by Patrick ➕follow (59) 💰tip ignore
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I think all children remember the original betrayal of vaccination. The parent, who is supposed to protect them, turns them over to a stranger who uses sharp metal objects to inject poisons into their body. This grotesque ritual disconnects children from their own bodies, their parents, the wisdom of nature, and divine source.
Falsifiability: the capacity for some proposition, theory, or hypothesis to be proven wrong.
The enormous problem that we face with The Cult of Vaccine is that their ideology has become non-falsifiable. No amount of evidence will convince the cultists that vaccines are unsafe.
As Karl Popper pointed out in 1935, falsifiability is the hallmark of science. If a claim is not falsifiable, you are not doing science. Theology is non-falsifiable. When it comes to vaccines, the CDC, FDA, and NIH are not doing science, they are engaged in Molochian theology.
I think all children remember the original betrayal of vaccination. The parent, who is supposed to protect them, turns them over to a stranger who uses sharp metal objects to inject poisons into their body. This grotesque ritual disconnects children from their own bodies, their parents, the wisdom of nature, and divine source.
Could be all the vaxxes they give kids now (76 of them, iirc) or maybe autism is just becoming a fashionable diagnosis. That happens in waves, where various medical services realize they can get money if they just make the right diagnosis.
What's the point of developing new drugs?
This question is not rhetorical. A new treatment to lower harm from a minor respiratory virus in infants instead is associated with MORE baby deaths, clinical trials show. Yet no one seems to care. ...
In the most important trial, of healthy near-full-term and full-term infants, three out of 994 infants given nirsevimab died within a year. None of the 496 infants who received a placebo shot died.
This question is not rhetorical. A new treatment to lower harm from a minor respiratory virus in infants instead is associated with MORE baby deaths, clinical trials show. Yet no one seems to care. ...
Another one, just from today: the breakfast cereal companies make a lot of money and used that to push the outright lie that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". It's not. You'd actually be way better off skipping breakfast entirely:
Another one, just from today: the breakfast cereal companies make a lot of money and used that to push the outright lie that "breakfast is the most important meal of the day". It's not. You'd actually be way better off skipping breakfast entirely:
Age of the woman Patrick. I'm convinced of this. I'm gonna go Iwog on this and I believe he was right. Women/girls should have kids 16-25 when their bodies are the healthiest and at reproductive peak.
Because we need two income households women put it off until 30+. Vaccines could be the cause I suppose, but I think there's more to it. Dudes can plant their seed any time, I'd advise as early as possible with 2 kids. But women should not be having kids over the age of 30 in my opinion. The lifetime of their reproductive organs is literally halfway over by that time if not 60% done. Women go through menopause in their 40's sometimes. What's the outcome of that baby 5 year prior? Issues.
You'd actually be way better off skipping breakfast entirely
It's the age of the eggs that matter most, I agree. Sperm, not so much although they try to make a false equivalence; men produce spermatoa unto death and not much difference between 20 or 50 spermwise, other than a few with bad genetics. For women, there's a massive difference between 20 year old eggs and 40 year old eggs, even between 20 and 30 year old's eggs.
One clue is that idiot savants/elfin syndrome were once connected with the youngest child, that would be the one a woman might have well into her 30s.
richwicks Yes, I changed my mind about vaccines.
Then they got onto another track: who was going to pay for the vaccine and the monoclonal? OMG, if we can’t hang the costs on Uncle Sam, what then? Do you expect us to give this out in our offices and not get reimbursed? Patients don’t pay cash for vaccines. Members attempted to direct CDC to put the vaccine and monoclonal onto the childhood schedule or the Vaccines for Children program. They attempted to tell CDC that nirsevimab, a therapy, should be billed like a vaccine. The appropriate CDC offical had to explain very politely that they have no jurisdiction to tell Uncle what program to put his vaccines or monoclonals into.
Of course they should have had no worries—someone else will take care of those details. But it was striking to me how involved they were in the financing of the products, which together cost $700. And why the high cost didn’t seem to bother them at all.
And then I remembered. Pediatricians sink or swim on the vaccines they administer. $400 bonuses for each fully vaccinated child in the practice. Higher bonuses if a higher percentage of the patients are fully vaccinated. Low reimbursements for other billable activities. If a pediatric practice does not give out loads of vaccines, it will simply go under, unless it has a unique specialty practice and does not bill insurance.
Therefore, how can you expect a pediatrician to look closely at vaccines? It would be like asking him/her to dig his own grave.
And then they voted YES for the 4th pneumococcal vaccine, and I said a prayer that it was finally over.
Fatal and Debilitating Smallpox Vaccine Induced Myocarditis ...
I found this paper from Engler et al, US Department of Defense, which relied upon VAERS do to research approved by an Institutional Review Board to assess the smallpox vaccine utilized in the US military. After vaccinating more than a million personnel from the theoretical threat of smallpox bioterrorism with the old-fashioned type of smallpox vaccine grown on the skin of calves, the US military switched to a second-generation vaccine that's grown in laboratory cell cultures. ...
The authors found 276 cases of myocarditis, 72 with pericarditis, with a mean age of 24 years and 96% men. A total of 31% of cases had reduction in left ventricular function (by echo or MRI) and 84% of the aggregate cases presented with an elevation in cardiac troponin. ...
The major lessons from this study are: 1) VAERS is an excellent source of data for vaccine safety research, 2) the modern smallpox vaccines used in the military had serious side effects including cardiac disability and death, 3) cardiac MRI when used did not identify a large fraction of abnormalities suggesting either late or inappropriate utilization without MRI contrast and assessment for late gadolinium enhancement. ...
Findings from this study apply to COVID-19 vaccine induced myocarditis which appears to be far more frequent and dangerous. Fortunately COVID-19 vaccination is no longer mandated. In young men, vaccines with a proven record of myopericarditis (smallpox, monkeypox, and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines) carry a real risk of debilitating and fatal heart damage.
Zero Amish Children Diagnosed with Cancer, Diabetes or Autism
A comprehensive study has found that no Amish children have been diagnosed with chronic conditions that impact the rest of America. ...
As Slay News recently reported, a study conducted by the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF) found that Covid death rates among Amish communities are 90 times lower than for the rest of America.
The main difference, the study revealed, is that Amish communities completely ignored the guidelines from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Amish families did not get vaccinated or wear masks, nor did they engage in lockdowns, social distancing, or any other type of restrictions. ...
In a new comprehensive study, presented by VSRF founder Steve Kirsch to the Pennsylvania State Senate, it was calculated that for Amish children, who are strictly 100 percent unvaccinated, typical chronic conditions barely exist, if any at all.
These chronic conditions, which many vaccinated children and swaths of Americans suffer from, include auto-immune disease, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, ADHD, arthritis, cancer, and autism.
During testimony before the PA Senate, expert health advocates shared details on why there have never been any reports published regarding the health of Amish children in general.
“After decades of studying the Amish, there’s no report because the report would be devastating to the narrative,” Kirsch testified.
“It would show that the CDC has been harming the public for decades and saying nothing and burying all the data.” ...
The experts all noted that chronic conditions are soaring among the American people.
However, they concluded that these conditions are non-existent among unvaxxed Amish communities.
According to the VSRF study, not one single Amish child could be found who had suffered from cancer, autism, heart disease, or other conditions that are on the rise among American children.
Pediatricians never warn parents about this
Think about what the CDC’s grotesque vaccine schedule does to the relationship between parents and their children. The kid does not know what’s going on. Yet every few months the parents offer up the child to strangers who inflict pain with sharp metal objects while smiling, laughing, and saying “it’s okay,” “you’re a champ.” The shots can cause fever, digestive problems, seizures, and worse for days, months, or even years. The parents go through this Molochian ritual over fifty times. The child has no words to express what’s happening. The child cannot possibly give consent. The psychological scars from this betrayal are permanent and the child learns to never trust the parents again.
Please make them stop the insanity of using nearly all newborns as guinea pigs. CDC's ACIP today voted unanimously to give a monoclonal antibody to newborns on day 1-7 of life to prevent RSV.
MORE babies DIED who were TREATED than were in the control group. Same story as Pfizer's initial COVID shot trial. This will almost certainly kill many babies.
“Highly developed nations requiring the most neonatal vaccine doses tend to have the worst mortality rates in children under age 5, according to a peer-reviewed study published July 20.
The study found that developed nations requiring more neonatal vaccinations may have unintended consequences that increase childhood mortality, challenging the idea that more vaccines administered always results in fewer deaths.
In addition, vaccines have ‘non-specific effects’ that can increase or decrease mortality from infectious diseases not targeted by the vaccine. ‘Some deaths associated with neonatal vaccines may be delayed, possibly through some priming mechanism or cumulative toxicity that increases the risk of a severe or fatal reaction to subsequently administered vaccines,’ Mr. Miller added.”
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. fired back at a group of “experts” for claiming that vaccines are “unequivocally safe.”
Kennedy shutting down globalist talking points in a resurfaced interview with the BBC has gone viral on social media.
During the interview, Kennedy shreds the claims by employing basic logic, asking simple questions, and citing publicly available data. ...
However, RFK Jr. responds perfectly with hard facts and reality.
He asked the interviewer how vaccines can be regarded as “unequivocally safe” as the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has paid out over $3.3 billion in damages over injuries and deaths caused by vaccinations.
Kennedy then asserts that children are being treated as if they’re disposable.
He then asks if it is right that we should live in a country where a government can come in and say, “We’re going to make your child sick or kill him, in order to save another child.”
The Democrat presidential candidate then cites data revealing that far more children have died from measles vaccines than the illness itself.
RFK Jr. then shreds the declaration by the cited “experts” by asking how such organizations can have any credibility after making demonstrably false claims over something so important. ...
“We’ve had the WHO, CDC, the DHS, and all the three-letter agencies have thought about pandemics for a hundred years.
“And they’ve worked on very, very carefully on pandemic preparedness protocols.
“And all of those protocols said you never lock down a population,” he asserted.
“You cannot stop a respiratory virus with lockdowns,” Kennedy continued.
“You’re going to actually amplify it because they spread indoors.”
Please make them stop the insanity of using nearly all newborns as guinea pigs. CDC's ACIP today voted unanimously to give a monoclonal antibody to newborns on day 1-7 of life to prevent RSV.
MORE babies DIED who were TREATED than were in the control group. Same story as Pfizer's initial COVID shot trial. This will almost certainly kill many babies.
Most of these on the right are VERY optional.
Most of these on the right are VERY optional.
They’re all required for entry to public school, unless you have an exemption (religious, philosophical, or medical), and you can add COVID, hep A, and hpv to that list as of last fall. States like CA allow only medical exemptions, which are near impossible to get.
Alright, 97% of them. Maybe influenza is optional (are you in California?)
Since almost all kids are/were vaccinated then, the ability of the researchers to get a decent sample of unvaccinated children becomes a sticking point.
Hard Won Autopsy, Near Impossible To Achieve in US, Confirms Two Month Old Baby Died From Over-Vaccination
There are likely larger factors in play such as mother's age at conception and fertility treatments and procedures. Also kids are diagnosed with autism (and add/adhd) which would have been considered normal within the bell curve not long ago.
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