Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,725 views  4,152 comments

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2945   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 20, 2:35pm  

9 attack helos fubard in Lugansk and 14 in Berdyansk. Not a bad result for one day of work by 90s batch of ATACAMS missiles taken out of mothballs:



If fucking Potato haven't waffled on these deliveries for a year the Red Army would've been already out of its misery, USSR back in its legal borders and the peace everybody is clamouring for would be at hand.
2946   socal2   2023 Oct 20, 4:26pm  


If fucking Potato haven't waffled on these deliveries for a year the Red Army would've been already out of its misery, USSR back in its legal borders and the peace everybody is clamouring for would be at hand.

Really is shocking how crap-ass the Russian military has performed. Sure they have nukes, but they wouldn't stand a chance in a conventional fight against a NATO military with our unrivaled airpower.

Ukraine was only given a handful of the lowest range ATACMS and that was enough to massively change the equation eliminating Russian airfields and vehicles.
2947   richwicks   2023 Oct 20, 4:36pm  

socal2 says

Ukraine was only given a handful of the lowest range ATACMS and that was enough to massively change the equation eliminating Russian airfields and vehicles.

Haha. You and RWSGFY are so completely delusional about this conflict.
2948   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 20, 4:52pm  

socal2 says

that was enough to massively change the equation eliminating Russian airfields and vehicles

Dude. If you are gonna smoke crack while posting on PatNet, you have to bring enough to share.
2950   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 23, 7:43pm  

The Ukrainian military, as a result of long-range ATACMS missile strikes on enemy airfields in temporarily occupied Berdiansk and Luhansk, destroyed 9 Russian helicopters, with 15 more being damaged, according to Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) analyst, investigator, and author of Oryx and Bellingcat projects, Jakub Janovsky.
According to the analyst, the attack destroyed seven Ka-52 Alligator helicopters and two Mi-8 helicopters of the Russians.

In addition, 15 helicopters—eight Ka-52s and seven Mi-8s—sustained damage.

Janovsky noted that, for reliability, Oryx classified helicopters not subject to restoration as damaged. Most likely, he mentioned, these are irreversible losses, but there is currently no sufficient evidence to assert this.

Recall that on the night of October 17, the Ukrainian military launched missile strikes on airfields in temporarily occupied Luhansk and Berdiansk.

Later, U.S. media reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces used American ATACMS missiles for the attack. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy confirmed this information.

The White House also officially confirmed the transfer of missiles.

Later, satellite images of the Berdiansk airfield after the ATACMS strike appeared online, followed by images of the airport in Luhansk.

As a result of the attack, Russian helicopters were destroyed, although the Russians are currently concealing their losses.

Red Army started with total of 100 operational Ka-52 attack helos. These are credited with succesfully pinning down Ukie armored vehicles preventing them from quickly crossing the mine belt of the Surovikin line. This single strike took 15% of them out of comission and the rest will have to move further back than casette ATACMS range, which is 100 miles, thus significantly increasing their response time and decreasing loitering time.

PS. The total # of lost Ka-52 since start of SCHMO is confirmed at minimum at 59 (https://www.oryxspioenkop.com/2022/02/attack-on-europe-documenting-equipment.html?m=1), so 60%. They can't replace these because they used Ukrainian engines.
2951   Misc   2023 Oct 23, 9:52pm  

Of course, the US will whine when Russia gives long range missile systems to the Syrians or Hezbollah that then use them to attack US warships.
2952   richwicks   2023 Oct 23, 9:56pm  

Misc says

Of course, the US will whine when Russia gives long range missile systems to the Syrians or Hezbollah that then use them to attack US warships.

The US is attacking Russia.

What is the US doing in the Middle East anyhow? Just get out.
2953   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 24, 5:36am  

Some quality CGI here:


Through visual analysis of satellite imagery, our team found Russian military vehicle losses in Avdiivka between October 10 and October 20. The total number exceeded 109, indicating a significant loss of approximately aligning to a brigade-sized force in just ten days
2954   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 24, 7:09am  


Some quality CGI here:


Through visual analysis of satellite imagery, our team found Russian military vehicle losses in Avdiivka between October 10 and October 20. The total number exceeded 109, indicating a significant loss of approximately aligning to a brigade-sized force in just ten days

Oh wow! More Ukey Nazi Propaganda BS!

2955   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 24, 8:10am  

"Through visual analysis of satellite imagery, our team found Russian military vehicle losses in Avdiivka between October 10 and October 20. The total number exceeded 109, indicating a significant loss of approximately aligning to a brigade-sized force in just ten days"

If this is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? The above narrative contradicts the reality on the ground.
2956   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 8:24am  

The_Deplorable says

If this is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? The above narrative contradicts the reality on the ground.

Uh - because Russia illegally invaded and took it before Ukraine was mobilized and armed with superior Western weapons?

Still amazes me how pathetic the Russian military has performed and still unable to secure a victory pushing 2 years and hundreds of thousands of casualties. Even worse considering Russia is right fucking next door to make logistics easier and supposedly have lots of pro-Russian Ukrainians they are trying to liberate.

Absent nukes, Russia's crap-ass military wouldn't last a few days against the US or modern NATO military.
2957   stereotomy   2023 Oct 24, 8:54am  

I laugh when people use the word "Illegal." WTF was this country doing for the last 30-40 years?

Might is right, and those who whine when it's the other side doing the same thing that our side has been doing continually since that time is the quintessence of hypocrisy.
2958   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 9:30am  

stereotomy says

I laugh when people use the word "Illegal." WTF was this country doing for the last 30-40 years?

Might is right, and those who whine when it's the other side doing the same thing that our side has been doing continually since that time is the quintessence of hypocrisy.

I laugh when the Russian boosters cry about "coups" in Ukraine justifying Russia's cockup of an invasion getting hundreds of thousands of people killed.

The USSR and Russia have instigated and supported numerous Marxist insurgencies all over the planet stunting generations in Europe, Africa, Asia and South/Central America.

How dare the USSR's former slave colonies in Eastern Europe want closer relations to the West - right?
2959   richwicks   2023 Oct 24, 9:40am  

socal2 says

I laugh when the Russian boosters cry about "coups" in Ukraine justifying Russia's cockup of an invasion getting hundreds of thousands of people killed.

Why? It was a coup. If the US didn't overthrow the Ukrainian government, I'd the new puppet government didn't make war again East Ukraine for 8 years, if the puppet government just remained neutral there would have been no war.

And only 300,000? The US killed about 800,000 Iraqis over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program. Putin has an additional 1/2 million to go to be even comparable to Bush

The Iraq war, officially, ended in 2011. So 6 more years for Russia to go as well.

You like to whine about Putin, when George W. Bush is right here. You have no problem with Bush apparently. You don't mind mass murders as long as they are running the United States
2960   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 9:51am  

richwicks says

The US killed about 800,000 Iraqis over a non existent weapons of mass destruction program.

The vast majority of Iraqis were killed by their fellow Muslims. Same deal in Afghanistan.

It wasn't Americans that were blowing up Shia and Sunni mosques killing 300 at a time for years and years with bitter Sunni/Shia civil war. It wasn't Americans that were sending suicide bombers into lines of people trying to vote or get government jobs. It wasn't Americans blowing up schools for little girls.

So yes, America did fail in keeping the crazy Muslims from killing each other. But that doesn't mean that ISIS and Iranian Shia death squads have no agency or moral responsibility to the thousands and thousands they killed.
2961   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 24, 10:09am  

Earlier I said "If this is true, then how come the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine are now part of Russia? RWSGFY's narrative contradicts the reality on the ground."

socal2: "Uh - because Russia illegally invaded and took it before Ukraine was mobilized and armed with superior Western weapons?"

No, you are ignoring the facts. This is Obama's war because...

• It was Obama who overthrew the democratically elected government of the Ukraine in 2014 and installed the current Nazi regime.

• And it was these Nazis who started killing Ukraine's Russian speakers for speaking Russian!

• Look: If you start shooting and killing people you cannot blame them for shooting back. It is called self defense.

• According to Mcgregor and Scott Ritter Ukraine thus far lost over 500,000 soldiers. So where do you see Ukraine winning this war?
2962   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 11:16am  

And another one.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

"Chairman of Russia's oil major Lukoil dies suddenly aged 66"
The previous head of Lukoil's board, Ravil Maganov, died in September 2022 after falling from a hospital window in Moscow, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

Several Russian businessmen, most with ties to the energy industry, have died suddenly in unclear circumstances in the months following the start of what Moscow calls its special military operation in Ukraine in February 2022.
2963   Misc   2023 Oct 25, 3:03am  

The statement that America killed 800000 Iraqis is Fairy Tale make believe.
2964   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 5:41pm  


Tucker on Jailing Priests in Ukraine

Ep. 34 Of all of Biden’s crimes, backing the Ukrainian government as it throws priests in jail may be the most revealing.
2965   Onvacation   2023 Oct 28, 11:31am  

socal2 says

"Chairman of Russia's oil major Lukoil dies suddenly aged 66"

Was he vaxxed?
2966   Booger   2023 Oct 28, 11:40am  

Onvacation says

socal2 says

"Chairman of Russia's oil major Lukoil dies suddenly aged 66"

Was he vaxxed?

It's Russia, he probably fell out of a window.
2967   Patrick   2023 Oct 31, 9:38am  


The article explained, even if the manpower problem could be solved, more aid would just be stolen at this point anyway:

Amid all the pressure to root out corruption, I assumed, perhaps naively, that officials in Ukraine would think twice before taking a bribe or pocketing state funds. But when I made this point to a top presidential adviser in early October, he asked me to turn off my audio recorder so he could speak more freely. “Simon, you’re mistaken,” he says. “People are stealing like there’s no tomorrow.”

Doesn’t sound like a very good advertisement for sending even more money to Ukraine, does it?

2969   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 31, 4:59pm  

Patrick says

Even if this one is all made up, you KNOW someone is doing this.
2973   Eric Holder   2023 Nov 2, 4:39pm  

Onvacation says

socal2 says

"Chairman of Russia's oil major Lukoil dies suddenly aged 66"

Was he vaxxed?

Yes. With two vaccines to the head.
2974   Eric Holder   2023 Nov 2, 4:53pm  

Excellent article on how demon rats carried water for the Moscow Nazi regime in their quest to restore the empire and pissing away Reagan's legacy:


The article is worth reading in its entirety but these two excerpts serve as a perfect TL;DR :

In April 1993, Kravchuk confided to then-Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze his “main headache” that “Moscow and the US together have been twisting my arms painfully” in “demanding [the] transfer [of Ukraine’s nuclear weapons] to the Russian Federation.

“I would understand Russia’s nastiness,“ Kravchuk said, “But Americans are even worse—they do not listen to our arguments.“

Shevardnadze stressed that the so-called Russian democrats led by Yeltsin, in fact, didn’t drop imperial ambitions, and that is why Americans are deeply mistaken in trying to make a deal with them at the expense of Ukrainian and other post-Soviet republics’ interests:

“[The Americans] do not know about our terrible, rough relations with the Russian empire [and] the USSR. Without that knowledge, building predictable and trustworthy relations with ‘democratic Yeltsin and Russia’ would be very difficult, whom [the Americans] currently call ‘Russian democrats’…I know many of them, talked to them a lot. They are still sick with imperial infection.”

He went on, referring to his previous job — as Soviet foreign minister:

“Being a member of the Politburo I had access to many confidential and top-secret documents—secret reports, notes, different non-papers elaborated in different Soviet structures—the Central Committee offices, KGB, Military Intelligence, think tanks and so forth…I can say that the documents I have read were just horrible and frightening: about the different scenarios of relations of the Center [Moscow] with the Soviet republics… They included the partition of those republics, expelling their populations to different parts of Siberia and the Soviet Far East—indeed some remote places. To accomplish those goals, they will use military force. All those plans are not archival ones! They are fully intact to be used if Moscow makes that decision.”"

Shevardnadze implored Kravchuk in 1993 to “negotiate so as not to undermine your independence and your security,” saying that “if Ukraine succeeds in keeping at least one nuclear missile as a deterrent,” it will safeguard its independence “from those madmen in the Kremlin.”


The history of nuclear disarmament of Ukraine under US pressure becomes even more striking, given that the US knew about Russian intentions to subjugate Ukraine under its control and even considered the Russian invasion of Ukraine possible. Following the final trip to Moscow ahead of the Budapest memorandum, Talbott asked then Secretary of State Warren Christopher rhetorically:

“Do we have good answers to questions about what we’ll do if reality refuses to follow the script we’re writing for it? What if Russia invades Ukraine?”

The question was never considered seriously enough in a theoretical hope that in the future when needed, such a possibility of invasion could be negotiated away with Moscow. Generally, the new imperial ambitions of Moscow were ignored by the US leaders, blinded by the strongly desired illusion of the seemingly democratic new Yeltsin’s Russia.


PS. For historical context , this is Red Army tanks very democratically shelling their own Parliament in Moscow in October of 1993:

2975   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Nov 2, 4:54pm  

Moscow had the control codes anyway.
2976   Misc   2023 Nov 2, 9:16pm  

Whooops, looks like the "frag an officer" campaign by the Ukrainian enlisted soldiers worked. The Ukrainian officers are more scared of their own soldiers than the punishment for disobeying orders from Zelenski. The "Counter Offensive" is over.

2977   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Nov 3, 1:03am  

But...but...the Ukey Nazi Fluffers said that the Russians can't fight the Mighty Ukrainian Armed Forces!!

While Russia will not outright win the war, a Ukrainian victory is becoming less and less likely.


> Russian victory is impossible
> Russian victory unlikely (idiots who wrote that are here)
> Russia cannot be allowed to win
> Russia is winning but at what cost?
> Russian victory was inevitable (you are really here)
> Ukraine was a corrupt hellhole anyway
2979   Patrick   2023 Nov 7, 10:51am  


France 24 ran a freedom-loving story yesterday headlined, “Zelenskyy Calls Holding Elections in Wartime Ukraine 'Utterly Irresponsible’.”


It’s true Zelensky said that, but the actual news that happened was Zelensky cancelled another election cycle because Putin. We must save Ukraine to save democracy! We must not let the tiny flicker of democracy fizzle out in Ukraine! Well, we must save the ideal of democracy anyway. Over in Eastern Europe, like in Gaza, democracy per se doesn’t always involve actual elections, not proper ones.

The whole thing is very complicated and you just wouldn’t understand. Don’t bother your pretty little heads about it. Just keep paying your taxes. Freedom!
2980   Ceffer   2023 Nov 7, 11:07am  

The whole concept of democracy has been so thoroughly sharted out of the mouths of the various tyrants, it is another Satanic inversion that creates reflex reflux nausea. Exhaustion and extinction of the Satanic inversion anybody? Do they really think the lies have tread that will last forever?
2984   RWSGFY   2023 Nov 10, 8:03am  

Ukie IFVs crossing Dnipro near Kherson completely unimpeded:


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