Deaths from Wuhan Virus continue to be wildly exaggerated to keep fear and funding going

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2022 Sep 28, 11:21am   24,309 views  181 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office
Alex Berenson

Working on a bigger story but wanted to share this.

You may have wondered how the United States is still clocking 3000 Covid deaths a week when even Joe Biden - who can barely manage a staircase unaided - easily beat Omicron.

The Milwaukee coroner’s office has the answer. It publishes anonymized death reports, including cases where Covid is listed on the death certificate. Here are four of the seven from the last two weeks. Average age 90.

The youngster in the group was 80 and had metastatic prostate cancer.

And diabetes.

And Parkinson’s disease.


As for the others, they are all in their sixties.

Lest you accuse me of cherry-picking, here’s one of the younger deaths:

These folks are not the exceptions, they’re the rule. “From” versus “with” Covid is a pointless distinction for this population.

Anyone dying of Omicron is likely either incredibly old, incredibly sick.

And, according to the coroner’s office, most are vaccinated.

It should be obvious that Covid death counting is now pure theater and database matching, in a way it wasn’t even a few months ago.

Which raises a somewhat unpleasant question: if Covid is no longer killing anyone who wasn’t at death’s door, why is overall excess mortality so high across the heavily mRNA vaccinated countries?

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44   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Feb 18, 4:39pm  

Misc says

Always focusing on the deaths.

There were over 30 million hospitalizations for Covid. Yes, our hospitals are generally good at treatments.


About 16 million people have Long Covid. About 2-4 million are out of the workforce because of it.


Covid has about the mortality rate as the measles, but yes in a lot of cases it would fuck a person up without killing them.

I don’t know how I missed this first go round but this might be the dumbest post ever made on Pat.net and that’s saying a LOT.

Never has there ben a disease lol long Covid…..where there is no test and it is entirely based on self reporting of symptoms which just so happen to be markedly similar to symptoms of a myriad of other diseases which also it so happens there is no reasonably accurate way for a doctor to determine the exact cause of said symptoms.

Like I said before, the entity I work for has over 13000 employees and we had more than that number of self reported positive Covid tests over the past three years. Keep in mind we were mandated to be vaccinated and the vaccination rate was over 95%(of the employees that didn’t retire or quit first…appx 900 retired or resigned))

2 died of Covid.


2 died of Covid.

Only 2.



And both had other health issues as well. One didn’t actually die of Covid. That person died after their immune system had a bad reaction to steroids that were administered to treat the Covid symptoms. And that was unnecessary. But official cause of death is Covid.

So two. Really one(maybe), but two.

You know how many FMLA filings for long Covid?





Out of more than 13,000. Zero.

This was a group of people that couldn’t test for Covid fast enough when basically unlimited amounts of government time were available to use. Yet not a single filing for long Covid.

The OP on this one is a gross disgusting liar. We aren’t supposed to call names, but there’s need to call a spade a spade here.

Long Covid is reported by hypochondriacs and others suffering from mental illness and other self delusion. A complete fraud.
45   HeadSet   2023 Feb 18, 5:26pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Long Covid is reported by hypochondriacs and others suffering from mental illness and other self delusion. A complete fraud.

My daughter has tachycardia and a condition where even mild exercise causes dizzy spells. It came about after she was got the college required jab. The doctors have labeled this "long covid."
46   richwicks   2023 Feb 18, 5:34pm  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Long Covid is reported by hypochondriacs and others suffering from mental illness and other self delusion. A complete fraud.

"Long covid" could simply be vaccine injuries.

I regard "covid" at the heaven for hypochondriacs. I believe the disease exists, but I also believe, it was a MINOR disease.

I view the vaccines as useless at best, and dangerous at worst, and I lean toward "dangerous" although intellectually I assign this as "I don't know". I try to keep a bulwark between my gut feeling, and my understanding. My gut feeling is they are dangerous, and in time either I'll find out that is wrong or right, intellectually. I know all too well that emotions can be manipulated.
47   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Feb 18, 5:55pm  

richwicks says

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Long Covid is reported by hypochondriacs and others suffering from mental illness and other self delusion. A complete fraud.

"Long covid" could simply be vaccine injuries.

I regard "covid" at the heaven for hypochondriacs. I believe the disease exists, but I also believe, it was a MINOR disease.

I view the vaccines as useless at best, and dangerous at worst, and I lean toward "dangerous" although intellectually I assign this as "I don't know". I try to keep a bulwark between my gut feeling, and my understanding. My gut feeling is they are dangerous, and in time either I'll find out that is wrong or right, intellectually. I know all too well that emotions can be manipulated.

I feel the same. It’s unfortunate what no one will study. The side effects of the vaccine being the huge one. Another thing, unrelated, that no one will study is why so many lesbians take on male physical characteristics. I say this becuase I looked it up several years ago in response to the “born this way” trope that is clearly not correct since so many homosexual behaviors are clearly environmentally induced and not genetic. I walked away empty with only the statement “we do it to shock society” as any reference to lesbians assuming male physical characteristics. And that’s clearly false as it’s been at least a couple decades since that sort of physical appearance shocked anyone.

You would think there would be some sort of study much like you’d think someone was looking at the 2-3 year affects of Covid vaccine.
48   Misc   2023 Feb 18, 7:10pm  

How many of the 13000 employees at your company were hospitalized for Covid?
49   Onvacation   2023 Feb 19, 2:17pm  

Death rates are higher than before the Wuhan even though most of those who were killed were old and sick.

50   Onvacation   2023 Feb 19, 2:18pm  

Over 3,000 people a week are still dying with covid.
51   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Feb 19, 7:19pm  

Misc says

How many of the 13000 employees at your company were hospitalized for Covid?

I don’t have direct numbers but not many. A couple handfuls, if that. I do know of two that were offered hospitalization and declined. Both pulled through and while hit hard from Covid, fully recovered in about 6 weeks.
52   Patrick   2023 Feb 27, 8:54pm  


Scottish FoI response: NO doctors or nurses have died ‘involving’ Covid for three years ...

The more I checked the data, the more I reached the same conclusion: there was no pandemic-level event taking place in Scotland. Hospitals were largely empty, and Scotland had been through higher periods of mortality many times in the recent past.
53   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 5:24pm  


I assume that Johnson means that the elderly would prefer to take the relatively small risk rather than fuck over the entire economy.

But they did indeed fuck over the entire economy anyway.
54   Patrick   2023 Mar 16, 9:41pm  


On the third anniversary of the worst exercise of public policy in American history, and while most people would now like to forget the Scamdemic so they can act as if they weren’t accomplices to it, I present the following, concise retrospective:

Scientifically illiterate, germophobic Trump panicked while the Democrats and a complicit media used phony statistics and hospital videos to scare people.

Although perhaps no healthy people under 70 died “of Covid” and nearly all those infected and over 70 survived, many believed “the virus” was a universal, lethal threat.

The vast majority of those said to have died from a virus really died of old age, non-Covid illnesses, medical errors or despair born of isolation.

“Experts” prescribed stay-at-home orders, leaky masks and wildly inaccurate tests. These were political theater that predictably failed and caused much harm.

As if to mock peoples’ gullibility, governments also promoted a series of corny, but widely embraced and invoked, slogans and decreed a long list of absurd rules, such as one-way walking in stores and masking in restaurants until food arrives.

Most schools were closed for 18 months. The laptop class willingly sacrificed the young by stealing irreplaceable experiences and social development time from them.

Federal and state governments spent multiple trillions of dollars on worthless measures and caused massive inflation, which is causing additional, lasting economic and social problems.

Though unneeded, the government paid tens of billions to develop, buy and promote “vaccines.” The President and many “experts” confidently asserted that the shots would stop infection and spread. Tens of millions of people were unconstitutionally required to inject. Though Pharma mega-profited, the shots failed, facilitated infection and caused many injuries and deaths.

Media, Big Tech and the government actively censored those who sought to tell the truth about all of the foregoing.

Brother stood against brother, sister against sister and friend against ex-friend.

Throughout, many Americans displayed innumeracy and profound deficits of knowledge and logic. They foolishly believed that, by hiding from each other, humans could make a respiratory virus vanish into the ether.

Very few who aggressively supported the futile, destructive “mitigation” measures have admitted that they’ve been wrong throughout. The few who have belatedly admitted this absolve themselves by falsely insisting they “couldn’t have known” that these interventions would cause serious, lasting damage.
55   Onvacation   2023 Mar 17, 5:35pm  

You can say that Covid-19 sucked and the government reacted poorly.

They tried to enslave us. Starting with "14 days to flatten the curve" they had planned on making every one have a vax passport. Some places required a vax passport! They even had an app on our phones just ready to implement a Chinese fascist style "surveillance society" where our every move was tracked and limited.

Thank God they failed.

They didn't respond poorly. They premeditated evil. They must be punished, at least the puppets like Gates and Fauci.
56   richwicks   2023 Mar 17, 5:42pm  

Onvacation says

They tried to enslave us. Starting with "14 days to flatten the curve" they had planned on making every one have a vax passport. Some places required a vax passport! They even had an app on our phones just ready to implement a Chinese fascist style "surveillance society" where our every move was tracked and limited.

Thank God they failed.

It wasn't that they "failed" - they were defeated.

You can see the two sides now. There's an ENORMOUS amount of cattle, and there's a small number of people who actively can think. Out of those people, there's more good people than bad. We outnumber them, that's why the were defeated.

Typically, we go "oh phew, thank goodness THAT didn't happen, I'm sure it won't happen again, I can get on with my life now" - I don't think this should be done. Now that we can clearly see the perpetrators and conspirators, we should crush them once and for all. We should go on the offense.
57   Patrick   2023 Mar 23, 9:26am  


Dianna Faye
Writes Self-Determinism in Physiology,…
Mar 21
Indeed, I worked at 11 Australian Aged Care facilities as a Physiotherapist between 2020-2021. Not one of the hundreds of patients I treated had a diagnosis of COVID (undeniably they had a host of chronic conditions). Yet, Channel 9 and Channel 7 news fallaciously claimed that "COVID is RAMPANTly spreading across Aged care facilities in Australia."

Moreover, I thought it was abjectly cruel to deny them visitors (I.e. family and friends) rights for over a year, when a lot of the care staff was casual and thus, changed every week.

Complete hypocrisy which only exacerbated mental health conditions. Furthermore, many couldn't wait until visiting restrictions lifted because they passed away due to pre-existing conditions.

The amount of money these distorted media outlets were being paid to promulgate these Lies about the healthcare industry is flabbergasted.
58   Onvacation   2023 Mar 24, 5:36pm  

Patrick says

Moreover, I thought it was abjectly cruel to deny them visitors (I.e. family and friends) rights for over a year, when a lot of the care staff was casual and thus, changed every week.

Remember essential workers?

That's where the evil plan went wrong. The hypocrisy was obvious from day one of "two weeks to flatten the curve" when essential workers, mostly hourly laborers, still had to go to their job. Meanwhile, people who hated their jobs got to stay home and "work remotely". On top of that the government was "bailing out" people by sending them checks, needed or not.

They planned this. They failed with Covid, but we now know they want to kill or control us.
60   Patrick   2023 May 29, 8:04pm  


Zero Young Healthy Individuals Died of COVID-19, Israeli Data Show

Zero healthy individuals under the age of 50 have died of COVID-19 in Israel, according to newly released data.

“Zero deceased of 18–49 years of age with no underlying morbidities,” the Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) said in response to a formal request from an attorney.

Officials noted that the statement only applies to COVID-19 deaths where the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation and had received information about the underlying diseases.

“Zero is a very, very clear number, and cannot be subject to interpretation,” Yoav Yehezkelli, a specialist in internal medicine and medical management, and former lecturer in the Department of Emergency and Disaster Management at Tel Aviv University in Israel, told The Epoch Times.

“Why were all the extreme measures of school closures, vaccination of children, and lockdowns needed?” he added.

The MOH did respond to a request for comment.
Freedom of Information Request

The information was sparked by a freedom of information request filed by attorney Ori Xabi, who has been filing several such requests as he seeks to obtain information from the MOH regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and COVID-19 policies.

Xabi asked to know the average age of people who died of COVID-19, segmented by vaccination status at the time of death; how many COVID-19 patients with no underlying morbidities under the age of 50 died; and the annual number of cardiac arrest cases between 2018 to 2022.

According to the MOH response, the average age of vaccinated COVID-19 patients who died was 80.2 years. The average for the unvaccinated was 77.4 years.

The MOH emphasized that the data they have about the underlying diseases of patients is partial since it relies on information provided by the patients or their relatives, if they chose to do so. And then, only in cases in which the MOH conducted an epidemiological investigation.

Therefore “the available information does not necessarily reflect the health status of the patient” the MOH wrote adding that they do not have access to the patients’ medical records.

It is not clear why the MOH responded to Xabi’s request using only cases where the MOH had conducted an epidemiological investigation, and which was limited to deceased patients where the families had cooperated, since in 2020 the MOH told the Israeli Knesset—the Israeli parliament—that they use an intelligence system that provides the MOH with extensive information about deceased patients that included “underlying diseases.”

A document (pdf) from the Knesset Research and Information Center, dated June 7, 2020, stated that the MOH provided data to the Special Committee for the New COVID Virus about COVID-19 deaths—298 by that day at 4:30 p.m.—at the request of Yifat Shasha-Biton, a member of the Knesset, and the chair of that committee.

The ministry’s intelligence system has data on gender, age, district of residence, and the underlying diseases of the deceased, according to the document. The system showed that about 94 percent of the deceased were 60 years or older and that there were no deceased with zero underlying diseases. ...
62   Ceffer   2023 Jun 7, 10:18pm  

The good news is they don't have the ten trillion dollars in fiat printing press or laundered money any more to make Covid fraud and its ilk viable again. One would hopium they shot their wad on that one for a while, but WHO knows but the WHO?
63   WookieMan   2023 Jun 8, 6:29am  

FuckTheMainstreamMedia says

Another thing, unrelated, that no one will study is why so many lesbians take on male physical characteristics.

I was neighbors and still good friends with one of those. I don't get it. Short hair cut, like really short. Literally wears mens clothes. She's fun and nice as hell.

I think it has more to do with dominance if that makes sense. Men are the dominant sex. That's fact. So they try to emulate that knowing they can prey on the more feminine lesbians. Or those willing to flirt with trying to be one. Women are attracted to power and if you show it they will come... lol. Well besides feminist.

I've gotten in heated arguments with women before. I get the baby is carried by you, BUT it doesn't exist without semen. A man. We're all dead if a dude doesn't fuck a woman. So sick of seeing the occasional boycott sex by females chant or whatever. Do it. You're dead in a decade or two because we didn't create any more men to take care of the shit you can't.
64   Patrick   2023 Jun 8, 6:18pm  


There was no COVID-19 pandemic, and there is strong evidence of response-caused deaths in the most elderly and in young males
Denis G. Rancourt, Marine Baudin, Jérémie Mercier


We analyzed all-cause mortality by week (ACM/w) for Canada, and for the Canadian provinces, and by age group and sex, from January 2010 through March 2021; in comparison with data for other countries and their regions or counties.

We find that there is no extraordinary surge in yearly or seasonal mortality in Canada, which can be ascribed to a COVID-19 pandemic; and that several prominent features in the ACM/w in the COVID-19 period exhibit anomalous province-to-province heterogeneity that is irreconcilable with the known behaviour of epidemics of viral respiratory diseases (VRDs). We conclude that a pandemic did not occur.
65   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 3:20pm  


COVID pandemic was a fraud, a lie, a hoax! There was never EVER a pandemic, never met the threshold of a pandemic & we were lied to deliberately for nefarious reasons by governments

We knew 2 weeks out that the risk of survival was 99.998% for those 70-75 years old and below! Zero child in US died across 3 years if infected! life expectancy 79 yrs, median age of COVID death is 83...

Our governments and their health officials, alphabet health agencies with their incompetent political malfeasant leaders and officials, the legacy swamp media, the medical doctors, academic scientists, television talking heads etc. DID kill. Not the virus. No no no, we lost most not from COVID virus, we lost most due to:

1)denial of treatment for chronic illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, metabolic disorder etc. as all beds and clinics were criminally and insanely designated ‘COVID’ beds and services ONLY

2)the ravages of the lockdown lunacy, school closures, business closures etc. Many hung themselves.

3)the fraud ineffective and deadly COVID gene injection itself (the Malone, Kariko, Weissman et al. mRNA technology based gene injection)

4)and mainly, due to how the medical system treated our elderly and our peoples via DNR orders, denial of antibiotics when most advanced COVID patients had serious bacterial pneumonia needing antibiotics, fraud overcycled PCR false positive process (95% false positive when cycle count threshold was above 24), sedation using diamorphine, midazolam, isolation, malnourichment, dehydration of our elderly locked away in the COVID ‘black hole’ (COVID PROTOCOL) in the back of the glass windowed rooms of the hospital, administering deadly Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic), intubation and then put on the deadly ventilator that blew up lungs.

We created a fraud pandemic using the fraud PCR false positive test cycled to 40 and 45 and thus not detecting infectious and lethal virus. It was all a hoax largely designed for nefarious reasons and to topple Trump. The respiratory influenza like illness due to whatever Fauci and Francis Collins and their NIH and DoD et al. created via gain-of-function or whatever, note I use the term ‘whatever’ for what we think we know today will change tomorrow, and that respiratory illness was not out of the ordinary. It actually was on line with ‘expected’.
67   Ceffer   2023 Jun 24, 5:48pm  

Yeah, but they are all driving Mercedes Benz's and enjoying country estates while you are dead or in a decay orbit from the vaccines.
70   Blue   2023 Jun 27, 3:03pm  

Patrick says

LOL! what a clown show!
71   Patrick   2023 Jun 28, 2:49pm  


Many of us are independently coming to this conclusion1.

My summary is thus:

that a virus, was circulating the globe in 2019/20, which may or may not have been the result of gain-of-function research, which nevertheless was not particularly novel and otherwise, if ignored, would not have made any material impact on mortality in any particular country;

that the response to news of this virus was responsible for the deaths of millions of people worldwide but only moribund people whose lives were curtailed by 6 to 12 months;

that those deaths were attributed to the virus due to inappropriate use of the PCR test on too high a cycle threshold;

that if any other virus, even say any of the 200 that comprise the “common cold” had been singularly tested in the same way, their presence in the deceased would have produced the same alleged deaths as COVID;

that the impact of these policy deaths would have been net off the following mortality year, due to the “pull-forward” effect except for the “vaccine” generating a new cohort of accelerated moribundity;

that these “vaccine” deaths were falsely attributed to COVID in the same way as the original pandemic;

that the excess mortality in the years post the original proclamation of a pandemic, and the introduction of the novel therapy to deal with it, appears lower than it really is because it includes the hidden deficit of those who died slightly prematurely the previous year;

that even with all that, the degree of life years lost (as opposed to absolute deaths) has never constituted an emergency, notwithstanding the much lower age profiles of deaths since the “vaccine”, compared to deaths before.
73   Patrick   2023 Jul 2, 10:08am  


"Grandpa, were you alive during COVID?"

"I certainly was! It was very scary."

"Did you know a lot of people who died?"

"Well, no. But 7 million people died!"

"7 million people died in our country alone? Yikes!"

"Well, no. Around the world."

"In a week or two?"

"Well, no. But over the course of 2 1/2 years."

"What was the world population then?"

"7 billion."

"So 0.1% of the world's population died over 2 1/2 years. But I suppose a lot of them were children, so that's sad."

"Well, no. COVID barely affected children. It was almost entirely people in their mid '70s or older who died."

"Mid '70s?! What was life expectancy back then?"

"Um, if I remember correctly it was around, uh, mid-70s."

awkward silence

6:32 PM · Jul 1, 2023
74   Patrick   2023 Jul 7, 3:38pm  


Professor Halpern’s comments followed, affirming that the populace would respond obediently to new “stay at home” orders since they “kind of know what the drill is.”

Using the experience from the COVID-19 pandemic, the leading behavioral scientist suggested that the nation will now more willingly accept local restrictions if required.

He defended the use of “fear-based” messaging in critical circumstances, noting that sometimes it is necessary to “cut through,” especially if you think people are “wrongly calibrated.”

I disagree. Halpern is himself wrongly calibrated and will find that out the next time that he and the other criminals like Pfauci, Collins, and Bourla try this genocidal bullshit again and are shot by an enraged public and have their bodies dragged through the streets.
75   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 7, 6:16pm  

Patrick says - based on some link:
"COVID barely affected children. It was almost entirely people in their mid '70s or older who died."

It was the Covid mRNA vaccine that killed the children and most people.

In addition, people were denied the use of medications that cured Covid such as Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin.

And miracle of miracles the annual flu disappeared in those three years... Covid took its place.

In addition, people were forced to take Resmevidir - a very expensive medication at about $3,000 a pill - and Resmevidir killed 30% of those who took this pill.
76   Patrick   2023 Jul 18, 6:10am  


Next, check out this maddening admission, arriving in slow motion three years too late:

The official [covid deaths] number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death. Other C.D.C. data suggests that almost one-third of official recent Covid deaths have fallen into this category. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases came to similar conclusions.

Haha, forgive and forget, right? Saying that covid deaths were exaggerated used to be the darkest kind of disinformation, and saying it would promptly get you cancelled from social media. Plus if you said it, you would literally and instantly kill grandma, making you the most deplorable sort of criminal. I even got death threats in 2021 for reporting that covid deaths were exaggerated, a fact the New York Times now causally plunks into the middle of its self-congratulatory “covid is finally over” article. ...

And apparently, covid isn’t even a problem for the much decried immunocompromised population, not any more:

Most immunocompromised people are at little additional risk from Covid — even people with serious conditions, such as multiple sclerosis or a history of many cancers.

My goodness. So all that masking and jabbing to protect immunocompromised people was … for nothing? You really can’t make this stuff up.
77   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 18, 12:14pm  

Patrick says

" https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/it-is-over-tuesday-july-18-2023-c "

From the link: "Haha, forgive and forget, right? Saying that covid deaths were exaggerated used to be the darkest kind of disinformation, and saying it would promptly get you cancelled from social media."

Actually very early into the so-called Covid pandemic we were told that the cause of death of a murder victim in Colorado with six bullets in his head and body was Covid. Then we were told that the cause of death of a motorcycle accident in Florida was Covid...

These arrogant fraudsters/murderers are also pathetic liars...
78   Patrick   2023 Jul 24, 10:09am  


This World Health Organization document quoted above proves that the world public health leadership at the WHO faked death reports during the pandemic. This was designed to overestimate the death rate worldwide.

This document, titled: “INTERNATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR CERTIFICATION AND CLASSIFICATION (CODING) OF COVID-19 AS CAUSE OF DEATH Based on ICD International Statistical Classification of Diseases” clearly demonstrates, with images no less, that the WHO was and IS requiring countries to jigger death certificates to code for more COVID-19 deaths than there actually were.

The document also “teaches” physicians and hospitals to code for COVID-19, even when the cause of death may have been something else. Note that in the WHO examples below, a positive COVID-19 test is not necessary for listing COVID-19 as the cause of death. ...

In the USA, this appears to get even more nefarious.

Due to the CARES act, medicare paid hospitals a 20% "add-on" to the regular payment for COVID-19 patients. Remember that the people who became sick from COVID were generally the elderly and on medicare. Ergo: the incentive to put people on ventilators. There was a financial incentive to put people on ventilators and yet ventilators contributed to many of the COVID-19 deaths. ...

Note that remdesivir is still considered the main drug of choice for treating COVID-19 by the NIH, even in many patients with mild to moderate disease. Yet this drug is known for causing renal failure and significantly higher rates of death in various patient populations, such as those receiving high flow oxygen. Yet, the NIH guidelines above STILL recommend remdesivir for patients on high flow oxygen.

Do they want to kill people? It sure seems that way. ...

So, not only was the death rate over estimated worldwide, in the USA at least, ventilation and remdesivir were strongly “encouraged” by the government. The NIH was using treatment protocols that were intentionally or not, designed to kill people. These are strong words. Physicians were not allowed to deviate from these government protocols. Protocols that killed people.

This has led to a general mistrust of public health and rightly so.

It is evil to fake deaths to cause the mortality rates of COVID-19 to spike.

It is evil to force physicians to use protocols that were not clinically tested or proven to be effective.

Our public health system is broken worldwide and it is only getting worse.
79   Patrick   2023 Jul 25, 2:44pm  


The adult conversation we were not allowed to have as a nation

Posted by Dr. Scott Jensen — four doctors, six minutes, discussing the actual observed risks of Covid by age. So straightforward and yet the mainstream media absolutely forbade anyone from having this conversation for three years.

80   Patrick   2023 Jul 27, 11:58am  


A recent New York Times article celebrating “a positive covid milestone” contains a rather remarkable admission. Citing a significant decline in covid deaths, writer David Leonhardt claims that the actual number is almost certainly even lower.

“The official number is probably an exaggeration because it includes some people who had the virus when they died even though it was not the underlying cause of death,” Leonhardt writes.

Leonard mentions this information very casually, as if it were self-evident and not verboten for the vast majority of the pandemic. The claim that official covid numbers were being inflated was repeatedly dismissed as a groundless conspiracy theory. Much of the country, happy to be told what to think instead of taking agency and doing the thinking for oneself, solemnly accepted the figures coming from the CDC and parroted by the mainstream media as evidence that covid was far more deadly than it really is. ...

If you were to look into the CDC’s death certificate reporting guidelines, you’d find that there was no requirement at all that covid be causally responsible to be listed on a death certificate.

Think about that. ...

In sum, the overly-inclusive definitions and death counts used by the public health establishment and propagated by the mainstream media, along with sloppy standards and lax criteria, turned the pandemic into a self-perpetuating shit show the likes of which will go down in the annals of history as easily the most catastrophic public health response ever. It’s through the distance that only time can give that we’ll come to understand the true magnitude of the pathologized-totalitarian science experiment we were subjected to.

Policymakers, public officials, and zero-covid zealots are beginning to intuit this; they know in their heart of hearts that their refusal to allow for basic cost-benefit analysis, to admit uncertainty and mistakes, and the ways they’ve eroded trust in key institutions when that trust was of dire importance—all of this, they know, played a role in upending people’s lives, and in all likelihood they’re desperately hoping that when it comes time to write the history of the pandemic, the Covid Cult will get little more than a footnote or two. It’s up to us to ensure that doesn’t happen.

Never forget. Public health officials must hang for their murderous shilling for Pfizer profits.
81   Patrick   2023 Jul 29, 1:30pm  


The Covid response was a lot of things, but above all it was just really, really stupid. This stupidity was in no way unique; a lot of what modern states do is mind-numbingly idiotic. Covid was different only to the extent that intense media attention cast this stupidity in unusually sharp relief.

Over the years I’ve proposed various theses of political stupidity, but as I reread old press reports and leaks for my book, I’m struck by one recurring tendency above all. This is the ambition on the part of technocrats to maintain – and their failure to sustain – a double vision of reality. On the one hand, they arrogate to themselves the privilege of seeing things as they really are; they alone have the true vision. On the other hand, they insist on conveying to the public an exaggerated or false vision, because the public cannot be trusted to act correctly if they are merely presented with the world as it is. As soon as the political arm take up their false vision and the press report it, however, the technocrats lose contact with whatever true vision they imagined themselves to hold, and they can act only according to the false vision they concocted.

Our rulers, in other words, are constantly talking down to the people and feeding them Sesame Street versions of reality, only to find themselves plunged into and forced to act inside of the very same fictional kindergarten muppet world they built. This is why everything they do ends up being so stupid all the time. ...

This frank statement all but admits that infection numbers were compiled above all for the purpose of propaganda.
82   HeadSet   2023 Jul 29, 6:02pm  

Patrick says

The Covid response was a lot of things, but above all it was just really, really stupid.

No, it wasn't.
Did the covid response enable vote fraud to steal an election - check.
Did the covid response greatly increase big pharma profits - check.
Did the covid response greatly increase the autocratic powers of leftist government - check.
Did the covid response funding provide enough slop for massive theft by fraud - check.
Has a single politician or bureaucrat been held accountable for the obvious lies and mismanagement - No.

The covid response was not stupid, it worked as intended.
83   Patrick   2023 Jul 31, 10:46am  

From two years ago.

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