China And Covid-19: "This Is Not Going To Have A Happy Ending!"

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2022 Dec 28, 4:10am   624 views  9 comments

by ohomen171   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

chinacovidepidemic China made "a threatening jab" at Taiwan recently. A large number of Chinese warplanes flew close to the island nation. Was I concerned? Was I fearing an invasion and a second Ukraine war? The answer is no. The reason is that a major Covid-19 outbreak is crippling China. An estimated 250 million people are infected. Health experts project one million Covid deaths in China within the next 90 days. Imagine how many Covid-19 deaths we will have one year from today in China.
Let us step back and look at the big picture with respect to China. Elena and I spent several weeks in China in 2008. It was a wonderful trip. We got great treatment from the Chinese people.
While on a river cruise along the Yangtze River, we made an amazing discovery. China is two countries. Along the coastal areas where most of the big cities are, some 550,000,000 people live. This part of China is a modern first-world country. With the right amount of money, one could enjoy all the same creature comforts and technology, one would find in the US, Canada, Europe, etc. In the interior lies a poor Third World country with roughly 750,000,000 people. The average annual income per family is in the range of $1,500 US. To the credit of the Communist Chinese government, they have done a great job of lifting many of these destitute people out of poverty.
We got a good introduction to the Chinese healthcare system. There are two parallel tracks here. You have traditional Chinese medicine that includes acupuncture, herbs, and traditional remedies. (This is not completely "voodoo medicine." Some of the remedies work.) On the other track, you have what I would call a Western medical system similar to what one would find in any advanced country. Unfortunately, the salaries of primary care physicians are quite low in comparison to salaries in Western countries. It is hard to attract good people into the medical profession. There is also no emphasis on preventative care to treat health problems early before they become chronic diseases.
China has another surprising major healthcare challenge. Prosperity has brought better food to many people. Just as in the US, China now has an obesity problem. It is estimated that some 350,000,000 Chinese people are obese. Diabetes, hypertension, and other problems associated with being overweight plague this society. These people are always more vulnerable to bad outcomes if infected with Covid-19.
When the Covid pandemic started, I was always skeptical of the statistics that China was providing to the World Health Organization. Elena said their form of totalitarian government allowed them to quickly lock down people and stop the spread of the disease.
I pointed out to her the 750,000,000 people who lived in Third World China. My theory was and still is that there were massive deaths in this part of China never reported to international authorities.
Now we arrive at the Covid situation in China now. As the old saying goes: "The cat is out of the bag." The whole world knows that China has a massive Covid-19 problem that is only going to get worse. They continue to rely on Chinese-produced vaccines that do not have the efficacy of Western vaccines. There isn't an aggressive vaccination program. The healthcare system does not have the capacity to handle the massive number of infected people that will come.
There is going to be a high level of death. It will be a humanitarian crisis. Factories will close (The Tesla factory in Shanghai has already closed.) The Chinese economy will suffer grievously. Supply chains will be disrupted. If you need parts made in China, you might get a big shock. I will close with these prophetic words: "This is not going to have a happy ending."

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1   CBOEtrader   2022 Dec 28, 4:28am  

ohomen171 says

They continue to rely on Chinese-produced vaccines that do not have the efficacy of Western vaccines. There isn't an aggressive vaccination program.

"efficacy of western vaccines"? are you an alphabet agent?
2   zzyzzx   2022 Dec 28, 6:00am  

CBOEtrader says

"efficacy of western vaccines"? are you an alphabet agent?

I assumed that they are quoting an article without providing a link.
3   Shaman   2022 Dec 28, 6:06am  

The virus just isn’t that bad anymore in its current form. I doubt they’ll have 100,000 deaths. I also don’t believe they’ll treat the patients like they did here, ventilating them and putting them on the toxic Remdesivir which killed half of patients all by itself! The “medicine” which was practiced in the USA to treat Covid was more like euthanasia than any sort of attempt at curing. The doctors who wanted to make their patients well again were cracked down on by the AMA and their licenses were in jeopardy. This is why the death toll in the USA from Covid eclipses ANY other country in the world. That’s how terrible our medical system and its corrupted, fearful, homicidal doctors are.

China is going to be fine for one simple reason: they didn’t take the mRNA jabs. The most current studies show that these make you MORE vulnerable by four times than the unvaccinated. And when you compare the overly jabbed against the unvaxxed but previously infected, the vaxxed look like cancer patients! They should all be in a bubble! So I guess it’s not surprising that they wear those masks around still. Maybe they need the limited protection from pathogens that the masks can provide, since their immune systems are so utterly destroyed.
4   richwicks   2022 Dec 28, 6:06am  

ohomen171 says

The reason is that a major Covid-19 outbreak is crippling China. An estimated 250 million people are infected. Health experts project one million Covid deaths in China within the next 90 days.

Smells like bullshit to me.
5   mell   2022 Dec 28, 8:03am  

lol they'll probably ask for financial help from the US and other Western nations and probably will get it from the xiden admin which shits on their own people to help corrupt stooges worldwide.
6   Ceffer   2022 Dec 28, 9:16am  

Fake Covid is as fake in China as it is here. They stoke it by killing their own people with 5G or EMP weapons. The death clusters claimed in the various scare press bear no relation to the epidemiologies of real disease.

China CCP is exploring to the max the political excuse of contagion to intimidate and dominate the population (with an added dose of experimental AI human robots in their hazmat militias). Rockefeller, Rothschild, Globalists, WEF and CCP are one and the same. They are conducting their surveillance and domination terror as a human social experiment on the Chinese to see how far they can take it on a largely conformist populace.
Yes, this is the future they plan for us writ large.

It does seem that Xi may be twisting the Covid spear back onto the CCP in an odd irony with all the recent 'Covid' deaths of CCP high officials. Guess we'll have to see.

7   Tenpoundbass   2022 Dec 28, 9:28am  

China is following the Global Establishment Mass hysteria Covid protocol.
Oppressive lockdown, then gradually ease up restrictions, then blame that freedom for a huge resurgence(even though the hospitals are still empty and the Doctors and Nurses are dancing on TicToc) that is killing hundreds of thousands of people. So then announce and even bigger lockdown and take the opportunity to usher in even more oppressive and drastic measures.
But then DeStantis kicked the legs out from under that table, and spilled it. Once Florida was able to show that people weren't dying in mass numbers, and the Globalist could no longer lead the narrative in secret in the Hospitals. He shit canned the George Soros connected Commie Cunt putting bogus numbers on the Florida Covid morbidity web site. And started showing nobody was dying at the same time the Obiden admin wanted to say everyone else in the US was dying from Covey. He put a huge terd in their punch bowl.

But yeah, China is doing what a commie fuckface will do. Too bad they don't have Won Di Sang Tix
8   HeadSet   2022 Dec 28, 1:10pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Too bad they don't have Won Di Sang Tix

I like that - "Won Di Sang Tx:

9   clambo   2022 Dec 28, 1:45pm  

I went to China once on a business trip and I saw that there are two economies there.
There are several classes; 1,000 million poor people including many older people; struggling middle class, some rich, and government rich.
Some Chinese people I met think that lifting 400 million out of poverty is an accomplishment and they are not too upset about the CCP being in power.
Corrupt CCP guys split China and buy houses in the USA and Canada.
Since CCP are responsible for the Wuhan/ Corona/Covid 19 virus, it's another reason for Chinese to be annoyed with them, but nothing can be done.
I enjoyed my visit and would go back if the flight wasn't so long.

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