Greeted like Liberators: Ukraine Invasion Thread

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2022 Feb 23, 8:30pm   431,735 views  4,152 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (8)   💰tip   ignore  

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3217   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 20, 8:34pm  

What do they mean by black flag? No quarter?

It’s a pirate thing so how does this apply to the disputed area in Eastern Europe?
3218   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:46pm  

PeopleUnited says

It’s a pirate thing so how does this apply to the disputed area in Eastern Europe?

It means no holds barred, and let the Ukrainians continue to spill blood for the proxy war without reservation. Those responsible remain at arms length.

Black flag for thee, but not for me, kind of like the boosters with no skin in the game.
3219   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 21, 2:34pm  

Yo @socal2

This a friend of yours?

3220   socal2   2023 Dec 21, 2:56pm  

PumpingRedheads says

Yo socal2

This a friend of yours?

Who would have thought back then that Russia would occupy less Ukrainian land today then they did nearly 2 years ago in March 2022?

Is that "winning" in Russia?

And I will keep asking the glib Putin fanboys at Patnet, how many Russians have died at this point? Is there ANY level of Russian casualties that will make the ROI on Putin's massive embarrassment of a war not worth the cost? Has it been worth gaining 2 new NATO members on Russia's border, losing Wagner and losing Russia's most prized Naval assets?

Is it worth having most of Western Europe to finally wake up and massively increase their military budgets?

Is it worth Ukraine joining the EU?
3221   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 21, 3:37pm  

socal2 says

And I will keep asking the glib Putin fanboys at Patnet, how many Russians have died at this point?

Who cares? Ukraine is still fucked.

socal2 says

Is that "winning" in Russia?

Not about Russia 'winning'. It is about Ukraine losing.
3222   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 21, 3:38pm  

socal2 says

Is it worth having most of Western Europe to finally wake up and massively increase their military budgets?

Hahaha. Sure they have.


Their 'increases' are not a 'massive increase'.

They don't talk about per GDP spending in that article except for Japan.

socal2 says

Is it worth Ukraine joining the EU?

Then the EU is fucked too.

Oh wait! On Planet Reality, Ukraine will join the EU when Tukey does....which is never.
3225   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 8:48pm  

I don't think the Poles want Western Ukraine. Between the massacres of Poles in Volyhnia, to the redrawing of Ukraine's borders after WW2, there aren't many Poles left. Lvov was once half Polish.

The ideal split would be Galicia-Volyhnia to Poland, Novorussia to Russia, and Rump Ukraine as NETURAL BY CONSTITUTION, prohibited from joining NATO, EU, or any CIS-type Russian creation. Only bilateral trade and economic treaties. Having Russia, the EU, and the US guaranteeing the rump Ukraine's independence.

The US needs to think beyond the Cold War, and re-evaluate the relationship with Russia and the EU. What we need is an ANZACUK alliance that's strong, with minimal trade barriers and preferential treatment among members, one of whom must be Singapore if not Malaysia, Thailand as well. Also think about India vs. China.

Our first step really needs to be a free trade, military alliance, and wide integration (including us adopting Metric system) with Australia, NZ, Canada, and the UK and territories.

Also, WTF with the Pacific. There should be massive bases on Midway, Canton, and Johnston Island. Are we idiots?

The answer to China is 3 dozen new SSKs purpose built for blowing merchant ships out of the water and idealized for the shallow water of the South China Sea.
3226   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 9:05pm  

It's retarded to be worried about stagnating Russia, which poses no military (they should have overrun Ukraine in a month max by sheer volume) or economic threat the to the US. The threat is CHYna, and more especially the Chinese subversion of the economy and politics that makes us do retarded things from making us utterly dependent on Chinese from everything from screws to wafers/boards to pencils to underpants, funding woke movies and media, and encouraging massive trade deficits that lead to massive revenue deficits.
3227   AmericanKulak   2023 Dec 23, 9:08pm  

Imagine if in 1940, we had General Marshal calling up OKH Franz Halder assuring him that he'd give him advance notice if Roosevelt decided to be more aggressive with fending off U-Boots from our Sea Economic Zone.

That's literally what happened with General Milley the Woke Tranny and China. That's how bad the CCP subversion is. General Milley's reward

Which reminds me, the USCG has been almost totally denuded of ASW weaponry and training.
3229   Ceffer   2023 Dec 24, 6:40pm  

LOL! The losers don't determine the content of the negotiation. That time has passed.

3230   Ceffer   2023 Dec 24, 6:49pm  

Since every major Western so called 'think tank' is a whorish appendage of Rand, SRI, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Tavistock, RIIA, Club of Rome etc., this sounds more like propaganda scare tactics from a spent failure than a pending doom. File it under "Trump is Hitler, literally".

3231   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 25, 8:52am  

Ceffer says

LOL! The losers don't determine the content of the negotiation. That time has passed.


Did anyone tell @socal2 this?
3232   Ceffer   2023 Dec 25, 10:21am  

Taking the Ukraine propaganda sucklers to the woodshed. Fantasy football? Try Fantasy Ukraine.

3233   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 25, 2:56pm  

A year old, but turned out a lot was proven true on the propaganda front.

3234   Ceffer   2023 Dec 25, 5:52pm  

Pretty standard Goebbels type Satanic Inversion. It describes Ukrainian troops pretty well.
"One of the more inexplicable narratives included in this disinformation package has been the allegation that Russian troops are poorly trained conscripts who are thrown into the meat grinder with antique weapons, little ammo, and so little food they are literally starving."
3235   Ceffer   2023 Dec 25, 6:18pm  

Onward and upward to the partition.

3237   WookieMan   2023 Dec 26, 3:44am  

UkraineIsFucked says


Who cares as usual? I don’t. Russia will get what it wants but still be a loser for what they are doing. Ukraine is a loser for being corrupt as fuck. The discussion of a winner or loser is retardation. Both are losers by default.

And please don’t post anything about this retard that has literally been wrong for about 2 years now. The guy knows nothing. You can make other arguments about the war but dude does not help your stance. He’s an idiot looking to get paid media gigs because of his former status. He doesn’t know dick and has been probably wrong 100% so far. He’s a clown. Fauci like.
3238   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 26, 12:05pm  

In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.
3239   WookieMan   2023 Dec 26, 1:09pm  

RayAmerica says

In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.

100% agree. BUT the optics matter. Russia looks like the loser. There was a way around it all but Russians and Putin is a fucking moron. The Ukraine invasion has been an utter failure.

Ukrainians will take cash for anything. Russia had the cash to buy the land from Ukraine. I don't get what control over the Black Sea gets them when they have to get through Turkey, have no navy, to get to the Med, through the French and other EU Navies to even get into the Atlantic. Going south through the Suez they already do with their oil and gas. No one is stopping that.

There was a diplomatic solution and Putin is a dip shit. He'll win what he want, but he's losing more in the long term. It was a piss poor move.
3240   Shaman   2023 Dec 26, 1:18pm  

Are we STILL arguing about Ukraine and Russia and who will win?
Isn’t it fucking obvious by now that Ukraine can’t win?

Never get into a land war in Asia.
3241   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 26, 1:21pm  

I do think there was a peaceful resolution but Biden/NATO New world order globalists would not allow Ukraine to negotiate with Putin. So it is ridiculous to say Putin could have just bought land from Ukraine. It is not Ukraine’s to sell. Ukraine is Biden/NATO/NWO’s puppet, so there will not be peace in Ukraine until Biden says the War is over. This is 1000% Biden’s war, and the blood of every life lost is on his hands. There would be no war in Ukraine had there been a second Trump term.
3242   Onvacation   2023 Dec 26, 1:41pm  

PeopleUnited says

There would be no war in Ukraine had there been a second Trump term.

Or if the Hunter investigation requested by Trump had gone through.
3243   WookieMan   2023 Dec 26, 3:15pm  

PeopleUnited says

It is not Ukraine’s to sell. Ukraine is Biden/NATO/NWO’s puppet, so there will not be peace in Ukraine until Biden says the War is over. This is 1000% Biden’s war, and the blood of every life lost is on his hands. There would be no war in Ukraine had there been a second Trump term.

Russia never made an offer.... that's my point. Biden did. Ukraine took it.

Russia said muah fuck it and invaded in one of the dumbest ways possible. This could have been done for $100B USD. No human life lost. Now Russia's navy crippled if even existent in the Black Sea. Even if the West funded everything to help Ukraine, no one is no longer afraid of the Russian mouse. We're nearing 2 years now of "winning" as Charlie Sheen would say....

They don't look weak, they are weak. They have less resources than the US. Most of their land is completely useless. They need the west to extract their resources in the ground. They're fucking morons. I go to national conferences with my wife with thousands of engineers. I've NEVER seen or met a Russian engineer. I have Aussie, German, Irish, Dutch and Italian friends that I've met at these places. Never a Russian. Again. They're idiots.
3244   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 26, 3:43pm  

WookieMan says

Russia never made an offer

BS. That’s what The Maintsream media dipshits and liars tell you.

Even after rolling tanks across the border negotiations were ongoing. Biden refused to let his puppet Zelensky negotiate a peaceful resolution.
3245   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 26, 3:47pm  

WookieMan says

Who cares as usual? I don’t

Gee who cares? What the title of this thread? What is the topic?

If you don't care, then why are you posting here at all. Especially with comments that basically state "who cares about the topic of this thread?"
3246   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 26, 3:48pm  

RayAmerica says

In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.

Attention Ukey Nazi Fluffers! ^^^^^
3247   WookieMan   2023 Dec 26, 7:18pm  

PeopleUnited says

WookieMan says

Russia never made an offer

BS. That’s what The Maintsream media dipshits and liars tell you.

Even after rolling tanks across the border negotiations were ongoing. Biden refused to let his puppet Zelensky negotiate a peaceful resolution.

Show me any evidence of a good faith offer? It was a power play by Russia. Give us the land bridge and we won't attack. That's the only offer I heard of. You cannot just take another countries land regardless of having a high population of some ethnic group or former Soviet citizens. That ship sailed a long time ago after the fall of the USSR. Show me the money and the Ukrainian government would have gotten their cut and caved giving up the land. Russia miscalculated and thought they'd just steamroll them. They'll win and get what they wanted but at a huge loss, all while destroying what they wanted in the process. Losing men that could rebuild it. They look like morons like some commenters on the topic.

It's not 1980 anymore. Maybe if they kept their shit together and weren't just as corrupt as the Ukrainians, Russia would be in a better spot and the USSR could have stuck around. They're fucking idiots. That's really indisputable. They are a resource rich nation and still can't fucking manage it on their own. Let them kill each other as they always have and look the other way and let Europe manage their neighbors.

We have dumb asses in America and corruption as well, yet we've manage peace mostly with our neighbors and most of the hemisphere for 160 years. Russia can't for 5 years with any of the countries around it. It's a shit hole as well outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg. They have shit land besides the resources in the ground. A population of absolute idiots that cannot get the resources out of the ground on their own. They're just dumb.

UkraineIsFucked says

If you don't care, then why are you posting here at all. Especially with comments that basically state "who cares about the topic of this thread?"

Because I see dip shits arguing here over a region that has been in flux for centuries. So who fucking cares. You're all wrong 100%. I don't give a shit about the title of the thread. I'm pointing out how dumb some people look talking about this topic. The whole fucking thing is going to fucking implode politically when Putin dies, which is likely in the next decade or sooner and there's a massive power struggle. Read some history of the region. This will never stop. It's not about Russia winning "this time" so you're wasting your words.

Russia is pissing money away hand over fist for something they could have just bought. Hopefully the men that can make babies get to work making them because they were fucked demographically before this debacle. Now they're dying by the thousands and the women can't form a household and will migrate out. This was a long term play to literally and figuratively neuter Russia for 30 years.


Russia overtaking a shit hole is a moot point. Ukraine losing more men is a moot point as they were supposed to lose. Russia is losing in the long term. A decimated Black Sea Navy. I don't think anyone gets the point of this proxy war. The powers that be will let Russia "win" probably sometime soon. The damage done is a loss for the future of Russia. This will take a 10-15 years to play out, but Russia is doomed. Hence why I say who cares. No one has given a logical reason. Russia is toast. And Ukraine already is. This was all stupid.
3248   Ceffer   2023 Dec 26, 7:26pm  

UkraineIsFucked says

RayAmerica says

In order for Ukraine to 'win,' Russia will have to do a complete retreat and abandonment of all the territory that it has conquered. And, abandon (according to Ukraine) Crimea. That is not going to happen. Anyone thinking that it will is living in a dream world.

Attention Ukey Nazi Fluffers! ^^^^^

LOL! This is propaganda sop for the fooled and beguiled, as usual usual. They will be discussing the partition, or Puticakes will just roll over them and take it.

Maybe they should have a special edition Mockingbird fiction section that continues after the partition, maybe a comic book, that continues all the addictive lies the the propaganda consumers relied on so much. Since they can't evaluate information, they ought to have something to keep the faith.
3249   PeopleUnited   2023 Dec 26, 8:56pm  

WookieMan says

Show me any evidence of a good faith offer?

It’s in the same place as the evidence of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden’s extortion activity in Ukraine, and the same place where Jeffrey Epstein’s client list is stored.

Was the US operating in good faith when it overthrew the legitimate government of Ukraine in 2014?
3250   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 27, 10:39am  

WookieMan says

Because I see dip shits arguing here over a region that has been in flux for centuries. So who fucking cares. You're all wrong 100%.

Right. Still hasn't answered my question. If you don't fucking care, then why bitch? And why should any of us bother with what you say?
3251   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Dec 27, 10:39am  

Looks like @socal2's most hated enemy is about to get a hand job from Biden...with Ukey blood & territory as the lube:

3253   Ceffer   2023 Dec 28, 11:25pm  

Looks like Russia is gearing up for the partition. They'll just wind up rolling up what they want eventually, unless the Ukey Nazis all bail to their super yachts and foreign mansions.

3254   WookieMan   2023 Dec 29, 3:48am  

UkraineIsFucked says

WookieMan says

Because I see dip shits arguing here over a region that has been in flux for centuries. So who fucking cares. You're all wrong 100%.

Right. Still hasn't answered my question. If you don't fucking care, then why bitch? And why should any of us bother with what you say?

I said WHO... again WHO fucking cares. It has nothing to do with me. Some of you guys seem to care. Both sides are wrong and bad in their own way. So WHO cares. Let them kill each other over a New Jersey sized swath of land so Russia can get to their inoperative and incapable Navy while Ukraine steals Western money.

I'm pointing out some of you guys are up in arms about fucking retarded conflict where there are and will be no winners. I've answered the question. EVERYONE is wrong on the topic. That's why I say WHO cares. It's not about me. Not sure why you go that route. It's okay to be wrong as you have been.
3255   WookieMan   2023 Dec 29, 7:36am  

I see the name change.... at no point has a user here said Ukraine isn't fucked. Not sure if you're Russian or have some link to Russia. Both countries are losing. Ukraine was a corrupt lost cause before this war. As an actual tax payer it pisses me off we fund Ukraine. Russia comes out of this with a tiny swath of land that took them about 2-3 years and 100k+ of lives lost to accomplish and they have to rebuild it with less abled men to do so. Lots of winning there.

The proxy war is winning. 100%. Russia is set at least a decade back now. If you're American I hate the expense, but at least Russia goes to the back burner, potentially for the rest of our lifetimes. Russia will claim "victory" and hopefully we'll stop funding Ukraine. Now we can focus on China. We need THIS hemisphere coordinated and working together and fuck the other side of the globe. They're fucking idiots. Have been forever.
3256   Onvacation   2023 Dec 29, 8:23am  

WookieMan says

I'm pointing out how dumb some people look talking about this topic.

Yep. Those that don't know their history are condemned to believe in propaganda.

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