenal. This changes everything. ...

The Russians deployed a paradigm-shattering, epoch-defining, game-changing wonder weapon that turned every modern military strategy textbook into a historic footnote. It was not the sort of “game-changing weapon” that like robotic parrots corporate media has serially invoked since the Proxy War started, duplicitously announcing every new delivery of decades-old NATO military technology to Ukraine.

No. This was something genuinely new. And, by definition, revolutionary.

On Thursday, Russia blew up a large satellite manufacturing plant in Dnipro, Ukraine. That much was unremarkable. But an astonishing video of the attack quickly surfaced, and it confounded everyone, at least, everyone talking. The warbloggers began rolling out a series of excited guesses and urgent hypotheses for what looked like a cluster of missiles falling to Earth like avenging angels...

The strike followed Biden intentionally crossing a red line set by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin warned the US not to help Ukraine fire ballistic missiles into Russian territory, which Biden promptly did anyway, with gusto. ...

It was an intermediate-range hypersonic ballistic missile, which rings boring in civilian ears. But Hazelnut features some key groundbreaking specifications: first, the missile’s range is 5,500 kilometers (3,500 miles), which means it can strike anywhere in Europe, any time, within mere minutes from launch. Hazelnut flies at an eye-watering 8,000 mph— Mach 12, twelve times the speed of sound. Putin told the Russian people that no missile defense system on Earth can intercept the Hazelnut. It is immune to air defense.

Nobody is even close to developing a defense to this weapon. Least of all the United States, since our DEI-obsessed generals keep failing to develop any operative hypersonic technology at all. Plus, we’ve only just found out about this new threat; somehow the Russians kept it under wraps during years of development—another inexcusable failure by our intelligence services. ...

You get the idea. Right as Biden’s neocons were staring at inevitable defeat in Ukraine, and were considering ever-higher-risk options to somehow snatch victory from the iron jaws of defeat, on Thursday Russia calmly placed a brand-new, really game-changing weapons technology on the chessboard.

Our generals aren’t talking. But I suspect they must be reacting to this news like how the Zulu chieftans reacted after the first time the British used machine guns against them. Ominously, the Zulus didn’t recognize their peril and kept fighting, and dying. Our generals can’t be that dumb? Wait, don’t answer that. ...

Biden’s unsupervised neocons were busily deploying a series of incremental escalations designed to provoke Russia into doing something so egregious that Biden would have no choice but to respond.

Instead, Russia just quietly out-escalated them.
4211   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 11:23am  

Offshoring bales of money is both laundering and plotting to repatriate cash bales to undermine and destroy the dollar. Everything they do is subversive.
4213   Misc   2024 Nov 28, 11:42pm  

If the kid sent in a few million, he'd get an answer.
4214   RayAmerica   2024 Nov 29, 6:42am  

Patrick says

Only close war watchers know that on Thursday, the Russians quietly obsoleted modern warfare and most of the West’s defensive arsenal. This changes everything. ...

The Russians deployed a paradigm-shattering, epoch-defining, game-changing wonder weapon that turned every modern military strategy textbook into a historic footnote. It was not the sort of “game-changing weapon” that like robotic parrots corporate media has serially invoked since the Proxy War started, duplicitously announcing every new delivery of decades-old NATO military technology to Ukraine.

No. This was something genuinely new. And, by definition, revolutionary.

Funny thing about all of this is that at the beginning of the Ukraine conflict, there were many expert voices declaring that Russia was a backward country that was using armed with antiquated equipment from the old Soviet Union. These experts claimed that the USA & NATO had far superior, modern weaponry and once Ukraine was properly armed, it would be a game changer. For instance, recall all the hoopla about the Abrams Tank? How did that all work out? Answer: Not very good. The Abrams Tank proved to have all kinds of problems, such as being under armored for the modern battlefield. They also had the annoying problem of breaking down. The Russians easily eliminated the Abrams using drones. The Russians called them 'junk made out of tin.' The Ukrainians labeled them as 'death traps.'

Now, the hubris of the West has taken another punch in the face by the 'backward' Russians. Thinking that they were going up against a 58 year old Mike Tyson, they now have to realize that they are actually fighting the 25 year old version. Talk about a nightmare scenario.

One last thought; Russia's hypersonic demonstration also instantly rendered ALL of our Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups (11 at last count?) almost entirely obsolete. 'Almost' because they can still be used against nations that do not have hypersonic weaponry, but when it comes to Russia, forget it. And let's not forget that Russia is allied with Israel's arch enemy Iran. This is also going to be a huge game changer in the Middle East ...
4215   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 29, 8:47am  

RayAmerica says

were many expert voices declaring that Russia was a backward country that was using armed with antiquated equipment from the old Soviet Union.

Yeah, @socal2 was one of them.
4216   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Nov 29, 1:25pm  

But! But...Ukey Nazi Fluffers on PatNet keep insisting that Russia is losing this war!

4217   🎂 WookieMan   2024 Nov 29, 7:08pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

But! But...Ukey Nazi Fluffers on PatNet keep insisting that Russia is losing this war!

3 years later. Not using advanced weapons. Until people realize this was a money laundering scheme, they won't know. Russia would be done as a country if we wanted it done. Biden and his family and military contractors are set for life. That's what Obama started and Biden finished.

If we gave Ukraine the real weapons Russia is toast. The French and UK have nuke capable ICBM's. We're giving hand me down weapons and Russia isn't sealing the deal. They're getting 20-30% effort from the west and need North Koreans who are defecting. Russia only has nukes in it's arsenal and that's a non-starter. Russian leaders would be dead in 20 minutes if they went down that path.
4218   Ceffer   2024 Nov 29, 7:14pm  

Fabric of reality warping on behalf of team trash talking aside, it might wind up being the Dnipro River as the new border with Kiev divided with a Russian half, Odessa operated as an open port for the remains of Ukraine but under Russian administration, and the various surrounding countries biting off chunks of the 'current' Ukraine aka Poland, Hungary etc.

Remainder of Ukraine will never be allowed to join NATO. That will damp the international criminal enterprises a jot or two.
4219   Patrick   2024 Nov 30, 9:09am  


This morning, the Atlantic ran a remarkable story headlined, “How Biden Made a Mess of Ukraine.” It was yet more retconning: the author, a neocon professor of ‘strategic studies,’ argued that the Proxy War could easily have been won in 2022 had Biden just taken off the velvet gloves and dared Putin to declare nuclear war. Professor O’Brien is so sure Putin would have chickened out that he’s willing to bet your life on it.

It’s been one week since the Russians showed the world their game-changing, unstoppable Orechnik missile, and ever since the Proxy War narrative has been evolving at Internet speed. One cannot help but detect a distinct whiff of a looming terminus — we are rapidly racing down the tracks toward the war’s inevitable end.

Vanished are the triumphal stories about Ukraine blowing up a random Russian tank in the icy mud somewhere. All the articles now breathlessly describe the war’s unsustainability. The newest narrative is Ukraine lacks men and morale.

We are finally homing in on the real issue, as evidenced by three headlines from yesterday. Reuters:

Ukraine asks NATO for membership invite next week, letter shows
By John Irish and Tom Balmforth
November 29, 2024 4:01 PM EST...

But midway through, the article raised the same mockingbird theme as the others: “security guarantees” are a synonym for NATO membership. “NATO membership,” the Economist argued, “would help prevent Ukraine from becoming unstable, embittered and vulnerable to co-option by Mr Putin in pursuit of his ultimate aim, which is to destabilise and dominate Europe.”

Neither Putin nor any other Russian official has ever claimed the country’s “ultimate aim” was to dominate Europe. The Economist made that up. But Russia has said, over and over, it invaded to prevent Ukraine’s NATO membership. And Russian officials, from President Putin down, have repeatedly stated the country’s minimum condition: no NATO for Ukraine.

Only neocons care about Ukraine joining NATO. Ukrainian citizens don’t care. They just want peace and security. The Proxy War was caused by the prospect of NATO membership, and now we see they are willing to trade land for it, up to 25% of Ukraine’s territory, that’s how important it is to them.

Since Orechnik destroyed a major military manufacturing facility, Russia has accelerated the war on all fronts. It is beyond obvious Ukraine cannot hold out. The headlines tentatively reflect this, and are staging the excuses for Ukraine’s loss, if it comes suddenly. For example, yesterday in the Associated Press:

Desertion threatens to starve Ukraine's forces at a crucial time in its war with Russia

Ukraine’s controversial conscription system, where unwilling Ukrainian men are arrested, handed a gun and an instructional pamphlet, rushed to the front lines and forced to fight, is not much different from Roman-style slavery. But the problem is that many of these involuntary soldiers flee at their first chance, a chance that often arises at the most inconvenient times. Stanislav! Quickly, hand me the next rocket! …Stanislav?

The article reported, without anywhere near the proper level of astonishment, that up to two hundred thousand Ukrainians have deserted since the start of the war. The real figures could even be higher. By comparison, at the beginning of the Proxy War, the entire Ukrainian Army numbered around 300,000 men.

Behold, the bad news embargo has definitely lifted:

Facing every imaginable shortage, tens of thousands of Ukrainian
troops, tired and bereft, have walked away from combat and front-
line positions to slide into anonymity, according to soldiers, lawyers
and Ukrainian officials. Entire units have abandoned their posts,
leaving defensive lines vulnerable and accelerating territorial losses,
according to military commanders and soldiers.
Some take medical leave and never return, haunted by the traumas
of war and demoralized by bleak prospects for victory. Others clash
with commanders and refuse to carry out orders, sometimes in the
middle of firefights.

An unnamed officer with Ukraine’s 72nd Brigade told the AP, “It is clear that now, frankly speaking, we have already squeezed the maximum out of our people.” He added, “The percentage of deserters has grown exponentially every month.”

Finally, another emerging narrative strain appeared in a Politico story yesterday headlined, “7 weeks until Trump: Russia and Ukraine fight for advantage before peace talks are imposed.” The sub-headline ominously added, “The risk of a miscalculation is growing as the war enters a potentially decisive — and dangerous — new phase.”

Russia may have Orechnik, but the U.S. has its own game-changing wonder weapon. “There’s about to be a game-changing proposition put into the theater in the form of Donald Trump,” said James Nixey, head of the Russia-Eurasia program at London’s Chatham House think-tank. Tellingly, like the AP, pro-Ukraine Nixey also reported the country is short of manpower and even said it seems to be “on course to lose this war.”

Politico’s article ended on a stunningly uplifting note, with a final quote from the think-tanker: “Putin does want to bring the rules-based international order, shabby and imperfect as it is, crumbling down,” he added. I don’t think that would be as bad an outcome as Politico and Mr. Nixey seem to think.

The conflict is finally boiling down to its final unstoppable force meets immovable object moment. The failed state of Ukraine must never be admitted into NATO. What Trump will do with this opportunistic crisis remains to be seen, but I’ll bet whatever it is, they never see it coming.
4220   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Dec 1, 5:58pm  

Patrick says

Vanished are the triumphal stories about Ukraine blowing up a random Russian tank in the icy mud somewhere.

You mean like posts made by @socal2?
4221   Patrick   2024 Dec 1, 7:49pm  


West plotting to ‘occupy’ Ukraine – Russian intel
Plans are being made to freeze the conflict by sending 100,000 foreign troops to the country, according to the SVR

The West is secretly planning to occupy Ukraine and freeze the conflict with Russia by deploying tens of thousands of supposed peacekeepers to the country, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) has said.

In a statement on Friday, the spy agency cited intelligence sources as saying that NATO is increasingly in favor of halting the hostilities along the current front line, as the US-led military bloc and Ukraine have come to realize that they are failing to inflict a “strategic defeat” on Russia.

Freezing the conflict would allow the West to rebuild the shattered Ukrainian military and “prepare it for an attempt at revenge,” the SVR stated. It further claimed that NATO is already setting up training centers to process at least one million Ukrainian conscripts.

A possible respite would also help the West restore Kiev’s military industry, which has been regularly battered by Russian missile and drone strikes, the SVR added.

“To solve these tasks, the West will need to essentially occupy Ukraine. Naturally, this will be done under the guise of deploying a ‘peacekeeping contingent’ in the country… According to the plan, a total of 100,000 so-called peacekeepers will be deployed in Ukraine.”
4222   DOGEWontAmountToShit   2024 Dec 1, 8:35pm  

Patrick says

Plans are being made to freeze the conflict by sending 100,000 foreign troops to the country, according to the SVR

NATO troops or third world mercs?

The distinction is important.

Because either way, they become legit targets the moment they arrive. Possibly before that as the transport planes carrying them are fair game to be shot down the moment they enter Ukey Nazi airspace.

And NATO couldn't even field that many troops. Not even if over 50% are US.

Italians, Finns, French, Polish & Germans seeing their only sons coming home in body bags isn't politically viable either.

So my guess are mercs. Some are going to be European and Americans in western PMCs. But the governments of those will be able to avoid culpability.

The rest will be French Foreign Legionnaires (90% of whom are not French but turd worlders) and other foreign PMCs from Africa, India, Asia and South America. NATO's counter to Norks being deployed by Russia that our press first denied and now are screaming about. The hypocrisy would be stunning except that it is completely predictable.

Meanwhile, this map is over two years old now. Why? Because it was obvious what the outcome of this war was always going to be.

P.S. now that section of what will be left of Rump Nazi Ukraine will end up actually being smaller than it is.

That's what the bullshit caused by the Ukey Nazi Fluffers both on and off of PatNet have wrought by extending this war.

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