housing prices peak 2

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2022 Apr 29, 9:29pm   628,925 views  6,020 comments

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Bond manager Mark Kiesel sold his California home in 2006, when he presciently predicted the housing bubble would pop. He bought again in 2012, after U.S. prices fell more than 30% and found a floor.

Now, after a record surge in prices, Kiesel says the time to sell is once again at hand.

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4892   mell   2024 May 25, 1:45pm  

The above is mostly nonsense. The open border is much much much worse financially than private equity asset stripping. Total BS. You can do that as the owner of a company, no need for wall street. You pay yourself handsomely while you run the company into the ground. People who don't trust their management should work elsewhere or look into working for coops. Lastly there are laws test limit the amount of destruction you can do.to a company before being held liable. Maybe we should explore more coops, but they come with their own drawbacks. Imagine the infighting between woke and based workers who all have a stake and a vote in the company. Nothing would get done, worse than asset stripping. Plenty of CEOs making their company and employees pretty wealthy as well. There is no magic alternative form and nobody forces the owners to sell to private equity except for their own greed. The open border is where 90% of the money is wasted, from crime to free healthcare and pressure on rents, housing prices etc. Wall Street vultures have existed since Wall Street has, and yet the US had some of its most prosperous times with Wall Street.
4893   SunnyvaleCA   2024 May 25, 1:55pm  

mell says

The open border is where 90% of the money is wasted, from crime to free healthcare and pressure on rents, housing prices etc.

Worse still, the people crossing the border are a long-term problem that will get even worse with time. The current problems are nothing compared to what taxpayers will face 20 years from now.
4894   SunnyvaleCA   2024 May 25, 1:57pm  

GNL says

I predict that property taxes will, at some point, go to the moon.

People recently buying shacks in my neighborhood already have taxes to the moon. $31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft. That pales compared to the $160k/year interest on their mortgage, but still.
4895   gabbar   2024 May 25, 2:17pm  

mell says

The open border is where 90% of the money is wasted, from crime to free healthcare and pressure on rents, housing prices etc.

There is a video of Chuck Schumer out there saying that he wants to make dream of 11 million illegal migrants come true.
4896   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 May 25, 2:29pm  

FHFA Publishes New Product Notice for Freddie Mac Second Mortgage Proposal
Washington, D.C. – Today, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) sent to the Federal Register a notice of a proposed new product from Freddie Mac to begin purchasing certain single-family closed-end second mortgages.

“The proposed activity is intended to provide homeowners with a cost-effective alternative for accessing the equity in their homes,” said FHFA Director Sandra L. Thompson. “Reviewing and considering comments from the public will be a critical component of our review as the Agency exercises its statutory responsibility to evaluate new Enterprise products.”

Freddie Mac proposes to purchase closed-end second mortgages on properties for which it already holds the first mortgage. FHFA has determined this to be a new product that merits public notice and comment about whether it is in the public interest.

FHFA invites interested parties to provide written feedback on the proposed new product. Comments may be submitted via FHFA’s website or by email to RegComments@fhfa.gov .

Once the Federal Register publishes the notice, a statutory 30-day comment period begins. After that 30-day period has ended, FHFA has a statutory 30-day period to make a final decision as to whether to approve the proposed new product.


4897   HeadSet   2024 May 25, 8:10pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

“The proposed activity is intended to provide homeowners with a cost-effective alternative for accessing the equity in their homes,”

The only way to extract equity from a home is to sell it. What the FHFA clowns are really talking about are LOANS that must be qualified for that happen to use the house as collateral. Loans that must be paid back with interest.
4898   gabbar   2024 May 26, 4:07am  

SunnyvaleCA says

$31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft.

Which city in California is this in? I have friends who live in Corona, California. Beautiful weather most day of the year but I wonder if the taxes are worth it? Both are physicians, make good money, so money is not an issue for them.

I live in Cleveland, Ohio, weather sucks. So, good weather is valuable to me. Hope to move on from here but not sure where. I guess we will follow our kid to the city where he gets his job and decides to live, there is nothing like family, even the best weather pales in comparison.
4899   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 May 26, 6:50am  

HeadSet says

What the FHFA clowns are really talking about are LOANS that must be qualified for that happen to use the house as collateral. Loans that must be paid back with interest.

Yes, it serves the bankers’ interests. More loan issuance. But the homeowner? Cards maxed out, getting slayed by inflation, suck dry the equity via a second mortgage, default, lose home. Buh bye.
4900   mell   2024 May 26, 9:13am  

gabbar says

SunnyvaleCA says

$31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft.

Which city in California is this in? I have friends who live in Corona, California. Beautiful weather most day of the year but I wonder if the taxes are worth it? Both are physicians, make good money, so money is not an issue for them.

I live in Cleveland, Ohio, weather sucks. So, good weather is valuable to me. Hope to move on from here but not sure where. I guess we will follow our kid to the city where he gets his job and decides to live, there is nothing like family, even the best weather pales in comparison.

Likely Sunnyvale as the handle ;) When I moved to the bay area for the first time decades ago the highlander apartments on Iris were my first place to stay. Had a pretty hot goth/light bdsm chick who was training to become a firefighter as roommate. Ahh the memories. All you need in the south bay in your youth is a place with a pool and BBQ
4901   B.A.C.A.H.   2024 May 26, 4:33pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

People recently buying shacks in my neighborhood already have taxes to the moon. $31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft. That pales compared to the $160k/year interest on their mortgage, but still.

Sunnyvale, do you think they made a large downpayment from their RSU's?
4905   WookieMan   2024 Jun 19, 5:11am  

zzyzzx says


Home prices begin to come down in pandemic boomtowns like Austin, Tampa

Because most retired boomers with the ability to move did so already from northern states. Tampa is kind of shitty for Florida in my opinion. It's geezerville. Bland for FL and a bunch of dickhead New Yorkers.

I don't see Austin having a big downturn unless it's really gotten that overrun by Californians and native Texans want to get away from it. Though I think that's already happened. It's the Nashville of the South. Tourist shit hole. They already had massive homelessness 15 years ago. One of the few cities I've been to a lot in Texas for work. Haven't been in a while and no intentions to again.
4907   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jun 19, 9:53am  

According to Melody Wright, delinquencies are now where they were in 2006.

4909   GNL   2024 Jun 19, 1:31pm  

Where exactly does Brylski live?
4910   AD   2024 Jun 21, 11:08pm  

GNL says

Where exactly does Brylski live?

In a $1.1 million home in New Orleans. She says it is $15,000 a year to insure. I think that is very high rate (around 1.5% of the home (replacement) value).

In the Florida panhandle I think the insurance annual rate is 0.6% of the home value.


4911   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jun 22, 10:19am  

AD says

In a $1.1 million home in New Orleans. She says it is $15,000 a year to insure. I think that is very high rate (around 1.5% of the home (replacement) value).

Insurers are raising rates a lot, lately.
4912   GNL   2024 Jun 22, 11:06am  

I have a friend in Fort Myers Florida. He’s going without insurance on a 450k home. Last week, the floods were almost to his front door literally.

He bought it as a foreclosure right before the hurricane hit. He had no insurance at that time also. He don’t care because the home needed renovations anyway. So far, he’s dodged 2 bullets.
4913   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Jun 22, 12:40pm  

gabbar says

SunnyvaleCA says

$31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft.

Which city in California is this in?

In Sunnyvale within walking distance to Apple's new spaceship campus.
Here's a recent example: https://www.zillow.com/homes/1448-dove-lane-94087_rb/19614150_zpid/
4914   SunnyvaleCA   2024 Jun 22, 12:43pm  

B.A.C.A.H. says

SunnyvaleCA says

People recently buying shacks in my neighborhood already have taxes to the moon. $31k/year for a 60 year old 3/2 of 1500 sq ft. That pales compared to the $160k/year interest on their mortgage, but still.

Sunnyvale, do you think they made a large downpayment from their RSU's?

Either a large downpayment from RSUs or from their parents. I think some people think this is like earlier times when a good strategy was to buy a house when mortgage prices were high (driving down house prices), struggle with the mortgage for a few years, and finally re-finance when interest rates are low and house prices zoom. This worked out well for me when I bought in 2004; original interest rate was something like 6% and I refinanced as low as 1.875% (I had several different 5/1 ARMs over time) while the price of the house shot up 4x. On the other hand, Apple stock price has shot up 100x.
4915   ForcedTQ   2024 Jun 22, 3:19pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

AD says

In a $1.1 million home in New Orleans. She says it is $15,000 a year to insure. I think that is very high rate (around 1.5% of the home (replacement) value).

Insurers are raising rates a lot, lately.

It’s crazy how much they have gone up, the actual rate/valuation percentage has more than doubled for us: 2017 was 0.213%, 2024 is 0.433%.
4916   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jun 22, 3:41pm  

ForcedTQ says

It’s crazy how much they have gone up, the actual rate/valuation percentage has more than doubled for us: 2017 was 0.213%, 2024 is 0.433

This...along with property taxes.
4917   HeadSet   2024 Jun 22, 3:55pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

This...along with property taxes.

My yearly house property tax recently increased by $2000. Just part of inflation, as is the increase in property insurance. The county has to pay more for employees, materials, and contactors and the insurance companies have to pay inflated material and labor costs to settle claims.
4919   HeadSet   2024 Jun 22, 6:34pm  

Around here, there is a shortage of home listed because people do not want to sell their homes. One major reason is this example:

Current home, $1,000,000 mortgage at 2% has a monthly payment of $3,696.
Downsize home, $750,000 mortgage at 7% has a monthly payment of $4,990.

Moving to a smaller home at today's interest rates actually can increase the monthly nut and that is after costs like realtor commission and loan origination fees.
4922   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 26, 11:52am  

zzyzzx says


Kanye West's Mansion Loses $18 Million in Value

This kind of stuff means nothing. These high-end mansions are not moving in sync with the rest of the market because these brain dead celebrity bimbos tend to overpay when they want something now-now-NOW!
4923   GNL   2024 Jun 26, 6:03pm  

HeadSet says

Around here, there is a shortage of home listed because people do not want to sell their homes. One major reason is this example:

Current home, $1,000,000 mortgage at 2% has a monthly payment of $3,696.
Downsize home, $750,000 mortgage at 7% has a monthly payment of $4,990.

Moving to a smaller home at today's interest rates actually can increase the monthly nut and that is after costs like realtor commission and loan origination fees.

At 7%, the move down house would have to have a $375,000 mortgage if the wanted to reduce their monthly payment by $1,300 instead of increase their monthly payment by $1,300. Wow, just wow.
4924   GNL   2024 Jun 26, 6:07pm  

zzyzzx says


Kanye West's Mansion Loses $18 Million in Value

I still have no idea how he became a billionaire. Through tennis shoes?
Edit: yep, just looked it up...tennis shoes mostly. Yeezy.
4925   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jun 26, 9:23pm  

Looking to move to a smaller place in Yuma and put the money we'll save towards travel and savings. The place we're currently in is a bit of a dream home, but we don't need so much space, and it's not very efficient when it comes to AC. Plus we don't use the pool that often, or have people over much. Even with being picky on location(won't move within two miles of any fields due to pesticide drift), there are a lot of options. The move will save us somewhere between $300 - $600 monthly.

Still wouldn't even think about buying. Renting is WAY cheaper...
4927   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 27, 12:34pm  

FL Inventory up 70% YoY.

Eric Holder says

This kind of stuff means nothing. These high-end mansions are not moving in sync with the rest of the market because these brain dead celebrity bimbos tend to overpay when they want something now-now-NOW!


The median price was skewed by a surge in sales of higher-end homes.
According to the NAR, despite the overall decline in sales, the high end was hot:

Sales of homes of over $1,000,000: +22.6% YoY
Sales of homes of $750,000 to $1,000,000: +12.9% YoY
Sales of homes of $500,000 to 750,000: +6.9%
Sales of homes $250,000 to 500,000: +1.0%
Everything below fell.
So the mix of homes that sold changed toward the higher end, with relatively fewer sales in the mid-range to lower-end homes.

The median price is the price in the middle. And this shift in mix of what sells toward the higher end pushes up the middle of the prices that sold, and thereby the median price. This is an infamous shortcoming of the median price. We discussed the mechanics, including a chart, of how median home prices are skewed by changes in the mix here.

4930   AmericanKulak   2024 Jun 27, 4:06pm  

Absolutely true in my area.

It's really not "246 days", that's when Focus Homes listed the model which is at multiple lots. Same School District and unlike Commiefornia you can send you kid to one of a dozen charter schools, there's a Classical Academy in the area. You're guaranteed the next seat if they're overcapacity and high demand charter schools get more money to hire more staff to host more students. Florida also allows flexibility for taking your kid to a school more convenient to work or equidistant to co-parenting.

There's an available model that is $256k including the plot.

Focus homes is offering an intro rate of 5-6.5% with a 20% downpayment

Is homeloaner offering that? Or will the buyer have to get an 8% from the bank?
4931   Eric Holder   2024 Jun 27, 4:40pm  

AmericanKulak says

Absolutely true in my area.

It's really not "246 days", that's when Focus Homes listed the model which is at multiple lots. Same School District and unlike Commiefornia you can send you kid to one of a dozen charter schools, there's a Classical Academy in the area. You're guaranteed the next seat if they're overcapacity and high demand charter schools get more money to hire more staff to host more students. Florida also allows flexibility for taking your kid to a school more convenient to work or equidistant to co-parenting.

There's an available model that is $256k including the plot.

Focus homes is offering an intro rate of 5-6.5% with a 20% downpayment

Is homeloaner offering that? Or will the buyer have to get an 8% from the bank?

New is a no-brainer in this case.

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