Can anyone find some Democrats willing to debate on patrick.net?

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2022 Nov 10, 3:00pm   95,182 views  699 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I would like to have a very polite debate with some Democrats on patrick.net.

By polite, I mean refraining from attacking the person in either direction, but sticking to points of argument instead. So no "You are a (whatever)" will not be allowed. The only appropriate use of "you" will be "Here you said..."

I just ran into an old guy in a cafe who pointed in the newspaper to the governor results in California, which added up to 110%. I said, "well, that's California" and so he accused me of being an "election denier". I asked if he'd seen "2000 Mules" and he said he hadn't "because it's been debunked". Uh, it's the same people who committed the election fraud who are claiming that "2000 Mules" was debunked.

Nor had he heard what was on Hunter's laptop, since he watches only corporate news.

I think I might have made a dent in his wall of denial, and I'd like to try with others.

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675   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 2:33pm  

PeopleUnited says

Practicing homosexuality is similar to practicing bestiality. Using your body in ways it was not designed to be used. Additionally, it is so repulsive to the creator that He destroyed cities over it, and of course the STD’s that come with promiscuous sex, especially homosexual sex are rewards for those who live like that. The movie bohemian rhapsody chronicles some of the wreckage of living like that.

God loves sinners, but he hates their sin.

I don't share your religion.

However, I don't wish to argue with you, NOR change your opinion. I look at this from an entirely mechanical point of view. J. Edgar Hoover was a homosexual, and because he was a fag, he was extensively blackmailed. That's part of the reason this country is so fucked up today, is that man, was controlled, by criminal syndicates, to hide the fact he was gay.

But now that it's acceptable, it's PEDOPHILES that are promoted to positions of power, like Joe Biden.

I view homosexuality as irrelevant to me. I don't care, or that's how I viewed it at one point. Irrelevant. The prohibition of it was purely religious, but maybe we should revisit it as also possibly psychologically damaging to the individual, but can it be changed?

I don't have enough information to make a judgement on it, and probably I never will.

Homosexuality is different than pedophilia though - they are FUNDAMENTALLY different. One has a victim for certain, and I think pedophiles, just kill them if they EVER act on their impulses. Harming a child, possibly condemning them to commit the same crime they experienced? It's not forgivable.
676   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 1, 2:42pm  

The homosexual is both a victim and a perp. Same as a drug addict.
677   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 2:44pm  

PeopleUnited says

The homosexual is both a victim and a perp. Same as a drug addict.

Not always, I know that second hand.

I'm not homosexual, but I know a few. I've discussed this with them pretty intimately.

@Patrick is wrong - not ALL homosexuals are just victims, some are just homosexual.
678   EBGuy   2022 Dec 1, 2:54pm  

I do think some of you folks are losing touch with reality. There is a reason Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide.
679   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 3:00pm  

EBGuy says

I do think some of you folks are losing touch with reality. There is a reason Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide.

Losing touch with reality how?

Why did the officers "die by suicide"? Did they kill themselves out of guilt? Were they murdered? I don't know what you think.

I think that if there was an actual insurrection on January 6th, we'd have another government. There were like a million people there, and if they wanted to take over the capital, they could have, and murdered every one of those useless mother fuckers that call themselves "representatives".
680   WookieMan   2022 Dec 1, 3:07pm  

EBGuy says

I do think some of you folks are losing touch with reality. There is a reason Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide.

Sorry for their loss. Fact is suicide is not one event. These were likely troubled people from the word go as someone that's dealt with 2 suicides. Jan 6th likely had nothing to do with their decision to kill themselves. Attributing it to that event is laughable. Tread lightly with suicide talk. 1/6 had nothing to do with any suicides.
681   stereotomy   2022 Dec 1, 3:13pm  

^^^^^^ This (Edit: at #710)

Why do you think "they" called in 20K troops and miles of barbed wire for the inauguration? "They" realized that they came this close to what @richwicks described, but the protesters were too civil to commit mass murder of the entire political establishment.

"They" won't make that same mistake again. Tens of thousands of the millions who storm the barricades will die this time.

They got the guns, but
We got the numbers
Gonna win, yeah we're
Taking over . . .
682   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 3:23pm  

stereotomy says

Why do you think "they" called in 20K troops and miles of barbed wire for the inauguration? "They" realized that they came this close to what richwicks described, but the protesters were too civil to commit mass murder of the entire political establishment.

I think it was merely optics to make it appear an insurrection was attempted.

I don't think they were genuinely afraid of a real insurrection.

People in the know, realize that we get two fucking puppets to pick from and both of those puppets are controlled. We've not been in a democratic republic since AT LEAST Reagan, and probably Kennedy - even though Kennedy probably wasn't elected. It may go back to Lincoln. That guy was a piece of shit himself, he was no liberator, he was a tyrant, and in fact, when he was killed by James Booth, he shouted "death to tyrants", and that's precisely what he was.
683   Patrick   2022 Dec 1, 5:08pm  


This matters today as we still have health challenges to work together on. It also matters as the authoritarians are still working with corporates to impose restrictions on humanity based on false medical rationales (as an exhibit, see the communiques coming out of the G20 summit). If you went along with the orthodoxy, or didn’t seek to intervene in any way, then some introspection will help you avoid being dangerous to others in future. Yes, I say dangerous, because authoritarianism requires people to support its policies by being scared into becoming misinformed moral ‘police’ of their friends, family, neighbours and colleagues, or just scared into ‘sitting on the fence’.

One way to start doing something about it is through meaningful apologies that can then begin a dialogue about how to engage better in future. Here are some suggestions:

If you were aggressive to someone about Covid, you have an opportunity to apologise for being both aggressive and scientifically wrong.
If you pressured someone who was not vulnerable to be vaccinated, you have an opportunity to apologise for being scientifically wrong.
If you argued with someone on the finer points of science but didn’t listen to the science that already cast doubt on your view, you have an opportunity to apologise for being scientifically wrong.
If you had influence in relation to the conversations in your organisation or networks but did nothing about the hostility directed against people for their views on Covid, you have an opportunity to apologise for, in this instance, being rubbish in an emergency.
If you have shifted your view on the relevant science and the appropriate policies, but feel annoyed at people like me for bringing attention to this, you have an opportunity to see beyond your bruised ego for the sake of humanity and actually apologise for something to someone.

684   Onvacation   2022 Dec 1, 5:15pm  

richwicks says

Liberals are one thing, they aren't "libtards

Progressives, not liberals, progressives working for utopia.
685   Onvacation   2022 Dec 1, 5:21pm  

EBGuy says

There is a reason Four officers who responded to U.S. Capitol attack have died by suicide.

They had something on Hillary?
686   richwicks   2022 Dec 1, 5:23pm  

Onvacation says

richwicks says

Liberals are one thing, they aren't "libtards

Progressives, not liberals, progressives working for utopia.

It's a fine goal to work for a utopia.

Libshits are just assholes that are obedient slaves, that believe the assholes that CLAIM to represent a movement, who obviously do not.

I'm a human being, I'm kinda smart, I want to work for the furtherance of humanity. I oppose senseless wars, I want to make a better world - I would have been called a liberal, 30 years ago. I just know (now) my government is hopelessly corrupt and dishonest. My government doesn't work for the improvement for the world, they work for their own benefit, exclusively.
688   mell   2022 Dec 1, 6:56pm  

Onvacation says

WookieMan says

Tread lightly with suicide talk. 1/6 had nothing to do with any suicides.

Cops have guns and do not have the respect they used to have.

Jan 6 was a protests of tokers, shamans and grandmas, anybody claiming these trespassing people caused serious bodily harm to anyone is just bullshitting. In fact Trump offered to increase police size dramatically and it was rejected! Exactly because they knew these people were no serious threat, but if they kept the numbers of guards low enough they could likely exploit the situation with a few glowies egging them on and turn it into a bullshit narrative with kangaroo courts
689   Patrick   2022 Dec 1, 7:00pm  

richwicks says

Patrick is wrong - not ALL homosexuals are just victims, some are just homosexual.

I never said they were all victims. I said that more than half were molested by gay men when they were boys.

Some of them are just perverse, but I still think they acquired the vice from a sodom-like environment somewhere, like prison, or San Francisco. It's not plausible that it could be inborn given the immense harm it does to health and reproduction. I think of it like heroin. Someone introduces you to it, and then your life is pretty much ruled by it and ruined by it from then on.
690   Onvacation   2022 Dec 1, 7:03pm  

mell says

a few glowies egging them on and turn it into a bullshit narrative with kangaroo courts

EPPSing them on.
691   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 1, 7:43pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Patrick is wrong - not ALL homosexuals are just victims, some are just homosexual.

I never said they were all victims. I said that more than half were molested by gay men when they were boys.

Some of them are just perverse, but I still think they acquired the vice from a sodom-like environment somewhere, like prison, or San Francisco. It's not plausible that it could be inborn given the immense harm it does to health and reproduction. I think of it like heroin. Someone introduces you to it, and then your life is pretty much ruled by it and ruined by it from then on.

I think that pretty well sums it up. And I would add that sex is for some people addictive just like a drug. So when I say homosexuals are all victims, one meaning of that is that they are victims of their own sinful depraved nature ( we all have a sinful depraved nature from birth which is why you don’t need to be taught to sin you do it by nature) and/or they are victims of someone else’s depraved desires. I think it is possible for men to love each other, but if their love is true it is not sexual. In the Greek true love is phileo and agape love (not Eros love which is perverse if it occurs between members of the same sex and even creation itself shows that in that men and women fit together but people of the same sex don’t have the equipment for proper coupling and procreation).
692   Misc   2022 Dec 2, 1:56am  

The BLM protests were set-up by our intelligence agencies. The media, controlled by these agencies, did not want the protests to get out of control so they pushed the "non-violent" narrative. With millions and millions of protestors with legitimate grievances against the police (no I don't mean Floyd), they were largely peaceful.

The Black Perspective:

Pretty much every Black in America knows a closely related person who has been brought up on bogus charges. It happens and it happens frequently.

It happened during the BLM protests too. Here is one incident that happened in my area, Phoenix.

14 Black males decided they were going to get together and protest. The police found out about this.They arrested 15 of the Blacks (an extra just happened to be in the area) for minor offenses like obstructing traffic, etc .Before the arrests, the police along with the FBI came up with the idea to add a "gang affiliation" charge, as well,. This was even though the protestors did not belong to a gang. The gang affiliation charge was a felony and would add about 7 years onto the sentences The police falsified evidence to a grand jury, got a prosecutor to go along with this and was going to railroad these men through the system.

...Well, someone balked and went to the media (they put it on like page 12). All the charges were dropped against the Blacks and the mayor had someone investigate this. The investigator had zero power to arrest the perpetrators. The spineless State AG (who is as establishment GOP as it comes) has done and will do nothing. It is currently being looked at by another police department in Arizona. I am guessing that 20-50 police were involved, several members from the prosecutor's office and at least 1 FBI agent. If you think that this many police are going to be sent to prison, you really don't know what country you are living in. In a ballsy move the mayor did have the investigative report posted online.


Incidents like this happen all the time. In my opinion, the BLM protests were much more peaceful than they could have been. Don't cry over a few hundred whites being imprisoned for Jan 6.
693   PeopleUnited   2022 Dec 3, 8:50pm  

Misc says

legitimate grievances against the police (no I don't mean Floyd),

This is the problem. The supposed spark of the riots in 2020 was the brutal treatment of Floyd during his arrest. But while I do feel the police were unnecessarily brutal that day, there are greater and more important examples of police brutality that never get reported (or are buried and not emphasized by the controlled mainstream media narrators). So Floyd because he was labeled as a martyr/victim of racism he becomes a saint, Chauvin is labeled as a racist and the devil. And ultimately the corrupt powers that be are happy to use Chauvin as a scapegoat because across the country the brutality and miscarriages of justice against presumably innocent individuals continue in spades.
694   richwicks   2022 Dec 3, 10:20pm  

Misc says

Incidents like this happen all the time. In my opinion, the BLM protests were much more peaceful than they could have been. Don't cry over a few hundred whites being imprisoned for Jan 6.

First it's not just whites that were imprisoned for January 6th.

Second, the BLM protests were FAR more violent than that happened on January 6th.

We don't have a government. It's just a criminal syndicate.
695   Onvacation   2022 Dec 10, 9:22am  

Patrick says

I would like to have a very polite debate with some Democrats on patrick.net.

DeficitHawk says

Well, I guess this is the end of the road for our discussion then.

What have we learned from this discussion?

@DeficitHawk is obviously intelligent, educated, and able to express his ideas. Unfortunately he would not consider counter evidence and has now left the conversation.

My conclusions are that DeficitHawk was either a shill that knows full well the lies that the ministry of truth is pushing are simply propaganda, or he, like many "Progressives", has been brainwashed by the media for so long that the cognitive dissonance becomes overwhelming and they run away.

Where's Iwog? Where's Dan? Where's Marcus? Where are all of the progressives we have argued with over the years? Is there no champion of the left that will come and debate us?
696   HeadSet   2022 Dec 10, 1:07pm  

Onvacation says

My conclusions are that DeficitHawk was either a shill that knows full well the lies that the ministry of truth is pushing are simply propaganda, or he, like many "Progressives", has been brainwashed by the media for so long that the cognitive dissonance becomes overwhelming and they run away.

Or an actor having fun playing a role. The giveaway was when he/she spoke of the Jan 6 protests as an insurgency masterminded by Trump.
697   stereotomy   2022 Dec 10, 1:17pm  

HeadSet says

Onvacation says

My conclusions are that DeficitHawk was either a shill that knows full well the lies that the ministry of truth is pushing are simply propaganda, or he, like many "Progressives", has been brainwashed by the media for so long that the cognitive dissonance becomes overwhelming and they run away.

Or an actor having fun playing a role. The giveaway was when he/she spoke of the Jan 6 protests as an insurgency masterminded by Trump.

He could have also been a psychological researcher or some such, probably funded by NSA or other intelligence agencies to investigate "fringe" forums and websites.
698   Ceffer   2022 Dec 10, 1:25pm  

"Payroll Propagandist. Check your conscience at the door, we'll mail you your check."
699   richwicks   2022 Dec 10, 1:26pm  

stereotomy says

HeadSet says

Onvacation says

My conclusions are that DeficitHawk was either a shill that knows full well the lies that the ministry of truth is pushing are simply propaganda, or he, like many "Progressives", has been brainwashed by the media for so long that the cognitive dissonance becomes overwhelming and they run away.

Or an actor having fun playing a role. The giveaway was when he/she spoke of the Jan 6 protests as an insurgency masterminded by Trump.

He could have also been a psychological researcher or some such, probably funded by NSA or other intelligence agencies to investigate "fringe" forums and websites.

Well, whatever it was, it was QUITE pissed off I wouldn't accept a "news" article as evidence in the Derek Chauvin trial when I went through the work to find actual documents submitted from the coroner, and translated the cursive writing into text.

I don't believe it sincerely cared about being correct and may have been testing people's resilience to propaganda narratives.

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