Think you KNOW why Russia invaded the Ukraine?

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2022 Feb 26, 5:07pm   9,948 views  219 comments

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91   Patrick   2022 Mar 1, 8:14pm  

Patrick says
I don't know how many real Nazi believers there are in the Ukraine, could just be propaganda

Actually, it looks like there really are a lot of literal Nazis in the Ukraine:


Now Facebook has decided to unban these guys because they’re fighting Russia:

The battalion’s first commander and a former Ukrainian parliamentarian, Andriy Biletsky, stated that Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans].”

92   richwicks   2022 Mar 1, 8:35pm  

Patrick says
The battalion’s first commander and a former Ukrainian parliamentarian, Andriy Biletsky, stated that Ukraine’s national purpose was to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade … against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans].”

What an interesting take on it.

They aren't attacking the Semites directly, they are attacking their arms and legs. Hmm.

Are we perhaps being similarly manipulated?
93   Patrick   2022 Mar 2, 10:02am  

I'm pretty sure that the Ukrainian government is just as bad as the Russian government.
95   Blue   2022 Mar 2, 10:32am  

It’s good to break Russia and China into few small countries.
96   charlie303   2022 Mar 2, 10:46am  

richwicks says
charlie303 says
Ukraine army shelling its own people


What's the name of the French journalist? She's not speaking French.

I urge people to do simple fact checking. I doubt that's a French journalist and as a result, we can't even trust the translation.

You can use a translation app on your phone or computer to try to debunk this if you want.


original link

97   charlie303   2022 Mar 2, 10:52am  

Patrick says

Money laundering
Bio weapons labs
Human trafficking including children
And the fact that Russia would not surrender to the globalists vision of a one world communist Govn with mind control and social credit scores for the sheeple.

Putin is removing a Deep State Cabal.
The war is hidden from 'normal' people because they simply would not accept the truth and sink deeper into the narrative trance fed them.
The media is paid for by this cabal and is corrupt and so won't report the truth. There are only something like 6 media corporations but they own a plethora of publishing titles.
Big Tech too!
The war against this Cabal is nearly won and the world, especially for most, will turn upside down this year.

99   GNL   2022 Mar 2, 3:42pm  

Blue says
It’s good to break Russia and China into few small countries.

Add America to that list also. I need a freer country.
100   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 2, 4:10pm  

Germany too. Bavaria, Hannover, Saxony, Westphalia/Rheinland
102   richwicks   2022 Mar 2, 4:13pm  

I was going to remark "hey, sounds like Ruby Ridge".
105   Patrick   2022 Mar 2, 9:13pm  


Russia versus Ukraine, good versus evil, and two kleptocratic shades of gray
This is not a comic book hero story.

There are geopolitical realities, and then there are ideological frameworks and constructs that don’t bear any resemblance to reality. In America today, we are dealing with the latter framework through shoddy, biased war reporting, presented to us by the corporate media and our ruling class, which insists upon a dichotomy that doesn't exist.

Let’s talk about reality, detached from all of the morality signaling on social media and TV.

Though Russia is the aggressor, and is therefore, responsible for most of the violence and suffering in Ukraine, this does not mean Ukraine can suddenly be labeled as an extension to American founding ideals.

We, the free people of the world, can absolutely support a country that is currently defending itself, but we don’t need to pretend that Ukraine is something that it is not.

Ukraine and Russia might sport separate flags, and they might currently play for different Great Power teams, but the two nations are not so different, after all. On the governance scale, both countries rank as two of the most kleptocratic and corrupted countries on earth. In Russia, oligarchs have heavy sway over the economy and politics of the nation. The same applies in Ukraine, where the sitting president was elected as the mere patron of a powerful oligarch. The average Ukrainian struggles mightily under this unfair, broken system. Ukraine is a country of abject poverty, where the average citizen earns around $3700 bucks a year.

In 2021, Ukraine’s President Zelensky, facing declining poll ratings, took it upon himself to place his foremost political rival under house arrest, while shutting down opposition television networks, all in the name of “national security.”

Why don’t Russia and Ukraine get along? Well, sometimes they do. Ukrainians often elect both pro-West and pro-Russia candidates to higher office. Western governments, in recent history, have not supported when the latter situation occurs, sometimes fomenting clandestine color revolutions to seek their exit from politics in Ukraine. ...

Ukrainian leaders now seem committed to trying to drag their Western partners into face to face conflict with Russia. Ukrainian politicians have a lot to lose, including, potentially their lives, so their desperation is somewhat understandable.

Ukraine might be winning the propaganda war, but the war on the ground tells a different story. Russia continues to secure access to the sea, and it will soon succeed in completely cutting off Ukrainian forces. Russia might be facing heavy sanctions, but its armies continue vacuuming up territory in Ukraine.

So far, NATO (the United States military) has rejected intervening and they should not intervene, because World War 3 is not worth it. But powerful western interests in Washington, D.C. and Brussels are attempting to use Ukrainians as pawns for a longstanding political campaign against Moscow. The massive weapons shipments continue to arrive in western Ukraine, with hopes that Ukrainians will use them in a long campaign against Russia. I hope Ukrainians recognize this, and refuse to act as human sacrifices for these campaigns.

Ukraine, facing a tug of war between Russia and the West, has a way out of the mess, if only its leaders choose to accept the reality it is facing.

Putin’s terms are pretty straightforward.

The recognition of Crimea as part of Russia

The demilitarization of Ukraine

Given that this is Russia’s initial approach, Ukraine can probably find some flexibility on the second demand. Though key to the agreement will come through Ukraine recognizing some geopolitical realities, like the fact that Crimea is most certainly gone, and that the pro-Russia separatist regions in Ukraine want nothing to do with Ukraine.

Since its modern recognition in 1991, Ukraine has remained bogged down by corruption, bad governance, and damaging foreign influence. Should Ukraine truly commit to remaining neutral, the country can reset relations with its neighbors and one day become a free and prosperous nation.
106   Patrick   2022 Mar 2, 9:39pm  


Follow the money: how Russia will bypass western economic warfare
The US and EU are over-reaching on Russian sanctions. The end result could be the de-dollarization of the global economy and massive commodity shortages worldwide.
107   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 2, 10:35pm  

Pepe is more than a little Over The Top but the idea that Russia has no options but the West was invalid 20 years ago.
108   charlie303   2022 Mar 3, 3:53am  


Covid seems to be on the way out so why develop International Vaccine Passports?
Are viruses developed in biolabs and unleashed on the unsuspecting public to contain population and implement control?
Would the sheeple resist if they knew or would they just obediently believe what the media and big tech and Govn told them to believe and do?
Would many just go along with it anyway? Surrender their freedoms because they just can't be arsed?
Don't believe what you see in the media about damage in Ukraine, that is the Deep State inflicting war on its own people for propaganda purposes.
The hidden war will soon be out in the open and the truth will hit the sheeple like a nuclear bomb.
The Deep State Cabal will fall.
To the victors the spoils.

109   charlie303   2022 Mar 3, 3:57am  


At 1:40 she says 'We fight for the New World Order'.
What is this New World Order she speaks of?
She's Klaus Schwab's bitch! Like that woman who was involved in PM Johnson's staged press conference.

Remember not only will you own nothing and be happy but you will be presented with the illusion of democracy in order to be more easily controlled.

Sad that so many fell for it.

111   RWSGFY   2022 Mar 3, 7:49am  

The very thing Putler and Xitler repeatedly named as their wettest dream. Hmmm. Are they working hand-in-glove with WEF to undermine the US? Seems to be the case.
112   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 9:26am  


Putin: Ukraine is Russia
Zelenskyy: Ukraine is Europe
Biden: Ukraine is Iran
115   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 9:45am  


Putin understands America’s moral decay
He and Xi Jinping think we’re weak and dissolving from within. Could they be right?

March 2, 2022

Last October, Vladimir Putin aired a speech to the Russian nation chiding the United States for its moral decay. He observed an America “blotting out whole pages” of its history, pursuing “reverse discrimination against the majority in the interests of minorities,” and renouncing time-honored values in an effort at “public renewal.”

“It’s their right, but we are asking them to steer clear of our home,” he warned. “We have a different viewpoint.” This iteration of family values and conservative critique went barely noticed by the American press at the time.

Comparing current social chaos in the US to 1917 Russia, Putin declared that “the fight for equality and against discrimination turns into an aggressive dogmatism on the brink of absurdity,” resulting in thought controls that are sometimes “tighter and stricter than what the Department of Propaganda of the Soviet Communist Party Central Committee did.” The perverse desire to “eliminate the whole notion of men and women,” and to insist that children believe this, he concluded, comes close to a “crime against humanity.”

The Chinese government likewise observes rapid deterioration in Western societies, an increase in racial discord, rising crime rates, family breakdown, vandalism, and political extremism that it believes results from an excess of individual freedom.

Putin and Xi know. After decades of coercive, doctrinaire multiculturalism, abundant sexual follies, and anti-white calumny, the US has arrived as an aggregation of races, ethnicities and social classes that have little in common and that don’t like each other much.

Both Russia’s and China’s leadership think the West’s reigning spirit is at best unsteady and frivolous, and at worst depraved; either way it’s a disposition to discourage in their own societies. Even Hollywood’s and Silicon Valley’s power brokers must be privately amazed as to how easy it is to control childlike minds with buzzy ads, electronic games, and emotive news, a manufactured world of celebrity, dreams and magic.

Putin and Xi must laugh like jackals when Yahoo “news” features “comedian” Chelsea Handler, the pride of Martha’s Vineyard and Bel-Air, “skiing topless with a joint in one hand and drink in the other.” She’s celebrating her forty-seventh birthday, plugging her 2022 national tour, “Horny and Vaccinated.” They do not see Chelsea as kicky or fun. From Jeff Koons’s $97 million “Rabbit” to the freakish Sam Brinton, nuclear wastes overseer, the American surrender to morbidity must appear to both heads of state proof-positive of stage-four terminal capitalism.

Putin is a cold-blooded realist, untouched by smiley-face politics, with memories of 18th-century empire, still stewing over Soviet reversals. His authoritarian, highly nationalistic style and assertive foreign policy seek to rebuild the Russian sphere of influence in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, not reestablish Soviet ideology. What he must think when America’s vice president, Kamala Harris, announces, “We won’t be silent about race. We won’t be silent about sexual orientation. We won’t be silent about immigrant’s rights. These are the very issues that define our identity as Americans.”

Americans at the top and the bottom of the social pyramid detest — or feel complete indifference toward — the nation’s classical, Christian, and Anglo-European foundations. Talk of commonwealth and common culture are rhetorical flourishes that inspire only the innocent and naive. We’re all in this together, go the jingles, but we’re not, not right now, least of all the woke plutocrats and their allies who see opportunity in wrecking old authorities.

The fish rots from its head. The New York Times’s 1619 Project calls for “reframing” American history and civics as the story of white supremacy and black subjection. Domestic terrorist-turned-sage Angela Davis comes to Andover to tell the nation’s future leaders they are being schooled on stolen land. Episcopalian bishops, Harvard deans, Ford Foundation executives, and Met curators climb onboard the crazy train, as style dictates. Holland Cotter over at the Times — on the day the US folded in Afghanistan — wondered whether “historic works of art can be considered exempt from modern moral scrutiny,” condemning “gender-based power plays” in Titian and Veronese’s mythical allegories. ...

The functional, well-adjusted, and normative give up, flee, or seek enclaves where they and their children can be secure, where streets are clean and neighbors are civil, and where schools teach basic academics unencumbered by anti-white or anti-American feeling. Despised yeomen acquiesce in their lost status, or turn in vain to Donald J. Trump for salvation. Half of the nation resists deracination. The other half turns it into a mission.

What feels edgy and liberating at the top gets rank and seedy fast in slums and backwaters, the grim places where big trucks and beaten-up RVs are parked on the neighbor’s lawn. At a time in the nation’s history when almost one of two newborns is born out of wedlock, insisting on firm family ideals is politically impossible.

The insensate and criminal are not just a few vagrants and sociopaths, living in shadows, facing universal pity and contempt. The welfare state has been feeding clients and their children for three or four generations, and its subsidies have not produced a better, stronger people grateful for their nation’s largesse and security. ...

Testing Western resolve is bound to continue. Putin and Xi know their rivals are poorly positioned politically and psychologically to confront austerity or force, the Ukraine invasion being one early probe into geopolitical power. For now, it’s chilling to think that Putin and Xi might perceive America’s internal weaknesses more clearly than most of the nation’s own ruling class.
116   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 3, 10:04am  

Patrick says

So, let's run with the premise that Trump was the only one standing in the Russia's way (which seems to be the case considering that Putler was sitting quietly through his term). What would Trump do? He did provide weapons and he did impose meaningful sanctions on the fuckers' gas infrastructure. So would he do more of the above and what's being done now? Less?
117   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 10:16am  

Dunno what Trump would do, but i'm quite sure that Trump did not have a son taking bribes from Ukrainian gas companies. Biden did, and Pelosi, and Romney, and Kerry. Funny how they're all Democrats.


Fierce reaction from the Biden thing when a journalist asks a question about "his" son and the connection to Ukraine.

I suspect that the war is somehow partly about the truly extreme and open corruption of powerful Democrats in Ukraine.
118   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 10:23am  

Biden: Ukraine is Iran. Except with thousands of nuclearheads and the nuclear triad.

This is the Neocon position.

The real question should be: Who at State and which National Security Advisors that let it get to this point will be fired?

If there's no shakeup, you know that our Government's motivations are contrary to pursuing calmness and order, but have other motives.
119   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 10:29am  

French President Macron believes 'the worst is to come' after call with Putin
Emmanuel Macron held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin over the phone on Thursday in a bid to ease tensions between Russia and Ukraine. According to a French official, the pair spoke for 90 minutes, with Putin telling Macron that the conflict was "going according to plan." A source present described the tone of the phone call as "pessimistic" and "not-so-friendly." As Russia's invasion of Ukraine enters its second week, Kherson mayor Ihor Kolykhaev told NBC News Thursday that the city had been captured by Russian forces. After more than a full day of continuous shelling, hundreds are feared dead in the port of Mariupol, the deputy mayor said. Explosions have been reported in the capital Kyiv and heavy shelling in the country's second city, Kharkiv.

UPDATE: A bulleted quote in the annotation below was inaccurately attributed and has since been removed.

Source is Twitter Feed, attributed to AFP.
120   richwicks   2022 Mar 3, 10:31am  

Patrick says
Dunno what Trump would do, but i'm quite sure that Trump did not have a son taking bribes from Ukrainian gas companies. Biden did, and Pelosi, and Romney, and Kerry. Funny how they're all Democrats.

Romney isn't a democrat, not that he's much of a Republican.

Don't fall for the Republican / Democrat BS - maybe 5% of ALL of congress isn't totally corrupt.
121   charlie303   2022 Mar 3, 11:02am  


The very thing Putler and Xitler repeatedly named as their wettest dream. Hmmm. Are they working hand-in-glove with WEF to undermine the US? Seems to be the case.


The WEF is working to undermine the US as a superpower.
Do you think Biden is running the show? Who controls Biden? Klaus Schwab of the WEF / Davos crowd controls Biden and the top democrats / RINOs.
Who appoints DAs throughout America? George Soros is a key member of the WEF.
Who controls vaccines? Faucci and Bill Gates both key members of the WEF.
Who appoints the Troika of the European Union? Or the Head of the European Central Bank? Klaus Schwab.
Big tech was promised control of the Central Bank Digital Currency if they went along with the Great Reset.

Who pushes climate change? The WEF, John Kerry is a member of the WEF. Greta Thunberg's handler is a Rothschild.

Putin does not want the USA to be the only super power - there is truth in that.
America has sort to humiliate Russia since the end of the cold war rather than create strong economic ties.
America has pushed NATO right up to Russian borders to threaten her.
Ukraine is full of bio labs,
Ukraine is corrupt. How did Hunter Biden get a job in the C-Suite of a top energy company there? Because he's the smartest guy in the room?
Human trafficking is ripe in Ukraine.

Putin is not waging war against the Ukrainian people.
He is waging war against the Deep State Cabal that controls Ukraine from behind the curtain.
The media censor and distort the truth.
Any violence in Ukraine is committed by the Deep State and/or private mercenaries/local gangsters to deceive.
Putin has not levelled the country like America did to Iraq or as what happened to Germany during WW2.

The same Cabal seeks to control Europe and America from behind the curtain. To form a One World Govn in the UN.

The Cabal has influence and money and controls the media but they do not have a military.
Putin has waited long enough and has moved in to rid Ukraine of them.

He does not care for America but he does not want America to fall to a communist overlord, which is what was happening.
After a financial collapse most of America would have gladly accepted Govn Universal Basic Income as the future and The Republic would have fallen.
America is currently fighing a culture war for her soul, many being useful idiots in that fight.

Plans have been difficult to implement because of the second amendment.

Up next
Taiwan merges in to China.
Economic Collapse
Covid vaccine truth.

Know who the enemy is. Viewing the world through the USA v Russia lens is antiquated.
The enemy is the Cabal.

The truth will come out this year.

122   richwicks   2022 Mar 3, 11:19am  

charlie303 says
The truth will come out this year.

Pffft. No it won't.

Everybody in high levels in business and government have betrayed the public, and that includes the military. This shit will end, provided, there's a revolution, and not before.
123   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:27am  

I agree, the truth cannot come out while the guilty parties are in power and in control of the media, which they are.
124   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:28am  


Chinese officials in early February asked Russian officials to wait until the Winter Olympics in Beijing had concluded before sending troops into Ukraine, U.S. officials said, according to a report.

A Western intelligence service collected the information before the invasion and the U.S. considers it credible, according to the New York Times. The intelligence reportedly shows that China had some knowledge of Russia's plans.

The U.S. and its allies reportedly used the information to help determine when Russia might invade.

The Olympics ended on Feb. 20 and Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine on Feb. 24.
125   mostly reader   2022 Mar 3, 11:58am  

> Patrick

It makes total sense that the two are in cahoots and that current invasion has been planned for years if not decades. It also aligns very well with the theory which I laid out earlier: most likely, Russia now auditions for the job of one of the tough guys to do China's bidding in the upcoming east-west confrontation, and Ukraine is one remaining obstacle on that roadmap.

Who do you think was behind destruction of US cities in these last years? If it wasn't China/Russia pulling strings then their intelligence agencies should be fired, so well it worked into their hands.
127   charlie303   2022 Mar 3, 12:58pm  

mostly reader says
> Patrick

Who do you think was behind destruction of US cities in these last years?

Who allowed the BLM riots?

Who told the police not to arrest rioters nor climate change protesters but to arrest instead covid lockdown protesters?
Does Putin or Xi control American Law Enforcement?
Who gave that order?

The top Democrats bending the knee and wearing African scarves. The Governors hoping Trump would send in the National Guard so they
could claim he was a dictator and request UN assistance.
Were they controlled by China and / or Russia?
Was the disastrous pull out of Afghanistan China's and Russia's doing?
The Southern border?
The energy dependence?
Russia, Russia, Russia as Rachel Madcow would say?

Who did the media support without question during the riots?
The media ran Russia, Russia, Russia stories against Trump.
Are they controlled by Russia in some kind of reverse psyop?

There is a hierarchy of control behind this, a structure of control.
Nearer the bottom are those who may genuinely believe in Socialism because they have had a poor deal from all of the Fed money printing.
There are many at the bottom who sincerely believed they were following in Martin Luther King's footsteps and being civil right s activists.

But not at the top.

The Cabal sits at the top.

128   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 1:03pm  

mostly reader says
Who do you think was behind destruction of US cities in these last years? If it wasn't China/Russia pulling strings then their intelligence agencies should be fired, so well it worked into their hands.

China. It's been admitted they seek to change the plots and characters in Hollywood films they fund. Meanwhile they all but banned Single Moms and Soyboys in Chinese Media, putting a cap on them and requiring them to be shown having difficulties in life due to being weak or making bad choices.

Russia doesn't have the cash to do this. Pro-CCP groups exist on almost every college campus; they are few to no Putin Forever groups.
129   Reality   2022 Mar 3, 1:03pm  

Reminding him of the Siege of Budapest in 1944?! Did Soros just remind everyone that in his youth he was fighting/working for the real original Nazis?
130   🎂 AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 1:04pm  

Reality says
Reminding him of the Siege of Budapest in 1944?! Did Soros just remind everyone he was fighting/working for the real original Nazis at that time?

Counting the property of Fascist Concentration Camp attendees was the happiest time of his life, according to Soros. Never expressed regret, either.

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