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Clinical Trials of Childhood Vaccines: No Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Trials
Not a single routine childhood vaccine was licensed based on a long-term placebo-controlled trial. Not one. See the carefully created and fully referenced chart at which was compiled by our firm with funding from the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN).
No, she was eating normally. We did not notice a difference there at all. But the constant thirst, constant thirst and, you know, needing the bathroom a lot. And then, again, like I said, you know, she was seven years old, you know, been potty trained for a really long time and was having accidents. She couldn't control it.
Now signs of DKA look a lot like flu. So fever, nausea, that kind of thing. So that's why sometimes it's hard to miss, you know, people just think, you know, they're sick. That's all.
You get this diagnosis and do you immediately know it's linked to the vaccinations or do you have to do some research on that?
That came to my attention probably a few months later. I happened to meet someone, hi Meg, online who kind of, because I was desperate to look for natural ways to handle this disease. I knew it wasn't, you know, going to be a cure, but there were probably some kind of support.
And so I was looking in different places and I finally came across her and together we kind of started talking because her son had been diagnosed just a few months prior to Alice. We've never met in person. But anyway, together we kind of discovered that it was on the insert of the MMR as an adverse effect.
From there, you know, we both kind of started looking into different documentaries and things like that, you know, getting angry with each other, right? I mean, not at each other, but, you know, together at the situation and, you know, figuring out what do we do next? Because, yeah, no, we're not doing this ever again.
They're not going to get neither. She is three. None of our kids were ever going to be vaccinated again. Yeah.
•SIDS “mysteriously” clusters at 2 to 4 months of age—which is also when children happen to receive the vaccines most strongly associated with causing SIDS (e.g., the TDwP pertussis vaccine). Many doctors and patients noticed this, but it has been relentlessly dismissed by the medical industrial complex.
•As far back as 1933, case reports were produced of children experiencing brain damage and then infant death shortly after the TDwP shot. (e.g., a 1978 report that studied 15 million TDwP injections linked numerous cases of the vaccine to brain damage and death).
•A 1982 study that was inspired by observing 4 cases of SIDS within 19 hours of the TDwP vaccine that then studied 200 randomly selected SIDS cases. They found most of infants had been vaccinated prior to death (6.5% within 12 hours of vaccination, 26% within 3 days, 37% within a week, 61% within two weeks, and 70% within 3 weeks), with death typically following brief periods of irritability, crying, lethargy, upper respiratory tract symptoms, and sleep disturbance. Additionally, their autopsy findings were relatively consistent (e.g. petechiae of lung, pleura, pericardium, and thymus; vascular congestion; pulmonary edema; pneumonitis; and brain edema).
• Japan's decision to delay the scheduled DTwP vaccination by 20 months resulted in an 85-90% reduction in the instances of SIDS.
•When SIDS cases at morgues are examined, they cluster at precisely 2, 4, or 6 months of age (rather than spread throughout the 2 to 6 month period).
•Prior to the mass vaccination programs in America, SIDS was very rare (to the point few were even aware crib death occurred), but rapidly spiked (to the point a new diagnosis category had to be made) after national mass vaccination and before long became the leading cause of death in the first 12 months of life.
•A 2011 study showed there is a direct correlation between how many vaccines a country gives their children and their infant mortality rate.
•The National Vaccine Injury Act was passed in response to growing public outrage over DTwP deaths due to NBC airing a national story on the dangers of this vaccine (something which would never air in the more corrupt media of today)...
•When COVID happened, many in the vaccine safety community predicted the lockdowns would lead to a massive drop in SIDS cases (since children were skipping their non-essential vaccine appointments). As I show here, this indeed was what happened (and likewise happened shortly after in Florida once large numbers of parents opted out of routine vaccination). To this day, no explanation has ever been provided for this mysterious decline in SIDS.
Presently, the following is known about vaccines and SIDS:
•The more vaccines are given concurrently, and the more premature an infant is, the more likely they are to die after vaccination (e.g., I summarized 4 studies showing the former and 14 showing the latter here).
•In many cases, this death can be observed to be preceded by intermittent cessations of breathing and a slowed heart rate. In many cases, when children are in the NICU (which is often the case for premature infants), their breathing can be observed to become interrupted following vaccination (e.g., I summarized 12 studies that observed this here).
•Those results inspired investigators to begin testing respiration function in infants at home with home monitoring systems, and from that, it was observed that TDaP frequently led to intermittent interruptions of breathing.
All of this, in short, suggests that vaccination can interrupt the automatic breathing mechanism and that when this happens at home (rather than in a hospital where it can be flagged by the monitors and the infant saved with CPR), those babies die.
Presently, I believe this occurs because vaccines, due to their impairment of the physiologic zeta potential, often cause microstrokes in the brain that can be easily detected by basic neurologic evaluations (discussed further here). These microstrokes result from a critical threshold being passed, which helps to explain why premature infants (who are smaller) are less able to tolerate standard vaccine doses, and why more vaccines being given concurrently are more likely to cause this to happen.
As it happens, the most vulnerable area of the brain to these microstrokes is the region that allows the eyes to move outwards. In turn, a loss of smooth outwards tracking of the eyes is one of the most common vaccine injuries (e.g., this happened to many people I know following COVID vaccination).
As it so happens, the region of the brain that controls respiration is very close to the part of the brain that controls outward eye tracking movements...
•To maximize profits, the pharmaceutical industry will often identify vulnerable groups who lack the ability to advocate for themselves and refuse pharmaceutical products.
•When the DPT vaccine was first developed over a century ago, it was tested at Irish orphanages. Recently mass graves of those early test subjects were discovered.
•Since the DPT vaccine hit the market, physicians around the world have observed waves of infant deaths following its use, which were often sudden and inexplicable (along with many other severe side effects).
•Numerous data sources correlate increasing childhood vaccination rates with increasing infant deaths. Those deaths played a key role in creating the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. That forgotten data compromises the majority of this article.
•When the COVID lockdowns happened, vaccine safety activists predicted the lockdowns would lead to an unprecedented drop in infant deaths since children were skipping their vaccines. This ended up being exactly what happened, and it was reconfirmed by infant deaths dropping in Florida after the pandemic prompted many parents to begin not vaccinating their children.
HISTORY REPEATS: The Blueprint of Medical Tyranny from Spanish Flu to COVID-19
How Government-Sponsored "Epidemics" Continue to Serve Pharmaceutical Profits Over Public Health ...
The author provides compelling first-hand testimony about the 1918 Spanish Influenza epidemic, which she survived. According to McBean, the devastating pandemic that killed 20 million people worldwide was actually caused by the widespread administration of multiple vaccines to soldiers and civilians after World War I. She recounts how her unvaccinated family remained healthy while vaccinated individuals succumbed to the disease in massive numbers.
McBean meticulously documents the rise in typhoid cases following mandatory military vaccination, contrasting this with the previous success of sanitation measures in reducing disease. She presents military hospital records showing how various vaccines led to increased illness and death among soldiers, particularly noting the emergence of a more severe "paratyphoid" in those who received the typhoid vaccine.
The book reveals several court cases demonstrating how medical authorities manufactured epidemics for profit. In Kansas City (1921) and Pittsburgh (1924), doctors were found to have deliberately created false epidemics to sell vaccines, resulting in massive profits and public expense. These cases were exposed through the efforts of citizen health groups who took legal action against the perpetrators. ...
The parallels between the documented historical events McBean presents and recent COVID-19 policies are indeed striking and systematic, not controversial at all when examined objectively:
Government protection of pharmaceutical companies from liability;
Falsification and manipulation of death certificates and statistics;
Use of media to create fear and suppress opposing views;
Financial incentives to medical establishments for compliance;
Rushed vaccines without proper safety testing;
Suppression of early treatment options;
Demonization of those questioning the official narrative.
If you are reading this, you are probably aware of the fierce debate surrounding vaccination and looking for information that will allow you to make the best decisions for yourself and your loved ones. Whether you are a parent or a parent to be, sorting through the many arguments on vaccines can be daunting. Still, you need an answer, a definitive one, to the crucial question: Who has it right in the great vaccine debate – the critics, who claim that vaccines often cause serious harm, or the medical establishment, which tells us that vaccines are safe and effective and the science is settled?
Rest assured, you have come to the right place. Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth will resolve the vaccine question for you, once and for all. By the time you finish reading, not only will you see the answer clearly for yourself, you will also have the scientific references and specific quotes at your disposal that prove it – more than 1,200 of them – all from mainstream scientific papers and textbooks, the official publications of relevant government agencies, or manufacturers’ documents.
The book consolidates a great deal of information (accompanied by detailed analysis) that is scattered in hundreds of medical articles, books, and websites. All discussion is presented in clear and easy-to-understand language, so no medical education is required. It presents several original concepts in addition to laying a robust scientific foundation for the more established ones.
Some of the fundamental vaccine safety issues covered in the book are:
How is safety demonstrated before a new vaccine is licensed? What technique do vaccine manufacturers use in clinical trials to make vaccines appear safer than they actually are?
What “last ditch” technique is employed when the above one cannot be, and what are its grave (and damning) ethical implications?
What is the scientific foundation of the safety of vaccination, and what practical tools does this body of science provide physicians to anticipate, diagnose, and treat vaccine injury?
What fundamental flaws are built into vaccine adverse events reporting systems, and how are these systems used (or misused) by health authorities to support their safety claims?
What kinds of post-marketing vaccine studies are conducted, and how can they be manipulated by researchers to produce “favorable” outcomes?
Why would researchers want to skew vaccine research, and how could skewed results be promulgated by the scientific community?
Why would medical journals publish faulty vaccine science? What is the role of the famed “peer review” in this process?
What are “the studies that will never be done” by the medical establishment and how long it has resisted doing them? (Hint: more than 100 years!)
What key CDC-recommended childhood vaccination guidelines were arbitrarily set, without an adequate scientific basis?
In addition, three cornerstones of vaccination lore are covered in depth:
What is herd immunity, and how does it apply (or not) to the vaccines on the childhood schedule?
What role did vaccines actually play in the historical decline of infectious disease?
Was the paralysis associated with polio actually caused by the poliovirus? Is there a better explanation for the great paralysis epidemics of the 20th century? What are the “19 polio mysteries”?
The book is intended for parents overwhelmed by conflicting messaging on this important topic, but it is also an excellent reference for medical researchers and professionals who seek a better understanding of vaccine safety science. Whether you are new to the vaccine debate or a “veteran” seeking a deeper grasp of the science, this book is a must-read. It also serves as an excellent primer on vaccination to share with friends and relatives who may benefit from a deep dive into the subject.
Combination Routine Childhood Vaccination Associated with Development of Asthma and Eczema
Hazard Ratios Too High to be Ignored
Why Are We Giving Babies COVID-19 Vaccines That Don't Work?
A CDC-funded study found COVID-19 vaccines do not reduce the risk of infection in children under 5, and may actually increase the risk for some.
Despite persistent recommendations from U.S. health agencies to vaccinate children as young as six months against COVID-19, a new study led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that the shots do not reduce the risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children under 5 years old and may actually increase the risk of infection in some children.
The study, published in a leading medical journal, analyzed data from three cohort studies conducted between September 2022 and April 2023 and found no difference in infection rates between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.
While health agencies claim that COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of severe disease in young children—who aren’t at risk for severe illness in the first place—the findings of this study show the shots do no such thing, which was a cornerstone of public health messaging during the pandemic.
• The medical field has had a long history of exposing mothers to “treatments” that harm their infants. After decades of work to stop the routine x-raying of fetuses, the “safe and effective” practice of prenatal ultrasound (US) was adopted in its place.
• While US is thought to be safe, there are decades of research showing it can harm tissues. Initially, this was well recognized, but as the ultrasound industry took off, it became a forgotten side of medicine, and research in this area became almost impossible to conduct.
• There is a large body of evidence showing fetuses are particularly vulnerable to US. Most concerningly, dozens of trials were conducted in China immediately prior to mothers planning to have abortions, which showed giving an US beforehand clearly damaged fetal tissues.
While measles death rate in US had declined by 98% and survival rate was estimated at 99.98% in UK, before the introduction of the measles vaccine, proponents of the measles vaccine often argue that the measles vaccine was effective in bringing down the incidence of measles, quoting CDC’s data. ...
In this writeup, we drill down further on measles, and specifically talk about the below 4 conditions, which, when looked at in totality, raise severe doubts about any efficacy whatsoever of the measles vaccine. These include
Atypical Measles: This terminology was attributed to recipients who had previously received the measles vaccine, both killed virus vaccine and live virus vaccine. It led to the eventual discontinuation of the killed measles virus vaccine.
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF): This is another disease clinically similar to measles. It had declined significantly before the introduction of the measles vaccine. However, after the introduction of the measles vaccine, its incidence increased significantly, raising questions of whether vaccinated individuals with measles were being misdiagnosed as RMSF.
Kawasaki Disease (KD): Kawasaki disease was a new disease that was discovered after the trial and introduction of the measles vaccine in Japan, and its incidence increased significantly after the measles vaccine was made mandatory in Japan. Its incidence is not tracked in North America, but studies have indicated an increasing incidence as well as the possibility of measles being misdiagnosed as KD.
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD): HFMD is another disease that’s clinically similar to measles. While its incidence had not been actively tracked historically, recent data indicates an increased incidence, particularly in children under the age of 5, raising questions of the impact of vaccines or immunization schedule.
There are other diseases that are clinically similar to measles, however their incidence data is hard to come by. Hence this writeup focuses on the above 4, to demonstrate the illusion of reduced incidence of measles post introduction of the measles vaccine.
Variolation with Jenner’s vaccine was extremely unsafe and carried significant risk to the recipient. The original source for Jenner’s first singular vaccination was fluid from sores on the hands of milkmaids believed to be caused by cowpox. With no control for confounders such as the very real possibility of prior exposure and immunity to smallpox, when Jenner variolated an eight-year-old boy with this cowpox fluid and after exposure to smallpox the boy failed to succumb to the disease, he proclaimed his new treatment on the basis of this one poorly controlled experiment created lifelong immunity. ...
The alleged cure Jenner claimed as his own invention was being better done by the Chinese hundreds of years before and, rather than involving pus collected from sores on cows, the Chinese method collected humoral response from sores on infected humans for use as their vaccine medium. Ironically, it appears the Chinese process may have been safer and possibly even more effective. However, and in spite of the fact that smallpox outbreaks and elevated death rates repeatedly followed vaccination campaigns, propaganda of the day that was often written by the doctors whose incomes primarily came from performing these variolations proclaimed vaccination to be the safest and most effective medical intervention for treating smallpox. Perhaps it was the fact that performing these vaccinations had become the single most lucrative branch of surgical practice at the time (Vaughan et al, 1922 at p189) that helped these doctors to overlook the infectious outbreaks, physical harm and death that variolation wrought upon communities.
In communities that received inoculation for smallpox it was found that vaccination increased rates of smallpox death and burials by as much as 27%. In fact, and as the work of Dr Elizabeth Fenn would demonstrate in her investigation chronicled in Pox Americana: The Great Smallpox Epidemic of 1775-82, vaccination for smallpox (variola) was as likely to start an epidemic as stop one, dramatically affected the outcome of the American War of Independence, and may have caused the continental epidemic in North America.
Combination Vaccination of Premature Neonates Results in Apnea Events
Randomized Trial Shows Irrational Immunization of Preemies Harmful, Demonstrates Mechanism of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Premature babies are at high risk for neurological and pulmonary complications in the neonatal ICU. They are not at risk for hospital-acquired Hepatitis B, Rotavirus, Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, or Haemophilus Influenza B. Thus the wisdom of giving 7 vaccines to a frail and vulnerable preterm newborn should be challenged in a randomized trial.
Greenberg et al performed a randomized prospective clinical trial in 223 infants born before 33 weeks of gestational age. The primary endpoint was apnea, defined as a respiration pause > 20 seconds or > 15 seconds associated with bradycardia less than 80 beats per minute. ...
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