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Your observation doesn't apply to the Bay Area. Asian immigrants parachute in. They don't haul their sh*t across the pond in uhauls. They overpay for overpriced homes with overly high assessments to the homies who rent the uhauls to relocate to cheaper places. This is why we've had skewed uhaul for a long time here.
We segregate naturally.
We segregate naturally. I don't dislike Asians or blacks, but I wouldn't live in those neighborhoods.
The whites are fleeing.
Mostly all replaced / displaced by Asian immigrants who either bring money bags with them
I understand but why? Is it because of tribalism? What are the sentiments behind this?
gabbar says
I understand but why? Is it because of tribalism? What are the sentiments behind this?
Birds of the same feather, hence they stick together (or flock together)
AD says
gabbar says
I understand but why? Is it because of tribalism? What are the sentiments behind this?
Birds of the same feather, hence they stick together (or flock together)
Really? It is as natural as breathing. You just don't see it as openly as in the past. Just wait (if it ever happens) till TSHTF is a serious way. I'm pretty sure your skin will be your uniform....if it were to get bad enough.
WookieMan says
We segregate naturally. I don't dislike Asians or blacks, but I wouldn't live in those neighborhoods.
I understand but why? Is it because of tribalism? What are the sentiments behind this?
gabbar says
I understand but why? Is it because of tribalism? What are the sentiments behind this?
Birds of the same feather, hence they stick together (or flock together)
I love my friends. Some of them are extremely well off, but we’re all equal when we hangout. The ironic thing is that they all think they’re middle class. Tell me how many middle class people live in $4.5-$5.5M homes?
Eman says
I love my friends. Some of them are extremely well off, but we’re all equal when we hangout. The ironic thing is that they all think they’re middle class. Tell me how many middle class people live in $4.5-$5.5M homes?
yeah all your crazy rich asian friends
and thanks for another one of your from-rags-to-riches-asian-immigrant story :-/
Birds of the same feather, hence they stick together (or flock together)
Really? It is as natural as breathing. You just don't see it as openly as in the past. Just wait (if it ever happens) till TSHTF is a serious way.
Communication and behaviors also vary from culture to culture. The way people act, express, gesture, etc… When we hear Chinese folks talk, it seems like they’re arguing to us, but that’s how they communicate.
I’ve heard others said Bay Area people are rude. When I traveled to Portland, OR and Vancouver, Canada, I immediately noticed how nice those folks were.
GNL says
Birds of the same feather, hence they stick together (or flock together)
Really? It is as natural as breathing. You just don't see it as openly as in the past. Just wait (if it ever happens) till TSHTF is a serious way.
Please elaborate more as far as TSHTF and how people will behave.
Do you get off the west coast? If not you don't know the country.
Leave CA.
Eman says
Saw this on X and thought of this thread.
And 3 generations later, poor again.
But we choose to do this knowing we can leave if things get intolerable for us.
Eman says
Saw this on X and thought of this thread.
And 3 generations later, poor again.
Happy to see someone knows this. There’s an old proverb that states “wealth doesn’t last past 3 generations”, and there’s a good reason for it. 😅
There are exceptions of course. Looking at Trump’s family, I believe wealth should last more than 3 generations for them: Fred Trump, Donald, Ivanka, and their kids……Good for them.
in case the kids are a bunch of idiots who would piss the inheritance money away.
There’s an old proverb that states “wealth doesn’t last past 3 generations”,
Eman says
There’s an old proverb that states “wealth doesn’t last past 3 generations”,
Yep, "Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves is 3 generations." Grampa builds the business from nothing, kids live well on the profits, grandkids blow the rest supporting a lifestyle.
Did this happen to the Trump family? It’s all about the work ethic.
In this country, there are instruments that can make the wealth last for a very long time as AD alluded above for people with really deep pockets. Previous generations didn’t have this instrument so 3 generations seem about right.
Both he and his wife are well educated. They’re pushing their kids hard in schools too…Tiger parents if you will. Our common ground is real estate investments.
Eman says
There’s an old proverb that states “wealth doesn’t last past 3 generations”,
Yep, "Shirt sleeves to shirt sleeves is 3 generations." Grampa builds the business from nothing, kids live well on the profits, grandkids blow the rest supporting a lifestyle.
And by the way in case this was missed before, here is your reading assignment Eman:
AD says
And by the way in case this was missed before, here is your reading assignment Eman:
I agree with his assessments. I remember reading an article when Trump was contesting few years back that 85% of Indian descends born in US who know nothing about India aligned with salve owning/craving Dems!! I think this number can not be much different for other Asian groups. All of them are highly "educated"!
“The other, potentially more damaging assault, comes from the progressive left, which views ethnic success as socially regressive rather than a validation of societal openness.” - Since when is America against success? Out of jealousy?
Eman says
“The other, potentially more damaging assault, comes from the progressive left, which views ethnic success as socially regressive rather than a validation of societal openness.” - Since when is America against success? Out of jealousy?
Well Mister Eman, have you heard of school board member Alison Collins (who is not far from you) ? She publicly stated meritocracy is racist especially standardized testing.
She went full assault on local public schools as far as reforming them to cater more to historically disadvantaged minorities (not your demographic group, Eman).
And you may ask how that impacts housing as in home values ? It drives them down with that type of local population movement.
Then let’s find out. It is what it is. I guess they’re grouping Asians with “White privileged”. Again, it is what it is. Jealousy is a bitch. It’s always someone else’s fault why they can’t succeed in America, the land of many many opportunities.
Family Dollar is largely a local store that sells everyday needs at low price points. Dollar Tree sells things at a low price point, including everyday needs, but it also sells a wide variety of products that are more discretionary in nature. Shopping at a Dollar Tree is something of a scavenger hunt, as you look for fun products at bargain prices. While economic concerns have clearly benefited both nameplates, the scavenger hunt of Dollar Tree has been a bigger winner.
That company was pretty clear about what was going on when it held its third-quarter 2023 earnings conference call. According to CEO Rick Dreiling: "Dollar Tree is attracting customers from a broader range of income levels. Most of our new customers over the past year have household incomes over $125,000, and this income demographic was a significant contributor to Dollar Tree's Quarter 3 comp growth."
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Bond manager Mark Kiesel sold his California home in 2006, when he presciently predicted the housing bubble would pop. He bought again in 2012, after U.S. prices fell more than 30% and found a floor.
Now, after a record surge in prices, Kiesel says the time to sell is once again at hand.