House Democrats Scared Shitless at being labeled the ones sending 87000 IRS agents against Main Street

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2022 Aug 10, 7:48pm   2,809 views  30 comments

by Misc   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  

The sheer amount of propaganda thrown against THE INFLATION REDUCTION ACT OF 2022 is astounding.

The Democrat weenies in the House are balking. Yellen is back pedaling what the IRS wanted to do (fuck with small businesses).

We, we, we didn't really mean we were gonna audit you. Fuck they were hiring 87000 agents, what the fuck are you going to do with them? Audit the banks? --- HA fuckin' ha

Well, here she is lying and trying to salvage the crap legislation.


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1   Ceffer   2022 Aug 10, 7:51pm  

Without the Ukraine money laundromat and drug/trafficking, they need more bux to fund their bankrupt operations. The Babylonian Debt Slave masters can only do so much.
2   richwicks   2022 Aug 10, 8:33pm  

Ceffer says

Without the Ukraine money laundromat and drug/trafficking, they need more bux to fund their bankrupt operations. The Babylonian Debt Slave masters can only do so much.

Money comes in infinite supply from the Federal Reserve - it's not a real commodity.

This is just to subjugate independent people. They want slaves, not creatives, not producers.
5   Misc   2022 Aug 10, 9:35pm  

Yep, it's gonna pass tomorrow. These agents aren't gonna be used against the elites. They will be used against you.
6   Misc   2022 Aug 10, 9:59pm  

Yep, and here's proof the Democrats are lying about not using the IRS agents against regular Americans.
Seems there was an amendment proposed in the senate to not increase the audits against those making less than $400k, but every Democrat voted it down.

7   Ceffer   2022 Aug 10, 10:45pm  

To give a perspective, 150,000 total soldiers were deployed to Ukraine from all Russian/Donbas sources.

One wonders how and where they are going to vet and train all of these IRS agents, or are they going to be slid over from other parts of the government and intels?
8   AD   2022 Aug 10, 10:51pm  



9   clambo   2022 Aug 11, 7:28am  

I predict that every person who donated to Trump in 2016 will be on an audit list.

Just as the Wuhan pandemic was a pretext to control us and steal an election, "inflation" is a pretext to tax us and harass us.
11   Undoctored   2022 Aug 11, 10:07am  

Yes, this news about hiring 87K agents is or obably just a money laundering scheme but also a bluff to make more people think they’re likely to be audited so they will report more taxable income. I think this is timed to coincide with the 6-month filing deadline extension.
12   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 11, 10:22am  

Ceffer says

Without the Ukraine money laundromat and drug/trafficking

What happened to this one (except never being any evidence of it existing)? Reality came knocking? Nah, it must be something else.
13   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 11, 10:44am  

Misc says

House Democrats Scared Shitless at being labeled the ones sending 87000 IRS agents against Main Street

Not to worry, they'll share blame with House Republicans.
14   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 11, 10:45am  

Undoctored says

Yes, this news about hiring 87K agents is or obably just a money laundering scheme but also a bluff to make more people think they’re likely to be audited so they will report more taxable income. I think this is timed to coincide with the 6-month filing deadline extension.

I think they anticipate civil unrest with the higher taxes.
15   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 11, 10:46am  

Eric Holder says

What happened to this one (except never being any evidence of it existing)? Reality came knocking? Nah, it must be something else.

You must not go on the darknet often...
16   Undoctored   2022 Aug 11, 11:21am  

NuttBoxer says

I think they anticipate civil unrest with the higher taxes.

No, they just anticipate higher levels of creative accounting among taxpayers to make up for the higher tax rates + inflation. And they want to scare people into paying their unfair share by letting out this news story about a legion of armed of IRS auditors coming their way.
18   fdhfoiehfeoi   2022 Aug 11, 12:42pm  

Undoctored says

No, they just anticipate higher levels of creative accounting among taxpayers to make up for the higher tax rates + inflation.

But they are well aware of creative accounting, in fact, it's a feature of their system, and completely legal if you can afford it.

Most people in this country are honest, and hard working, and have a sense of civic duty. Given the huge tax bill they just passed under the guise of "reducing inflation", and the nature of the system, plus the huge ammo purchases by federal agencies over the years, the most likely explanation is war.
19   richwicks   2022 Aug 11, 2:03pm  

NuttBoxer says

Undoctored says

No, they just anticipate higher levels of creative accounting among taxpayers to make up for the higher tax rates + inflation.

But they are well aware of creative accounting, in fact, it's a feature of their system, and completely legal if you can afford it.

Most people in this country are honest, and hard working, and have a sense of civic duty. Given the huge tax bill they just passed under the guise of "reducing inflation", and the nature of the system, plus the huge ammo purchases by federal agencies over the years, the most likely explanation is war.

Here's my prediction - complete overhaul of our system before 2030.

They want the great reset, well, they are forcing it. The trick will be to control how it is reset. I want a reset as well to be honest. The reset they are pushing though... I don't trust. We'll see. It's going to get worse in order to force SOME change. Can we control the change?
20   Ceffer   2022 Aug 11, 3:13pm  

Sometimes, inclusion is a good thing.
"ProPublica organization shockingly revealed in their document “It’s Getting Worse: The IRS Now Audits Poor Americans at About the Same Rate as the Top 1%”, wherein it states: “When we mapped the estimated audit rates for every county in America, the counties with the highest audit rates were poor, rural, mostly African American and in the South”—and in an exact replay of how the demonic socialist Democrats despotically ruled over Blacks they enslaved in their Southern States prior to the Civil War, yesterday it saw the IRS posting job ads for their new “Praetorian Guard” forces saying they must “Be willing to use deadly force”."
22   Ceffer   2022 Aug 12, 7:22am  

Yup, IRS hiring is a great way to deputize criminals and persecute the innocent. What Globalist artificial intelligence dreamt this one up.

"Psychopathic robot, how would you handle the need to demoralize the populace by squeezing the boot down on their necks?" Robot: " Eye Are Ess."
23   Misc   2022 Aug 12, 2:34pm  

With the current rate of inflation...minimum wage will be $400000 by next year.

They're gonna audit everyone.
24   Patrick   2022 Aug 12, 11:24pm  

And as nominal incomes go up (even though real purchasing power stays the same) actual tax rates go up.
25   Misc   2022 Aug 12, 11:34pm  

Patrick says

And as nominal incomes go up (even though real purchasing power stays the same) actual tax rates go up.

Naw, they do actually adjust the income per tax level by the inflation percentage.
26   WookieMan   2022 Aug 13, 6:46am  

Who works 50 hours is my question? I promise you I could get through my daily work in under 50 hours 99% of the time. If you can't, you're not good at your work. And if your employer requests that, they're awful at management of all employees and I'd quit yesterday and get a new job. No one is working, there are plenty of jobs, many with bonuses. I'm also talking white collar jobs. Blue collar jobs, yes, you'll have to work 50+ hours a week.

For the life of me I don't know why you'd work for the IRS. It would be miserable. Pension is really the only reason. It will be middle class income and misery. No room to grow without brown nosing or sucking cock if you're a chick.
27   Hircus   2022 Aug 13, 9:32am  

"Specifically, I direct that any additional resources—including any new personnel or auditors that are hired—shall not be used to increase the share of small business or households below the $400,000 threshold that are audited relative to historical levels," Yellen wrote in the letter to Rettig. "

Notice the wording. "share of" and "relative to historical levels".

Its an intentionally vague statement IMO, and there's probably an interpretation of it which would be satisfied by just auditing everyone double or triple, so as to maintain the "share" of peasants audited vs big businesses.
29   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2022 Aug 13, 4:23pm  

I'm hoping this new bill doesn't cancel the Mega Backdoor Roth. I've been getting paid only $200/month the past 18 months as I've been dumping entirely into HSA, Roth, ESPP, 401K but mostly the mega back door roth - I max that shit out.

Plenty of savings to live on and so I'd like to keep doing this for a few more years.

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