What I Won't Forget

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2022 Mar 3, 12:35pm   127,219 views  804 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


What I won’t forget:

How they said it would be two weeks.

How they shut down churches but kept abortion clinics and weed stores open.

How Canadian pastors were arrested.

How doctors in lab coats knelt to mobs of rioters while ppl weren’t allowed to visit their loved ones.

How a criminal had four funerals while others weren’t allowed to bury their dead.

How cities were destroyed while the people sworn to uphold our Constitution cheered on the destruction.

How the CHAZ was called a “summer of love” but the trucker convoy was called terrorism.

How Kamala petitioned for bail for the terrorists destroying small businesses in Minneapolis.

How dirty DAs in Portland released vandals and arsonists night after night for over 100 nights.

How San Francisco and Seattle have devolved into living hells of drugs and filth.

How children have worn useless cloth masks for two years, delaying their development and causing physical harm, and some leaders and pastors can’t be bothered to say this was wrong.

How Francis Collins and Anthony Fauci betrayed the American people and are still called heroes.

How thousands of people lost their jobs over a therapy that doesn’t even prevent infection or transmission.

How people who resisted this therapeutic intervention have been demonized and dehumanized.

How many of my fellow countrymen would cheer if I died.

How ppl in cities were cut off from society if they wouldn’t show their health papers — and this was seen as righteous and good by all the experts and many of our fellow countrymen.

How children sat in front of screens for months and we called it “school.”

How Joe Biden has threatened, bullied, castigated, and demonized his citizens while claiming to be a “decent guy” and a “uniter” compared to the other guy.

How dementia patients died alone in nursing homes after already having recovered from Covid.

How people were denied safe, effective treatments because those treatments had been politicized, and they died on ventilators apart from their families.

How parks and hiking trails were shut down and police stationed there to keep families away.

How people fled blue states.

How thousands of employees have been forced to sit through brainless trainings that make them feel divided from their fellow countrymen on account of skin color.

How public school children have been groomed into gender confusion.

How 13yo girls have had their breasts removed.

How billionaires and politicians were involved with a man who trafficked children for sex, how he mysteriously died in prison, and none of them will ever be prosecuted, but…

blue collar ppl were arrested and had their assets frozen for peacefully protesting govt overreach.

How overdoses have increased ~30% this year.

How some governors still won’t relinquish emergency powers.

How we’ve been conditioned to view freedom as selfish.

How speaking against the establishment may cost your job or reputation — this in a “free” country.

Our government and other establishment voices would like to sweep all this under the rug.

The have been disastrously, fatally wrong. Don’t forget.

And now they want "amnesty".

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423   HeadSet   2023 Jun 9, 7:12am  

WookieMan says

The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.
424   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 9:17am  

WookieMan says

I just really don't understand why they require a vaccine at colleges. Like really think about it. The students are probably dishing out AIDS, herpes and other STD's that have life long effects on the body. The flu for a young person needs a mandated vaccine that doesn't work? I'm burned out on covid and the topic is basically dead here in the midwest. I feel for you CA people though. It's just not a big deal anymore at all where I'm at. I only talk about it here.

They require the toxxine at colleges not to protect students who are 100% safe from Wuhan Virus, as not one reasonably healthy person that age has died from it. The reason is to make profits for Pfizer and to get students used to obeying obviously harmful stupid rules on demand.

It should still be a topic in the midwest. It should be THE topic forever, until everyone who mandated it is hanged. You may think that will never happen, but hanging the bastards can happen if we all keep the focus on it. Also, simply talking about it helps to protect all of us from a repeat.
425   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 11:03am  

HeadSet says

WookieMan says

The classes aren't difficult if you attend and stay sober during the day. I never had a difficult college class that challenged me.

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.

Correct. I have an EE degree and a different opinion.

You cannot pass in engineering school without working your butt off, and maybe not even then. Some of the classes are deliberately made hard enough that a certain percentage will fail.

I learned that you have to make friends in engineering school, particularly with the Chinese students who already have degrees in China, but are just getting an American degree for increased legitimacy.

I also learned that the Chinese students cheat and they coordinate the cheating with each other. Maybe not all of them, but I don't recall running across any Chinese student opposed to cheating. I think it's just a cultural thing. They would call it "realism".
426   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 11:05am  

stereotomy says

Recently, I had to call a medical provider about billing for some procedures my wife underwent. They told me they couldn't tell me because HIPPA. I said "Wow, it's so nice that you're now following the law, unlike during the plandemic where everyone's vaccine status was public knowledge. Keep up the good work."

Thank you @stereotomy

We should all be doing this.
427   WookieMan   2023 Jun 9, 11:51am  

Patrick says

WookieMan says

I was a history major though.

Engineerinng types may have a different opinion.

Correct. I have an EE degree and a different opinion.

As I said, STEM degrees are different and the only reason to go to college in today's age. I gave no shits for math or science outside of the forced courses. I was planning the attorney route and said fuck it. Poli Sci minor and History major. Use neither outside of saying I did it. Waste of time and $$$.

Cheating is rampant in college. I did it and got caught. Nothing happened. It's like when I talk about debt. Nothing actually happens. Everyone is so scared. I got caught and could have moved to a new university in weeks and gotten accepted. They just want my fucking money. Has nothing to do with education or teaching you. Until you realize that, you'll continue to be brainwashed.
428   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 12:04pm  

WookieMan says

It's like when I talk about debt. Nothing actually happens.

I worked with a guy at Wells Fargo who would get all the credit cards he could, max them out, and then default. As it was unsecured debt, the credit card companies couldn't do anything but take down his credit rating.

Then seven years later, when his credit was clear, he would do it again. He didn't care about his credit rating.
429   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 12:08pm  

WookieMan says

They just want my fucking money. Has nothing to do with education or teaching you. Until you realize that, you'll continue to be brainwashed.

I agree 100%.

Universities really don't care about you at all.

The right way to fund college education is by promising 10% of your pay for 10 years after college. Then the college has a motive to really help you. If you take out loans, you'll probably be paying that 10% anyway, maybe more.
430   WookieMan   2023 Jun 9, 3:02pm  

Patrick says

Then seven years later, when his credit was clear, he would do it again. He didn't care about his credit rating.

Bingo. It's what blacks do if I'm being honest. They don't care about evictions or credit. Guess what. They survive.

Not joking when I say I know people that committed suicide because of debt. It doesn't matter. The only thing it does defaulting is limit future borrowing as you mention for 7 years. Generally less. Most could get a home loan in 4 years even after a foreclosure.

The key is communication. NEVER, EVER answer your phone and acknowledge your name. Especially if you don't recognize the number. Never say yes. I get that can be hard if you're in business and have random calls all the time. Be a dick. "Hey is this John Doe?".... "Why are you asking?" Never say yes or your name on a phone call unless you know the reason/person for the call.

I only answer maybe 10-15 phone numbers if I get a call. All others go to voicemail. If it's important, and I assume it's from my inner circle of family or friends I just don't answer. 90% of calls I get don't leave a message. Get fucked.
431   Patrick   2023 Jun 9, 3:33pm  

I pretty much never answer my phone unless I recognize the caller. Hell, I just leave it in airplane mode in a drawer most of the time.
432   Patrick   2023 Jun 11, 2:06pm  


It finally happened
Someone who'd ostracized me during Covid said it out loud: "You were right. Never again."

JUN 11, 2023

It was maybe the most humiliating moment of my Covid life.

Summer 2021, the Twitter-ban era: a friend of one of our kids came to our house to play. When they realized I - not my wife - was supervising, the child’s parents told us they were uncomfortable and would retrieve their kid immediately.

They weren’t joking. They arrived in minutes. They made a three-point turn in our driveway so they were facing out and wouldn’t spend any extra seconds close to me.

I watched their child run to their car, watched it disappear down the road, thinking: Now my kids are paying the price, too.

Yesterday the mother of that child told me I’d been right about the lockdowns - and about Covid generally. The conversation wasn’t long, but it was long enough. 2020 and 2021 had been incredibly difficult, she said. She didn’t like how frightened she’d become, she hardly recognized the person she’d been, and she felt only now had she recovered.

What if they do it again, I said. You know next winter, or whenever, they’re going to try.

The mom didn’t laugh. She did something better. She smirked. No way, she said. No masks, no lockdowns, she was done with all of it. Yes, you were right, she said, but your tone was assholish sometimes -

I know, I said -

But you know, I feel kind of assholish these days too, she said.

She’s the first person I know personally to flat-out admit I was right. I thanked her, and I meant it. I was surprised how good the vindication felt.

Our kids hang out again now, too.

We’ll talk about the mRNAs another time.
433   HeadSet   2023 Jun 11, 5:59pm  

Patrick says

We’ll talk about the mRNAs another time.

Maybe after you are being loaded onto the Paddy Wagon after she pointed out to the Patrol where you were hiding.
434   WookieMan   2023 Jun 11, 10:23pm  

Patrick says

I pretty much never answer my phone unless I recognize the caller. Hell, I just leave it in airplane mode in a drawer most of the time.

I would do the same with airplane mode, but kids...kind of hard. Especially right now in summer when they're roaming the town. In a blink of an eye I'll have 10 damn kids here from 10 other parents. Most are well behaved though it's just the calls/texts to send Billy or Fred home from the parents. We caved and the oldest took over an old phone of mine and nephew has one.

Always said before kids they're not getting one until they can drive. lol. Caved in 12 years. It makes life so much easier.
435   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 9:21am  

WookieMan says

Caved in 12 years.

You ain't the only one. When I pass the bus stops, I see groups of kids looking at their phones rather than talking to each other.
436   GNL   2023 Jun 12, 11:27am  

Make no mistake about it, these phones are, overall, terrible. 8 year olds are viewing porn. Wow. Government always talks about doing things for the children but they can't do anything about porn?
437   Patrick   2023 Jun 12, 11:38am  

Maybe the government is controlled by people who want children to be looking at porn, people like John Podesta with his creepy child-porn art.

But there is a danger in that the same mechanisms used to ban porn could be used to ban political dissent.
438   HeadSet   2023 Jun 12, 1:57pm  

GNL says

Make no mistake about it, these phones are, overall, terrible. 8 year olds are viewing porn.

Are 8-year-olds even interested in porn? Just the giggle factor of seeing someone's butt. "Hey look Mikey, that man is bare!!"
439   GNL   2023 Jun 12, 2:48pm  

HeadSet says

GNL says

Make no mistake about it, these phones are, overall, terrible. 8 year olds are viewing porn.

Are 8-year-olds even interested in porn? Just the giggle factor of seeing someone's butt. "Hey look Mikey, that man is bare!!"

I remember when porn magazines were displayed in these racks and I was able to pick them up and look through them. I was not even in 8th grade yet. I watched my first porn movie (Stiff Competition) at about that same age. I admit to having had an addiction for decades after that.

440   GNL   2023 Jun 12, 2:48pm  

No bueno.
441   RC2006   2023 Jun 14, 9:55am  

Never forget the park ranger in a car with a mask on telling my kids and I hiking in 90+ degree temps with nobody around to leave because we were not wearing a mask. Fuck the libs that posted on neighborhood Facebook about us jumping fence to play in park. Fuck libs for all the stress they caused my family with school closures. Fuck them for putting the last nail into CA. Fuck Joe Biden for empowering companies to fire the unvaccinated.

Thank you libs for going so far that it woke up so many people that the government is out to fuck us.
442   GNL   2023 Jun 14, 10:28am  

HeadSet says

Are 8-year-olds even interested in porn? Just the giggle factor of seeing someone's butt. "Hey look Mikey, that man is bare!!"

I don't think it is something to take lightly. Along with porn issues, I ran into more problems in HS. I mentioned it some time ago but, in HS I had more sex than I can remember. It was a boarding HS but, the girls loved to give blowjobs. I never had sex sex. Lots of blowjobs though. Any addiction is a bad addiction.
443   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 1:59pm  

GNL says

I mentioned it some time ago but, in HS I had more sex than I can remember. It was a boarding HS but, the girls loved to give blowjobs. I never had sex sex. Lots of blowjobs though.

I think people on this blog would be hard pressed to see a downside here. Blowjobs are like crack, only takes one to get you "addicted."
444   GNL   2023 Jun 14, 2:25pm  

HeadSet says

GNL says

I mentioned it some time ago but, in HS I had more sex than I can remember. It was a boarding HS but, the girls loved to give blowjobs. I never had sex sex. Lots of blowjobs though.

I think people on this blog would be hard pressed to see a downside here. Blowjobs are like crack, only takes one to get you "addicted."

Too much to discuss but addictions aren't good. Also, at that age with those experiences add up to a heightened sense of self importance. It took me a long time to realize that. Think about porn actors. Does anyone think their lives are great?
445   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 3:23pm  

GNL says

Think about porn actors. Does anyone think their lives are great?

Porn actors are not engaged in sex any more than the Gilligan's Island cast is engaged in remote island survival.
446   stereotomy   2023 Jun 14, 4:06pm  

GNL says

Too much to discuss but addictions aren't good. Also, at that age with those experiences add up to a heightened sense of self importance. It took me a long time to realize that. Think about porn actors. Does anyone think their lives are great?

I played in lots of bands with many very talented musicians. One guitar player, who was a finger picking fool (he could nail Johnny Winter or any other guitar player), had become addicted to porn in middle or high school. He pigged out girls because that's what porno sex is like. He was good looking and very personable, but part of him was broken, and it really hurt his ability to have a functional relationship with a woman.

I suppose he was ahead of his time. Nowadays, chicks are all into BDSM and such shit. Still, porno exposure creates an unreality illusion that people are fucktoys. I personally think teh wimmins are more susceptible to this type of brainwashing, but porno is as bad as hetero child molestation for warping the minds of boys/young men as to what sexual relationships should be.

True story - I knew this guy who was a fucking beast (completely ripped), but a damaged, perhaps psychopathic individual. He had been molested by his female babysitter around the age of five. He told me that she made him eat her pussy, but he objected, saying "I don't want to, it stinks!" After enough molestation, he soon got in trouble at school for trying to play doctor with girls. Later in life, he was on a mission to, in his words "Pig out" women. He once got two girls who were sisters high on weed and made them do incest lesbian sex for his amusement.

I think there was a good reason that porn was banned for centuries. It damages minds and emotions. There are some things that many humans should never see because it will warp them in ways they can't control.
447   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 6:00pm  

stereotomy says

Nowadays, chicks are all into BDSM

I dated lots before I got married, and never ran across any of that. That was long ago, but still.
448   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 6:08pm  

stereotomy says

porno exposure creates an unreality illusion that people are fucktoys.

Yes, from watching the "hydraulic" movies we used to see on alert, one would think all woman are bisexual. But in the locker room talk over the years, I never heard of any guy who was able to get his girlfriend/wife to go along with a 3-way or do another girl. We were all well into adulthood when on alert, so nobody took the films seriously. They were actually more comical than erotic, especially with all the comments from the audience.
449   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 6:12pm  

stereotomy says

I think there was a good reason that porn was banned for centuries.

Centuries? I guess you are including books. Porn is actually still banned for under 18, but in this day of computers it is impossible to enforce.
450   Patrick   2023 Jun 14, 6:20pm  

I'm strongly opposed to easy availability of porn for children, but I'm yet more worried that porn will be used as an excuse to eliminate political websites which dissent from the Homo-Globo Empire's absolute control over earth.
451   HeadSet   2023 Jun 14, 6:42pm  

Patrick says

I'm strongly opposed to easy availability of porn for children, but I'm yet more worried that porn will be used as an excuse to eliminate political websites which dissent from the Homo-Globo Empire's absolute control over earth.

Any such ban would apply to under 18. It may not be that damaging if under 18 were blocked from seeing political sights. Not optimal though.
453   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 7:53pm  


flashback friday: one law for thee, another for me
a compilation of how seriously our "leaders" took their own rules

Video a bit too long to post.
457   The_Deplorable   2023 Jun 21, 4:24pm  

According to Michael Hiltzik of the Los Angeles Times: "Mocking anti-vaxxer's deaths is ghoulish, yes - but necessary."

Heh...! there are no "anti-vaxxer deaths" because the unvaccinated used HCQ, Ivermectin, Artemisin, budesonide etc to treat Covid and never injected themselves with the mRNA toxin! Mr. Hiltzik is hallucinating.
459   Patrick   2023 Jun 22, 4:24pm  


The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.

For the first time in American history a president, governors, mayors, hospital administrators and federal bureaucrats are determining medical treatments based not on accurate scientifically based or even experience based information, but rather to force the acceptance of special forms of care and “prevention”—including remdesivir, use of respirators and ultimately a series of essentially untested messenger RNA vaccines. For the first time in history medical treatment, protocols are not being formulated based on the experience of the physicians treating the largest number of patients successfully, but rather individuals and bureaucracies that have never treated a single patient—including Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, EcoHealth Alliance, the CDC, WHO, state public health officers and hospital administrators.[23,38]

The media (TV, newspapers, magazines, etc), medical societies, state medical boards and the owners of social media have appointed themselves to be the sole source of information concerning this so-called “pandemic”. Websites have been removed, highly credentialed and experienced clinical doctors and scientific experts in the field of infectious diseases have been demonized, careers have been destroyed and all dissenting information has been labeled “misinformation” and “dangerous lies”, even when sourced from top experts in the fields of virology, infectious diseases, pulmonary critical care, and epidemiology. These blackouts of truth occur even when this information is backed by extensive scientific citations from some of the most qualified medical specialists in the world.[23] Incredibly, even individuals, such as Dr. Michael Yeadon, a retired ex-Chief Scientist, and vice-president for the science division of Pfizer Pharmaceutical company in the UK, who charged the company with making an extremely dangerous vaccine, is ignored and demonized. Further, he, along with other highly qualified scientists have stated that no one should take this vaccine. ...
462   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 24, 11:25am  

I might be a prick, but I didn't get the prick!

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