This Is All Russia Has To Do To Cry 'UNCLE' And Get Out Of Ukraine Easy Peasy. Please, Ukraine, Don't Hurt Me Any More. Please, NWO and WEF, Forgive Me!

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2022 Sep 16, 11:28am   1,325 views  29 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  

Methinks somebody got it backwards.
"This has just leaked on Russian networks. Keep in mind, there’s not a single official source reporting this. But it has been picked up by various high profile figures — get ready for some cocaine delusion, this is a good one:

Ukraine allegedly handed over its "peace plan" agreed with the United States to Russia — through Erdogan.

The conditions of Ukraine are as follows:

1. Withdrawal of Russian troops from all territories occupied by them after 24.02.2022.

2. Legislative transfer of all gold and foreign exchange reserves and seized assets of the Russian Federation and Russians as of 1.09.2022. The law on reparations must be adopted by the State Duma, the Federation Council and signed by the President.

3. Additional payment of reparations of 200 billion euros within 25 years in equal installments.

4. Free supplies of natural gas to Ukraine for five years from 01.01.2023.

5. Holding a referendum on the status of Crimea no later than 011.01.24 under the auspices of the UN and international organizations.

6. Demilitarization of the entire European part of the Russian Federation with the withdrawal of all parts and connections beyond the Urals.

7. Legislative reduction of the Russian army to 600,000 people.

8. Admission of military observers to all military facilities of the Russian Federation, including closed research institutes and design offices.

9. Early elections of the State Duma with the full participation of international observers.

10. Early presidential elections with the full participation of international observers.

Within 12 months, with the full implementation of all items, the international community will begin to partially lift the previously imposed sanctions.

Immediately after the initialing of the agreement, the disconnection of banks from SWIFT, the ban on the sale of Russian coal, oil and LNG will be lifted, flights will be restored and deliveries of vital medicines and aircraft components will be established.

At the insistence of the head of the U.S. State Department Blinken, extreme points on "extradition" of the Russian leadership were removed from the "peace plan".


More gimp shit.

Comments 1 - 29 of 29        Search these comments

1   Ceffer   2022 Sep 16, 11:47am  

They were kind enough not to include the codicils about the Eastern Slavs, Western Slavs and Southern Slavs committing ritual suicide en masse, with a few stragglers allowed to flee East across the Urals. The Russian Orthodox religion agrees to be folded into a Baphomet worshipping hybrid religion, and the Khazarians given land grant to occupy the entire previous extent of Tartary into Asia.
2   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Sep 17, 10:08pm  

Looks reasonable. What's your beef with it?
3   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 17, 11:32pm  

They forgot the 10 for “the big guy”
4   AD   2022 Sep 18, 12:05am  

There seems to be a lot of backroom negotiations or dealings. I read the Turkish government worked out a deal with Russia as far as ensuring safety at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

Then I read the United Nations Secretary General met with Putin. And then Putin met with the Presidents of China and India. China seemed to be lukewarm to Putin, whereas India criticized Russia's invasion (aka: special military operation).

I hope there is some cease fire at least. Maybe they can bring in 3rd party observers such as from South America to be part of the cease fire.

5   RC2006   2022 Sep 18, 7:11am  

They are not going to agree to any of that. They'd loose all sovereignty to the currupt west, they will go down fighting first.
6   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 8:50am  

RC2006 says

They are not going to agree to any of that. They'd loose all sovereignty to the currupt west, they will go down fighting first.

Nothing on the list means lost sovereignty - just giving back the illegal landgrabs and paying for the shit they destroyed.
7   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 8:53am  

ad says

There seems to be a lot of backroom negotiations or dealings. I read the Turkish government worked out a deal with Russia as far as ensuring safety at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

Then I read the United Nations Secretary General met with Putin. And then Putin met with the Presidents of China and India. China seemed to be lukewarm to Putin, whereas India criticized Russia's invasion (aka: special military operation).

I hope there is some cease fire at least. Maybe they can bring in 3rd party observers such as from South America to be part of the cease fire.


Ruscist are always crying for ceasefire and negotiated settlement when their ass is being handed to them. Then they use the pause to prepare for another assault. History is full of examples of that, Chechnya being one of the freshest.

So it's a good sign they are asking for it. Giving it to them would be a major mistake though and I hope nobody falls for that BS.

Oh, and UN can suck Zelensky 's hairy ass - that bunch of useless fucks should fucking get real jobs. UN hasn't been relevant since 1950s. Trump was right when he cut their financing. Too bad he didn't cut it to zero.
8   WookieMan   2022 Sep 18, 9:04am  

RC2006 says

They are not going to agree to any of that. They'd loose all sovereignty to the currupt west, they will go down fighting first.

Well that's a losing proposition without using nukes. They clearly don't have the capability to defeat Ukraine when they have no oceans to even cross and they're next door neighbors. Makes them look weak. And fine, we're sending weapons and so are other countries. But isn't that a sign they're not as powerful as they project?

And wasn't that kind of the point of NATO? To stop a bully from trying to take over a country? It's a defense mechanism to stop war in Europe because it's a shit hole that can't get along. We likely would have had WWIII or IIII by now. And yes I know Ukraine isn't part of NATO but that's part of the "excuse" for Russia invading. With ICBM's it really shouldn't matter to Russia if they have a NATO neighbor. We could fire on them, the French, etc.

I don't know, the fact this isn't a dual invasion makes it look worse as well. As in Ukraine isn't encroaching on Russian land and fighting there blowing shit up and Russia has their full resources on their side intact. Russia isn't a bear, it's a Yorkie at this point. Both sides are losing this thing at this point. We get to help the loser with weapons at no risk to us. We now know modern Russia is incapable in conventional warfare.
9   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 19, 8:04pm  

It seems to me that Russia cannot lose this “war” because they are not even really trying to take Ukraine. The question is what do they really want?

I think they want to weaken America/Britain. They want want to weaken the west BEFORE they attack Israel, so that the west is too pitiful to do anything about it.
10   GNL   2022 Sep 19, 9:01pm  

PeopleUnited says

It seems to me that Russia cannot lose this “war” because they are not even really trying to take Ukraine. The question is what do they really want?

I think they want to weaken America/Britain. They want want to weaken the west BEFORE they attack Israel, so that the west is too pitiful to do anything about it.

Russia is going to attack Israel now? Hypothesis?
11   richwicks   2022 Sep 19, 9:15pm  

ad says

There seems to be a lot of backroom negotiations or dealings. I read the Turkish government worked out a deal with Russia as far as ensuring safety at the Ukrainian nuclear power plant.

Then I read the United Nations Secretary General met with Putin. And then Putin met with the Presidents of China and India. China seemed to be lukewarm to Putin, whereas India criticized Russia's invasion (aka: special military operation).

I hope there is some cease fire at least. Maybe they can bring in 3rd party observers such as from South America to be part of the cease fire.


The US set the precedent over the last 20 years that you can lie your way into war, and never pay for reparations.

Find that weapons of mass destruction program in Iraq yet?

Stop Qaddafi from "being about to create a humanitarian crisis" now that Libya is in civil war with slavery markets?

Stop Assad from using chemical weapons after the US lied about chemical weapons in Douma?

The US lost the war in Afghanistan - where's their war reparations? They got a good deal of opium out of the country though.

Russia can literally kill every person in Ukraine at this point, and they can just point back at the US, and say "so what? You're no better", and they're right. It's estimated that 9 million people were killed in the last 20 years of US wars, can you even name all the wars? There's 7.

The United States doesn't have any moral authority anymore, this fucking asshole abandoned it:

original link

Listen closely at 0:29. Listen to the simp audience laugh. That mother fucker torpedoed our moral superiority, and he knows it. Our nation didn't string the mother fucker up by the balls, so we have mother fuckers like Obozo and PedoBiden. Enjoy the bed Americans!

We no longer have moral leadership, because of that fucking cunt. Russia, through precedence, can do whatever the fuck they want, and they will get away with it.
12   PeopleUnited   2022 Sep 20, 3:43am  

GNL says

Russia is going to attack Israel now? Hypothesis?

Russia is part of an Alliance with Iran and Turkey. All have different reasons for hating Israel but they all do hate. Perhaps the straw that breaks the camels back will be Israel selling natural gas to Europe through its own brand new pipeline that is being constructed.
13   Tenpoundbass   2022 Sep 20, 6:30am  

First of all, what can the Western world do to Russia at this point to make them cry Uncle, and why in the fuck would they even need to lament?

I don't know if you have been following what's going on, or paying close attention. But the western world has become Venezuela, with a huge Crime and Grift problem. Any attempt from the Just and Prudent to look into it, is met with stern resistance, and persecution. Our economies are circling the drain and about to take a shit, over 2/3rds of the Western population has willingly allowed to be jabbed with a ticking timebomb poison, that turns vernal strong young people into an Octogenarian over night, that will pass away at a fleeting instance. Folks in Russia seemingly have more freedoms, and are at less risk of being persecuted by their official, elected or otherwise, than our elected and NGO self imposed officials.

Putin must be laughing his ass off at our Press.
They sound like a some ugly toothless Tranny Fag, lamenting how some heterosexual hunk will never get any of his Manpussy, and will never know what it's like for him to carry his baby in his man womb.

Putin is like... "Uh.. Well OK... Good luck then!"
14   Tenpoundbass   2022 Sep 20, 6:34am  


Nothing on the list means lost sovereignty - just giving back the illegal landgrabs and paying for the shit they destroyed.

Ukraine belongs to Russia now, get over it.

Those fucksticks dirty rotten bastards are too fucking stupid, evil or timid to exist as a EU patsy nation. They allowed Biden and Obama to dick whip them, and used them as a patsy to run a coup on MY Great and wonderful President.

The world needs Putin to control the Ukraine, and even more it needs the UN and the EU to dissolve and go to Hell.
15   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 20, 8:01am  

Tenpoundbass says


Nothing on the list means lost sovereignty - just giving back the illegal landgrabs and paying for the shit they destroyed.

Ukraine belongs to Russia now, get over it.

Right. And Putin crying into Erdogan's vest is just another feint?

In Uzbekistan, I got together with President Putin, and we had very extensive discussions with him. And he is actually showing me that he's willing to end this as soon as possible. That was my impression, because the way things are going right now are quite problematic; 200 hostages will be exchanged upon an agreement between the parties.

I think a significant step will be taken forward.


16   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 20, 8:35am  

Tenpoundbass says

First of all, what can the Western world do to Russia at this point to make them cry Uncle, and why in the fuck would they even need to lament?

Give more and longer range missiles to the Ukies. Start delivering Western aircraft and MBTs. They are still mostly using old Soviet crap, even older than the crap the Ruscists have. Modern Western weaponry will help them mop it up faster.
17   GNL   2022 Sep 20, 8:43am  


Tenpoundbass says

First of all, what can the Western world do to Russia at this point to make them cry Uncle, and why in the fuck would they even need to lament?

Give more and longer range missiles to the Ukies. Start delivering Western aircraft and MBTs. They are still mostly using old Soviet crap.

I seems extremely ignorant to think Russia would ever give up it's sovereignty without lobbing nukes. That's what you want?
18   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 20, 8:49am  

GNL says


Tenpoundbass says

First of all, what can the Western world do to Russia at this point to make them cry Uncle, and why in the fuck would they even need to lament?

Give more and longer range missiles to the Ukies. Start delivering Western aircraft and MBTs. They are still mostly using old Soviet crap.

I seems extremely ignorant to think Russia would ever give up it's sovereignty without lobbing nukes. That's what you want?

Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"? Going home and paying for the shit they destroyed does not violate their sovereignty by the definition of such. Words have meanings.

PS. This is some solid BLM shit there: "not allowing me to keep that pair of Nikes I stole is slavery, man!"
19   GNL   2022 Sep 20, 9:07am  


GNL says


Tenpoundbass says

First of all, what can the Western world do to Russia at this point to make them cry Uncle, and why in the fuck would they even need to lament?

Give more and longer range missiles to the Ukies. Start delivering Western aircraft and MBTs. They are still mostly using old Soviet crap.

I seems extremely ignorant to think Russia would ever give up it's sovereignty without lobbing nukes. That's what you want?

Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"? Going home and paying for the shit they destroyed does not violate their sovereignty by the definition of such. Words have meani...

I don't think you understand the reason for this military operation.
20   socal2   2022 Sep 20, 9:37am  

GNL says

I seems extremely ignorant to think Russia would ever give up it's sovereignty without lobbing nukes. That's what you want?

Giving up its sovereignty?

You mean losing their Eastern European slave colonies they took after WWII which were stunted for a generation due to the USSR's retarded Communism?

The USSR forms and alliance with Nazi Germany to carve up Poland. Germany double crosses the Commies forcing the USSR to defend their own territory with massive help from Western Allies. And fuck-heads like Putin and his Western amen chorus act like Russia has been fighting a glorious and moral crusade ever since.
21   casandra   2022 Sep 20, 10:17am  

I. think that the Russians are the ones calling most of the planetary shots these days.

They are in Ukraine to take territory and make friends in the process, not fight Kiev directly.

We sanctioned the one country that has the most of ALL necessary commodities on the planet causing pain and inflation in Europe and in the US; and its going to get much worse in the US.

If NATO were to confront Russia as an aggressor then the real Russia military of shock and awe will be unleashed on them; I hope they don't get big balls thinking Ukraine is winning on ANY front.

Most of the planet is on Russias side with the sanctions; only the countries we control DIRECTLY as a result of occupation after WW 2 are with us, they don't have choice!

As more and more countries use non dollar currencies to fund their purchases dollars will come home and raise our inflation. The FED can raise interest rates all they want, this won't repeal the dollars from entering the US. Inflations will probably continue to rise.

The Russians saw all this coming. They have lived with sanctions for years as has all our major enemies and are impervious to major shocks now. We and the Europeans are not. We have been on easy street.

Russia has been planning to sell commodities in Rubles since Putin came into power, we just forced his hand early hoping to break them; it didn't work and may not.

Next step is they will break from the central bank and set up a new Ruble not aligned with the west.

Mock me if you like; but I am prepared and have been for years. I am not trying to scare anyone, just be prepared. World leaders know what is coming and are trying to prep the US before chaos hits here so they can keep control. Thats this movement we have all been witnessing the last 4 or so years that is taking power away from one group and giving a much smaller group more power and money. And the new IRS can make this change happen a lot faster.

Good luck to all. As said in Aliens; you have my deepest sympathy. But that statement got "Bishops" head knocked off!
22   casandra   2022 Sep 20, 10:25am  

In a nutshell:

The leaders of there planet have DIRECT control over the west came out and said we are planning a GLOBAL RESET.

Russia basically replied by invading Ukraine and saying; WE ARE NOT ON BOARD WITH YOUR RESET!
and having preparing with Gold and Military, along with China, we are screwed big time. We just can't over run them like Lybia and Iraq when they tried.
now that the rest of the planet, not entirely aligned with either side, see that Russia has a chance here, they are not taking our side but waiting to see what plays out.
23   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 20, 12:02pm  

casandra says

If NATO were to confront Russia as an aggressor then the real Russia military of shock and awe will be unleashed on them

The Russian military of today more closely emulates the Russian army of the 1905 Russo - Japanese war, or maybe the 1939-1940 Russo - Finnish war. Not the 1945 steamroller that benefitted from lend-lease.
25   Tenpoundbass   2022 Sep 20, 1:46pm  

Ceffer says

Is Ukraine fooked?

Putin doesn't show his cards, I don't trust any reports that announces Putin's plans.
26   Onvacation   2022 Sep 21, 5:44am  


Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"?

27   Shaman   2022 Sep 21, 5:51am  

Onvacation says


Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"?


There’s no such thing as an “illegal land grab” when a force on the scale of Nation does it. Independent countries may do as they wish regardless of laws. They are only held to account with forceful opposition to their actions which is sufficient to cancel or refute those actions. Such as when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the USA curb stomped that country in response. When Iraq was warring with its neighbor Iran in the 1980s, nobody held it to account. Iraq sent a battalion with civilians out in front as cannon fodder and let the Iranians blow up children to save their own troops and let them get in close. Clearly a war crime, but … the international community said “meh!”
28   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:25am  

Shaman says

Onvacation says


Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"?


There’s no such thing as an “illegal land grab” when a force on the scale of Nation does it. Independent countries may do as they wish regardless of laws. They are only held to account with forceful opposition to their actions which is sufficient to cancel or refute those actions. Such as when Iraq invaded Kuwait and the USA curb stomped that country in response. When Iraq was warring with its neighbor Iran in the 1980s, nobody held it to account. Iraq sent a battalion with civilians out in front as cannon fodder and let the Iranians blow up children to save their own troops and let them get in close. Clearly a war crime, but … the international commun...

Feeble mental gymnastics. If SF doesn't prosecute shoplifters it does not make grabbing that pair of Nikes and walking off a legal
purchase, no matter how much you want them.
29   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 21, 7:41am  

Onvacation says


Dude, in what world "not allowed to keep illegal land grab" morphs into "loss of sovereignty"?


Huh? Iraq remained a sovereign country after the Gulf War and even the stupid fuck who started the whole covfefe remained in power.

PS. But it's a good one because the justifications for attack on Kuwait were pretty similar to that pseudo-historical drivel running out of Putler's maw.

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