I Endorse DeSantis 2024

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2022 Jun 4, 8:19pm   44,072 views  263 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

I put up with a lot of bad calls by Trump, defended him. But this is too much.

I will still vote for him in 2024 if he is the Candidate, but now I prefer DeSantis.

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106   Patrick   2022 Nov 17, 5:35pm  

Onvacation says

I would say that he is the best actor the political theatre has seen in my lifetime.

Dave Chapelle described Trump pretty well in his SNL routine, except possibly for implying that Russia had something to do with Trump's first election. The Democrats beat that one to death in spite of an utter lack of evidence. They just hate Trump and hate Russia, so they lumped them together.
107   Onvacation   2022 Nov 17, 5:36pm  

Patrick says

presidents have picked incompetent VP's like Biden.

Or Pence! Where did that dickhole come from?
108   Onvacation   2022 Nov 17, 5:38pm  

clambo says

Trump and Kari Lake

Both know how to play the media. I'm liking this team more.

Of course the deep state would have to assassinate them.
109   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 3:56pm  


Nov 24
“They lied to us about the mRNA shots.” - Gov. Ron DeSantis

110   richwicks   2022 Nov 25, 4:34pm  

Patrick says


I'd be cautious with DeSantis.

Look into his earlier history. Maybe he found some balls, but he was an Israeli firster ass licker at one point. I suspect he's just a politician trying to rise in ranks that has no real values or convictions. I would be happy to be incorrect.
111   AmericanKulak   2022 Nov 25, 8:20pm  

DeSantis might be better than Trump.

I doubt he would allow Kanye to bring Catboylover Fuentes to potentially embarass him.
112   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 8:22pm  

richwicks says

I'd be cautious with DeSantis.

I'm cautious about all of them, including Trump.

I just want results, real resistance to the Pfizer-woke oligarchy.
113   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 11:52am  


Gov. De Santis: Liberals Who Buy Into Covid Ideology ‘Most Gullible People In the World’

Liberals who put masks and syringes as their Twitter profile and build their whole identity around conforming to Big Pharma propaganda have been sold a lie, according to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who says “They lied to us about mRNA shots.”

“It was basically the current thing. People would put in their Twitter profile a mask and a syringe, and that was their identity. It was ridiculous,” said DeSantis. “I think you’ve seen ideology placed over data and evidence.”

“They lied to us about the mRNA shots. They said if you take it you will not get Covid. That is false. That is not true. And they continue to say, even now when the evidence is so overwhelming, not only is that not true, people who have multiple boosters, you are definitely at risk of getting it.”

“And then they will say something like, six weeks of masks will end Covid. So that’s what they claim. It doesn’t happen. And then what they’ll do is they will kind of move the goalposts and say ‘Well, only 95% wore it’, and they will kind of shift, because they never ever want to admit their ideology was incorrect.”
114   Misc   2022 Nov 26, 8:14pm  

So, uhhhhhhhhh, when is he going to start a criminal investigation into just about any aspect of this????????
115   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Nov 26, 8:25pm  

richwicks says

AmericanKulak says

I'm starting to think instead of a Race or Class war, we'll have a Gender War. Unmarried Pompous Urban Single Females and Welfare Black Women vs. almost everybody else.

Nope, not a race or class war, and not a gender war.

We're slowly headed to a Soviet style collapse - revolution.

Except there were no revolution when USSR collapsed: it got quietly dissolved by the people in power who stayed in power. And are still in power in half of the former republics, especially, of course, in Russia in Belarus.
116   Patrick   2022 Nov 30, 8:48pm  


Citizen Free Press
Nov 29
DeSantis on report that Apple is threatening to remove Twitter from its App Store:

"That would be a huge, huge mistake, and it would be a really raw exercise of monopolistic power that I think would merit a response from the United States Congress."

117   Patrick   2022 Dec 4, 4:37pm  


“It’s easier to shift policy when you don’t have to defend the old policy,” said Florida state representative Randy Fine, a Republican who authored the legislation to revoke Disney’s special tax breaks. “[Former Disney CEO Bob] Chapek screwed up, but Bob Iger doesn’t have to own that screw-up.”

Democrats, of course, are happy that DeSantis and Republicans in the Florida state legislature are capitulating to Disney, claiming that these corporate special privileges are necessary for economic growth.

DeSantis selling out?
118   Misc   2022 Dec 5, 2:51am  

Does anyone think for one second that DeSantis is going to file charges for election interference against FBI agents????????????

I would put zero faith in the man.
119   DD214   2022 Dec 5, 3:50am  

Patrick says

DeSantis selling out?

Didn't believe me the other day did you ? See comment #8

120   Patrick   2023 Feb 1, 10:19am  


TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA — One of Governor Ron DeSantis’ most vocal critics supports the state’s decision to reject the College Board’s AP African American Studies course for high schoolers. When asked his thoughts on the recent controversy, Leon County Commissioner Bill Proctor blasted the course as “trash,” according to Tallahassee Reports.

“There is grave concern about the tone and the tenor of leadership’s voice from the highest spaces in our state being hostile to teaching of African American history. Well frankly I’m against the College Board’s curriculum,” Proctor said.

“I think it’s trash. It’s not African American history. It is ideology,” he continued. “I’ve taught African American history, I’ve structured syllabuses for African American history. I am African American history. And talking about ‘queer’ and ‘feminism’ and all of that for the struggle for freedom and equality and justice has not been no tension with queerness and feminist thought at all.”

I can't quite parse the last sentence, but I think I agree with it.
121   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 1, 5:33pm  

Patrick says

and all of that for the struggle for freedom and equality and justice has not been no tension with queerness and feminist thought at all.”

The curriculum acts like Civil Rights included fags and trannies from the beginning, and it didn't. I think that's what the guy was saying.

Blacks are still the most antihomosexual, antitrans group in the country by race.
125   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 12:28pm  

I withdraw my endorsement in 2024. I just hate this MFer too much:

127   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 25, 5:33pm  

DeSantis is great. I just want another term of Trump. I think Trump 2 will be alot more aware of the Swamp and Bureaucracy, and he'll be wiser in avoiding Bushies. Also, thanks to victories since 2016, we have a pool of salted recruits available to fill gaps. MAGA doesn't need to draw upon Bushtards to fill positions like it did in Trump I.

THEN, DeSantis.
128   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 26, 7:06am  

When it comes to politics, we're all being played. Is the product of Yale, DeSantis, another cleaver creation that appeals to conservatives, but will, after elected, be another Bush type Neo-Con that is willing to serve their warmongering, globalist agenda? I don't know ... just asking. When it comes to politics, QUESTION everything and everyone, and that includes 'Operation Warp Speed' Trump.

Jeb Bush Heaps Praise on Prospect of DeSantis 2024: ‘I Think It Is’ His Opportunity to Seek Higher Office

129   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 26, 8:12am  

There's two angles:

1. They know that we consider their endorsement the Kiss of Death, so this will divide MAGA and allow a Democrat with Neocon Foreign Policy to win.

2. They think/know they can control DeSantis.
130   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 26, 8:59am  

Here's another angle:

By the time a person makes it to the high office of Governor in a major State, he is owned by an awful lot of powerful people. His being schooled at Yale is a red flag for me.

I like a lot of things about him, and a lot of things that he has done. But experience makes me extremely cautious about trusting any politician.
131   mell   2023 Feb 26, 10:03am  

AmericanKulak says

There's two angles:

1. They know that we consider their endorsement the Kiss of Death, so this will divide MAGA and allow a Democrat with Neocon Foreign Policy to win.

2. They think/know they can control DeSantis.

The former for sure. Also notice if this happens on the leftoid demonrat side they stamp out the competitor quickly with media blitz defamation and rigged voting, leaving them at a few percent and discouraging others from doing the same by making them a canceled pariah, even after defeat. Left/demonrats = modern kgb
132   Onvacation   2023 Feb 26, 10:45am  

AmericanKulak says

THEN, DeSantis.

Florida needs DeSantis to finish at least his first term.
133   Patrick   2023 Feb 26, 10:41pm  


It cost $200 million to elect the Governor—a young and vigorous man, with the finest academic and military pedigrees. It might cost a billion dollars to elect him President. What, objectively, is all this money buying? Another Southern statesman, a few years ago, gave away the game:

Conservatism is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. ...

Indeed we are about to win, Iron Ron is killing woke in Florida and in ‘25 will kill it nationwide, we’re almost at a turning point…

There is a greediness, a wishful thinking, to this delusion. You fools! The Pilgrims were leftists! Why do you think they started Harvard? It’s true that Iron Ron’s name doesn’t end in a vowel. But it might as well. He means well. He even went to Harvard. But in the end he’s just visiting, and so is all of conservatism—which is the postwar fake opposition of the “progressive party,” aka the New Deal.
134   socal2   2023 Feb 27, 9:10am  

Onvacation says

Florida needs DeSantis to finish at least his first term.

Isn't he already in his second term?
135   HeadSet   2023 Feb 27, 11:42am  

Patrick says

Conservatism is a party which never conserves anything.

"Conservatism" is not about resisting change. Lots of stuff Conservatives want to change. Conservatives changed slavery. Conservatives want to end massive illegal immigration, want to change woke policies that put dangerous criminals back on the street, want to stop the endless wars, and so on.
136   Onvacation   2023 Feb 27, 11:55am  

socal2 says

Onvacation says

Florida needs DeSantis to finish at least his first term.

Isn't he already in his second term?

You're right. He should finish his second term before he runs for prez.
137   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 10, 5:39pm  


Looks like DeSantis has the EGO on full blast. Thinks he can beat Trump. Maybe he can but Only with help from the media. The thing is that as soon as anyone but Trump wins the primary the full force of the media will switch to that “victor.” the media vilification will start in earnest on the victor if it is not Trump winner of primaries.

If Trump can’t win the general election there is no “conservative “ who can.
138   richwicks   2023 Mar 10, 6:32pm  

PeopleUnited says

If Trump can’t win the general election there is no “conservative “ who can.

Well when he "loses" again, just remember, you didn't vote hard enough.

They're just going to steal the election again. Why anybody expects different, I have no idea. Remember, this is the most popular presidential candidate, ever:

original link

If they can put that piece of shit in, figure it out. It's NOT going to change.
139   richwicks   2023 Mar 10, 9:08pm  

PeopleUnited says

You sound like a frustrated old bachelor that hates the government.

Well, I do hate the government.

PeopleUnited says

So that is probably what you are, unless you are a FED, which seems likely because you are constantly trying to cause people to doubt and hate the government

YOU tell me what is to like about this fucking government? Go ahead, tell me about all the WONDERFUL shit they've done for this country in the last 30 years?

The problem is, to maintain a functioning democratic republic, you need to have suspicion of the government and demand accountability of it. If you don't do that, and instead MINDLESSLY defend it, you end up in fascism or communism, which is where we're going to end up. We're already half way there.

PeopleUnited says

I’m not predicting a Trump Inaugural in 2025. I’m simply making the point that it is silly to nominate anyone besides him to run in the general because if he can’t win, no “conservative” can.

And I'm pointing out that Joe Biden wasn't elected, and Trump won't be allowed to run.
140   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 10, 9:57pm  

richwicks says

YOU tell me what is to like about this fucking government? Go ahead, tell me about all the WONDERFUL shit they've done for this country in the last 30 years?

Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and perhaps some others in other parts of the government have demonstrated that Liberty and the will of the people are still important.

Donald did a fairly good job except for Covid. We still have a power grid, we still have an intact transportation system. We have the freedom to move around the country, to work and trade as we see fit. We have religious and intellectual liberty. We have free speech for the most part (and generally if free speech and freedom of religion are threatened it is corporations that threaten and infringe on those liberties rather than the government.

Sure there are a ton of things that need fixing, and a ton of trends that are alarming, but the Supreme Court of all things got some things right recently with right to life and 2A rights. So the trends are bad but not 100% bad. There are glimpses of light in the darkness.

richwicks says

The problem is, to maintain a functioning democratic republic, you need to have suspicion of the government and demand accountability of it

The government is accountable to the people. The problem is not lack of suspicion nor lack of accountability. The problem is that people agree with, allow the corruption to continue or are brainwashed into believing things that are not true. Covid is a prime example. People are still forced to mask and even double mask in certain situations. And it isn’t government forcing them to do it either for the most part it is private business enforcing these fables and mask theatre. But the point is that people are allowing them to get away with it, because communist globalists run media, academia and medical community. If you want to save the republic it must start by extricating the cult members from the doctrine of lies that holds them in bondage. As long as the people remain in bondage to the lies they will never be able to change government to start working for them instead of working for the globalists. Government is a tool, that can be used for good or evil. Our government is doing much good, but at times it has been used by the globalists to achieve their evil. But I guarantee you this, if our government ever falls, you will hate what it is replaced with.

richwicks says

And I'm pointing out that Joe Biden wasn't elected

Yes he was, the electoral college voted and Congress certified it, exactly following the constitution. (Individual states probably violated their own election laws In various ways, but the electoral college did not violate any laws to my knowledge. And as far as I know there is no remedy allowed in the constitution if a state doesn’t follow their own election laws, or allows fraudulent votes to be counted. So it is up to individual states to hold themselves accountable in that regard. As I understand it a state in our union of states has broad authority to appoint electors to the electoral college as it sees fit based on how it counts its own citizens votes. Federal law does not dictate how votes are counted or qualified nor should it, as that is a states rights issue.)
141   richwicks   2023 Mar 11, 2:00am  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

YOU tell me what is to like about this fucking government? Go ahead, tell me about all the WONDERFUL shit they've done for this country in the last 30 years?

Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and perhaps some others in other parts of the government have demonstrated that Liberty and the will of the people are still important.

No, tell me what this government has DONE that you approve of? I don't care about the talking heads, I don't care what is said. I care about what is done, exclusively.

What has this government accomplished in the last 30 years, that you approve of?

NOTHING it's done I approve of. Absolutely nothing. The closest I can get to anything I approve of, is that a new war wasn't started under Trump. That's it and that's not something the government did, it was something my government didn't do, which I fully expected it would.

This government does NOTHING for the people of this country, nothing at all. It taxes, it doesn't represent us, it lets people get poisoned in Flint Michigan and Palestine Ohio. It carries out false flags, it funds and supports Antifa and BLM. It murders US citizens, it runs drugs. It promotes drag queen story hour in schools, it promotes propaganda, it creates propaganda, and it lies to me incessantly, unendingly.

You think I hate this fucking joke of a "government"? Yeah, I do. If it blew away tomorrow, we'd all be better off. No more department of education, no more EPA that doesn't do shit, other than cost money, no more military that just blows up foreign nations for corporate interests and offense contractors. Oh the horror! How we will defend ourselves being the nation with the most nuclear weapons on the planet? Golly, I guess it would be impossible.

PeopleUnited says

The government is accountable to the people.

No it's not. That's just happy fiction you tell yourself. Where was the accountability when the US intelligence agencies made the "mistake" concluding Iraq had a weapons of mass destruction program? Who got fired? Who got even demoted? It's the same for every war that we make "mistakes" going into. They cost trillions of dollars to fight, and what does this country get out of it?

Twitter was taking direct orders from the government to censor political speech. Think there will be accountability? This is a direct violation of the Constitution, our contract with our government. Who has been arrested? Who has been jailed? These are our most fundamental rights, and they won't prosecute people who violate our most fundamental rights. There is no government, it's a mafia, nothing more.

PeopleUnited says

People are still forced to mask and even double mask in certain situations. And it isn’t government forcing them to do it either for the most part it is private business enforcing these fables and mask theatre.

No. I'm in Commiefornia. Even here, people ignore the mask mandates, entirely. I've gone into places that demand I have a mask on, that's fine, I just leave. It didn't take long before it was ignored. Of course, some places I had to agree to it, I had to buy food, but I didn't go out to eat for 2 years.

PeopleUnited says

Yes he was [Biden being elected], the electoral college voted and Congress certified it,

Yeah, who cares if the electoral college voted and Congress certified it? He wasn't elected. Our deep state placed him into power. He didn't win election.

Voting means nothing, and it might take you 2 more years to realize that, but you will realize that in time. We'll get another Neocon puppet for president. Could be DeSantis. I know he looks good, but he was a lawyer at Guantanamo. His job was to find out what the inmates were complaining about, report that to his higher ups, and increase it. He was involved with torture.

What information have we gotten out of ANYBODY in Guantanamo? I know we got this:

Might be me next. The Constitution doesn't mean anything, the government won't follow it, people don't care. Fuck it, you have this shitty fucking world. Its all yours. Enjoy the slavery.

What terrorists were convicted? What was their crime? Guantanamo is probably just another fucking CIA experiment using human subjects, like the Nazis did.

But whoa whoa whoa! We don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater do we? Well, the "baby" is a 65 year old transgendered M2F, with a diaper fetish at this point. Can't change the government through protests, or elections, or anything. It's just a gang of criminals now.
142   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 11, 5:45am  

richwicks says

No, tell me what this government has DONE that you approve of?

We have roads, a military, courts, aka civilization. And this government supports freedom of religion and speech, and assembly. That takes constant work to maintain. I approve.

DC v. Heller (2008)
Bump stock sales resumed in Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana after the ATF missed a deadline to file a motion for a stay in the 5th Circuit ruling that overturned the federal (Trump) ban. 2023
Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022)
I approve.

richwicks says

Who got fired? Who got even demoted?

Obama became president because people lost faith in conservatives after Bush administration lies. We have elections regularly scheduled to reassess people’s approval of their government.

richwicks says

Voting means nothing,

No, you’re wrong. But you may have to work to make sure your vote counts. That is a state issue, and states need to hold themselves accountable. You may even need to move to a state that will count your vote if your state is corrupt beyond repair due to a lazy ignorant and corrupt citizenry.

richwicks says

The Constitution doesn't mean anything,

Ok glowie. Just crawl back in your hole.
143   richwicks   2023 Mar 11, 6:01pm  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

No, tell me what this government has DONE that you approve of?

We have roads, a military, courts, aka civilization.

So does Cuba. Nazi Germany had that, Communist Russia did. These existed under the Khmer Rouge, and Feudal Europe.

PeopleUnited says

And this government supports freedom of religion and speech, and assembly.

No it doesn't. They closed churches because of a fake plague. There's around 800 people in prison right now for protesting a stolen election. The FBI is directly involved with political censorship at Twitter, and they do the same at Google and Facebook. Our government murdered Gary Webb. Glenn Greenwald is in exile in Brazil, Edward Snowden is in exile in Russia. Julian Assange is going to die in prison for exposing crimes of our government.

YOU might support freedom of religion and speech and assembly, but our government does not.

PeopleUnited says

DC v. Heller (2008)
Bump stock sales resumed in Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana after the ATF missed a deadline to file a motion for a stay in the 5th Circuit ruling that overturned the federal (Trump) ban. 2023
Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization (2022)

Again, you're approving of something our government didn't do. This could have been "done" if this government didn't exist at all.

PeopleUnited says

Obama became president because people lost faith in conservatives after Bush administration lies. We have elections regularly scheduled to reassess people’s approval of their government.

Obama was elected because a black Neocon promised to end the wars, and instead expanded them. Trump was elected because there was so much disgust over the female Neocon that was run who didn't win the Democratic primary. Trump "lost" because election fraud was implemented by our intelligence agencies.

PeopleUnited says

No, you’re wrong. But you may have to work to make sure your vote counts. That is a state issue, and states need to hold themselves accountable.

It's a FEDERAL issue, because our intelligence agencies are directly interfering in our ability to communicate with one another, and are abetting election fraud.

PeopleUnited says

Ok glowie. Just crawl back in your hole.

If the Constitution isn't enforced, it's just a goddamned piece of paper, isn't it?

That's where it stands today. 1st amendment has been violated, 2nd amendment has been repeatedly violated, 4th amendment is being violated - that's what the Patriot Act is all about, 5th amendment has LONG been gone you're witnessing this now with 800 people in prison for protesting a stolen election, 6th amendment doesn't exist - again the proof is 800 people in prison without bail and no timeframe for their day in court, 7th amendment - the same way, 8th amendment is being violated in Guantanamo, 9th amendment has been never in effect in my lifetime, 10th amendment, the same.

I'm just the messenger.
144   PeopleUnited   2023 Mar 11, 9:06pm  

richwicks says

I'm just the messenger.

Ok Glowie. So the message you are delivering does it come from your boss at the bureau or is it straight from Satan himself?

If you hate it here so much, have you heard that you can just walk across the border. I’m sure you’ll find some other place more to your liking.

I’ve got a message for you. Me and my people (believers in Christ) won’t go through the tribulation period that is on the horizon because Jesus is coming again soon to rescue us from the judgement to come. You don’t have to be left behind, but you will be if you continue to reject the gift of salvation. You can trust God to deliver you. Or you can reject his deliverance and face the tribulation and eternity to follow, alone, unforgiven and unclean. The choice is yours. That is the message of the gospel. Why will you die in your sins?
145   richwicks   2023 Mar 11, 9:56pm  

PeopleUnited says

richwicks says

I'm just the messenger.

Ok Glowie.

Look, call me anything you like. If I deny it, it's proof to you. It's pointless.

PeopleUnited says

If you hate it here so much, have you heard that you can just walk across the border.

To where? If I leave the country, first it cost $100,000 minimum. Did you know that? And then I'm an interloper, I can't change or complain about a system I moved into.

I'm just staying here to watch it fucking BUUUUUUUUUUUUURN.

You bitch about me bitching. I guess you're happy with fucking endless wars and a criminal syndicate calling itself "our government" bankrupting the nation, and driving the population into poverty and despotism.

I'm not. And I am not such a fucking pussy I won't state it straight out. We have a criminal set of assholes in our government, I'm unafraid of pointing it out, fuck them, they can reform, and if they don't, they'll get worse, and if you do nothing about it, well, you did nothing about it.

The real root of the problem is convincing IDIOTS that there's a fucking problem, but there's a bunch of go-along-to-get-along assholes that just MINDLESSLY defend anything the government does, excuse ANY criminality of it. You won't even complain, even when Hillary Clinton "won" the Democratic nomination with Debbie Wasserman Schultz being caught RED HANDED giving the nomination to Clinton despite Sanders (whom I'm not at all thrilled with!) actually winning it. Doesn't matter if you're a republican or a democrat, you should have been SCREAMING about this, but nope.

We do not live in a democratic republic, this is a oligarchical dictatorship. UNTIL YOU REALIZE THIS, and many other people do, we will remain in an oligarchical dictatorship. You have blinders on, I don't.

25 years ago, I had a long conversation with my cousin in which the subject came up of "would you rather be ignorant and happy, or understand how it all works and be miserable?" I'd rather know, and it doesn't make me miserable, but it fills me with contempt. People are afraid to know, they are fucking pathetic. Mask up, make it two, get your vaccine and boosters, Slavi Ukraini, Assad is gassing his own people, Qaddafi is about to cause a humanitarian crisis. I live in a world of dancing puppets, and I want to cut the strings.

How much, how often, do they have to fucking lie to your face, before you say to your neighbor "hey, they're lying!" When will you ever do this?

Go along to get along. Keep your head down. Obey. That's at least 90% of the population. Would it be better somewhere else?

It's not like we weren't warned:


Keep your head down, let them usher it in, and if you don't, you're a fucking glowie. That seems to be your reasoning. Point out the criminality of the government, and I bet you a kidney you think this is "incitement" because that's what the government considers it.

I'm not telling you to storm the fucking Capital (that isn't a misspelling BTW), I'm saying, have the balls to see it for what it is. Direct action is useless. If I could kill 1000 people with no chance of being caught, I have absolutely no belief that would change the system. People need to get fed up with sociopaths, and eliminate them from positions of power, and if they don't know that's the system we currently have, and will never accept that reality, that's what we'll have - forever.

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