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Which Russia? The one which can't defeat a 22nd army in the world? This Russia? LOL
Which Russia? The one which can't defeat a 22nd army in the world? This Russia? LOL
At least China was smart enough to not let anybody see their emperors's new clothes up close and backing out of self-inflicted stupid move over Pelosi's flight to Formosa...
Eric Holder says
Which Russia? The one which can't defeat a 22nd army in the world? This Russia? LOL
The United States has been in a proxy war in SUDAN for the last 9 years.
It was just US propaganda that China cared if she went to Taiwan.
BEIJING - China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday issued a statement on Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi's visit to China's Taiwan region. Following is the full text of the statement:
On 2 August, in disregard of China's strong opposition and serious representations, Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited China's Taiwan region. This is a serious violation of the one-China principle and the provisions of the three China-US joint communiqués. It has a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations, and seriously infringes upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. It gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the separatist forces for "Taiwan independence". China firmly opposes and sternly condemns this, and has made serious démarche and strong protest to the United States.
Even if you say so it's still irrelevant: Ruscia is in a full-out combined arms war, not a proxy war. Exactly like war we fought against Saddam's regime twice. And won in days, not month. Whereas unwoke ungay unpaper untiger Ruscian military can't even gain significant ground after almost half a year of war for which it actively prepared for 10 months.
If we are to enter Sudan's capital we'd be there in one week tops. Maybe two. Maybe 3
Ruscia is not in Kyiv after 170+ days. Not in Kharkiv either (less than 30 miles from the border). Not it Dnipro, Odessa, Zaporizzha, Mykolaiv.
Combat ready? Pentagon to host 'transgender and non-binary' gender inclusion and pronoun usage workshop
Woke army advances the rainbow flag agenda.
Jordan Schachtel
3 hr ago
Forget about China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and other adversaries. The U.S. Army is focused squarely on getting the troops ready for the real problem with our military: the lack of transgender and non-binary inclusion, the Biden Administration’s woke Army has concluded.
Phillips P. OBrien
Professor of Strategic Studies, @univofstandrews
Was just talking with a NATO officer about the Russian Army
and asked him how long it would take the Finnish Army
to seize St Petersburg. He said, ‘not long, only problem
they’d face is that the Poles would get there first.’
The U.S. Air Force is seriously demanding that cadets stop using the words "mom" and "dad"
We really are going to lose a major war
A diversity and inclusion training by the United States Air Force Academy in Colorado instructs cadets to use words that "include all genders" and to refrain from saying things like "mom" and "dad."
Throughout the Covid related government rules imposition, even in the most liberal cities, the rules largely went unenforced with law enforcement or fire departments.
unless our close allies(uk, France, Israel, Australia, etc) turn on us, there’s no one in the world who is close to us in military technology.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Throughout the Covid related government rules imposition, even in the most liberal cities, the rules largely went unenforced with law enforcement or fire departments.
i literally know LAPD guys and fire department guys who lost jobs. and all woke shit is enforced on the rank and file. not a rumor, i talk to them often. its more fucked up than you think. its in military as well
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
unless our close allies(uk, France, Israel, Australia, etc) turn on us, there’s no one in the world who is close to us in military technology.
Man, technology can be awesome and neat, but it's high maintenance, requires high training, and it's super expensive.
Having superior technology doesn't mean you're going to automatically win.
If Russia can build a missile for $1,000 each, and the US is building missiles for $100,000 each, the US missile better fucking be 100 times more effective, at least. If it's 50 times more effective, it's a loss. The US just got their ass beat by a bunch of low tech militias in Afghanistan, what did that war cost, 5 trillion dollars? They beat the United States with gear that was more than 30 years old.
Now more than 500 LAPD officers may have retired, resigned, etc, but relatively few have been terminated. It’s actual verifiable fact. The City of Los Angeles as a whole, with 40,000 employees, fires a handful a month due to vaccine status.
As far as just the basic cops, lower level supervisors, etc….they often misquote, misattribute, and fail to actually understand policy. There’s a lot of woke lipservice, and certainly the cops are required to treat everyone fairly and respectfully, but these rules are genuinely marginally enforced. Typically only used to fuck with someone that supervisors or management doesn’t like.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Now more than 500 LAPD officers may have retired, resigned, etc, but relatively few have been terminated. It’s actual verifiable fact. The City of Los Angeles as a whole, with 40,000 employees, fires a handful a month due to vaccine status.
As far as just the basic cops, lower level supervisors, etc….they often misquote, misattribute, and fail to actually understand policy. There’s a lot of woke lipservice, and certainly the cops are required to treat everyone fairly and respectfully, but these rules are genuinely marginally enforced. Typically only used to fuck with someone that supervisors or management doesn’t like.
and im telling you it is real and if you haven’t seen it, you don’t know where to look. i literally know people who had all of this happen to them in lapd and fire.
thse are real people, people ive known for years...
Pentagon Diversity Chief Under Fire for Anti-White Posts at Center of Probe
President Joe Biden’s head racism resister in the Department of Defense is herself under fire for making racist remarks against Whites.
“I’m so exhausted at these white folx in these PD sessions,” tweeted DoDEA Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Kelisa Wing, “this lady actually had the CAUdacity to say that Black people can be racist too. I had to stop the session and give Karen the business.”
The since-deleted post was screen-captured by Fox News before its removal from Twitter.
Pentagon officials claim its review of Wing is being processed in accordance with agency protocol.
Well, when the body bags of the Patriot missile crews start coming home from the Ukey Nazi Reich, we'll find out just how true that is.
The idea that CCCP Nazi Reich Luftwaffe which hasn't crossed the line of contact since April while being opposed by mostly old Soviet hardware will suddenly somehow be able to hit Patriot batteries
Milley & this Fetish “Pup” Masks in the US military? We had Milley colluding with China against sitting POTUS Trump, we have Darth Vader Secretary Austin, now this fetish "Pup" masks? These people are destroying the US military, was the most deadly lethal fighting force in the world, feared by all, and this woke bull sh*t garbage, lead by skirt wearing Rachel Levine, ugh, grab me a barf bag!
So far so good, she has not experienced any problems from the jab.
Looks fake
The image in comment #61 is a low grade fake.
This has got to be satire or someone goofing around. That uniform has so many blatant discrepancies on it that the wearer is being a clown.
FuckTheMainstreamMedia says
Star Wars
Would it stop the new hypersonic missiles?
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