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SAN FRANCISCO, CA — Communists have jumped into the food delivery service scene with the new company "Red Apron", which will deliver empty boxes to your home and then kill you.
"We are so excited to bring the best that Communist cuisine has to offer right to your doorstep," said founder Justin Castro. "You can order steak, seafood, anything you want! No matter what you choose, we guarantee you will end up going hungry and being dragged away to the gulag or lined up against the wall."
Mr. Castro said he was inspired to start "Red Apron" after hearing so many Americans praise the incredible riches of Communist Cuba. "It fills me with joy to hear Americans want to experience a little slice of Communist life," he said as he loaded his pistol. "We here at Red Apron allow everyone to get a taste of what total equality is really like. You pay for the basic subscription, you starve, and go to the Gulag. Do you want a premium subscription? Starvation and gulag. Let's go spread some equality, boys!"
Though unorthodox, the new company has thus far received universally outstanding reviews. "I am very happy with my empty box from Red Apron," said local man Ronald Binford. "Communist food is so, so delicious. Also, there are zero COVID cases in China and Taiwan isn't a country. The fact that I have a pistol aimed at my head right now has absolutely nothing to do with the very true words coming out of my mouth."
Mr. Castro is reportedly planning to also start a communist landscaping crew, where they come to install cameras to monitor everything you do and then burn down your home.
Viva Frei
Replying to @JustinTrudeau
Let’s confront the rise in hate. You are the hate. We are confronting you. #TrudeauMustGo
Glavin: Trudeau still inexplicably blasé about China's interference in Canada's elections
Xi Jinping dresses down Justin Trudeau over leaking private calls
In a public confrontation at the ongoing Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Xi confronted Trudeau and accused him of leaking details of a private conversation between the two leaders and misrepresenting their conversation.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received a public dressing down by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who accused him of leaking their personal correspondence to the press. The confrontation occurred at the ongoing Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.
In a rare display of anger, Xi confronted Trudeau and accused him of leaking details of a private conversation between the two leaders and misrepresenting their conversation.
“Everything we discussed was leaked to the newspapers. That’s not appropriate and that’s not the way our conversation was conducted, right?” Xi, whose remarks were translated, said to Trudeau.
“If you are being sincere, we must communicate with mutual respect,” added Xi, who warned him that his refusal to adhere to social norms would have repercussions. ...
Trudeau attempted to save face by cutting off the translator before he could finish translating Xi’s warning and replied, “In Canada, we believe in free and open and frank dialogue, and that is what we will continue to have. We will continue to look to work constructively together, but there will be things we will disagree on.”
“Let’s create the conditions first,” said Xi before shaking Trudeau’s hand and turning away, dismissing Trudeau’s attempt to gaslight him.
Annie Bergeron-Oliver
Nov 16
The Cdn Pool cam captured a tough talk between Chinese President Xi & PM Trudeau at the G20 today. In it, Xi express his displeasure that everything discussed yesterday “has been leaked to the paper(s), that’s not appropriate… & that’s not the way the conversation was conducted”
Xi is a dictator, but I was happy to see him shit on Turdeau.
Xi Jinping dresses down Justin Trudeau over leaking private calls
In a public confrontation at the ongoing Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia, Xi confronted Trudeau and accused him of leaking details of a private conversation between the two leaders and misrepresenting their conversation.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau received a public dressing down by Chinese President Xi Jinping, who accused him of leaking their personal correspondence to the press. The confrontation occurred at the ongoing Group of 20 summit in Bali, Indonesia.
In a rare display of anger, Xi confronted Trudeau and accused him of leaking details of a private conversation between the two leaders and misrepresenting their c...
thats a sign of “you lost the deal hard”. trudeau failed here with China whatever they were talking about.
Justin Trudeau, under oath: “I did not call people who were unvaccinated [bad] names.”
Hmm…let's go to the videotape shall we.
— New World Odor™ (@hugh_mankind) November 25, 2022
‘OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – After accepting a top award, a retired Canadian general received a standing ovation from senior military officers for giving a rousing speech blasting cancel culture, climate change policies, woke aspects of the armed forces, and leaders who “divide.”
The speech was made by retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve on November 9 in Ottawa at a gala event, at which he accepted the prestigious Vimy Award.'
During his speech, Maisonneuve, who is a 35-year Canadian Armed Forces veteran, was direct in his take on the current leadership of Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, without directly naming people.
“Can you imagine a military leader labeling half of his command as deplorables, fringe radicals and less-thans and then expect them to fight as one?” Maisonneuve asked rhetorically.
“Today’s leaders must find a way to unite; not divide.”
Maisonneuve‘s statement seems to be a reference to a remark made by Trudeau during the anti-mandate Freedom Convoy protest – which featured noticeable support from active and retired members of the nation’s armed forces – in which the prime minister said that those opposing his measures were of a “small, fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views.”
Nov 25
PM Justin Trudeau at a hearing today: “Using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that I think is worrisome”
Canada Proud
Dec 1
WOW!🔥 You will NEVER hear a more eloquent takedown of Canadian legacy media than this.
At Toronto fundraiser, Justin Trudeau seemingly admires China's 'basic dictatorship'
'There is a level of admiration I actually have for China, Ahh, because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime'
Author of the article:Jen Gerson
Publishing date:Nov 08, 2013
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