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2022 Aug 21, 9:05am   8,381 views  83 comments

by Onvacation   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

Poll Questions:
Are you vaxxed?
Why or why not?

Someone on this forum said that probably 80% of the people on this forum are vaxxed. Someone else said probably only 2 of us.

Just curious.

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38   PeopleUnited   2022 Aug 22, 8:23am  

WookieMan says

Life expectancy generally only increased because of successful birth rates.

Antibiotics and better sanitation (clean/running water) is responsible for the majority of life expectancy increases since the founding of this republic.
39   GreaterNYCDude   2022 Aug 22, 9:02am  

@Richwicks it was a personal (and difficult) decision to get the first two doses. I never agreed with the mandates, pressure and coercion tactics. Given my age, health (or lack thereof) and family factors it was the better option for my specific situation at that time.

I respect many opted not to get this thing. To each their own. The more we learned the less urgent the need for an untested therapeutic became. Particularly for a virus that was not nearly as deadly as first believed. But as with everything else, the powers that be never waste an opportunity to utilize a crisis, real or manufactured, for their own ends. We agree on that I suspect.

Also, who are you to question my faith? (I'm not surprised. You love a good argument.) But I've been a Catholic all my life. Proud of it. Not gonna apologize for it. Jesus is my Lord and savior. If you want to debate religion we'll need a different thread. I'm no commie. Government is not my God.

@patrick I don't begrudge you for being against the shot given what you've experinced. No vaccine is 100% safe (and for the record this mRNA shot dosen't meet the traditional definition of a vaccine) and this gene therapeutic or whatever you want to call it isn't even that effective.

Where we diverge is I take a to each their own approach. But I also respect that you are trying to argue, with facts, that this thing is not a benign jab, despite what the MSM has shoved in our faces for a year plus. But getting Covid also has consequences for some (the old, the frail) more than others. For that subset, an attempt to forestall or lessen the impact of infection was worth the risk. Without getting into specifics, that's where I found myself.

What bothers me is that the long term risk is unknowable. mRNA technology has not been around long enough and until 2021 it has been used mostly in those who were already terminally ill, such as cancer patients. "Science" wasn't allowed to do what it normally does; analyze data, question assumptions, and attempt to reach a broad concensus.

The sad reality is this is one large, global human trial. If in 10 or 20 years all of us who rolled up our sleves drop dead... well then you'll know that you were right.. and I won't be here to argue the point.

To be clear, I don't see this as some evil plot to depopulate the world. I think that pharma industry saw an opportunity to make money and took it. Hospitals saw a way to make money and took it. MSM saw a way to make money and took it. As always the little guy got the short end.

Fear is a powerful motivator and the government overplayed their hand respecting what this virus was and was not, particularly on the early days of the outbreak. All sides, Democrat and Republicans are to blame on this one. One of the few speaking common sense was Dr. Rand Paul. Faucci flipped flopped on key issues (masks, efficacy) AND amitted to misleading the public (see 60 minutes interview he gave), thereby killing whatever credibility he may have had.

What bothers me is how many people complied without question. Heck people were fighting to get appointments before the EAU was even issued.

I questioned the hell out of this before I took my decision. I still don't like that pharma is off the hook on side effects or that the trial data is buried. If there ever is a real emergency, a true plague like outbreak, clearly the government can't mange it. Heck they are too big and beurcratic to manage much of anything. But I digress.
40   Karloff   2022 Aug 22, 11:23am  

richwicks says

they have been working on DNA and mRNA vaccines for 2 decades without success

I did find this out when researching all of this in Summer 2020. I also had already known that no effective vaccine was ever developed for a coronavirus before and that was in part due to it's fast mutation, which indicated that these shots would never offer sterilizing immunity either, and that also with the animal reservoir, it would be impossible to get the herd immunity they kept repeating over and over.

The lies became apparent pretty early on, and it all went downhill from there.
41   HeadSet   2022 Aug 22, 2:41pm  

No jab at all, but daughter was required to get jabbed to stay in college. She now has POTS.
42   Ceffer   2022 Aug 22, 2:47pm  

Neighbor's daughter around the corner developed seizures out of the blue post vax and had to quit her sports. They said Stanford doctors found 'baffling autoimmune brain disorder' of unknown origins. She has apparently recovered somewhat, but was disabled for a long time.
43   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 2:52pm  

HeadSet says

No jab at all, but daughter was required to get jabbed to stay in college. She now has POTS.

@HeadSet do you mean this?

44   komputodo   2022 Aug 22, 2:56pm  

Onvacation says

Someone on this forum said that probably 80% of the people on this forum are vaxxed.

That was me...the popular theme of patnet is to be anti-vax so therefore many people won't admit they are vaxxed. Richwicks said: Who is going admit to being tricked at this point? Or coerced into taking the vaccine? I think part of the psy-op is that the reasons provided to the public are so stupid and so nonsensical is that it tends to lend people never to admit to taking the vaccine. I'll bet a kidney a year from now people will be saying "I never fell for it!" but you'll find in their social media that they were double vaxxed and double boosted.
45   komputodo   2022 Aug 22, 2:57pm  

HeadSet says

No jab at all, but daughter was required to get jabbed to stay in college. She now has POTS.

Plain old telephone service? like AOL with a modem?
46   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:00pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

To be clear, I don't see this as some evil plot to depopulate the world.

I don't either, or at least I think that is a very remote possibility.

I think it's mostly about corruption and greed. Pfizer has absolute control over the FDA, CDC, and NIH, and simply told its drones there to approve the jab even though it is clearly unsafe even by Pfizer's own studies. Pfauci was I think not merely a drone, but financially in on the whole scam.

Pfauci funded the development of the virus with the intent to use it when convenient, and it was convenient when Trump's economy was working much too well and the second attempt at impeaching Trump had failed. Or maybe it was released accidentally, but in any case there is clear proof of Pfauci funding it via Peter Daszak in Wuhan.

It was a crime against humanity, especially because the same organizations suppressed cheap and actually effective treatments like HCQ and ivermectin in order to keep profiting from the jab.

Now the highest number of deaths in Alberta is from "unknown causes" and I think that will spread to pretty much everywhere that the majority of people got the jab. The next few years should be really interesting, hopefully ending with the public hanging of Pfauci and Collins, and all the other craptacularly corrupt "health officials".
47   Blue   2022 Aug 22, 3:01pm  

My owner forced me to get one after fighting for months. One day I visited and asked for j&j none mRNA and begged not to inject only to get stamped on paper. I told him treat me like your brother, he looks understandable hope he dumped down. I got the stamped paper.
I have saved wife and kids all along. I used (almost) same paper copy for all my kids, wife as the last name matching. Never had any issues.
I personally know many who got it having issues and many never know there is other side of the coin still looking for more of the same thing.
48   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:02pm  

Blue says

My owner forced me to get one

You don't really mean "owner" do you @Blue ?

Employer maybe?
49   Booger   2022 Aug 22, 3:04pm  

richwicks says

Not vaccinated.

Never saw a need for it with a mortality rate of 0.2%

Same here.
50   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:10pm  

GreaterNYCDude says

What bothers me is that the long term risk is unknowable.

Yes, and this was true from the beginning. Why on earth would anyone take an experimental genetic shot when there were literally zero long-term safety studies?

Even Zuckerberg told Facebook employees not to get it because of the danger of unknown genetic injections, until someone had a chat with him and he turned 180 degrees.

And now we find it really does modify DNA to produce the spike protein forever, and perhaps even in descendants of people who got the jab.


51   komputodo   2022 Aug 22, 3:17pm  

Patrick says

Blue says

My owner forced me to get one

You don't really mean "owner" do you @Blue ?

Employer maybe?

I think he meant owner literally.
52   Blue   2022 Aug 22, 3:21pm  

Patrick says

Blue says

My owner forced me to get one

You don't really mean "owner" do you @Blue ?

Employer maybe?

yes employer. I was a bit sarcastic. The fake 'Biden mandate' was removed almost two months ago meanwhile they were able to reach almost 95%. I do know someone who is part of that 5%. Good that 1.he could work remotely like everyone is allowed and 2.he can afford quit or retire if necessary. Unfortunate I need to visit facility often and I can not quit as all other business that I know also require jab.
53   HeadSet   2022 Aug 22, 3:22pm  

Patrick says

HeadSet says

No jab at all, but daughter was required to get jabbed to stay in college. She now has POTS.

@HeadSet do you mean this?


Yes. The cardiologist says she has this, but must undergo a few tests before they will say she has actual POTS. She has had two tests so far to rule out other issues.
54   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 3:30pm  

Patrick says

And now we find it really does modify DNA to produce the spike protein forever, and perhaps even in descendants of people who got the jab.

Unlikely this can be genetically passed on and even if it can, it would be incredibly rare.
55   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 3:49pm  

Why do you think it would be rare?

It was just months ago that the corporate media shills were yelling that it is "impossible" for the mRNA shots to get into your DNA, but now there are multiple studies showing that it not only modifies your DNA, it does it quickly, within 6 hours.
56   stereotomy   2022 Aug 22, 3:50pm  

It took 5 years and tens of thousands of spontaneous abortions and about ten thousand deformed children before they withdrew Thalidomide.

The clot shot will make the Thalidomide disaster look like a game of patty-cake.
57   WookieMan   2022 Aug 22, 4:08pm  

stereotomy says

It took 5 years and tens of thousands of spontaneous abortions and about ten thousand deformed children before they withdrew Thalidomide.

The clot shot will make the Thalidomide disaster look like a game of patty-cake.

Yes and no. I think it just destroys fertility. So it's hard to tell. Not all miscarriages are reported. So it's a hard metric to trust. I don't think it's deforming children by anything I've read. It's messing with women's hormones and eggs 100%. It's not a popular topic with men. I have no filter so I just ask. Women are having issues that got the vax in a big way.

Women are also uncomfortable talking about it with their docs. IF they even go. This will take years to play out. No one really knows.
58   EBGuy   2022 Aug 22, 4:11pm  

FDA Approved two and done for myself and rest of family. That said, folks are nuts out here. We had to write a treatise with footnotes to multiple studies explaining why our child would not be getting boosted and the sports team finally granted an exemption.
Almost lost someone close to me who was unvaxxed (a fit early fifties) to the delta wave. They were in a state with a larger unvaxxed group and around .1% of their population got taken out in the omicron wave (where some delta was still present). This state was basically neck and neck in deaths per million with California until the Omicron wave. The vax saves lives in at risk populations (those who are older and obese/diabetic).
That said, its been clear to me since posting the the Salk Institute study very early on that you don't want this in your bloodstream. This is an intramuscular injection and in ye olden times nurses would aspirate to make sure they hadn't hit a vein. Now they just rely on needle size and hope for the best. My guess is not aspirating is causing a lot of problems and deaths.
59   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 4:18pm  

WookieMan says

This will take years to play out. No one really knows.

Right, it's definitely going to take years, but it's already clear from, eg Alberta, that some really bad things are happening.

The good news, if there is any, is that the damage from the jab seems to go up exponentially with the number of "boosters". The highly boosted are in a very bad position. That's good because not taking boosters is something people can do to protect themselves from further harm.
60   socal2   2022 Aug 22, 4:40pm  

I had the initial 2 Pfizer shots about 18 months ago, but haven't been boosted nor plan on it. My wife and kids got the initial shots (low dose for kids) and have not been boosted either. My wife and son got a mild case of COVID about 2 month ago. I've come down with some mild crud, but always tested negative.

When I initially got the shot, I was just starting a new job that would require a fair amount of air travel and things were just starting to open again. I also had a sick dad that required me to travel back to the Midwest and I didn't want to expose him.

Also, I had a couple cousins in New York that died of COVID during the first major wave in the winter of 2020. They were in their early 60's, not in the best of health but my cousin and her husband both quickly came down with it hard, were put on ventilators and died within a week of each other. I have also had 2 relatively young friends and work colleagues in their early 50's who died of COVID in late 2020. My friend and work-colleague for sure didn't die "with" COVID, they were all in good health that came down with severe respiratory disease, tested positive for COVID and died within 2 months of coming down with it.

I absolutely believe that COVID was overblown and our Government and elites took advantage of it. But I don't think COVID is a total hoax either. It clearly is the result of the Chinese fucking around with gain of function research.

So I figured I could take a rushed American made vaccine or take my chances of catching a rushed Chinese made virus. Either is a shit sandwich.
61   Ceffer   2022 Aug 22, 4:45pm  

We don't know what Covid was, or what auxiliary weapons or viruses were generated and spread since everything and anything tests positive and is attributed to Covid For Profit with the fake PCR test.

If Covid spread, it was quenched by fall of 2020 by the immune system of the population, as is the epidemiology of all respiratory viruses, and went from being semi-fraud to complete fraud ever since.

Of course, we know that anybody who had the misfortune to be admitted to a hospital and placed on a ventilator in any context were victims of the death protocols. Cool 20K to 40K per signified death, not bad for a weeks work.
Some reports state that from admission through croaking, some hospitals could have gotten over 100k apiece.
62   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 5:00pm  

socal2 says

were put on ventilators and died

I'm pretty sure it was the ventilator that killed them.
63   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 5:02pm  

socal2 says

Chinese made virus

Made in China, but Pfauci-pfunded for Pfizer profits.
64   Blue   2022 Aug 22, 5:50pm  

Patrick says

socal2 says

were put on ventilators and died

I'm pretty sure it was the ventilator that killed them.

No wonder why no one heard ventilators usage after a bread period of time. They must have killed many. Creepy that hospitals got $48k/dead.
65   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 6:16pm  

Patrick says

Why do you think it would be rare?

Would have to infect the testicles and only certain cells to be passed on to the next generation, or an ovum.

Patrick says

It was just months ago that the corporate media shills were yelling that it is "impossible" for the mRNA shots to get into your DNA, but now there are multiple studies showing that it not only modifies your DNA, it does it quickly, within 6 hours.

Media is full of shit, I know that - but but cautious about claims. You can listen to them, but what you need to do is remember what you heard and check up on years later. Claims made today can't be trusted to be correct by anybody.

The claims being made today WILL be followed up on, but you're not going to hear it on the MSM. You have to remember to check.

Remember Dawit Kelete?


When it turned out he wasn't white, the media COMPLETELY dropped the story:


In a few years, we'll find out the result of the vaccines. Invitro tests and so on, they are interesting, and it might turn out that everybody that got the shot has been forever altered but we're not going to know today.
66   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 6:21pm  

Blue says

They must have killed many. Creepy that hospitals got $48k/dead.

Yes, the more people hospitals killed, the more money hospitals got from the government.
67   PatriotBroad   2022 Aug 22, 6:43pm  

Not vaxxed. No way in hell!
Why not? Well, it didn't seem right, ya know, how the government was promoting this vaxx. I do not recall, in my lifetime, a vaxx being talked up so much. First red flag.Then, they were trying to bribe people to take it. Another red flag, for me. Then they started trying to guilt trip everyone into taking it. Third red flag. Of course, by the time they started trying to force it, the media sources I use were already talking about adverse reactions that were being reported on VAERS, but NOT being reported on by the mockingbird media. For me, it stalled out before it ever got off the ground. It was never even a consideration of mine to take it. Never trusted it. Never will.
68   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 22, 6:59pm  

Patrick says

I'm pretty sure it was the ventilator that killed them.

Trump invokes Defense Production Act for ventilator manufacturing

WASHINGTON, April 2, 2020 (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday invoked the Defense Production Act to aid companies building ventilators for coronavirus patients to receive the supply of materials they need.

In a memo released by the White House, Trump directed the U.S. Health and Human Services secretary to use his authority to help facilitate the supply of ventilator materials for six companies - General Electric Co, Hill-Rom Holdings Inc , Medtronic Plc, Resmed Inc, Royal Philips N.V. and Vyaire Medical Inc.

69   Ceffer   2022 Aug 22, 7:57pm  

Remember the argument that if they were genetically altered by the vaccines, they no longer were legally human, thus no homicide? Guess they will have to get them on animal cruelty.
70   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 8:04pm  

Ceffer says

Remember the argument that if they were genetically altered by the vaccines, they no longer were legally human, thus no homicide? Guess they will have to get them on animal cruelty.

That argument won't fly of course. We all have unique genetics and we all have mutations.
71   Onvacation   2022 Aug 22, 8:10pm  

I hear a change in the talking points on my favorite left wing radio. They're shifting back to the "Existential crisis of global warming". As far as the vaxx goes, they claim that it saved tens of millions of covid victims and would have been so much worse if not for the boosters.
72   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 8:27pm  

richwicks says

Patrick - how much of a pain in the ass would it be to make a thread that only two people could discuss between themselves?

It would be a significant amount of work, but you can get into a private conversation with anyone else by tipping them a penny, and in the associated message giving your email address asking them to email you back.
73   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 8:29pm  

PatriotBroad says

I do not recall, in my lifetime, a vaxx being talked up so much. First red flag.Then, they were trying to bribe people to take it. Another red flag, for me. Then they started trying to guilt trip everyone into taking it. Third red flag. Of course, by the time they started trying to force it, the media sources I use were already talking about adverse reactions that were being reported on VAERS, but NOT being reported on by the mockingbird media.

I agree with all of those. It was just creepy off the charts. Still is.
74   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 8:37pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Patrick - how much of a pain in the ass would it be to make a thread that only two people could discuss between themselves?

It would be a significant amount of work, but you can get into a private conversation with anyone else by tipping them a penny, and in the associated message giving your email address asking them to email you back.

Why not make a hack such that one person is tipped a penny by the person that starts the post, and the person being invited accepts, then spends the penny and they have a dummy post?
75   Patrick   2022 Aug 22, 9:05pm  

But you want just two people to be able to view the post and associated comments?
76   Michael Cooke   2022 Aug 22, 9:10pm  

"they were trying to bribe people to take it"

Yeah? Well that ship sails both ways. Had to flash the cash. She hesitated and looked at the door. I got scared and pulled out more cash.

She put it down the sink. Now I got an EU Green pass proving I'm Vaxxed. :) Low level nurses there only make 400-500 Euros per month. Most speak English. Was sick and tired of visiting dingy government hospitals and fake testing closets 100-200 Euros each way every time.
77   richwicks   2022 Aug 22, 9:28pm  

Patrick says

But you want just two people to be able to view the post and associated comments?

No, just two people to be able to respond to each either, no censorship. No rules, contained conversation.

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