Unstoppable Crash Worse than 2008 Coming

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2022 Nov 21, 8:46am   3,077 views  34 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Greg Hunter video interview of James Rickards (58 minutes):


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9   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 22, 5:53am  

Thoughtful article on the status of the U. S. Petro Dollar ... well worth reading.

Oil for Gold (and Bitcoin)… the End of the Petrodollar and What It Means for You
by Nick Giambruno of Doug Casey's The International Man

The US government reaps an unfathomable amount of power from its racket of printing fake money out of thin air and forcing it on the world.

The petrodollar system is a big reason it has gotten away with this scam for so long.

In short, here’s how it works…

Go here for the entire article:

10   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 22, 5:59am  

cisTits says

RayAmerica says

We are losing our reserve currency status

Cis states:

No we are not.

The American Dollar is a fiat currency. ALL fiat currencies eventually fail because their success depends upon the characters of politicians, which, by and large, is by nature, very low. World history records over 300 fiat currencies that have failed. Will America be the exception? We now have an 'official' national debt of $31 Trillion, with another $200 Trillion in off budget obligations. Is there any sign whatsoever that leads one to believe that this reckless spending is going to end?
11   RayAmerica   2022 Nov 22, 6:08am  

What was the REAL reason as to why we invaded Iraq in order to topple Saddam Hussein, and, later, Libya?

From the article Oil for Gold (and Bitcoin)… the End of the Petrodollar and What It Means for You
by Nick Giambruno

"In short, the petrodollar system is the bedrock of the US financial system.

That’s why the US government protects it so fiercely. It needs the system to survive.

World leaders who have challenged the petrodollar have ended up dead…

Take Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, for example. Each led a large oil-producing country—Iraq, and Libya, respectively. And both tried to sell their oil for something other than US dollars before US military interventions led to their deaths."

NOTE: Not long after we invaded Iraq, I saw an interview of a former Middle East CIA analyst, in which he stated emphatically that the 'real reason we toppled Saddam Hussein' was due to his attempts to 'replace the Petro Dollar' with an Arab Petro currency. Prior to the 'revolution' that toppled Gaddafi, he was working to build an alliance of Arab states that would trade in an Arab Petro currency that had the backing of gold. Such a move would be catastrophic to the U. S. Petro Dollar.
12   gabbar   2022 Nov 22, 8:10am  

RayAmerica says

The American Dollar is a fiat currency. ALL fiat currencies eventually fail because their success depends upon the characters of politicians, which, by and large, is by nature, very low. World history records over 300 fiat currencies that have failed. Will America be the exception? We now have an 'official' national debt of $31 Trillion, with another $200 Trillion in off budget obligations. Is there any sign whatsoever that leads one to believe that this reckless spending is going to end?

The reckless spending has been weaponized and this weaponization is used as needed. I don't exactly know who but this is what I suspect. They will not hesitate to print more, why should they stop? This printed money is the foundation of the house of cards. I think its ingenious. It gives them more control over the domestic population and stresses out international population. 30 trillion is probably about 50% of what they could go up to.
13   GNL   2022 Nov 22, 8:47pm  

gabbar says

This printed money is the foundation of the house of cards. I think its ingenious.

You can call it ingenious if you want but, I call it pure evil.
14   Misc   2022 Nov 22, 11:28pm  

It's not illegal to loan person(s) money that they cannot hope to repay.
15   gabbar   2022 Nov 23, 2:24am  

GNL says

You can call it ingenious if you want but, I call it pure evil.

I don't disagree with you.

Let me play the devil's advocate here. If it is pure evil, so what (the money printers think)? Evil is subjective. Waging proxy wars is pure evil, so what? Invading other countries to preserve Henry Kissinger's reserve currency/petro dollar is pure evil, so what? We don't have any morality, so what? We do illegal and immoral activities every minute of the day, so what?

We can go on; BLM is evil, so what? Rigging elections is evil, so what? Not letting any outsider (Trump) be a part of the uniparty is evil, so what? This is how I think evil thinks.
16   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 2:26am  

gabbar says

GNL says

You can call it ingenious if you want but, I call it pure evil.

I don't disagree with you.

Let me play the devil's advocate here. If it is pure evil, so what (the money printers think)? Evil is subjective. Waging proxy wars is pure evil, so what? Invading other countries to preserve reserve currency is pure evil, so what? We don't have any morality, so what? We do illegal and immoral activities every minute of the day, so what?

Without a morality, society doesn't exist long. Watch and find out.
17   gabbar   2022 Nov 23, 2:28am  

richwicks says

Without a morality, society doesn't exist long. Watch and find out.

It depends. Because most of the people are more moral (by default or through conditioning) than the money printers and they know this.
18   HeadSet   2022 Nov 23, 8:58am  

gabbar says

Because most of the people are more moral

If most people were moral, they would not elect blatant crooks to office. Biden has a long documented history of corruption, plagiarism, and lies. The voters do not care and may even consider such dishonesty as the "smart" way to get rich and win elections. Nobody cares about a crook, as long as he is on their team. Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.
19   DD214   2022 Nov 23, 10:29am  

HeadSet says

Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.

They seem to have a higher code of conduct than most elected officials and effectively deal with those who violate the rules - just sayin.
20   DD214   2022 Nov 23, 10:32am  

HeadSet says

Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.

Dealing with the Mafia you know what you are getting and what you are getting into - elected officials and business people (Gates, Bezos etc. - not so much)
21   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 23, 10:35am  

DD214 says

HeadSet says

Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.

They seem to have a higher code of conduct than most elected officials and effectively deal with those who violate the rules - just sayin.

Yeah, and Hitler bulit amazing autobahns.

Fucking pathetic.
22   RWSGFY   2022 Nov 23, 10:37am  

Greg Hunter? What's his track record? Can you name some of his bold predictions that came true in the past?
23   HeadSet   2022 Nov 23, 11:26am  

DD214 says

HeadSet says

Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.

They seem to have a higher code of conduct than most elected officials and effectively deal with those who violate the rules - just sayin.

You think the Clintons did not deal with "rule breakers?" See Seth Rich.
24   richwicks   2022 Nov 23, 7:04pm  

HeadSet says

DD214 says

HeadSet says

Hell, some fools even admire the Mafia.

They seem to have a higher code of conduct than most elected officials and effectively deal with those who violate the rules - just sayin.

You think the Clintons did not deal with "rule breakers?" See Seth Rich.

You think Seth Rich thought he was breaking or a rule, or the party was violating a rule? Everything they claim to be is the opposite - for example "democratic" party - no, they are the authoritarian party.

It's hard for people to wrap their head around just how much they are the opposite of what they claim to be. They claim to be inclusive, non racist, progressive, anti-big business, pro-worker, pro law, anti-war, pro-science, pro education, etc etc etc. They're none of those.
25   HeadSet   2022 Nov 24, 6:39pm  

richwicks says

You think Seth Rich thought he was breaking or a rule, or the party was violating a rule?

The rule he broke was the rule not to go against the Clintons.
27   richwicks   2022 Nov 24, 7:08pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

You think Seth Rich thought he was breaking or a rule, or the party was violating a rule?

The rule he broke was the rule not to go against the Clintons.

I'm pointing out that the rules that are stated and given, aren't the actual rules.

I wouldn't mind this sort of fucking corruption, if we just knew the rules of the game.
28   gabbar   2022 Nov 25, 4:47am  

HeadSet says

If most people were moral, they would not elect blatant crooks to office.

If people are given two choices and both are crooked, what choice do people have? They don't have a choice because the system itself is rigged because it gives 2 choices; where as you have many choices in most other items.
29   Robert Sproul   2022 Nov 25, 8:04am  

RayAmerica says

We are losing our reserve currency status

If this happens it will be instantaneous poverty for the bulk of Americans.
CCP leadership will carve up Yellowstone for vacation home sites.
30   HeadSet   2022 Nov 25, 1:50pm  

gabbar says

HeadSet says

If most people were moral, they would not elect blatant crooks to office.

If people are given two choices and both are crooked, what choice do people have? They don't have a choice because the system itself is rigged because it gives 2 choices; where as you have many choices in most other items.

If people were moral, crooks like Biden would not even get nominated in the primaries.
31   gabbar   2022 Nov 25, 2:21pm  

Robert Sproul says

RayAmerica says

We are losing our reserve currency status

If this happens it will be instantaneous poverty for the bulk of Americans.
CCP leadership will carve up Yellowstone for vacation home sites.

Blame the politics/politicians/sham democracy, not the people, please.
32   clambo   2022 Nov 25, 3:17pm  

The W5000 index (total stock market) is down 18% this year.
If they stop raising interest rates it probably won't go down much more.
On the other hand, who knows?
33   richwicks   2022 Nov 25, 3:23pm  

gabbar says

Blame the politics/politicians/sham democracy, not the people, please.

No fuck that!

A small number of people have been warning for DECADES that a nose ring has to be put into the fuckers in power. So what happened? Well, they allowed their government to bomb 7 nations, and 99.9% of the population can't even NAME those populations.

They allowed their government to create misery all across the world for DECADES, and I'm supposed to feel pity for the fuckers that spent their lives watching sportsball and Toddlers & Tiaras - a show catering DIRECTLY to pedophiles? Fuck them.

Your fucking 2nd job is civic duty, oversight of the government and education of what it's doing. Hardly anybody does this, and this is what you get.
34   gabbar   2022 Nov 25, 6:24pm  

richwicks says

Your fucking 2nd job is civic duty, oversight of the government and education of what it's doing. Hardly anybody does this, and this is what you get.

When people's stomach are full of food/drinks (doesn't matter what kind of food and drinks) and minds are full of entertainment (teevee, internet, sports, social media....), oversight of the government and education of what its doing is probably not even in their priority list. People have been conditioned to become apathetic by the government. Its a rigged democracy.

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