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I wonder if streaming on +50 inch TV's at home is keeping people from going to the theaters even for blockbuster movies.
That is why Disney is not seeing big box office gains as most people will just wait until it is available on Disney+, Netflix, or Amazon Prime.
Hollywood cannot make original content anymore, it's so bad all they can do is make exact same movies except with worse actors, race swapping, and lgbt+p woke propaganda.
Disney comes out with plan to increase earnings
AD says
Disney comes out with plan to increase earnings
Have you SEEN WTF they did to Snow White?
They filmed it like two years ago. The dwarves were not woke. Then they replaced them with 'little magical people'. Then they replaced those with CGI dwarves.
And they look awful.
Speaking of queer things, yesterday the Hollywood Reporter ran a schadenfreudey Star Wars story under the headline, “‘The Acolyte’ Season 2 Not Moving Forward at Lucasfilm.” Disney’s woke new Star Wars show got the old light saber. Slice! It infamously featured a weird but super-diverse group of lesbian space witches as the heroes and cast the Jedi as villains. In a flash of creative stupidity, the queer space witches used magic to make babies without men. It was the non-patriarchy of the distant future/past, “a long time ago in a gay galaxy far, far away.”
Star Wars fans hated it. They rebelled worse than the ones who blew up the Death Star. Risking personal cancellation, they even dared to call The Acolyte, “gay.” Lesbian producer Leslye Headland, who hasn’t produced anything else you’d recognize, wanted the show to be gay. She wistfully said she gets “sad that people would think that if something were gay, that that would be bad,” adding that she considers the Acolyte “the most important piece of art that I’ve ever made.”
Art’s meaning, as they always tell us, lies in the eye of the beholder. A beholder of art can’t be wrong. In this case, the beholders were sci-fi fans. And the beholders didn’t like it. So the beholders stopped watching it.
Maybe Leslye’s show was too gay. Or maybe audiences don’t want atypical sexual ethics launched down their throats like photon torpedoes into the Death Star’s ventilation port.
But … has Disney yet learned its lesson? Or will its next Star Wars show be even gayer than The Acolyte?
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