Think you KNOW why Russia invaded the Ukraine?

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2022 Feb 26, 5:07pm   9,940 views  219 comments

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6   EBGuy   2022 Feb 26, 7:10pm  

I'm kinda guessing this wasn't on the WEFs bingo card...
7   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 8:10pm  

WineHorror1 says
I assumed it was because Russia doesn't want a neighbor to join NATO. And they've been told that Ukraine will not be allowed into NATO but a few NATO countries have been arming Ukraine for many years now. Russia has finally had it.

This is basically the official reason. Putin has been making this (what I feel to be) reasonable demand for years.

Some people say that Ukraine wouldn't have been permitted to enter NATO anyhow. If this is the case, then this could have been prevented by making a declaration to this point because then Russia wouldn't have had their excuse.

Also the Russian Constitution requires the government defend Russians, of which there are plenty in Eastern Ukraine. I doubt though that really factored into it.

I think the US is trying to restart the Cold War, in part, to keep the dollar functioning. If Russia is TRULY a threat to Europe (or is perceived to be), then there is a reason to prevent the United States' currency from collapsing, although it's possible Europe can't stop it at this point anyhow. They are bankrupt themselves.
8   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 8:31pm  

Hircus says
Petro Poroshenko, who some called a russian puppet

I think Poroshenko was far more anti-Russian than Ze, but I may be wrong about it.

An immediate issue which Russians had to solve was supplying Crimea with water as Ukrainians cut off water from Dnieper. Crimea is a semi desert and can not support current population without external water.

About the rest, please search for video of Djokhar Dudaev about Ukraine and Russia circa 1995, he predicted what is happening.
9   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 8:57pm  

Bd6r says
About the rest, please search for video of Djokhar Dudaev about Ukraine and Russia circa 1995, he predicted what is happening.

Help people to find it.

Having problems using google? Try http://www.yandex.com/?source=patrick.net - they are Russian. They don't censor English information. You find it, and I'll archive it, and post it somewhere.
10   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 9:06pm  

I am using yandex quite often, if brave search does not give good results.

I'll try to find that video with English subtitles as he is talking in Russian.
11   clambo   2022 Feb 26, 9:07pm  

Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire and subjugate some former Soviet satellite countries.

Nobody seriously thinks that Germany/NATO ever wanted to invade Russia.

Putin is like the abusive husband who can’t stand it when his wife wants to leave him and see other people.
12   RC2006   2022 Feb 26, 9:08pm  

Ukrainian was falling more under the influence of US and west, look at all of our leaders family members parasiting over there.

We have a extremely weak President in US. And the two people below him are even worse.

Figures we are more concerned about what China does.

Is under extreme pressure by his own government to kick some ass.
13   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 26, 9:13pm  

The reason is obvious. Putin signaled this for years ever since Nuland picked out next puppet president there.

Russia laid their reasons out and planned this for a while. Simple… don’t put nato at the border creating a crisis for Russia. We literally recreated Cuban missile crisis near Russian border, while pretending to done nothing wrong. If I was Putin I’d do same shit too. Not to mention Ukraine uses fucking fascist sympathizers to fight in the separatist regions adding more fuel to the fire.

This whole situation was expected for years, at the end we will fuck ourselves because we do need Russia as ally.
14   BoomAndBustCycle   2022 Feb 26, 9:16pm  

Patrick says
I think you're right.

And because Biden is exceptionally weak and corrupt, Putin correctly calculated that it is a good time to do it.

Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine. Russian citizens will suffer due to economic repercussions … which will hopefully lead to political difficulties for Putin. Who knows though… people have very short attention spans.
15   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 9:17pm  

Bd6r says
I am using yandex quite often, if brave search does not give good results.

I'll try to find that video with English subtitles as he is talking in Russian.

If you can translate, I can tell you how to make an SRT. It's laborious.

An SRT is subtitles. If you find a video on youtube with Russian subtitles, I can get that and (probably) retrieve the SRT and then you just need to translate the text.

The SRT is just something like this:

00:48:39,875 --> 00:48:42,376
This example subtitle shows up between 00:48:39.875 seconds into the video until 00:48:42.376 seconds into the video. The number 1 in this case just indicates the order, but it's really ignored.
16   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 26, 9:18pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Patrick says
I think you're right.

And because Biden is exceptionally weak and corrupt, Putin correctly calculated that it is a good time to do it.

Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine. Russian citizens will suffer due to economic repercussions … which will hopefully lead to political difficulties for Putin. Who knows though… people have very short attention spans.

Ukraine is gonna suffer here. All can be avoided if we stop fucking with Russia. Whole world is getting fucked right now, almost feels intentional.
18   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 9:20pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.

You're just hearing Western propaganda.

We'll see the fallout soon enough regardless. If there's one thing I'm starkly aware of is Western propaganda. I expect that Ukraine will be defeated in short order, and there will be calls to strengthen NATO because that's a cash cow. If Russia can be made to be a perceived threat, Cold War 2.0 can start and that will end our bullshit "war against terror" which is a cash cow, but still, just isn't nearly as effective at wasting money on the MIC as the Cold War once was.
19   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 26, 9:23pm  

Patrick says
Fortwaynemobile says

Thanks, I did not know about Nuland.


Her phone call went public where she hand picked the president during the coup in Ukraine. They were financing it heavily back then.
20   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 9:24pm  

Bd6r says
I am using yandex quite often, if brave search does not give good results.

I'll try to find that video with English subtitles as he is talking in Russian.


Are any of these the videos you are looking for:

21   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 9:27pm  

Patrick says
Fortwaynemobile says

Thanks, I did not know about Nuland.

Haha, I've mentioned this several times.

I do realize the impossibility of reading everything.

When Victoria Nuland said "Fuck the EU" she was saying "Fuck the EU with regard to who the next leader of Ukraine is, the US will pick him" and she said this a MONTH before Ukraine's so-called "revolution". It's proof it was was a US led coup.

Much was made in the US press about her use of vulgarity, but nothing was mentioned about what she was actually talking about.
22   Patrick   2022 Feb 26, 9:31pm  



In retrospect it was probably a bad idea for the U.S. military to spend the last year poisoning all of our troops and kicking out all of the critical thinkers.
23   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 9:31pm  

richwicks says
Are any of these the videos you are looking for:


No, it is a piece of this one:


But one I saw 2-3 days ago had English subtitles and was shorter, I can't track the damned thing down
24   Bd6r   2022 Feb 26, 9:34pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.

Not well for Russians AND Ukrainians, sadly.
Bidet weakness does matter, during our Trumpian years Russians were not stirring trouble.
25   clambo   2022 Feb 26, 9:37pm  

We didn’t cause this, NATO didn’t threaten Russia, NATO was an impediment to Putin rebuilding the Soviet Union, Putin didn’t like anything interfering with his plans of dominance.

We need Russia for nothing and never have.

I have been to Russia and it was almost a twilight zone but I’m not going to try to describe it.
26   RC2006   2022 Feb 26, 9:44pm  

Bd6r says
BoomAndBustCycle says
Doesn’t seem to be going well for Putin. Biden’s weakness seems irrelevant. Most of the world are rallying around Ukraine.

Not well for Russians AND Ukrainians, sadly.
Bidet weakness does matter, during our Trumpian years Russians were not stirring trouble.

Lib media was trying to push Russia boogeyman shit for last 5+ years, trying to take our eye off China.
27   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 10:05pm  

Bd6r says
richwicks says
Are any of these the videos you are looking for:


No, it is a piece of this one:


But one I saw 2-3 days ago had Engli...

Your browser has history. You can search through that.

Don't kill yourself over finding it though. How many people will it reach?
31   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 10:45pm  

Patrick says

@Patrick: I bet it's propaganda.

It's just stupid to die over a useless cause and I don't believe people are this stupid normally, and not more than 10 of them. Ukraine has had relations with Russia for FAR LONGER than they did with the West. I doubt the people would 1) suddenly switch sides because of a US coup 2) would die for something that was unobtainable.

We'll find out in a few weeks. Remember this story and check up upon it in a few weeks or months.

Remember the two "non-binary" women that were run down during a BLM protest? The two women protesting on a freeway? That was Diaz Love, Summer Taylor, and Dawit Kelete who hit them. What happened to Kelete?

Remember this incident and check up on it. Just like you forgot the Taylor/Diaz incident, you'll forget this one. You can only know what is true in time. I remember these incidents and look them up years later. This is why I'm such a cynic. Kelete is out of the news now. Last update I can find is a year old.
32   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 26, 10:56pm  

Fortwaynemobile says
The reason is obvious. Putin signaled this for years ever since Nuland picked out next puppet president there.

Yep, Nuland was the trigger. She's failed her way upwards, she was involved with Iraq, too.
33   richwicks   2022 Feb 26, 11:02pm  

AmericanKulak says
Fortwaynemobile says
The reason is obvious. Putin signaled this for years ever since Nuland picked out next puppet president there.

Yep, Nuland was the trigger. She's failed her way upwards, she was involved with Iraq, too.

A friend of mine pointed out that Israel would basically do anything to pull out Jewish people out of Russia and this meant that Israel was likely infiltrated by Russian communists.

If Israel is pushing our foreign policy, I have to wonder if it's not being done purposely to destroy this country - that is, if a bunch of KGB agents are running Israel today.

I can't think of a single war that the US has gone into that has been beneficial to the United States in the last 20 years. Can you? In fact, I'd argue all of them have been incredibly damaging to this nation. I have to wonder if the ghosts of the Soviets aren't at work.
34   Misc   2022 Feb 26, 11:50pm  

richwicks says
Patrick says

@Patrick: I bet it's propaganda.

It's just stupid to die over a useless cause and I don't believe people are this stupid normally, and not more than 10 of them. Ukraine has had relations with Russia for FAR LONGER than they did with the West. I doubt the people would 1) suddenly switch sides because of a US coup 2) would die for something that was unobtainable.

We'll find out in a few weeks. Remember this story and check up upon it in a few weeks or months.

Remember the two "non-binary" women that were run down during a BLM protest? The two women protesting on a freeway? That was Dia...

Looks like they got better...

35   Ceffer   2022 Feb 26, 11:54pm  

I think they invaded Ukraine because they needed more Black Sea real estate for beach Dachas.
37   richwicks   2022 Feb 27, 12:07am  

Misc says
Looks like they got better...


It's all false news. MSNBC is garbage. We'll find out in months, not days, from our supposed "free press".

There is absolutely no integrity in our "mainstream media". We simply don't know at this point.
38   Misc   2022 Feb 27, 1:22am  

I have a feeling that there is going to be a re-pricing event this coming up week.

Western countries seem convinced they can levy financial sanctions against Russia with no repercussions. They have now sanctioned Russia's central bank.


If Russia cannot spend the money it makes from its exports, it will simply stop the exports.

In just oil alone, that's 4-5 million barrels of crude per day. With another 2-3 million barrels per day of refined petroleum products. Western nations want to cause inflation in Russia by weakening the Ruble. Western nations will be forced to use price controls on gasoline & diesel (Europeans use that more than the US) because there simply won't be any available. They will get their ration cards along with their Green utopia.

39   charlie303   2022 Feb 27, 2:56am  

I agree with about 80% - 90% of the the following posted at the end.
Very hard to prove but the fact that most here don't know why there is a war when you are obviously intelligent and experienced people speaks volumes in and of itself.
If you look at the stock markets and see how the Nasdaq and Dow Jones gained and how Silver was smashed at the New York open then that should be all the proof you need of market manipulation. If this possibility is too far fetched for you to comprehend then you have your answer as to why the war against the Deep State Cabal has had to be kept hidden. Because disclosure now would be too implausible for most forcing them deeper into the Cabal's narrative and prison 'matrix'.
The plan of action isn't unfolding as smoothly as some would have hoped but then again it never does.
I'm expecting some world shattering events this year and throughput the decade.
Great times to be alive for the Prepped PureBloods!

From Telegram channel - https://t.me/mrtruthbombchat?source=patrick.net

WW3 is not happening.
Putin is not invading Ukraine.
Putin is taking out deep state black op bio labs with precision strikes, who have been trying to create killer diseases right on Russia's border.
Ukraine is a stronghold for money laundering and the Biden crime family will be exposed with information coming out.
This couldn't happen under Trump as its bad optics and the media love nothing more than to try to get Trump and Putin to fight.
Zelensky (a Ukrainian Trump who was elected) is in on this too, but will do the optics dance.
Putin will come out with a peace deal soon.
Those of us who do pay attention to what happens on our planet know that Putin is an enemy of the Globalists and is well aware of the Deep State presence in Ukraine.
This all goes back to when the Neo Nazis took more control after the Maidan Square massacre about 8-9 years ago, where the deep state used snipers on roofs to wreak havoc.
China will kick off with Taiwan next like Trump told us.
Like I have been saying all along Trump , Putin and Xi are covertly working together to take out the deep state cabal.
You are watching a show.
The MSM will hype this all up and make people believe that WW3 is imminent, which is complete fake news.
The end result will be the exposing of the CIA's role in "the virus" as an attack on USA and China via Fauci leaked emails.
This will expose the CIA's funding of the CCP, Big Pharma and to the normies, that yes there is such a thing as the cabal.
Xi is like a Trump, and is not an ally of the CCP.
Xi was told not to bring Trump to the forbidden city when Trump visted but Xi did it anyway, which was such a huge deal as no one is allowed in the forbidden city , especially not someone from the West.
The Chinese people will soon be free.
This song and dance and show had to happen this way because your sheeple family and friends were too cowardly to wake up by themselves and refused to research or even question things even after the entire planet of healthy people were locked inside their homes because the media rebranded the flu and they were forced to get eperimental Big Pharma vaccines to live life, for the first time in history.
Our planet can never be allowed get this ignorant again.
It is shameful , especially by the Western men whose chosen ignorance will be studied for eons.
God bless the Truth Bombers all around the world fighting for humanity.
Our victory is inevitable.
40   GNL   2022 Feb 27, 6:05am  

clambo says
Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet empire and subjugate some former Soviet satellite countries.

Nobody seriously thinks that Germany/NATO ever wanted to invade Russia.

Putin is like the abusive husband who can’t stand it when his wife wants to leave him and see other people.

How would any country feel if their borders were being surrounded by another country or group of countries (NATO/UN) with military bases and/or satellite countries? It's very likely he's responding like a cornered animal. Russia has a right to exist.

I think you're being cute with your analysis. There's no doubt that the US treats and talks about Russia not too much differently that Iran talks about Israel.
41   GNL   2022 Feb 27, 6:10am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
people have very short attention spans.

Or, regular people have very few options when it comes to international diplomacy.
42   GNL   2022 Feb 27, 6:17am  

richwicks says
Kelete is out of the news now. Last update I can find is a year old.

What happened to him?
43   GNL   2022 Feb 27, 6:24am  

charlie303 says
I agree with about 80% - 90% of the the following posted at the end.
Very hard to prove but the fact that most here don't know why there is a war when you are obviously intelligent and experienced people speaks volumes in and of itself.
If you look at the stock markets and see how the Nasdaq and Dow Jones gained and how Silver was smashed at the New York open then that should be all the proof you need of market manipulation. If this possibility is too far fetched for you to comprehend then you have your answer as to why the war against the Deep State Cabal has had to be kept hidden. Because disclosure now would be too implausible for most forcing them deeper into the Cabal's narrative and prison 'matrix'.
The plan of action isn't unfolding as smoothly as some would have hoped but then again it never does.
I'm expecting some world shattering events this year and throughput the decade.
Great times to be alive for the Prepped PureBloods!

From Telegram channel...

Holy shit man, what have you been smoking? Sounds like a good book though. How could you possibly know if this is fake or not?
44   RWSGFY   2022 Feb 27, 6:32am  

No valid or even remotely intelligent reason for all this Nazi Lebensraum shit.
45   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Feb 27, 6:56am  

The triggering event was the use of the CIA secret high energy beam (Havana Syndrome) weapon to derail Kamila Valieva's Oympic dreams after she rebuffed Biden's hair sniifing demands.

But the continual encroachment of NATO into Eastern Europrean countries, including those bordering Russia, Estonia, Latvia, and soon to be the vast country of the Ukraine, is a major factor. The continual arming of Ukraine, resulting in increasing military strikes against breakaway republic seccesionists and yes, Russian troops. And the replacement of a Russian friendly president Petro Poroshenko with pro-Western Zelensky, all lead up to the invasion.

Putin was left with shit choices - either allow Ukraine to go NATO, or invade, and return to the Russian thug world image familiar to the boomers running Russia and the USA, and easily apprehended by braindead sheeple worldwide. But the real goal of the calculus is to cause Putin's downfall and replacement. As the war drags on, and sanctions bite. money will do what money always does.

Incidentally, Putin always reverts to the wisdom of social commentator James Brown to seek guidance on what to do. And in this particular incidence, he relied heavily on the classic gem The Payback. Leaked footage of he and Lavrov doing the James Brown staple dance move, The Boogaloo, is rumored to be quite impressive.

Got to, got to payback
(The big payback)
Revenge, I'm mad
(The big payback)
Got to get back, I need some get-back
Payback, payback
(The big payback)
That's it, payback, revenge
I'm mad!

[Verse 1]
You get down with my girlfriend, that ain't right
You hollering and cussing, you want to fight
Payback is a thing you gotta see
Hell, brother, do any damn thing to me
You sold me out for chicken change
(Yes you did)
You told me that they, they had it all arranged
You had me down, and that's a fact
And now you punk, you gotta get ready
For the big payback
(The big payback)
That's where I land, on the big payback
(The big payback)

[Verse 2]
I can do wheeling, I can do dealing
(Yes we can)
But I don't do no damn squealing
I can dig rapping
I'm ready, I can dig scrapping
But I can't dig that backstabbing
(Oh no)
Now brother get ready, that's a fact
Get ready you mother for the big payback
(The big payback)
Let me hit them, hit them, Fred hit them

[Verse 3]
You took my money, you got my honey
Don't want me to see what you doing to me
I can get back, I got to deal with you
Got to deal with you
Got to deal with you
I got to deal with you
Hey, let me tell you!
Get down with my woman, that ain't right
You holler and cuss, you wanna fight
Look here
Don't do me no done favor
I don't know karate, but I know ka-razor
(Yes we do)
Hey get ready, that's a fact, girl
Get ready you mother for the big payback
(The big payback)
Hey, I'm a man, I'm a man
I'm a son of a man, but don't they tell you that pappa can
Get ready for the big payback
(The big payback)
Hit me again
Lord, lord, hey
Get ready
I need it, I need a hit again
The same one, the same one, same one
Hit me back, lord
(The big payback)

[Verse 4]
Sold me out for chicken change
Said my woman had it all arranged
Tried to make a deal, but she wanted to squeal
But I had my boys on her heels
Saw me coming, told a lie
She broke down and she wanted to cry
I don't care what she does
Won't be doing just like she was
Take those kids and raise them up
Show 'em how to drink out the righteous cup
Take her, take that woman, it's one place she found
Just run that mother out of town
Make her get up, make her get up, get out
Make her get up, make her get up, get out
I'm mad, I want revenge, I want revenge, my
(The big payback)
My patience ends, I want revenge
My patience ends, I want revenge
I want revenge, I want revenge
(The big payback)
Gonna get some hits, I need those hits
I need those hits, hit me!

Lord, I need those hits
Carry on, carry on, payback melody
(The big payback)

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