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Patrick says
Did this guy die?
Patrick says
Did this guy die?
but even with effective vaccines you cannot achieve "herd immunity."
Wow. Not only are the jab shots ineffective, but even with effective vaccines you cannot achieve "herd immunity."
The people who shut down schools and threw kids into total isolation would now like to inform you of the consequences of their decisions
ALX 🇺🇸
Never forget what they did to mothers trying to feed their children in restaurants because they didn’t have a “vaccine card”
Louis Timotius
Replying to
Disinfect a motorbike
I was just thinking about who I was in March 2020 before this all kicked off. I was a middle aged single woman living in nyc working in healthcare never really thinking about politics too much at all. My career was extremely rewarding, I had a solid friend group and at that time I was fed up with the growing social unrest as far as identity politics. I started noticing it 5 years ago and I avoided any discussion about it at all costs because I felt like it was divisive bullshit. Other than that I didn't have any serious issues with how things were going. I wasn't a trump hater or a supporter. I don't have a TV so I never got wrapped up in that insanity.
Now, ff three years later. I have zero trust in any institution and most people. I see many fellow citizens as a threat to my sovereignty. I once trusted most Dr's because I work in Healthcare and I had a good network of people who were vetted. Now I wouldn't go to a Dr unless it was a critical situation. I will go to dr's in Chinatown but not western dr's.
Any time I hear the word "expert" I assume they are trying to manipulate me into acting in a way they've been asked to convince me to do. Anything "global" raises red flags for me. Anything 'smart" is spying on me and wants to control me.
I feel the impermanence of everything sharply. Nothing is a sure thing or a guarantee anymore. It never was but this took it to a new level. I realized my life can be ruined by faceless bureaucrats at the drop of a hat. Most people seem extremely naive and docile to me. People I once looked up to have deeply disappointed me. I never realized how easily controlled most humans are. Maybe I was once one of them? I guess I was.
I am now 1 out of 1, 324 people in my neighborhood of 37,000 people who are unvaccinated. I survived military grade propaganda and the worst abuse and bullying of my life and came out intact. At least physically, definitely not mentally. I don't regret a thing. I saw a level of evil and cruelty I never imagined existed. I feel like I have lived through a low grade 1938 Germany and anyone who doesn't like hearing that should have tried living in New York City and resisting all of this and then get back to me on that.. There were times I feared I wouldn't be allowed to buy food. I have a friend who is a petty criminal and he assured me I wouldn't go hungry and not to worry. That was surreal.
As of yesterday I am now a licensed NYC pistol owner which is even more rare than being unvaccinated. I waited two years for this. People told me it would never happen but it has. After being afraid of crime and having the government possibly knock on my door to force vaccinate me (they tried this in 2019 with children during a fake measles outbreak) I FINALLY understood why people feel the need to be armed. This too is something I never imagined I'd do. I was once a simple minded dope who didn't understand why guns were neccesary. I wanted them gone. Now I want a collection. Hopefully I will absolutely never need to use a weapon for the remainder of my life but I now feel that I need to be prepared for absolutely anything because all common sense and human decency are off the table it seems that we are living in lawless times.
I now feel like I am the wish.com version of Sarah Connor. I don't even recognize who I once was. I am making new friends, planning a move out of state and I know I will never see the world like I used to. My goal is to live out the rest of my life in a peaceful place with like minded people and nature to enjoy. I will absolutely never ever trust any organization or agency and most people ever again. My measure for who I can trust is how you acted over this past three years. That tells me who you are deep down. If you were scared and masked and took the shot but you did NOT force this on others and you were against passports and people losing their jobs and being banned from society I'm OK with that. I hope I can mellow out from all of this but at this point I am reacting to all of this in a way that seems expected considering I have been in a fight or flight state living in the belly of the beast for this entire time.
Gretchen Whitmer admits banning the sale of seeds was going a little too far.
"It was February and no one was planting anyway"
Remember carboard cutout fans in stadiums?
The German pandemic ends as scheduled; nothing will ever be the same
You cannot confine, repress, terrify, and coerce an entire nation for three years, and afterwards maintain any hope of returning to the world as it was before.
Browbeaten virus pest Karl Lauterbach has declared the pandemic over, just before the last German virus ordinances are set to expire. That whole storm of lies, restrictions, exaggerations and panic, which descended upon us like a hurricane three years ago, has now been withdrawn, with vastly less fanfare.
It’s awkward; nobody wants to talk about it.
The German pandemic is not ending because the virus is suddenly safer or because the vaccines have saved us or because we finally masked our way into a world free of respiratory pathogens. No, it is ending according to a timeline established last Fall, which idiotically synced virus restrictions to winter tyre rules. In this way, our rulers finally abandoned all pretence that their measures were anything more than public health theatre, performed to soothe the feelings of terrified ageing urbanites. Even that schedule proved hard to maintain, and the most visible and obnoxious restrictions had to be withdrawn months ago, as all political energy finally drained from the farce. What remains are vestigial mask mandates for care homes and clinics. After tomorrow, these institutions will be permitted to set their own rules. ...
The years since 2020 have proven that all it takes to confine the entire civilian population of a Western country to indefinite house arrest, is a viral pathogen no worse than pandemic influenza. With the right media campaign, the state can close schools and most of the economy, force millions to accept dangerous and ineffective medications, all with the support of a substantial majority of the voting public. Constitutional protections, democratic freedoms, bills of rights – these don’t matter, they are worthless. All you need is a sufficiently scary virus and they can be immediately set aside. That is not how freedom works. None of us will ever forget this.
I now feel that I need to be prepared for absolutely anything because all common sense and human decency are off the table it seems that we are living in lawless times.
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And now they want "amnesty".