Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   371,160 views  4,043 comments

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1769   Misc   2022 Nov 3, 6:12pm  

Mississippi politicians have been known to be able to fend for themselves.

1773   socal2   2022 Nov 8, 10:49am  

No posts here in 4 days on this subject? You know it must not be going well for Russia's illegal invasion of it's neighbor.

Look like it's becoming a Turkey Shoot and hundreds of poor Russian conscripts are getting wiped out for nothing.

Sure wish Putin would stop this pointless violence. He lost the war months ago and is just causing needless death and suffering over his own vanity.

"Survivor tells of being abandoned to attack near Makiivka, as anger grows in Russia over death toll from war"

"Battalion of Russian conscripts destroyed in Luhansk Oblast, hundreds killed"
1774   Bd6r   2022 Nov 8, 1:41pm  

socal2 says

No posts here in 4 days on this subject? You know it must not be going well for Russia's illegal invasion of it's neighbor.

I will make a Patnet prediction post about invasion in a month or two...from Ukraine will not be invaded to Ukraine will cease to exist as a country in a few weeks to Ukraine will be defeated in few months to Russia is just starting and has not yet attacked in full strength to radiosilence now.

Absolutely not different from predictive abilities of covid cultists - vaxx is safe and wil prevent you from getting sick---vaxx is safe and will make you not get severe covid---vaxx is safe and will prevent you from dying from covid---to we are all in this together and lest not punish us etc. Similar moving of goal posts after initial predictions failed, and similar lack of ability to accept reality if it goes contrary to dearly held ideological beliefs.
1775   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 9, 9:46am  

Liberators have liberated Kherson... from themselves:

LONDON (Reuters) -Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu on Wednesday ordered his troops to withdraw from the occupied Ukrainian city of Kherson and take up defensive lines on the opposite bank of the River Dnipro.

Kherson was the first (and last) regional capital captured during the invasion.

"By all objective measures Russia is winning the war" --- Cucker Tarlson

1776   Patrick   2022 Nov 14, 10:39pm  


Coincidence? Zelensky Calls for Peace Just Days After FTX Is Caught Funneling Millions of Ukrainian Aide Dollars to US Democrats
By Jim Hoft
Published November 14, 2022

The CEO of now-bankrupt FTX admitted that FTX was nothing more than a laundromat for the Ukrainian government.

TGP previously reported that the now-bankrupt FTX was transferring international funding to FTX and then laundering money back from Ukraine to the Democrat Party. ...

On Sunday The Gateway Pundit posted an interview where Bankman-Fried admitted that FTX was laundering money for the Ukrainian government. ...

Bankman-Fried was the second largest donor for Democrats this last election cycle, only behind megadonor George Soros. Bankman Fried gave at least $38 million to $40 million to Democrats, leftist causes, PACs, and candidates, Fox News reported.
1777   zzyzzx   2022 Nov 15, 12:20pm  


Russian missiles crossed into Poland, killing 2, U.S. official reportedly has told AP

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A Russian missile barrage on the Ukrainian power grid sent the war spilling over into neighboring countries Tuesday, hitting NATO member Poland and cutting electricity to much of Moldova.

It was Russia’s biggest barrage yet, and some of the missiles crossed into Poland, where two people were killed, according to a U.S. official. It marked the first time in the war that Russian weapons have come down on a NATO country.

Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller did not immediately confirm the information from a senior U.S. intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the situation. But Mueller said top leaders were holding an emergency meeting due to a “crisis situation.”

Polish media reported that two people died Tuesday afternoon after a projectile struck an area where grain was drying in Przewodów, a Polish village near the border with Ukraine.

NBC News later reported that through official channels the U.S. was unable to confirm the exact nature of the incident and was awaiting specifics from Warsaw.

Russian state media organ TASS labeled the reported incident a provocation and insisted there had been no Russian involvement.
1778   Booger   2022 Nov 15, 1:54pm  

No fly zone in Ukraine, or Polish army in Minsk shortly. Make Kaliningrad Konigsberg again
1779   Booger   2022 Nov 15, 2:14pm  

Looks like a Hitler just found out about Russia's attack on Poland...

1780   AD   2022 Nov 15, 2:49pm  

CNN is downplaying this. Looks like Democrats don't want to escalate this with NATO.


1781   exfatguy   2022 Nov 15, 2:55pm  

Test shot to see what they can get away with.
1782   Booger   2022 Nov 15, 3:50pm  

The Russian process of guilt admission:

1.) No we didn't do that. Absurd.
2.) You did that to yourselves. Shameful.
3.) We don't know who did that. But you deserve it.
4.) We did that... But we didn't have any malicious intent.
5.) We did that... And it was on purpose.
1783   Booger   2022 Nov 15, 3:52pm  

ad says

CNN is downplaying this. Looks like Democrats don't want to escalate this with NATO.



Even if NATO decides to do nothing, I would expect Poland to do something.
1786   richwicks   2022 Nov 15, 4:02pm  

Booger says

Even if NATO decides to do nothing, I would expect Poland to do something.

How can you trust ANYTHING out of the Western media today? For all we know, this didn't happen, and our media is just lying about it. Did Hussein have a weapons of mass destruction program? Was Assad gassing his own people? Was Qaddafi using viagra to rape girls?

I don't understand why people still pay attention to the western media at this point. They lie about everything, and you know this.
1787   Ceffer   2022 Nov 15, 4:10pm  

Which part of Poland? Poland Poland, or the part they are going to annex from Ukraine?
1788   mell   2022 Nov 15, 5:14pm  

Looks like Poland is taking the de-escalation route.
1789   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 15, 7:47pm  

cisTits says

zzyzzx says

Polish government spokesman Piotr Mueller did not immediately confirm the information from a senior U.S. intelligence official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the situation.

In other words, bullshit so they can get us further into the war.

Notice how this happened just right after our 'election'?

probably right.

we are working hard in war against russia.
not sure whats with war lately.
1790   Patrick   2022 Nov 15, 8:48pm  


President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide more than $37 billion in emergency aid to Ukraine, despite Republican warnings there won't be a 'blank check' for Kyiv when they are in the majority.

How will Biden launder that money back to himself and other Democrats now that the FTX scam is public?

1791   AD   2022 Nov 15, 9:44pm  

I wonder if it was Kremlin allies who hacked FTX. Makes sense since FTX's CEO is a major contributor to the Democrats.

1792   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Nov 16, 2:27am  

ad says

I wonder if it was Kremlin allies who hacked FTX. Makes sense since FTX's CEO is a major contributor to the Democrats.


it wasn’t hacked. it was stolen inside, ponzi scheme no better than bernie madoff. all this crypto shit is ponzi soeculation, only works as long as noone withdraws.
1793   NuttBoxer   2022 Nov 16, 10:07am  

Ukraine just botched their false flag in Poland so badly the propaganda networks had to immediately walk it back. They had the right idea with the peace talks, stick with that.
1794   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 16, 10:59am  

"Zelensky is a Globalist Zionazi Plant".

Problem: Ukraine votes yes to UN Resolution saying Judea-Samaria is illegally annexed and Israel should be tried in the Hague a few months ago. Israel retaliates by abstaining on Russian Reparations to Ukraine.

Answer: Dismissive Cognitive Dissonance from the "pattern seekers" who Nose-tice things.
1795   Eric Holder   2022 Nov 16, 11:53am  

NuttBoxer says

Ukraine just botched their false flag in Poland

Not so fast: the strike was within 80 miles from Belarus territory which means it could be Ruscist s-300 fired in ground attack mode. (It can fly further than that but 80 miles is about max for controlled ground strike). Probably targeted the power pant right across the border but since s-300 relies on gyroscopes only for guidance in the ground attack mode it's not very precise. So s-300 doesn't automatically means "Ukrainian s-300" - both sides employ them. Using s-300 and not Iskander or Kalibr for ground attack this close to NATO border gives Ruscists some deniability for exactly this kind of situation.
1797   Ceffer   2022 Nov 16, 3:33pm  

I imagine Patnet could set up a little GoFundMe to buy a coupla Russian rockets on the Dark Web to deploy where ever. Bush and Clinton gifted out nuclear weapons to the Globalists for extortion purposes, so weapons provenance no longer has much of an association with perp provenance.

Really, if Russia wanted to drop rockets on Poland, they would probably do it with their now vast arsenal of seized US and Euro weapons, not with their own stuff. It's almost like, if it was made in Russia, it wasn't from Russia with Love, stupid.
1798   richwicks   2022 Nov 16, 6:56pm  

Ceffer says

Bush and Clinton gifted out nuclear weapons to the Globalists for extortion purposes, so weapons provenance no longer has much of an association with perp provenance.

Nuclear weapons need regular refinement of the plutonium to function. If they aren't duds now, they will soon be.

The plutonium is constantly breaking down through nuclear fission. The fissile material must be refined repeatedly and regularly to keep it working as a nuclear weapon.

Considering how our government seems to prefer stealing money and doesn't give a fuck about winning war, I wouldn't be surprised if the US has NO operational nuclear weapons at this point.
1799   NuttBoxer   2022 Nov 16, 7:07pm  

Eric Holder says

Not so fast:

Without disputing anything you wrote after this, as without me knowing more, it all sounds plausible. I would just like to ask, if it was really Russia, why did the US and everyone else back down so fast once Poland investigated? How does that help the US's anti-Russia, warmongering agenda? How does it help them control the minds of the enslaved, who gobble up every propaganda piece the media spits out, when that media has to immediately contradict their first reports?
1800   richwicks   2022 Nov 16, 7:11pm  

NuttBoxer says

Eric Holder says

Not so fast:

Without disputing anything you wrote after this, as without me knowing more, it all sounds plausible. I would just like to ask, if it was really Russia, why did the US and everyone else back down so fast once Poland investigated? How does that help the US's anti-Russia, warmongering agenda? How does it help them control the minds of the enslaved, who gobble up every propaganda piece the media spits out, when that media has to immediately contradict their first reports?

I'm going to add something here, if it WAS Russia, why would they just put ONE missile in Poland? That's the big smart "sneak attack?" that opens up WWIII and triggers article 5?

If it was Russian, Russia would be falling over themselves to apologize. Seems to me it was an malfunctioning missile originating from Ukraine.
1801   Patrick   2022 Nov 16, 8:09pm  


AP Admits Erroneously Reporting Russian Attack on Poland

False flag or accidental missile strike on Polish border identified in 2019 simulation as possible spark for a nuclear war with Russia. Do the hawks in Washington want nuclear war? ...

As I suspected, the AP Report was false, as AP admitted in today’s Correction (see below).

The question of why Ukrainian forces fired a missile towards Poland without proper guidance is apparently not being asked by our mainstream media, and perhaps not even by whoever is calling the shots of US-Nato policy in Ukraine.

What concerns me is that THE SPARK identified in the 2019 simulation is well-known to people in Ukraine who seem to be doing everything in their power to induce direct Nato involvement in the war with Russia.
1802   Patrick   2022 Nov 16, 8:21pm  

From Ben Garrison's email:


JOE: "Hey, Jack—this is Joe Biden"
ZELENSKY: "My name isn’t Jack—it’s Volodymyr!"
JOE: "How ’n the hell can I remember a name like that? Listen, I need a favor."
ZELENSKY: "OK, but it will cost you."
JOE: "Trump is giving his announcement speech tomorrow. We need a distraction. Why don’t you launch a missile over the Polish border and we’ll say Russia did it. That oughta do it."
ZELENSKY: "Sure, but it will cost you at least $37 billion in emergency aid."
JOE: "No problem…just make sure I get my 10 percent. Use that crypto token money laundering thingie for my kickback."
ZELENSKY: "I can’t–that FTX Ponzi scheme has completely collapsed. I can always buy a few paintings from Hunter…but first I must buy another chalet in Switzerland."
JOE: "OK, Corn Pop—just as long as you get Americans focussing on World War Three and not Trump!"

1804   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 10:40am  

Glenn Greenwald
Nov 16
(In case anyone objects to calling what's happening in Ukraine a "US proxy war," that's not a real debate. Top US officials and the most influential defense policy operatives in DC call it that repeatedly, as @NoahCarl90 documented here, because it is):


Is Ukraine a "proxy war"?
Critics of America’s policy toward Ukraine have accused it of waging a “proxy war” against Russia. Such critics include various Western commentators, as well as Russia itself. In April, the Foreign...

Don't worry: I'm sure these billions and weapons flying around DC and Ukraine are being meticulously accounted for.

That's why Dems and GOP united to block @RandPaul's amendment for oversight.

No need! Raytheon, CIA and Ukraine are famous for transparent, honest accounting.

If we project out to a year, that would be $120 billion each year to fuel the US proxy war in Ukraine.

That's roughly 1/8 of the entire US military budget for the year: by far the world's largest.

Congrats to Raytheon, General Dynamics and CIA!


Biden asks for more than $37 billion in Ukraine emergency aid
President Joe Biden is asking Congress to provide more than $37 billion in aid to Ukraine. The funding request comes as lawmakers begin their post-election session.

US funding for war in Ukraine in 9 months:

Mar: $ 13.6 billion
May: $ 40b
Nov: $ 37.7b: Biden's new request

That $ 91.3 billion is 33% more than Russia's total military spending for the year

It's double the US's average annual expenditure for its own war in Afghanistan.

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