Seems that the economists badly undershot the 528000 jobs that were gained in July.
What the shit balls on Wall Street haven't figured out yet is that those extra jobs that were gained is because people are having to work 2 or three jobs thanks to the Biden economy.
That's where the extra job gains came from... the extra jobs people have to work.
Apparently the jobs reports are diverging at record levels between corporations and individuals. The disparity might lead one to believe that governments and corporations are lying, and there are actually job losses, not gains. This is in addition to what OP has already pointed out.
The disparity might lead one to believe that governments and corporations are lying, and there are actually job losses, not gains.
I've thought about this - how one way to prevent or mitigate a recession is to simply lie and make things seem rosy, so consumers keep spending, and companies keep hiring/employing.
Also as people drop out of the workforce entirely, they are not counted as “unemployed” any longer. The worse it gets, the better the unemployment numbers seem.
What the shit balls on Wall Street haven't figured out yet is that those extra jobs that were gained is because people are having to work 2 or three jobs thanks to the Biden economy.
That's where the extra job gains came from... the extra jobs people have to work.