New evidence that the CIA killed Kennedy?

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2022 Dec 16, 10:49am   16,423 views  125 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen hints several places that recently released files, though still heavily redacted for some reason, show that the CIA did in fact have a hand in killing Kennedy.

Anyone have details?

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90   Patrick   2023 Jul 7, 4:07pm  


Jack Dorsey: "100%, without a doubt" that the CIA killed JFK

Jack Dorsey recently endorsed Robert F Kennedy Jr. for president and indicated the primary reason was to scatter the CIA and FBI to the wind. ...

I'm not saying this is true, but top public figures like Jack Dorsey, Ron Paul, and RFKJ all unhesitatingly believe that the U.S. government murdered one of the most popular presidents in American history because he was opposed to the CIA's machinations and the escalation of the Vietnam war. That's something right there.

91   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 1:58pm  

Ceffer says

Nations are always negotiating, albeit in private, even during a war with each other. I think the Japanese issue and the atom bomb was that US demanded unconditional surrender, not negotiated surrender. Plus, they wanted to try out their little atomic bomb friend to shock and awe the world,

One of Hirohito's son came to the US to beg for surrender, the only condition was the the emperor Hirohito wouldn't be killed. The US wanted to test the nuclear bomb on a population, so the US refused, and dropped the two bombs to study the effects.

Then the US accepted surrender, and didn't execute Hirohito.

We didn't have to drop the bomb, but since so much work was put into creating it, it WAS going to be tested.
92   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 2:01pm  

Patrick says

I'm not saying this is true, but top public figures like Jack Dorsey, Ron Paul, and RFKJ all unhesitatingly believe that the U.S. government murdered one of the most popular presidents in American history because he was opposed to the CIA's machinations and the escalation of the Vietnam war.

I don't think JFK was one of the most popular presidents in history, he wasn't really elected, Nixon was.

Ever see how well Nixon did in his 1970 presidential run?


Nixon DEMOLISHED George McGovern. He probably WAS the most popular presidential candidate in my lifetime. He won over 60% of the vote. This idea that Nixon was hated is myth.
93   Ceffer   2023 Jul 10, 2:07pm  

I think Trump should offer RFK Jr. military protection. The Secret Service is a potentially traitorous and only semi-competent Praetorian Guard. They were part and parcel of the Kennedy assassination, redirecting the motorcade to make sure Kennedy was in the line of fire.
Even the Biden Actor doesn't trust them, which may be why he was accompanied by a Chinese security guard for so long who was clearly wearing a CCP pin and probably had his own protection cadre with Biden bribed asset.
94   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 10, 2:18pm  

Patrick says

I'm not saying this is true, but top public figures like Jack Dorsey, Ron Paul, and RFKJ all unhesitatingly believe that the U.S. government murdered one of the most popular presidents in American history because he was opposed to the CIA's machinations and the escalation of the Vietnam war. That's something right there.

From what I've read it was more about Kennedy hanging the army/CIA out to dry, making them look bad that caused his assassination. There are a group of people that meet to discuss JFK assassination yearly. A lot of good info, and they debunk a lot of popular theory's that have sprung up over the years.
95   richwicks   2023 Jul 10, 5:51pm  

NuttBoxer says

Patrick says

I'm not saying this is true, but top public figures like Jack Dorsey, Ron Paul, and RFKJ all unhesitatingly believe that the U.S. government murdered one of the most popular presidents in American history because he was opposed to the CIA's machinations and the escalation of the Vietnam war. That's something right there.

From what I've read it was more about Kennedy hanging the army/CIA out to dry, making them look bad that caused his assassination. There are a group of people that meet to discuss JFK assassination yearly. A lot of good info, and they debunk a lot of popular theory's that have sprung up over the years.

Do you know the group? I would like to contact them. I'll connect them to another person and they can rip each other apart on their hypothesis.

I think Kennedy was killed for multiple reasons, not just one.
96   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 11, 9:23am  

I don't, just remember Corbett did a presentation at their conference in the last or two. Can probably find it on his site.
97   HeadSet   2023 Jul 14, 2:23pm  

richwicks says

One of Hirohito's son came to the US to beg for surrender, the only condition was the the emperor Hirohito wouldn't be killed. The US wanted to test the nuclear bomb on a population, so the US refused, and dropped the two bombs to study the effects.

That narrative flies against the facts. The Japanese refused to surrender even after the first atomic bombing. Even after the second atomic bombing, there was a faction high up that tried a coupe against the Emperor when the Emperor broke the tie and decided on surrender. Also remember that the world saw Germany rise from defeat in WWI to become a conquering powerhouse in the 40s. Noone wanted to see Japan rise up from defeat and also reconquer a few decades later, so unconditional surrender was the only option.
98   richwicks   2023 Jul 14, 3:00pm  

HeadSet says

That narrative flies against the facts. The Japanese refused to surrender even after the first atomic bombing. Even after the second atomic bombing, there was a faction high up that tried a coupe against the Emperor when the Emperor broke the tie and decided on surrender. Also remember that the world saw Germany rise from defeat in WWI to become a conquering powerhouse in the 40s. Noone wanted to see Japan rise up from defeat and also reconquer a few decades later, so unconditional surrender was the only option.

The conditional surrender that the Japanese wanted was "don't kill the emperor" - that was the ONLY condition.

And that's what the US did. Hirohito died at 87.

The US was going to test those nuclear weapons. Everything we learn in government history books is propaganda and lies. Everything. The US had an oil embargo on Japan, while it was at war with China. Japan did EVIL shit then as well. We knew about the pending attack of Pearl Harbor, all the ships that were there were old, everything else was out to sea to do maneuvers. It was intentional to get a bunch of people killed.

Out government always, always, always wants fucking war. Imagine if the US just stayed out of WWII and quietly developed the nuclear bomb.

No government is good, but I'm pretty sick of living under a government that is fucking stupid.
99   Misc   2023 Jul 15, 1:55am  

With what the Japanese did to our POWs a little Nuking and Firebombing were in order.
100   richwicks   2023 Jul 15, 9:09am  

Misc says

With what the Japanese did to our POWs a little Nuking and Firebombing were in order.

The Japanese were vicious, but I don't know if that means that the civilian population should pay for it.

I openly oppose my government's actions because I do not want to be liable for them. I opposed ever war our country has been involved in since 1991. Before that, I was too ignorant to be responsible at all because I was too young.

I know how absolutely vicious the Japanese were to POWs. They tried to make a death ray, it was just microwave radiation, beyond their capabilities at the time and not realistic today. What it did was boil people alive. They tested this on "monkeys", its most likely they tested this on POWs.

War is stupid. Maniacs start it, and engage in it. Guantanamo shows what sort of people do this shit. Sociopaths create the conditions for wars and start them. Diplomacy is the method that should be engaged in, if that fails, and it was honest diplomacy, then do anything to kill the enemy. Kill the sociopaths.

The United States doesn't have any diplomats anymore. Our "diplomats" lie and engage in propaganda to foment war. Our nation has had this SHIT for our State Department for at least 20 years. Complete garbage. Victoria Nuland supposedly is a diplomat. She's an asshole.
101   Shaman   2023 Jul 15, 10:48am  

I think a lot of wars, bad government, meddling billionaires like Soros and Gates who cause untold harm with their sociopathic politics could be prevented with a simple device.
A Guild of International Assassins with the capacity to kill anyone. They could take out these powerful and legally protected assholes who make the world the awful place it often is. Of course, this is a tool that could easily turn in your hand. But can you imagine the difference they could make by taking out meddling billionaires like Bezos ex wife or Bill Gates or the Soros klan?
Just the threat of this guild being sent after them would keep these assholes in check.
102   HeadSet   2023 Jul 15, 8:52pm  

Shaman says

A Guild of International Assassins with the capacity to kill anyone.

Sounds like the drug cartels. "Open the borders, Pelosi or your family dies." Plata y plomo.
105   Ceffer   2023 Sep 24, 1:01pm  

Shaman says

I think a lot of wars, bad government, meddling billionaires like Soros and Gates who cause untold harm with their sociopathic politics could be prevented with a simple device.
A Guild of International Assassins with the capacity to kill anyone.

Soros is a psychopath, but merely a visible store front working for MI6 and the dynastics, made to take the executive heat for the invisible patrons. He'd just be replaced with another psycho bot, and leave the underlying political cancers proliferating intact. The real problem is the fiat money printing presses that enable the networks of subversion, corruption, and blackmail.
108   AD   2023 Nov 19, 4:37pm  



Researcher Chuck Ochelli is deeply invested in the JFK assassination and its repercussions, tying it to personal experiences and larger societal impacts. He explained how the assassination affected his father, a veteran who later took his life, connecting it to Kennedy's intention to withdraw from Vietnam by the end of 1965. This belief stems from National Security Action Memorandum 263, which would have potentially prevented years of warfare and numerous casualties, including his father. Ochelli joined guest host Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss his research into the JFK assassination, skepticism toward the official narrative, and how this historical event altered society's trajectory.

In discussing Paul Landis' claim about a bullet found during Kennedy's assassination, Ochelli questioned its credibility. He suggested Landis' motive as potentially driven by financial gain and expressed skepticism about his consistency between statements made in the past versus those in his book. Ochelli highlighted the complexities of the JFK assassination, pointing out the difficulties in piecing together a credible chain of events due to conflicting testimonies and the absence of concrete evidence.

Regarding the magic bullet theory and Warren Commission staffer Arlen Specter's role in formulating it, Ochelli criticized how it was crafted to fit a predetermined narrative, despite Specter's lack of expertise in forensics or ballistics. He emphasized the theory's necessity to uphold the lone gunman hypothesis and avoid a conspiracy, noting the scarcity of evidence to support it and the numerous wounds needing explanation in the absence of additional bullets.

When discussing Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged presence on the sixth floor of the Book Depository during the shooting, Ochelli cast doubt on the reliability of the primary witness, Howard Brennan, due to various factors like eyesight impairment. He also explored alternative theories about Oswald's potential location during the event, such as the "prayer man" in the doorway of the building, but expressed uncertainty and a need for further examination of evidence.

Ochelli has set up a discount for Coast listeners with coupon code "coast" when subscribing or signing up to be a supporter at ochelli.com.


During the latter half of the program, researcher James DiEugenio reported on JFK assassination "chokeholds" that prove there was a conspiracy as outlined in the book, "The JFK Assassination Chokeholds."

DiEugenio is one of the five contributors to the book. He emphasized the legal perspective brought by three lawyers among the contributors: Matt Crumpton, Andrew Iler, and Mark Adamcyzk. Their goal was to establish standards of proof concerning Oswald's conviction, questioning why neither the Warren Commission nor the House Select Committee detailed their standards for convicting Oswald. The book presents compelling evidence to vindicate Oswald, examining different aspects, including the enigma of Kennedy's brain, proof of a front shot, Oswald's alleged location during the shooting, dissenters in the case, and the absence of due process for Oswald.

DiEugenio argued that the evidence, such as Kennedy's brain examination, multiple expert testimonies, and discrepancies in autopsy materials, strongly suggests Oswald could not have been convicted in a fair trial. He highlighted the discrepancy between official descriptions of Kennedy's skull damage, revealing that contrary to initial reports, numerous witnesses saw a significant hole in the back of Kennedy's skull. This evidence, along with X-rays showing particles indicating a frontal shot, strongly implies a conspiracy.

In addition, DiEugenio shed light on how critical information about the assassination was uncovered much later, thanks to the efforts of the Assassination Records Review Board. He criticized government agencies for withholding critical documents, pointing out how even scheduled declassification was delayed repeatedly under President Trump's administration, indicating to him a continued cover-up or resistance to revealing the complete truth about the Kennedy assassination.
109   AD   2023 Nov 19, 4:59pm  



The driver of JFK's car, who was a Secret Service agent, may have accidentally shot JFK

110   The_Deplorable   2023 Nov 19, 9:36pm  

WATCH: Unseen Footage of Doctors Who Treated JFK Destroys ANOTHER Key Government Narrative Regarding His Assassination

See also https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/11/watch-unseen-footage-doctors-who-treated-jfk-destroys/
111   Patrick   2023 Nov 22, 7:44pm  


60 years ago today, President of the United States, John F. Kennedy, was murdered in broad daylight.

60 years later, the The Biden Administration has chosen to keep the remaining JFK documents related to the assassination under wraps indefinitely.

What are they hiding? What "national security" secrets could possibly be at risk?

"[i]n light of the recommendation for continued postponement of public release of information in the records identified in section 2(b) of this memorandum under the statutory standard, I hereby certify, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 5(g) (2) (D) of the Act, that continued postponement of public disclosure of that information is necessary to protect against identifiable harms to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, and the conduct of foreign relations that are of such gravity that they outweigh the public interest in disclosure."

John Kennedy's nephew, @RobertKennedyJr, reacted to the administration's decision:

"The White House announcement is unlawful. In 1992 the JFK Records Act was passed unanimously by Congress with the promise that all assassination related records would be released no later than October 2017. This promise has been broken once again with this midnight announcement. The assassination was 60 years ago."

This definitely seems to be in an attempt to protect the CIA.

Word, after all this time, is FINALLY getting around that the CIA is bad news and people are finally waking up.

Why? Because the CIA has committed more than just crimes against humanity. We are finding out some really crazy stuff from different sources that the CIA is/was involved in. From drug and child trafficking, to non-human intelligence, coverups, assassinations, etc.

Truman regrets creating it, Eisenhower warned us about it, JFK tried to stop it, and they took him out.

What are they keeping from us? That Oswald was a CIA asset? The CIA assassinated JFK and scapegoated Oswald? The actual gunmen that were led by George HW Bush? The body double and the real location of JFK's corpse? Maybe we'll never know.

Even Oswald himself said he was just a patsy. “No sir I didn’t kill anyone, people keep asking me that. I work in that building so naturally I would have been in it”.

They believe themselves to be the smartest people to ever walk the Earth, but surely they aren't stupid enough to not see that this does nothing but legitimize the conspiracy theorists, right?

It is beyond time to release the documents.
113   Patrick   2023 Nov 24, 5:56pm  


Sign Petition: Tell Biden to Release JFK Assassination Files

On Wednesday, the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, my campaign released a petition demanding President Biden keep his promise to release all JFK assassination documents as required by law.

As the petition explains, the 1992 Kennedy Records Assassination Act mandated the release of all records related to the JFK assassination by 2017. Trump refused to do it. Biden refused to do it. What is so embarrassing that they're afraid to show the American public 60 years later?

Petition is here:


(asks for a donation after you put in your name, but donation not required to sign it)
115   Patrick   2024 Mar 11, 9:28am  


The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: The Final Analysis presents indisputable forensic evidence that two shots fired from the front and one shot fired from the rear killed the president in a Dealey Plaza crossfire—exposing a sixty-year coverup by the CIA, the FBI, the Pentagon, and the Secret Service.

In this decisive analysis of the JFK assassination, medical expert Dr. David W. Mantik and New York Times bestselling author Jerome R. Corsi definitively validate the observations of the physicians at Parkland Hospital, who recognized immediately that the wound in JFK’s throat and the massive, avulsed blow-out in the back of his head both involved frontal shots.

What distinguishes this book from the myriad of books written on the JFK assassination is that Dr. Mantik’s optical density measurements of the JFK skull X-rays in the National Archives leave no doubt the X-rays were altered to disguise evidence of the two frontal shots. With over four decades of experience reading X-rays, Dr. Mantik has examined the JFK assassination materials more than anyone else.

Mantik and Corsi present overwhelming testimonial and documentary evidence that proves the Bethesda surgeons performed pre-autopsy surgery on JFK’s head to remove evidence of the forehead bullet, as well as to gain access to his brain and thus “sanitize the crime scene” by removing bullet fragments and bullet tracks in the brain tissue.
120   richwicks   2024 May 6, 12:27am  

RayAmerica says

Why nuclear weapons were used is a mystery.

Not at all a mystery.

They were dropped for two reasons at least. One was testing the effects of the weapons. The other was to intimidate the world.

There are probably more reasons, but we spent a significant amount of resources to make the bomb. They were going to be used one way or another.
121   richwicks   2024 May 6, 12:30am  

Misc says

After what the Japanese did to our POWs, a little nuking and firebombing of cities seemed quite ok.

These were civilian targets. I don't think either .city had any military value

Agreed the Japanese were savage to POWs.

It was a horrible human cost, but we did a good thing by changing Japan. Their war with the Chinese was horrific
123   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 7:13pm  

Oh hell yes!
124   Onvacation   2024 Aug 25, 9:40pm  

Let's make him the FBI director too!

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