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Patrick saysI think you're right.
And because Biden is exceptionally weak and corrupt, Putin correctly calculated that it is a good time to do it.
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine. Russian citizens will suffer due to economic repercussions … which will hopefully lead to political difficulties for Putin. Who knows though… people have very short attention spans.
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.
Fortwaynemobile saysNuland
Thanks, I did not know about Nuland.
I am using yandex quite often, if brave search does not give good results.
I'll try to find that video with English subtitles as he is talking in Russian.
Fortwaynemobile saysNuland
Thanks, I did not know about Nuland.
In retrospect it was probably a bad idea for the U.S. military to spend the last year poisoning all of our troops and kicking out all of the critical thinkers.
Are any of these the videos you are looking for:
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.
BoomAndBustCycle saysDoesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.
Not well for Russians AND Ukrainians, sadly.
Bidet weakness does matter, during our Trumpian years Russians were not stirring trouble.
richwicks saysAre any of these the videos you are looking for:
No, it is a piece of this one:
But one I saw 2-3 days ago had Engli...
The reason is obvious. Putin signaled this for years ever since Nuland picked out next puppet president there.
Fortwaynemobile saysThe reason is obvious. Putin signaled this for years ever since Nuland picked out next puppet president there.
Yep, Nuland was the trigger. She's failed her way upwards, she was involved with Iraq, too.
Patrick says
@Patrick: I bet it's propaganda.
It's just stupid to die over a useless cause and I don't believe people are this stupid normally, and not more than 10 of them. Ukraine has had relations with Russia for FAR LONGER than they did with the West. I doubt the people would 1) suddenly switch sides because of a US coup 2) would die for something that was unobtainable.
We'll find out in a few weeks. Remember this story and check up upon it in a few weeks or months.
Remember the two "non-binary" women that were run down during a BLM protest? The two women protesting on a freeway? That was Dia...
Looks like they got better...
Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire and subjugate some former Soviet satellite countries.
Nobody seriously thinks that Germany/NATO ever wanted to invade Russia.
Putin is like the abusive husband who can’t stand it when his wife wants to leave him and see other people.
people have very short attention spans.
Kelete is out of the news now. Last update I can find is a year old.
I agree with about 80% - 90% of the the following posted at the end.
Very hard to prove but the fact that most here don't know why there is a war when you are obviously intelligent and experienced people speaks volumes in and of itself.
If you look at the stock markets and see how the Nasdaq and Dow Jones gained and how Silver was smashed at the New York open then that should be all the proof you need of market manipulation. If this possibility is too far fetched for you to comprehend then you have your answer as to why the war against the Deep State Cabal has had to be kept hidden. Because disclosure now would be too implausible for most forcing them deeper into the Cabal's narrative and prison 'matrix'.
The plan of action isn't unfolding as smoothly as some would have hoped but then again it never does.
I'm expecting some world shattering events this year and throughput the decade.
Great times to be alive for the Prepped PureBloods!
From Telegram channel...
Holy shit man, what have you been smoking? Sounds like a good book though. How could you possibly know if this is fake or not?
WineHorror1 saysHoly shit man, what have you been smoking? Sounds like a good book though. How could you possibly know if this is fake or not?
Always very difficult to prove anything in this world. JFK. Sep 11th. Stolen Election. Covid manufacture and release.
I just have a lot of unanswered questions and the digger I deep to answer these questions the more this assessment of the world fits what I see.
It is not a 100% fit and I could be wrong but nobody has presented any rational observations that would completely debunk it.
More and more people are questioning what they've been told about the world too.
What I think I know is this...the media has managed to control the public by fear. First in recent memory was that TRUMP was going to start WW3 and go nuclear and become dictator for life.. the libs, even the so called educated ones jumped on that story... then the climate change panic which would end the world in 10 yrs if something wasn't done...the libs, even the so called educated ones jumped on that story too...then we had the systemic racism narrative which was going to destroy the society and cause a race war...the libs, even the so called educated ones jumped on that story...then the biggie...the covid panic and all the variants...i have to give them credit for that one...that was a blockbuster narrative which will go down in history...the libs, even the so called educated ones jumped on that story in a huge way...well now that those scares have pretty much played themselves out, some thoughtful people wondered what would the next narrative be...since it's difficult to keep co...
I don't know karate, but I know ka-razor
It's all false news. MSNBC is garbage. We'll find out in months, not days, from our supposed "free press".
There is absolutely no integrity in our "mainstream media". We simply don't know at this point.
Patrick says
13 more cases of death by Covid
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