Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) may have been from vaccines all along

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2022 Aug 14, 7:38pm   29,683 views  226 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


As long-time proponents of vaccination — professionally involved in vaccine development, promotion of the dangerous HPV vaccine and accepting of COVID-19 vaccines as a solution to lockdowns — the three declaration authors positioned the decline in childhood vaccination rates at the head of their list of “disastrous” lockdown consequences.

Far from witnessing a disaster, however, observers by June 2020 had begun noticing a wonderful silver lining — a “surprising” pandemic effect on the death rate among infants, in particular, with 200-plus fewer infants dying per week, amounting to a 30% reduction in expected child deaths within a few months.

To explain the “something mysterious” saving the lives of infants, these analysts, along with Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chief Scientific Officer Brian Hooker, pointed out how the missed infant vaccines coincided with a “precipitous drop” in reports of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

SIDS deaths — which by definition affect children who are normal and healthy — and sudden unexplained deaths in children over age 1 typically occur in close temporal proximity to vaccination, with nine out of 10 SIDS deaths following two- and four-month “well-baby” visits.

An analysis of three decades of VAERS data found 75% of reported post-vaccination SIDS cases occurred within seven days of childhood shots.

Japanese pathologists who identified SIDS cases taking place within a week of vaccination agree that “suspicious cases do exist,” leading them to encourage forensic pathologists to “devote more attention to vaccination” in SIDS events.

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208   Patrick   2024 Jul 11, 2:25pm  


Good medical news emerged yesterday in the form of a UK Daily Mail article headlined, “Scientists discover 'exciting' link between autism and gut bacteria.” They are so close.

The article reported on a new Hong Kong study published this week in Nature Microbiology titled, “Multikingdom and functional gut microbiota markers for autism spectrum disorder.”

Back in the 1990’s, Dr. Andrew Wakefield was hounded out of medicine for claiming that autism was caused by childhood vaccines destroying essential gut bacteria. Like the doctor who removed the well pump handle to stop a cholera epidemic, Wakefield will never get his good reputation back. Just forget about it.

They will never ever admit the jab connection. But now that a mechanism of injury has been identified, there might be new hope to somehow treat kids and adults injured by baffling, mysterious, unidentified “environmental factors.”
209   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 11, 2:42pm  

Wait, how MMR vaccine destroys gut bacteria? Measles, mumps, and rubella are viral infections, aren't they?
210   Patrick   2024 Jul 12, 1:14am  


I’ve suspected for years that pediatricians are incentivized to push vaccines but I never had any proof. Just snippets of information here and there…and memes floating around Facebook. Then I ran across Dr. Paul Thomas. He lays out the receipts with real numbers for a typical pediatrician. Pretty mind blowing stuff.

Click on the video to watch. (26 minutes) Or if you don’t have time, he was losing over a million dollars a year in a $4 million annual practice, because he wasn’t forcing patients to get vaccinated. By combing through this receipts and adding up all the money he missed out on from vaccines not given, he came up with a figure of over a million dollars. He explains the whole process here.
212   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 11:25am  


Pediatrician Raises Alarm over Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate 500 Million Children by 2030

A prominent pediatrician is speaking out to warn the public about Bill Gates’s $11.9 billion plan to vaccinate a staggering 500 million children over the next few years.

The multi-billion dollar plan was recently announced by Gates’s organization Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.

Gavi revealed that the $11.9B plan, which includes $9 billion in new funding, aims to vaccinate 500M children by 2030.

The organization says the kids will be vaccinated with existing shots and “new vaccines” that are currently in development.

In an interview with The Defender, Dr. Paul Thomas, a pediatrician and co-author of the upcoming book, “Vax Facts: What to Consider Before Vaccinating at All Ages & All Stages of Life,” warns that the plan is dangerous.
213   Patrick   2024 Jul 26, 5:32pm  


Clinical Trials of Childhood Vaccines: No Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Trials

Not a single routine childhood vaccine was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one. See the carefully created and fully referenced chart at https://icandecide.org/no-placebo which was compiled by our firm with funding from the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
216   Patrick   2024 Aug 6, 10:27pm  


Maybe posted before, but worth posting again.
217   steverbeaver   2024 Aug 7, 2:00am  

Gentlemen, thanks for your courage in carrying this on. We are in the age of erasure because something defies profits or is truly an inconvenient truth. Damnation to those who knew and went along to either get along or be paid. To those: FUCK YOU. I hope you have a list of more-guilty to bargain with, though in totality even that may not save you.
219   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 2:56pm  


No, she was eating normally. We did not notice a difference there at all. But the constant thirst, constant thirst and, you know, needing the bathroom a lot. And then, again, like I said, you know, she was seven years old, you know, been potty trained for a really long time and was having accidents. She couldn't control it.
Now signs of DKA look a lot like flu. So fever, nausea, that kind of thing. So that's why sometimes it's hard to miss, you know, people just think, you know, they're sick. That's all.
You get this diagnosis and do you immediately know it's linked to the vaccinations or do you have to do some research on that?
That came to my attention probably a few months later. I happened to meet someone, hi Meg, online who kind of, because I was desperate to look for natural ways to handle this disease. I knew it wasn't, you know, going to be a cure, but there were probably some kind of support.
And so I was looking in different places and I finally came across her and together we kind of started talking because her son had been diagnosed just a few months prior to Alice. We've never met in person. But anyway, together we kind of discovered that it was on the insert of the MMR as an adverse effect.
From there, you know, we both kind of started looking into different documentaries and things like that, you know, getting angry with each other, right? I mean, not at each other, but, you know, together at the situation and, you know, figuring out what do we do next? Because, yeah, no, we're not doing this ever again.
They're not going to get neither. She is three. None of our kids were ever going to be vaccinated again. Yeah.
220   Patrick   2024 Oct 16, 8:57pm  


•SIDS “mysteriously” clusters at 2 to 4 months of age—which is also when children happen to receive the vaccines most strongly associated with causing SIDS (e.g., the TDwP pertussis vaccine). Many doctors and patients noticed this, but it has been relentlessly dismissed by the medical industrial complex.

•As far back as 1933, case reports were produced of children experiencing brain damage and then infant death shortly after the TDwP shot. (e.g., a 1978 report that studied 15 million TDwP injections linked numerous cases of the vaccine to brain damage and death).

•A 1982 study that was inspired by observing 4 cases of SIDS within 19 hours of the TDwP vaccine that then studied 200 randomly selected SIDS cases. They found most of infants had been vaccinated prior to death (6.5% within 12 hours of vaccination, 26% within 3 days, 37% within a week, 61% within two weeks, and 70% within 3 weeks), with death typically following brief periods of irritability, crying, lethargy, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and sleep disturbance. Additionally, their autopsy findings were relatively consistent (e.g. petechiae of lung, pleura, pericardium, and thymus; vascular congestion; pulmonary edema; pneumonitis; and brain edema).

• Japan's decision to delay the scheduled DTwP vaccination by 20 months resulted in an 85-90% reduction in the instances of SIDS.

•When SIDS cases at morgues are examined, they cluster at precisely 2, 4, or 6 months of age (rather than spread throughout the 2 to 6 month period).

•Prior to the mass vaccination programs in America, SIDS was very rare (to the point few were even aware crib death occurred), but rapidly spiked (to the point a new diagnosis category had to be made) after national mass vaccination and before long became the leading cause of death in the first 12 months of life.

•A 2011 study showed there is a direct correlation between how many vaccines a country gives their children and their infant mortality rate.

•The National Vaccine Injury Act was passed in response to growing public outrage over DTwP deaths due to NBC airing a national story on the dangers of this vaccine (something which would never air in the more corrupt media of today)...

•When COVID happened, many in the vaccine safety community predicted the lockdowns would lead to a massive drop in SIDS cases (since children were skipping their non-essential vaccine appointments). As I show here, this indeed was what happened (and likewise happened shortly after in Florida once large numbers of parents opted out of routine vaccination). To this day, no explanation has ever been provided for this mysterious decline in SIDS.
222   RC2006   2024 Oct 20, 7:17pm  

Patrick says

Spot on .
223   Patrick   2024 Oct 22, 5:05pm  


Presently, the following is known about vaccines and SIDS:

•The more vaccines are given concurrently, and the more premature an infant is, the more likely they are to die after vaccination (e.g., I summarized 4 studies showing the former and 14 showing the latter here).

•In many cases, this death can be observed to be preceded by intermittent cessations of breathing and a slowed heart rate. In many cases, when children are in the NICU (which is often the case for premature infants), their breathing can be observed to become interrupted following vaccination (e.g., I summarized 12 studies that observed this here).

•Those results inspired investigators to begin testing respiration function in infants at home with home monitoring systems, and from that, it was observed that TDaP frequently led to intermittent interruptions of breathing.

All of this, in short, suggests that vaccination can interrupt the automatic breathing mechanism and that when this happens at home (rather than in a hospital where it can be flagged by the monitors and the infant saved with CPR), those babies die.

Presently, I believe this occurs because vaccines, due to their impairment of the physiologic zeta potential, often cause microstrokes in the brain that can be easily detected by basic neurologic evaluations (discussed further here). These microstrokes result from a critical threshold being passed, which helps to explain why premature infants (who are smaller) are less able to tolerate standard vaccine doses, and why more vaccines being given concurrently are more likely to cause this to happen.

As it happens, the most vulnerable area of the brain to these microstrokes is the region that allows the eyes to move outwards. In turn, a loss of smooth outwards tracking of the eyes is one of the most common vaccine injuries (e.g., this happened to many people I know following COVID vaccination).

As it so happens, the region of the brain that controls respiration is very close to the part of the brain that controls outward eye tracking movements...
224   Patrick   2024 Oct 22, 5:05pm  


•To maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.

•When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages. Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.

•Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths following its use, which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).

•Numerous data sources correlate increasing childhood vaccination rates with increasing infant deaths. Those deaths played a key role in creating the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. That forgotten data compromises the majority of this article.

•When the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened, and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.

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