The Nazis in Ukraine are Real

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2022 Mar 12, 7:00pm   36,180 views  230 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Some videos and articles attest to the extreme brutality of those fanatics; and the Western media's denial that there ARE Nazis in Ukraine makes all of them accomplices to crimes against humanity

Mark Crispin Miller

Here we are again, struggling to inform the hypnotized of facts that, though they need to know them, they don’t want to; only now it isn’t scientific data that they angrily blow off, though it could save their lives, but facts of recent history that they indignantly dismiss, though it could save us all from nuclear annihilation.

The videos and articles below make clear that (a) there are Nazis in Ukraine, that (b) they’ve been committing horrifying crimes against humanity in East Ukraine, and, therefore, that (c) all who are now parroting the media’s heroic jive are hailing Nazi criminals, whose racist ideology and wildly brutal violence have been obscured completely by this witless, all-or-nothing celebration of “Ukraine.”

Thus we are reliving the dark days of 2014, and the dark years thereafter, when the glaring evidence of Nazi criminality enabled by the US coup was systematically blacked out, and even pointedly denied, by “our free press”—most notably the New York Times, which, back then, set the tone for the vast whitewash that the media are now conducting daily. (For the best critique of that grave journalistic failure, or complicity, read Robert Parry’s Ukraine coverage in Consortium News.


And—speaking of the Times—this moment also harks back even farther, to the Thirties, when the Nazi terror in Germany was largely whitewashed by the Gray Lady and most other Western media, so that those who were aware of what was happening under Hitler, and grasped the urgency of waking people up to it, did all they could to spread the word. Those few heroic efforts included the British publication, in 1936, of The Yellow Spot, an anonymously authored exposé of the anti-Jewish persecution launched as soon as Hitler came to power, and, in France, the intrepid journalism of Phillipe Soupault (who was imprisoned by the Nazis in 1940).


(On the New York Times’ Nazi-friendly reportage—especially by the Hitler-smitten Otto Tolischus—see Ashley Rindsberg’s indispensable The Gray Lady Winked: https://www.thegrayladywinked.com/.)

For a good retrospective on the Nazis in Ukraine since the so-called “Maidan revolution” in February, 2014, see Eric Zeusse’s comprehensive article in Global Research (link below); and/or watch, and read, the grim material noted here, if you have the stomach for it.


(Whereas the ongoing celebration of “Ukraine” by “our free press” is classic propaganda, just like the Allied propaganda over “Belgium” in World War I, or the US/British propaganda over “Kuwait” in 1990, the harrowing material described herein is not propaganda, since propaganda isn’t buried here and there, requiring disinterment by some lone professor, and his underpaid assistant, for the enlightenment of a few thousand people reading Substack. Any “propaganda” that takes so much effort to dig up may, certainly, be questioned, or doubted, or found to be inaccurate or false; but “propaganda” it most certainly is not, unless it should be systematically deployed as such.)

From Dylan Harnett:

When people receive these links, they should know that these aren't necessarily safe sites to go on. I recommend having anti-malware software on your computer and to disable pop-ups. You might want to disable cookies as well. Surf the web at your own risk.

Website with hours of footage--some of it extremely graphic--from the 2010s of and about Ukrainian authorities' crimes against civilians in Eastern Ukraine

Lots of footage, including a few Ukrainian girls doing Nazi salutes; hundreds of Ukrainians in a stadium jumping up and down and chanting "whoever doesn't jump is a dirty moskal" (slur against Russian people); accounts from the people of east Ukraine of the shelling by the Ukrainian authorities; and graphic footage of corpses. DISTURBING:


Documentary Donbass by Anne-Laure Bonnel


It starts with Poroshenko in 2014 saying, "We will have work and they [people in east Ukraine] will not. We will have pensions and they will not; We will have benefits for pensioners and children and they will not; Our children will go to school and their children will stay in the cellars. Because they can't do anything. And that's how, precisely that, we will win this war."

September 10, 2014. "Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing 'ISIS-Style' War Crimes." Newsweek.

The article mentions "images of what appeared to be the severed heads" of two civilian separatists--presumably killed by Ukrainian nationalists--that went viral on social media in 2014. Oddly enough, those images have become difficult to find. If you have information about where to find them, please contact us. https://www.newsweek.com/evidence-war-crimes-committed-ukrainian-nationalist-volunteers-grows-269604?source=patrick.net

Ukrainian extremists (probably the Neo-Nazi ones though I am not sure) brutally torture an anti-war, pro-separatist, and Jewish MMA fighter named Maxim Ryndovskiy

An article that does not show the unsettling images or video of the torture: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2022/03/09/umma-m09.html?source=patrick.net

Disturbing video of the torture:

Twitter avatar for @politblogme
Maria Dubovikova
In Kyiv, local [I don’t know to fucking call them] extremists caught and brutally torture a famous Ukrainian athlete, MMA fighter, Maxim Ryndovsky. All his fault is that he trained with the Chechen club "Akhmat".
March 5th 2022

"Right Sector" Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Tried to Assassinate Politician Vyacheslav Sobolev, But Instead, They Killed His Three-year-old Son


Video of Alleged Ukrainian Nationalists Stopping a Civilian in His Car, then Gunning Him Down When He Tries to Run. The date was February 26, 2022 (purportedly or actually).

WARNING: Do NOT go exploring on the site at the link below unless you are ready to avert your eyes from some really weird, gory videos. If you click on the link and don't scroll further down than the video, you will just see lots of porn ads. But that's the least of it. If you were to click on other parts of the site, or if you just scrolled down directly below the video, you might come across images that you will quickly try to erase from your memory. The site's audience are probably sadists who enjoy to see things that would be repugnant to most people. (It's called "alivegore" for a reason.) The porn ads are so big that when you click on the link you will basically see nudity right away. Porn sites might pop up on your computer without your knowledge:

NSFW, GORE https://alivegore.com/war/2947-nationalists-with-weapons-in-their-hands-terrorize-local-residents-kyiv-ukraine.html?source=patrick.net

It's the 2nd video when you scroll down. The 1st video shows more alleged Ukrainian nationalist soldiers, who appear to threaten a civilian at gunpoint.

Tank shoots at civilians in the street. Supposedly the tank is Ukrainian-nationalist.

SEE THE ABOVE WARNING ABOUT THIS SITE. NSFW, GORE. https://alivegore.com/war/2935-bmp-4-of-ukrainian-nationalists-shoots-from-a-cannon-in-the-city.html?source=patrick.net

A Billboard allegedly reads "Zelensky Stop Shooting At Civilians, The Russians Are Not Here" in Russian
SAME SITE, SAME WARNING APPLIES. NSFW, GORE: https://alivegore.com/war/2960-the-inscription-in-russian-zelensky-stop-shooting-at-civilians-the-russians-are-not-here.html?source=patrick.net

Maxim Yarosh, Prominent Azov member, beats up a woman.


Ukrainian nationalists barging into the house of, being rough with, and kidnapping a man who allegedly keeps weapons for the separatists.

There is some debate in the comments--in the Ukrainian language--about whether the man really kept weapons for the Separatists or not.

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6   mostly reader   2022 Mar 13, 10:52am  

It must suck to be a Nazi in Ukraine. They are fighting tooth and nail, blood and guts, for their Jewish president. Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance.
7   Tenpoundbass   2022 Mar 13, 10:55am  

So what is Scott's take on Ukraine?
8   FarmersWon   2022 Mar 13, 11:15am  

I am surprised that astute commentators like @patrick not see sabotage by both Putin and NATO to steal the rights of people by spreading hatred.

Wars fought by elites are anti people .
Only Good wars are when elites are hanged for their crimes.
9   Patrick   2022 Mar 13, 12:56pm  


I'm not a Putin fan. I would not want to live under his rule in Russia.

But he does seem to be the enemy of our WEF/globalist enemies.
10   Tenpoundbass   2022 Mar 13, 1:59pm  

In America Journalist stand behind Ukraine, In Ukraine the Ukraine army stands behind them!

"The Ukrainian authorities said he was killed in a suburb that has been the site of intense shelling by Russian forces in recent days, but the details of his death were not immediately clear, the Times added."

OK, so I do hope that the Authorities that Be, do realize, that if the aggressor is shelling an urban target. Then they wont physically be there to shoot anyone in the back of the neck or head(as conflicting reports have it.)

Also for a day it has been reported that he was a NTY reporter, now they say he's not working for them, but the State Department as a spy.

Shot in neck

Shot in back of head
11   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 13, 2:52pm  

mostly reader says
It must suck to be a Nazi in Ukraine. They are fighting tooth and nail, blood and guts, for their Jewish president. Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance.

Not even the German Nazi's exclusively targeted the Jews. Only Zionists have pushed that viewpoint. The common theme between German Nazi's and all Nazi's who have followed is racism against anyone not of their ethnicity. In Ukraine, given their past with Russia, it makes sense that this would be directed primarily at Russians. So if you wanted to point to Zelensky, the fact that he was raised to speak Russian might be more of a contention point that his Jewish ancestry.

But beyond that, major propaganda outlets have all unknowingly featured Nazi Ukraine troops in multiple photos. There are documents even from the US government asking to condemn these extremist Ukrainian groups as terrorists. But you ignore all of that and justify your Nazi support because the Ukrainian president has Jewish blood. Your denial is taking on a hint of desperation.
12   mostly reader   2022 Mar 13, 3:14pm  

Have to swap your points for coherency.

NuttBoxer says
So if you wanted to point to Zelensky, the fact that he was raised to speak Russian might be more of a contention point that his Jewish ancestry.
It's both. Both points are contention points, and both make it clear that "Ukrainian Nazis" are a boogieman created by Russian propaganda. I said it already, but apparently not everyone reads everything: it's not that they don't exist. They do indeed. It's that they exist in numbers proportional to those in Russia. Or possibly in US for that matter. Just looking at Zelensky should be enough to put this to rest.

NuttBoxer says
Not even the German Nazi's exclusively targeted the Jews. Only Zionists have pushed that viewpoint. The common theme between German Nazi's and all Nazi's who have followed is racism against anyone not of their ethnicity.

Given that "Final Solution" planned by Nazi Germany is not even up for discussion, I think that you just called German Nazis Zionists.
13   FarmersWon   2022 Mar 13, 6:47pm  

Patrick says

I'm not a Putin fan. I would not want to live under his rule in Russia.

But he does seem to be the enemy of our WEF/globalist enemies.

Both Putin and NATO don't care about commoner lives is very clear.
Between the two evils, Putin is still bigger one based on How he setup secret police and oligarchs to oppress people.

I remember that there were millions of people marching against war criminal Bush, But no one is allowed to do so in Russia.
There is no moral equivalence here.

In isolation, NATO is quite evil too.
14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 13, 7:04pm  

mostly reader says
"Ukrainian Nazis" are a boogieman created by Russian propaganda.

I heard Russia was behind the rigged 2016 elections, and had all kinds of connections with Trump. Before that they were the reason we needed all that defense spending in order to win the Cold War. Before that they were everywhere destroying our country and only Joe McCarthy could save us. And now they're why our economy sucks. I would bet you've even recently come to the realization they're to blame for something in your own life. Isn't it great when you realize all the worlds problems can be attributed to the boogyman.

Covidites got nothing on you.
15   mostly reader   2022 Mar 13, 8:27pm  

NuttBoxer says
I would bet you've even recently come to the realization they're to blame for something in your own life.
I'd love to take that bet. For lotz and lotz of moneyz. Can you think of a practical way to make it happen?
17   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Mar 14, 12:03am  

mostly reader says
I'd love to take that bet. For lotz and lotz of moneyz. Can you think of a practical way to make it happen?

Why are you here? If you want to just flame, and pick trivial pieces to draw people into pointless arguments, there's so many bigger forums you can do that on. Ones where you'll get all the shouting matches you can handle, and then some. What you're doing here just wastes time. Maybe we're a bit nicer here, so it's safer for you?
18   mostly reader   2022 Mar 14, 9:01am  

NuttBoxer says
Maybe we're a bit nicer here, so it's safer for you?
Please. Not the "we". Not this "seeking group cover" thing.
To your question. There are indeed plenty of nice folks here, to which I reciprocate. Or make every attempt to. Keep in mind though: what's happening now is pure evil. As of 02/23 it got hard to be nice to those who actively and aggressively promote it.
19   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 14, 9:42am  

mostly reader says
To your question. There are indeed plenty of nice folks here, to which I reciprocate. Or make every attempt to. Keep in mind though: what's happening now is pure evil. As of 02/23 it got hard to be nice to those who actively and aggressively promote it.

Didn't the COVID mandates begin in April, 2020? Two weeks to stop the spread turned into two years of useless masks, lockdowns that crushed the economy, and waves of suicide, drug abuse, and mental illness resultant from that?

Geopolitical reality is what it is. JFK risked full nuclear war to violated the sovereignity of an Independent Country to host what weapons from which Pole of the Cold War it wanted to. Nothing different happening in Ukraine.
21   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 14, 11:34am  

"Lots of footage of Nazi salutes"? Like it's hard to hire some crisis actors to pose on camera?

Same people who are certain that all the blown-up tanks and ruined apartment buildings is "CGI" are lapping up not even "footage", but empty assertions about "lots of footage" being available. Jeezus!

How about some real proof of real Nazi atrocities? It's been 8 years. Where the fuck the footage of "genocide"? Where the fuck are "mass graves", "lamp shades", "gas chambers"? How the fuck Israel is quiet if Joos are being eradicated in Ukraine? Mossad doesn't know?

Patnet has collectively lost its mind and is fucking ready to buy bridges. PM me if you want one.
22   stereotomy   2022 Mar 14, 11:47am  

Patnet has been accused of lots of things wrt the "housing boom," "Covid pandemic," "election fraud," etc. If people think that Patnet is about uncritically embracing the establishment narrative, then they are either:

a) very new here
b) an internet troll
c) sadly suffering from mental decline/alzheimers/long covid
d) incapable of using the Socratic method or logical argument
e) never really grew up
23   Ceffer   2022 Mar 14, 11:53am  

Clue: Don't waste your precious time and mental resources arguing or trying to convince:
1. Oppositional Defiants, whose glory comes from frustrating all rational discourse merely to draw attention to an aberrant point of view that they change arbitrarily.
2. "My team rah rahs". Gaslighters who defend 'their team' either through personal economics or affiliations, no matter how deceptive, dastardly, or wrong their team is.
3. Agitprop repeating stations: Individuals of louche interpersonal situational ethics who repeat fake news because they think they have a vested interest in the outcome i.e. useful idiots waiting for the bullet.
24   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 14, 11:56am  

stereotomy says
Patnet has been accused of lots of things wrt the "housing boom," "Covid pandemic," "election fraud," etc. If people think that Patnet is about uncritically embracing the establishment narrative, then they are either:

a) very new here
b) an internet troll
c) sadly suffering from mental decline/alzheimers/long covid
d) incapable of using the Socratic method or logical argument
e) never really grew up

Patnet is uncritically embrasing Russian establishment narrative. This very thread is a perfect example. Not a single previosly sceptical cunt asked a simple quiestion about proof of any supposed Nazi atrocities in Ukraine. They just lapping up whatever (constantly changing) reason for war is being offered by Putin/Lavrov/Zaharova et alia. "They were about to attack us!", ... no "There are Nazi genocide going on!", ... no "There are bioWEAPONS labs there!".... None of that has been proven, everything about all these occusations flies in the face of common sense, but it doesn't matter to our very sceptical peanut gallery.
25   stereotomy   2022 Mar 14, 11:58am  

Eric Holder says
stereotomy says
Patnet has been accused of lots of things wrt the "housing boom," "Covid pandemic," "election fraud," etc. If people think that Patnet is about uncritically embracing the establishment narrative, then they are either:

a) very new here
b) an internet troll
c) sadly suffering from mental decline/alzheimers/long covid
d) incapable of using the Socratic method or logical argument
e) never really grew up

Patnet is uncritically embrasing Russian establishment narrative. This very thread is a perfect example. Not a single previosly sceptical cunt asked a simple quiestion about proof of any supposed Nazi atrocities in Ukraine. They just lapping up whatever (constantly changing) reason for war is being offered by Putin/Lavrov/Zaharova et alia. "They were about to attack us!", ... no "There are Nazi genocide going on!", ... no "There are bioWEAPONS labs there!".... None ...

You have not yet selected the proper response from the choices enumerated.
26   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 14, 11:59am  

stereotomy says

You have not yet selected the proper response from the choices enumerated.

I'm not playing childish games, pal.
27   stereotomy   2022 Mar 14, 12:32pm  

I guess your answer, by way of psychological projection, is (E).

I merely restated the patently (pardon the pun) obvious purpose of Patrick's blog since the beginning. If you're not comfortable with that, or you think it's unfair, then that's a bone best picked with @Patrick.

I take a stand now for civil, logical discourse, at least here, because I know that it is respected.

The games you are playing are best won when playing with children. Perhaps more mature games would be more fruitful?
29   Shaman   2022 Mar 14, 1:06pm  

Eric Holder says
"Lots of footage of Nazi salutes"? Like it's hard to hire some crisis actors to pose on camera?

Same people who are certain that all the blown-up tanks and ruined apartment buildings is "CGI" are lapping up not even "footage", but empty assertions about "lots of footage" being available. Jeezus!

How about some real proof of real Nazi atrocities? It's been 8 years. Where the fuck the footage of "genocide"? Where the fuck are "mass graves", "lamp shades", "gas chambers"? How the fuck Israel is quiet if Joos are being eradicated in Ukraine? Mossad doesn't know?

Patnet has collectively lost its mind and is fucking ready to buy bridges. PM me if you want one.

Strong words for someone advocating nuclear war with Russia as a policy point.
I can’t decide if this is naive, stupid, or hopelessly ignorant? Naive would be thinking we can continue provoking Russia forever without major consequences. Stupid would be thinking a nuclear war wouldn’t be that bad. It would be apocalyptic, in fact. Even if you’re part of the 1.5% of Americans who survive, you’ll wish you hadn’t.
And ignorant would be not understanding the situation in context and seeing how dangerous the moment truly is.

Which one fits you the best?
32   Patrick   2022 Mar 21, 11:16am  


Western media have attempted to all but deny the existence of neo-Nazis in Ukraine, alleging that Russia’s goal to de-Nazify Kiev is not possible because Ukraine’s president is Jewish. But what is to be made of an Israeli Jew openly calling himself the co-founder of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion?

Kiev’s infamous Azov Battalion, officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine, has been widely acknowledged as a neo-Nazi volunteer paramilitary force. It has also been connected with foreign white supremacist organizations. In addition to this, the far-right, neo-Nazi and white-nationalist members in its ranks have even been criticized by the likes of Human Rights Watch and the United Nations for human rights abuses.

Despite the well-documented history of racially motivated crimes and attacks on Ukraine’s LGBTQ+ community, the battalion has been indirectly and continually armed by Western powers.

In June 2015 the United States and Canada banned the support and/or training of Azov by their forces, specifically citing its neo-Nazi connections. However, the following year the U.S. lifted its ban owing to pressure from the Pentagon. In 2019, The Nation magazine published an article in which it was stated that “[p]ost-Maidan Ukraine is the world’s only nation to have a neo-Nazi formation in its armed forces.” All of which is to say that Azov can conclusively be labeled neo-Nazi. ...

Prior to Azov becoming an integrated part of the Ukrainian military, the group was funded primarily by Ukrainian oligarchs, the most well known of whom was Igor Kolomoisky. Kolomoisky is of Jewish heritage and is an Israeli citizen and well-known billionaire businessman. Despite his being a Jewish Israeli, he had no problem pouring money into neo-Nazi volunteer militias such as the Azov and Aidar, among other far-right groups that feature elements hostile to Jewish people.

Although the Jewish president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is often held up by mainstream Western media as proof that there is no problem with neo-Nazis in Ukraine, he himself received financial backing from the same oligarch – Igor Kolomoisky – who was financing neo-Nazis. Zelenskyy’s presidential bid in 2019, which saw him win 73% of the vote, was successful on the basis that he was running in order to combat corruption and create peace in the country but, as the leaked documents known as the Pandora Papers revealed, he himself was storing funds in offshore bank accounts. Zelenskyy’s campaign was at the time boosted and bankrolled by the Israeli-Ukrainian-Cypriot billionaire Kolomoisky – who was himself accused of stealing $5.5 billion from his own bank.
33   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 21, 11:35am  

Patrick says

Kiev’s infamous Azov Battalion, officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine, has been widely acknowledged as a neo-Nazi volunteer paramilitary force.

Acknowldeged by who? Same people who "acknowledge" Trump's supporters as "white supremacists"?

I've asked this question many times and all Putin's parrots keep dodging it: what evidence of Azov being Nazis exists beyond some sign which reminds somebody something? Azov has existed for 8 years already being formed as a response to Russian attack on Ukraine in 2014. It did not exist before that. Where are the mass graves of Joos? Where are the lampshades? Gas chambers? Anything? Bueller? Eight fucking years and all we hear is "but look at their patch!". Eight years in the times when everyfucking body and his dog have a hi-res camera in their pocket. Where is your famous skepticism? It evaporates the minute you hear that sweet Putin's voice in your ears, LOL.

PS. And besides, how big is a battalion? 500? 1000? Is existence of 1000 people supporting "wrong" ideology a justification to attack a 40-million country, displace 10 million (and counting), kill 2000+ civilians (and counting)? Really?
34   mostly reader   2022 Mar 21, 12:18pm  

Patrick says
he himself received financial backing from the same oligarch – Igor Kolomoisky – who was financing neo-Nazis.
Patrick, I don't even know how to break it to you. Igor Kolomoisky is also a Jew.

Eric Holder says
Acknowldeged by who? Same people who "acknowledge" Trump's supporters as "white supremacists"?

This would be a good point to question the sources which push this neo-Nazi agenda. Yet I totally expect a different result on patnet, in the form of yet another conspiracy convolution.
35   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 21, 12:52pm  



500 is a bona fide battalion:

"A U.S. Army battalion includes the battalion commander (lieutenant colonel), executive officer (major), command sergeant major (CSM), headquarters staff, and usually three to five companies, with a total of 300 to 1,000 (but typically 500 to 600) soldiers."
36   stereotomy   2022 Mar 21, 1:59pm  

Par for the course - the US went from subsidizing NAZI's and executing Patriots (Ruby Ridge, Waco), to executing Patriots (Covid "Vaccines") and supporting NAZI's (Ukraine).
37   clambo   2022 Mar 21, 4:34pm  

Maybe so, since neither one is going to affect me in any negative way.
39   richwicks   2022 Mar 23, 12:07pm  

Be VERY careful with MEMRI.

Remember the claim that Iran wanted to "wipe Israel off the map"?

They have no such idiom in Iranian. What they were (reportedly) saying was that the Zionist government must go away, that it would collapse in time. There was lots of discussion about it at the time.

MEMRI has no problem mistranslating, and it's run by Yigal Carmen, an ex-IDF officer in the intelligence section. All intelligence agencies of the "western world" deal with disseminating propaganda. Something that has always bothered me is that the literal text of what is being spoken is never provided, which would allow an astute researcher to go through the pain of translating themselves, word by word.
40   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 23, 12:12pm  

Remember, the Palestinian Leadership, like the UVF/IRA in the 80s and 90s, or Colombian "Right Wing" Militia and "Communist" Groups, doesn't want a solution. They like it just the way it is, so they're only partially responsible for running things, can steal lots of UN Aid, delay elections years past they're due (if ever in the case of Hamas), and grift and whinge for more $$$. ALL of them have palaces and penthouses from Paris to Dubai. Even Villas in Gaza and Ramallah with 20 rooms and 6 bathrooms. KGB Agent Aref of "Plantation" (Big Farm) aka Yassir Arafat owned properties across France and the MENA, including a multimillon dollar place in Paris; Abass is worth tens of millions, and Haniyeh of Hamas is estimated at $3 Billion.

Not repairing the water treatment plant means big money selling bottled water, despite plenty of cash annually to do so.

This is why they always say "no" without offering a counter offer and walk away from the table; it's why the Arab-Israeli negotiations without Palestinians are so important.

You'll hardly meet a Palestinian Family in the West that doesn't own multiple properties with multiple citizenships and residencies, because of this grift. Remember Omar Mateen's wife? He signed the property over to her and she actively and knowingly helped him plan attacks; her family is based in Cali and owns multiple properties worldwide. So does Linda Sarsour, both her and her husband's families own plural buildings in Brooklyn and across the US and Jordan. Often in multiple countries. Yet they claim to be refugees, and their special Grift UNWRA, which excludes them from the normal Refugee rules (residency, much less citizenship, in any country removes refugee status) that every single other group is under from the Sudan to Bangladesh.
41   richwicks   2022 Mar 23, 12:41pm  

AmericanKulak says
This is why they always say "no" without offering a counter offer and walk away from the table; it's why the Arab-Israeli negotiations without Palestinians are so important.

There's no serious attempt at a solution on either side, both governments (as in all governments) are corrupt.

Every "negotiation" is never intended to be met with a solution. If either side was interested in a solution, offers would be made public AS they were being made. If the Palestinians were given a solution THEY could accept but the leadership refused it, the leadership would have their heads on silver plates.

Neither power structure wants a solution.
42   Eric Holder   2022 Mar 23, 3:31pm  

stereotomy says
Par for the course - the US went from subsidizing NAZI's and executing Patriots (Ruby Ridge, Waco), to executing Patriots (Covid "Vaccines") and supporting NAZI's (Ukraine).

Finally, somebody knowledgeable! Maybe you can explain why USA was supposedly supporting Globohomo Joos and NAZIS in Ukraine simultaneously? If Ukraine is supposedly a proxy to attack poor defenseless Mother Russia and US have installed the Globohomo Joo government there why does it supposedly simultaneously support NAZIS who famously hate everyting Globo, Homo or Joo?

So far nobody could crack this puzzle for me.

All these 3 things can't be true at the same time, so which one is false?
43   richwicks   2022 Mar 23, 6:26pm  

Eric Holder says
If Ukraine is supposedly a proxy to attack poor defenseless Mother Russia

You keep making this strawman.

I don't think anybody feels sorry for Russia, or thinks it's under attack.

Preemptive war is a doctrine the United States normalized and made internationally acceptable because "we can't wait for the final proof to come in the form of a mushroom cloud". Russia is just doing a preemptive war because Ukraine refuses to agree not to join NATO.

Rules are set by precedent and George W. Bush established that precedent.

The US establishment is just happy to restart the Cold War and gin up the money machine making weapons that if we ever were to use, would end civilization. That's what they want, and that's what they finally got. The more Ukrainians and Russians that die in this stupid war, the greater the enmity will be created. The US will supply Ukraine with as much weaponry as they can, right on down to 5 year old kids driving tanks, and firing ManPADS.
45   Shaman   2022 Mar 24, 3:08pm  

At this point I think it’s being driven by military industry lobbyists who want to sell weapons that will be given to Ukraine. They don’t have a pet battlefield to supply since Biden shut down their Afghan operation. So this is like life support for the MIC.

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