Predictions thread.

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2022 Sep 12, 2:18pm   83,001 views  462 comments

by Eric Holder   ➕follow (5)   💰tip   ignore  

Here I will collect bold predictions so we can see what came true and what didn't.

It goes without saying that everybody is welcome to add their favorite predictions.

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273   richwicks   2023 May 9, 5:01am  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

It will be another orderly, boring election

Oh, it won't be boring. Blatant election fraud will take place in key districts.

It will be done in the primary. Trump won't be allowed to run. Hope I'm wrong, but I bet I'm not. I was genuinely surprised that Trump was allowed to win the primary in 2016 - remember when there were calls to invalidate it? The Democrats were calling to invalidate it but the DNC also thought he would be easy to beat - but people are so goddamned sick of the status quo, he managed to win, and I think there was MASSIVE ballot fraud then too. Nobody but a Democrat would vote for Hillary Clinton, she's as despised by non Democrats as George W. Bush is with non Republicans.

Trump actually won over some fence sitters, and quite a few Democrats as well.
274   richwicks   2023 Jun 2, 9:49pm  

I predict that Jamie Foxx when he finally makes public appearances will seem completely fine, with absolutely no ill health effects.

I suspect he was never ill, and all of this was to discredit people claiming the vax is dangerous. He is an actor after all.
275   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 3, 12:08am  

stereotomy says

Most Ukrainian chicks are relatively hot. If Ukraine is decimated, this is an opportunity to snag high quality Eastern European Ass to relive the severe M/F ratio.

Divorce Raep of Spergs in 2-3 years after they arrive.
276   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 4:05pm  

Tenpoundbass says

The Ukraine thing will be finished before the 2024 election. Russia will occupy all of Ukraine and Zelenski will be either a Siberian prisoner or dead.
277   Eric Holder   2023 Jun 5, 4:06pm  

WookieMan says

This will go down as dumber than Iraq or Afghanistan.

Yep, Pukin is a stupid cunt.
280   richwicks   2023 Jun 20, 12:27am  

Eric Holder says

A very bold one: https://medium.com/dylan_combellick/the-ukrainian-offensive-will-be-easy-af13d6a9e6d9

Can't read it, but I can read enough of it to know the author thinks Ukraine will be victorious. I know that 's wrong.

I expect Ukraine to be divided up into East and West Ukraine, West Ukraine will be deeply in debt to the IMF. I'm not even certain it will survive as a country. Crimea will remain Russian, I'm not certain to what extent Western Ukraine will be Russian - anything with resources most likely.

The war might go on for many years. I'd bet at least 3 more. It may never really end, but end up in a low key conflict that just drags on where there is little if any fighting, but there is clear hostility.

I think the pattern I've noticed is that when the US claims that "victory is imminent" is never is and it's the exact opposite. Remember when the US claimed "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq? Then it went on to 2011, and then it was staffed by mercenaries? When the US leaves, they just leave - like Libya We won't even hear about it

Eventually the "news" media will just stop talking about Ukraine except sporadically, maybe not at all. They never mention Yemen or Somalia. Do they talk about Syria?


They don't even talk about the war. This means its still going on, although the US isn't very active there, and is protecting assets. Whatever the goals were, have largely been achieved or abandoned. We'll see.
281   Onvacation   2023 Jun 23, 10:46am  

richwicks says

I expect Ukraine to be divided up into East and West Ukraine, West Ukraine will be deeply in debt to the IMF. I'm not even certain it will survive as a country. Crimea will remain Russian, I'm not certain to what extent Western Ukraine will be Russian - anything with resources most likely.

The area we call Ukraine has been dominated by other countries since time immemorial.
283   RWSGFY   2023 Jun 25, 11:14pm  

Another juicy one:

The_Deplorable says

Ukraine is finished. The counteroffensive failed and Ukraine's losses are so high, they don't have an army anymore to keep fighting.
284   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 26, 12:55am  


Girkin's predictions:


Didn't Pickle end up being anti-Putin because he felt the DPR wasn't being supported enough?

So much shit these days, hard to remember everything.
285   richwicks   2023 Jun 26, 2:00am  


Girkin's predictions:


@RWSGFY - how did that work out?

AmericanKulak says

Didn't Pickle end up being anti-Putin because he felt the DPR wasn't being supported enough?

So much shit these days, hard to remember everything.

I read an interesting piece on Prigozhin:


His viewpoint is that Prigozhin is just a moron that believes western propaganda and thinks that Prigozhin has actually no military experience. He's just a dumb thug. He owns Wagner, but doesn't control it. He's just a businessman, but I have no idea. Basically, Prigozhin actually believes Russia is losing the war.

If Russia loses this conflict, I'm going to have to do some real thinking about how I was deceived because at this point, I'm totally convinced there is no way Russia can lose short of NATO actually going to war with Russia, and even THEN, I don't think Russia will lose.
286   richwicks   2023 Jun 28, 12:32pm  

I have a prediction on Prigozhin:

He will be murdered in some novel, weird way, and the US security agencies (i.e. "western media") will blame Putin after Putin let him go, and exiled him to Belarus. It will be a while from now, when he's been largely forgotten.
288   richwicks   2023 Jul 6, 4:00pm  


It won't happen. The US government directly intervenes in the stockmarket to prevent it from collapsing. WHEN it collapses, it won't collapse 40%, it will collapse 100%.

We are not in a free market at all. This is centralized control, and that will in time, and when it fails, it will be catastrophic.
289   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 7, 8:59am  

40% is about what happened in '08. Government couldn't do shit about it. Regardless of attempts to control, all markets are still ruled by the free market. It's natural law, ordained by God. Example, even fucking North Korea has black markets...
290   Eric Holder   2023 Jul 7, 9:15am  

NuttBoxer says

40% is about what happened in '08. Government couldn't do shit about it.

292   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 25, 6:55pm  

Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong had this prediction for SBF:

“SBF is going to walk. Just watch.”
293   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 25, 6:57pm  


Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong had this prediction for SBF:

“SBF is going to walk. Just watch.”

He will get some misdemeanors and have to serve community service or some crap like that. For appearances sake.
294   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 25, 6:58pm  

Trollhole says


Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong had this prediction for SBF:

“SBF is going to walk. Just watch.”

He will get some misdemeanors and have to serve community service or some crap like that. For appearances sake.

295   richwicks   2023 Jul 25, 8:25pm  


Conservative commentator Ian Miles Cheong had this prediction for SBF:

“SBF is going to walk. Just watch.”

Of course he will.

I don't know why people are surprised we don't have a judicial system. We're in a complete breakdown as a society. We're lied to about every fucking thing from pandemics, to war.

After a point, you have to just ignore the government. They have power, but they don't have authority. It's just a mafia now.
298   AD   2023 Aug 21, 10:22am  

richwicks says

Of course he will.

Its a given that Bankman Fried will walk since federal criminal trials are in blue towns and cities, so at worst, the mostly or completely Woke jury will be a hung jury.

And a Democrat DOJ will just decide to not have another trial after the first trial results in a hung jury.

299   Patrick   2023 Aug 21, 10:23am  

They might also do the same as with Hunter and simply delay trial for 7 years so that the Statute of Limitations runs out.
300   Eric Holder   2023 Aug 21, 11:51am  

ad says

richwicks says

Of course he will.

Its a given that Bankman Fried will walk since federal criminal trials are in blue towns and cities, so at worst, the mostly or completely Woke jury will be a hung jury.

And a Democrat DOJ will just decide to not have another trial after the first trial results in a hung jury.


Are we to have Democrat DOJ forever and ever?
301   AD   2023 Aug 21, 11:56am  

Eric Holder says

Are we to have Democrat DOJ forever and ever?

A vast majority of the career bureaucrats are Democrats such as the Bruce Ohr's.

302   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 21, 12:22pm  

ad says

A vast majority of the career bureaucrats are Democrats such as the Bruce Ohr's.

And his wife, Ugly Ohr.
303   richwicks   2023 Aug 21, 1:38pm  

Eric Holder says

Are we to have Democrat DOJ forever and ever?

It's not Democrat versus Republican. That is a facade for the plebians.

It's criminal syndicate versus everybody else. Lindsey Graham has more in common with Nancy Pelosi in terms of their goals than then do with anybody out here.
304   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 7, 9:25am  


Anybody disagrees that Jim Rogers is indeed a false prophet and a stupid cunt?
305   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 7, 9:33am  

AmericanKulak says


Girkin's predictions:


Didn't Pickle end up being anti-Putin because he felt the DPR wasn't being supported enough?

So much shit these days, hard to remember everything.

Yeah, the guy thought Pukin wasn't giving it all. Couldn't believe that what we see is not shrinkage due to some cold water but really all of it.
307   AD   2023 Sep 7, 3:12pm  

Van Jones now saying Biden's chances in 2024 are slim.

I predict the Dems are trying to rig the political environment so that all the Biden bad news eventually dissipates by next July or August.

This includes trying to rig it so the economy crashes this year and there is enough time for it to start recovery by June 2024.

The Dems can't allow a major stock market crash and recession to happen later than February 2024.

Also note how Saudis and Russia have agreed to oil production cuts for this year.

308   RC2006   2023 Sep 7, 5:25pm  

They are going to replace Biden with Newsom and take Trump off balllets.
309   richwicks   2023 Sep 7, 5:33pm  

Eric Holder says

Care to specify a timeline? Will it happen some time this year, this decade, this century?

Later this decade. The Ukraine war I expect to last around 5 years, if not more - I mean 5 years in total, if not more.
310   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 8, 8:57pm  

ad says

stereotomy says

I guess now that the Uky operation is a lost cause, a new front, replete with $billions in money-laundering activities

I suspect the West will push Zelensky to accept a cease fire and let Russia control Donbas and Crimea. If not, then they'll figure out how to make Zelensky lose in the 2024 election.

311   richwicks   2023 Oct 8, 11:16pm  

I think Israel is going to go in with force to Gaza and basically take it over, and occupy it, and dismantle the local (corrupt) government. Palestinians are going to reduced to a very low 2nd class status.
312   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Oct 8, 11:38pm  

richwicks says

I think Israel is going to go in with force to Gaza and basically take it over, and occupy it, and dismantle the local (corrupt) government. Palestinians are going to reduced to a very low 2nd class status.

Easier to just fire bomb it to hell. Like we did to Dresden and Tokyo.

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