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As if to acknowledge the ultimate failure of the pandemic narrative, multiple government officials have suddenly (and perhaps begrudgingly) started to back away from their original positions. However, instead of admitting they were wrong and apologizing to the public, they are instead trying to rewrite history and claim that they were actually against many of the measures and restrictions they implemented.
Trans mania will peter out, as did the hysteria around COVID. It's not a matter of if, but of when, although a great many lives will likely be destroyed in the meantime.
When the spell breaks and the progressive masses withdraw their support for mutilating children and the mentally ill, it is unlikely they'll examine what they got wrong or check in on those they've savaged.
Instead, self-absolved of all wrongdoing, they will glom onto the next lunatic fad, just as the American left did after Krushchev spoiled their red dream in 1956. If the pandemic and its aftermath are any indication, they will do so seamlessly, painlessly, and uncritically.
It is important that those responsible for the mutilations that have already taken place do not go unpunished or at the very least unnoted — particularly not the physicians who violated their oaths, the parents who violated sacred trusts, the teachers who transformed schools into breeding grounds for transgenderism, the organizations that turned victims into lifelong dependents, and the lawmakers who made it all possible. ...
Nevertheless, it is critically important that Americans, particularly those on the right, take every lawful measure possible to hold the butchers, druggists, and propagandists to account, especially since recent history indicates they are unlikely to independently assume any responsibility whatsoever.
Readers more creative than I will no doubt come up with more effective ways, but I figured I'd at least proffer one half-measure.
America presently puts those who prey upon children on sex offender registries.
Registered offenders have to introduce themselves when moving into an area. They are searchable in a database so that parents, employers, and others can "identify location information on sex offenders living, working and attending school not only in their own neighborhoods but in other nearby states and communities."
In lieu of torches and pitchforks, I propose a nongovernmental sex-change offender registry to draw what Alexis de Tocqueville would call a "formidable circle" around those who were ready and willing to sacrifice children to the Moloch of our age – around officials and persons once or still in positions of authority who championed child mutilation, mutilated children, or directly profited from kids' transmogrification.
Such a registry would provide parents with the knowledge and confidence that they aren't leaving their children in a classroom, doctor's office, or other setting with a maniac. The registry might, for instance, dissuade parents from enrolling their child in a particular school. Alternatively, it might prompt them to select a school whose staff didn't spend the past several years trying to transition minors. ...
By actively naming and shaming those who today advocate for the medical maligning of children, it may be possible to chasten the bandits and possibly spare America a few more scars.
There is still a large part of the population still wearing masks.
Let’s play werewolves and other board games!
[ . . . ]
Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 2:00 PM to Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM PDT
Every week on Sunday
Rengstorff Park
1931-2057 Crisanto Ave · Mountain View, CA
For the safety of society and everyone, please don't come if you were sick or had any symptoms, please send me a picture of your vaccine card or show it to one of the hosts upon arrival. (Highly encouraging people to take the booster shot!)
Accountant I/II – Office of Retirement Services - (2300560)
[ . . .]
Per the City’s COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccination Policy, the City requires all employees starting on or after February 11, 2022 to provide proof of vaccination as a condition of employment absent a documented medical and/or religious exemption. Proof of vaccination means that employees are required to be “up-to-date” with regards to the COVID-19 vaccine. Consistent with the Santa Clara County Public Health Order issued on December 28, 2021, "up-to-date" means that employees are required to be vaccinated with the entire recommended initial series of a COVID-19 vaccine (two doses of the Pfizer, Moderna or Novavax COVID-19 vaccine or a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine).
Job: Accounting, Fiscal and Budget
Schedule: Full-time
Employee Status: Regular
Job Type: Standard
Job Posting: May 4, 2023, 12:27:40 PM
“Whites Only” still the rule at the City of San Jose:
Posted May 4 (three days ago):
I have made sure this has been saved by the Wayback Machine:
We will not forget.
“Whites Only” still the rule at the City of San Jose:
Posted May 4 (three days ago):
I have made sure this has been saved by the Wayback Machine:
We will not forget.
Get a lawyer to do it pro-bono, have the lawyer keep all the money.
richwicks says
Get a lawyer to do it pro-bono, have the lawyer keep all the money.
"Pro-bono" means free, even if there is an award. "Contingency" is where the lawyer collects only on successful award.
Covid Retrospective Series, Vol. 1
Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum
"Media: The Unvaccinated Are Scum"
All vaccines and medications, are unsafe until we have scientific proof that they are safe and effective.
Remember when this moron, this inept incompetent stupid idiot so called journalist at CNN, Don Lemon, said that the unvaccinated should be left out of society & shunned? Do not forget this nutcase
CNN host Don Lemon called on Americans to shun "stupid" unvaccinated people on Wednesday, saying they should be left behind because they were "harmful to the greater good."
Remember when Austria confined UNVACCINATED to their homes, while the government knew full well for the data was clear, that there was no difference between the vaccinated & unvaccinated in terms of viral load & transmission; it is for these draconian COVID lunatic policies that we do not forget. We get accountability and justice. We drag these demonic government people into proper courts
When it was socially acceptable to say vicious things about the unvaccinated and to loudly demand that they lose their jobs and the right to mingle freely in society, opinionators like Leonard Pitts, Jr. went all in. According to Pitts, who apparently gets a lot of his scientific information from “The Daily Show,” the people who refused a Covid shot were “dumb,” “conspiracy-addled,” “gullible,” and literally a threat to his life. You’re a “menace to society,” he declared, and shouldn’t be allowed to go to the bank, shop in the grocery store or appear in public without having gotten a Covid shot.
... Well, the joke’s on you, Leonard. Almost everyone who got a Covid shot has already gotten Covid. Some have gotten it twice, thrice or more. ...
As far as we’re aware, Petulant Pitts has yet to apologize for what he did and said, or in any way make amends. It makes one wonder what he thinks of the notion of a “pandemic amnesty.” As he put it back in 2021, “you’re asking us to choose between your petulance and our lives. And that’s really no choice at all.”
NEVER FORGET: Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIE – Video
NEVER FORGET: Nancy Pelosi Swore She Had “Cold Hard Evidence” of Collusion Between Russia and Trump Family – A COMPLETE LIE – Video
Scarf lady Birx went from “This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the COVID vaccine,” to “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines"; how could she change her story completely yet media run silent on the fact she LIED & misled public
We collect verified documents from Freedom of Information Act Requests, legal discovery in court cases, public government databases, and other sources.
Our team of curators reviews the captured discovery, adding metadata to enable it to be easily searched and retrieved, and to connect the dots between policy makers and others.
Our experts in medicine, law, and research add relevant cross-references and material facts to the documents and records.
We publish the curated, reviewed documents and evidence in an accessible web-based search interface.
“I’m sick and tired of hearing Democrats whining about Joe Biden’s age. The man knows how to govern. Just shut up and vote to save Democracy.” — Rob Reiner, Hollywood savant
Since 2020, we have witnessed charming, well-educated, “civilized” people all around us — especially from what my husband calls (as others do) “the laptop class” — reveal, during ‘lockdowns” and medical tyranny — a side that is, bare teeth and all, nakedly sadistic.
Now, as our stunned society slowly tries to set itself upright from having wallowed for nearly three years in an irrational, animalistic seizure of hatred and cruelty — as it struggles to settle its hat and to brush the dust and mire of the gutter off of its suit, and to straighten its necktie — few indeed from that group want to glance back at the Lord of the Flies-type scenes of savagery that these “civilized” people cheered on.
But we who were targeted know what happened and cannot forget it. We click, sometimes ruminatively, on compilations in social media of “respectable” politicians, comedians, talk show hosts, and thought leaders, avidly stating that they wished we would just die, that we should be denied medical care, that we should be locked indoors forever, lose our jobs, and so on.
We — the targeted — must reckon with the traumatizing fact that we were on the receiving end of cruelty which the perpetrators seemed really to enjoy.
Remember all of those affluent ladies (so often affluent ladies) — total strangers — who gestured wildly at you to pull your mask up over your nose? What was their energy like? Almost eager, almost erotic, right?
They liked it. They liked the power.
Remember the tone of the society hostess who told you that you can’t come to a private event at a major philanthropist’s penthouse — because “he is being careful”? Was there a bit of a thrill, a sensual savoring, for the hostess, of the words that excluded you, and that included all of them?
Remember the stories of disabled children who came home from schools, weeping, with their masks tied to their faces by their special education teachers? Remember the tone of the elementary school principals who told anguished parents that there was nothing that they could do about the forced masking, or about kids being socially exiled in full view of the class for shamingly-structured weekly testing? Remember the Ivy League deans who told distraught parents that there was nothing they could do about mandated mRNA injections that had been tested on only eight mice? Recall the hospital administrators who told miserable adult children that they could not sneak Ivermectin to their elders, or even hug them?
They were sorry, but there was nothing they could do. Remember that?
“We are just following CDC guidelines,” all of these gatekeepers parroted, not noticing, or choosing not to notice, the famous phrase, from about 85 years ago, that this recalls.
His is also the first show to announce a Covid vaccine mandate for audience members
HeadSet says
richwicks says
Get a lawyer to do it pro-bono, have the lawyer keep all the money.
"Pro-bono" means free, even if there is an award. "Contingency" is where the lawyer collects only on successful award.
I stand corrected and will remember that.
Both statements are correct. There are some wealthy attorney's that do legitimate pro-bono work for a cause they believe in. I have a friend that does patent law but does pro-bono criminal on the side. She got a guy out of prison because the cops coerced admitting he killed someone. She didn't and doesn't want a dime from the future settlement.
She is 55ish and makes $500k/yr, husband makes $180k as a government employee. No kids. So attorney's that do work for no pay do exist. Extremely rare though. Most doing pro-bono are looking to get at least 30% of the cut if a payout is ever given. AND they still have to have faith in the case. You have to find someone like the women I mention or a young scrappy attorney looking to make a name for something high profile in your area.
I do not mind these mandates at all, for theater, for sports, for movies, for restaurants, PROVIDED they are not enforced by the government. This is voluntary, just boycott.
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And now they want "amnesty".