PITBULL death, maimings thread

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2023 Jan 14, 11:07am   28,774 views  172 comments

by Dholliday126   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I sick of this bullshit that Pitbulls are great, loving dogs. This fucking bread needs to be exterminated and I'm here to document how many people these little bastards kill and maim.

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107   DhammaStep   2023 Feb 27, 8:35am  

WookieMan says

Defense of what?

This attitude is precisely why having a discussion about this is impossible. The entire world isn't like your Disney life. My cousin was raped by three men and they slit her throat, in her own house. Breaking and entering is illegal. Rape is illegal. Murder is illegal. Would a pitbull have been an additional deterrent? You better believe it. Would even a single bark in the night given her enough time to wake up and arm herself? Maybe. We'll never know now. Or in your imagination, these scumbags are carrying around steaks in their back pocket when they're feeling rapey? Shooting the dog itself would make enough noise to alert the neighborhood, or are they carrying shotgun silencers too?

You talk about "tough guy image" and "small dick energy" because you believe your experience and viewpoint is the only correct one. This is ego speaking, not logic. Not facts. Not truth.
108   GNL   2023 Feb 27, 8:42am  

DhammaStep says

WookieMan says

Defense of what?

This attitude is precisely why having a discussion about this is impossible. The entire world isn't like your Disney life. My cousin was raped by three men and they slit her throat, in her own house. Breaking and entering is illegal. Rape is illegal. Murder is illegal. Would a pitbull have been an additional deterrent? You better believe it. Would even a single bark in the night given her enough time to wake up and arm herself? Maybe. We'll never know now. Or in your imagination, these scumbags are carrying around steaks in their back pocket when they're feeling rapey? Shooting the dog itself would make enough noise to alert the neighborhood, or are they carrying shotgun silencers too?

You talk about "tough guy image" and "small dick energy" because you believe your experience and viewpoint is the only correct one. This is ego speaking...

You're not making a bad point. The problem is responsibility and how far do we take it. Answer Wookieman's question...should I be able to have a self defense lion or not?
109   GNL   2023 Feb 27, 8:47am  

Does this dumb bitch look like she could stop this dog from killing your child?

110   DhammaStep   2023 Feb 27, 8:57am  

GNL says

Does this dumb bitch look like she could stop this dog from killing your child?

If I'm being forced to answer stupid questions I'll just ask them back. Why don't you just shoot the dog attacking your child? In fact, why not give your five year old a gun to make sure they're safe 24/7? After all, it's just personal responsibility, isn't it?
111   DhammaStep   2023 Feb 27, 9:06am  

@WookieMan @GNL I'm sorry but I'm going to have to back away from this thread for now. It's brought up a lot of bad memories and feelings for me and it's become too personal. You can take it as a sign of cowardice or a failure of my ability to debate as you please but I know my limits. Perhaps I'll be back to this topic in a few months.
112   WookieMan   2023 Feb 27, 9:30am  

DhammaStep says

WookieMan GNL I'm sorry but I'm going to have to back away from this thread for now. It's brought up a lot of bad memories and feelings for me and it's become too personal. You can take it as a sign of cowardice or a failure of my ability to debate as you please but I know my limits. Perhaps I'll be back to this topic in a few months.

Your story sucks dude. I mean that in an empathetic way. I don't want anyone to have to go through that. I've had personal trauma as well and I'm sure other users have as well. Not trying to shit on you. We're not attacking, just conversing about a controversial breed of dog. We had no clue what you or your family went through until you mentioned. My apologies. No offense was intended.

Get the dog if you want it though. It won't be outlawed ever. But have sympathy for the kids and people that have been maimed and killed by them. It's a two way street is all. My opinion is they should not be breeding them anymore. There's security cameras, alarms, guns, etc. A dog is child's play for a real criminal. If you have a postal carrier that walks and drops mail off, let me know how that pit bull does is all. I am sincerely sorry for the trauma you endured, all we're saying is a dog is not the answer and it can harm other people just as your family member was.

Seriously sorry though dude. I did not expect it to go down this rabbit hole. As someone with multiple suicides and early deaths in the family I can understand the anger. Sorry we triggered an awful memory.
113   GNL   2023 Feb 27, 10:57am  

Yes, sorry for your loss. Do you have the same empathy for children who have been killed by these dogs? If not, then you really only care about yourself and your own experiences.
114   richwicks   2023 Feb 27, 12:18pm  

Look, there's less than 100 deaths by dogs per year in the United States:


The vaccines have killed more people, FAR more people. Drug over doses kill more people, automobile accidents kill more people, guns kill more people.. The number of deaths caused by dogs is so low, it's not even worth thinking about.
115   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 27, 12:34pm  

GNL says

Ok, if your illegal dog breed kills someone, then you're subject to lethal injection. As well as the person that sold you the dog. You'll also be responsible for health bills and pain and suffering. Can't pay, prison. Deal?

Now something along this lines I would be fine with. The only question, don't we have it already? If it's shown that your dog was not trained, or trained to be aggressive, that you did not properly secure them, and they kill someone, I think the owner should at the least be up for manslaughter.

On the person who sold it, only if it can be proven they knowingly sold the dog to someone who was not qualified to own the dog. And then, at most manslaughter, but only in the worst cases. Again, if we follow the same philosophy as we would for anything that could be a potential danger or weapon, it should be a fairly standard assessment.
116   mell   2023 Feb 27, 12:39pm  

GNL says

You're not making a bad point. The problem is responsibility and how far do we take it. Answer Wookieman's question...should I be able to have a self defense lion or not?

No self defense lion, this is totally different from a weapon which can be controlled. That's why even people who mostly succeed at controlling lions do so in cages so only they get maimed if the lion decides otherwise. No man/womyn has enough body strength to control a lion on a leash. Strong/big dogs are pretty much the borderline.
117   GNL   2023 Feb 27, 12:57pm  

mell says

GNL says

You're not making a bad point. The problem is responsibility and how far do we take it. Answer Wookieman's question...should I be able to have a self defense lion or not?

No self defense lion, this is totally different from a weapon which can be controlled. That's why even people who mostly succeed at controlling lions do so in cages so only they get maimed if the lion decides otherwise. No man/womyn has enough body strength to control a lion on a leash. Strong/big dogs are pretty much the borderline.

But what if I can demonstrate that my self defense lion won't bite my head off when I put my head in it's mouth? Doesn't that prove that MY lion is safe?
118   mell   2023 Feb 27, 1:25pm  

GNL says

mell says

GNL says

You're not making a bad point. The problem is responsibility and how far do we take it. Answer Wookieman's question...should I be able to have a self defense lion or not?

No self defense lion, this is totally different from a weapon which can be controlled. That's why even people who mostly succeed at controlling lions do so in cages so only they get maimed if the lion decides otherwise. No man/womyn has enough body strength to control a lion on a leash. Strong/big dogs are pretty much the borderline.

But what if I can demonstrate that my self defense lion won't bite my head off when I put my head in it's mouth? Doesn't that prove that MY lion is safe?

Haha, no, because they are ruled by animal instincts unbeknownst to men, next time could be different
122   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 27, 3:50pm  

GNL says

And she will remain terrified for life.

Do you have kids? That's some defeatist bullshit. I don't allow fear to rule my kids lives, they learn to overcome it. Parents don't raise victims, at least not the good ones.

My niece is fine to still be around dogs despite being bitten on the head by an ill-trained husky.
123   WookieMan   2023 Feb 27, 4:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

My niece is fine to still be around dogs despite being bitten on the head by an ill-trained husky.

No she's not. 100%. You don't get bitten by a dog ONCE and not have a concern around them. Maybe your dog that she's familiar with. Zero kids that get bit enjoy dogs. That's fact unless they fucked with it and then they're retarded basically.

There's a reason black kids are afraid of dogs. They likely had a chunk taken out of them from a rot or pit used for dog fighting. Michael Vick was no joke when that shit went down. There were kids that saw that shit. There were kids that got maimed while training that shit.

End of the day it's a fucking dog. Good or bad owner, it's a shit dog no one needs. Black people kill more black people than any race on the planet, yet we can't acknowledge that? It's a random white cop that kills a black man high as fuck and a city is burnt. This is fucking where we're at??? No fucking logic?
124   GNL   2023 Feb 27, 5:21pm  

Young children are imprinted from ages 1-2 through 7 or so. My oldest daughter and youngest daughter (wife's children actually) are 4 years apart. They came from a very shitty situation from my wife's previous marriage. I got them when they were 3 and 7. They are very different and attached to me very differently because the 3 year old barely remembered anything.
125   Onvacation   2023 Feb 27, 5:49pm  

richwicks says


There sure are a lot of Pitbulls on that list of killer dogs over the last couple of years.

Asshole owners TRAIN their pitbulls to be killers. Still, I don't trust a dog whose jaw is bigger than it's brain.
126   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 27, 7:51pm  

WookieMan says

No she's not. 100%. You don't get bitten by a dog ONCE and not have a concern around them. Maybe your dog that she's familiar with. Zero kids that get bit enjoy dogs. That's fact unless they fucked with it and then they're retarded basically.

So you know her? You've talked to her? When I was two we lived next to a neighbor with a BIG ass dog. I used to say hi to my neighbor when he came home every day, and stick my hand right through the fence and pet his dog. I don't remember, but that's what my parents say. I was bitten by my Grampa's German Shepard when I was a kid, still remember. He was getting older, and my Grampa was kind of an asshole, may not have been getting the best care. But I don't remember any fear of dogs after that. I think their Dachshund bit me once too We have chihuahua's(my wife's choice). Both of my younger daughters have tortured them a bit when they were young. With the middle one we didn't let her get bit, and it was a mistake. Let me youngest one get bit one time, and she's been much nicer with the dogs(they're super old now).

Notice that all my stories of dogs biting, not once were they pits? And not because we didn't, and don't know people who have them.

This thread boils down to responsibility. Dog owners are responsible for their dogs. God is responsible for genetics. And He doesn't make you sick, and he doesn't make killer dogs. Those things happen because of humans.

You give me a dalmatian, and I guarantee with enough abuse, I can make that dog dangerous enough to seriously injure any of you. Take away the pits, and people will get mauled by Dalmatian's, or German Shepards, or Golden Retrievers, or whatever is left that's big. You want to wipe out dogs, but the problem isn't dogs, it's humans. And if you take away the dogs, they will use guns. Take away the guns, knives. Take away the knives, rocks. This is the ridiculous spiral that will always occur when you blame shift, instead of own up.

If some of you don't spend more time thinking through the end result of your bullshit philosophies, you will be responsible for making this world a worse place for those who come after you. Be part of the solution, not the problem.
127   WookieMan   2023 Feb 27, 8:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

If some of you don't spend more time thinking through the end result of your bullshit philosophies, you will be responsible for making this world a worse place for those who come after you. Be part of the solution, not the problem.

Outside of hunting, dog sledding (not really anymore even) shepherding or farming, dogs are useless. I've had 5 dogs in my life. Domesticated dogs are a want, not a need. It's an absolute waste of resources and many are dangerous.

Unless it's a useful dog, they're all a waste. That's fact and that's coming from a former dog owner as recently as 6 months ago. Not one person on this planet needs a pit bull. It's a status/ego thing. There's nothing to argue here really. People want a big ugly dog, that can kill because they're not tough. Simple as that. People want a golden doodle. That's useless. It's a feel good dog. 95% of all dogs are useless. It just makes people feel a way. They get them because their kids want one. Or it's a status symbol.

Not sure why this thread is active again. Domesticated dogs are 100% stupid. Any breed.
128   Onvacation   2023 Feb 27, 8:48pm  

WookieMan says

Domesticated dogs are 100% stupid. Any breed.

I don't know about that. My little poodle knows how to get what she wants from me.

I once told my nephew, "That dog is pretty useless". He responded, "No, She's good for hanging out with". He's right, they don't call them mans best friend for nothing.
129   richwicks   2023 Feb 27, 8:57pm  

Onvacation says

I once told my nephew, "That dog is pretty useless". He responded, "No, She's good for hanging out with". He's right, they don't call them mans best friend for nothing.

That's the whole point of having a dog, it's a buddy.

@WookieMan - if you you don't like dogs, don't get a dog. Plenty of shit owners out there. I have NO IDEA why people get a dog that they suck at taking care of. When I did foster, I was always curious as how 1/2 the dogs I had were all fucked up. WHY did somebody get this animal to screw it up? Why?

A dog is some work, but not a terrible amount of work. They keep you active, they mess with you, they even play mind games to a point. They're fun to be around but there's people that will seriously get a dog, tie it up out back to a dog house, and never interact with it, and it's lucky to be fed once a day. Why on Earth are they doing this? It's just purposely giving an animal a miserable life. Why would they do this? They get nothing out of the animal, it costs them to feed it, and they don't even enjoy interacting with it. You'd be AGHAST at how many people like this exist. What the fuck is wrong with people? Are they just sadists?
130   WookieMan   2023 Feb 28, 4:54am  

richwicks says

WookieMan - if you you don't like dogs, don't get a dog

I've had 5.... They are an accessory. 100% useless if they're not used for hunting and other tasks. That's not debatable. That's fact. There's a very limited segment of people that "needs" a dog. Hunting, service dog, dog sledding maybe and I'm not sure what else. We don't need drug dogs, that could be changed with laws.

We've created breeds that were never needed. A pit bull serves no purpose. I miss my dogs, but no one is understanding my point. Dogs are 99% not needed outside of service to their owner to survive or help gather food. 99% of owners get them as a toy essentially. You all know this too. Makes you feel good. No one is getting my point, but whatever. I hate cats fyi. So I'm not dog biased.

All pets are generally a resource drain if they don't work for the owner. Adopt a kid if you need to fill a void in your life. I'm done with pets unless I'm a senile old man at some point, am solo and want a companion. Dogs are toys for most owners.
131   richwicks   2023 Feb 28, 10:33am  

WookieMan says

richwicks says

WookieMan - if you you don't like dogs, don't get a dog

I've had 5.... They are an accessory. 100% useless

Then, this just reinforces my opinion that you're a terrible, completely objectionable person.

IF you're being serious, and not just trolling to be "the biggest jerk in the world", which I consider a possibility, you have SERIOUS problems.
132   RWSGFY   2023 Feb 28, 4:45pm  

WookieMan says

richwicks says

WookieMan - if you you don't like dogs, don't get a dog

I've had 5.... They are an accessory. 100% useless if they're not used for hunting and other tasks. That's not debatable. That's fact. There's a very limited segment of people that "needs" a dog. Hunting, service dog, dog sledding maybe and I'm not sure what else. We don't need drug dogs, that could be changed with laws.

We've created breeds that were never needed. A pit bull serves no purpose. I miss my dogs, but no one is understanding my point. Dogs are 99% not needed outside of service to their owner to survive or help gather food. 99% of owners get them as a toy essentially. You all know this too. Makes you feel good. No one is getting my point, but whatever. I hate cats fyi. So I'm not dog biased.

All pets are generally a resource drain if they don't work for the owner. Adopt a kid if ...

Most of things in life are unnecessary and a resource drain. Yes, this includes kids. And travel to some tropical shithokes for a beach vacation. And big powerful cars. And giant houses we tend to buy. So what? We still do it.
133   B.A.C.A.H.   2023 Feb 28, 4:56pm  

BayArea says

Is it ok to have people own lions and alligators in urban high density areas?

And semiautomatic handguns? because freedom.
134   Onvacation   2023 Feb 28, 4:59pm  

High density urban areas require belt fed. Semi-auto won't do.
135   GNL   2023 Feb 28, 5:53pm  

Onvacation says

High density urban areas require belt fed. Semi-auto won't do.

Most accurate comment I've read in a while.
136   WookieMan   2023 Feb 28, 6:38pm  

richwicks says

IF you're being serious, and not just trolling to be "the biggest jerk in the world", which I consider a possibility, you have SERIOUS problems.

I have no problems. Lol. Not trolling. I just tell the truth. Jealousy is not a good look for some of you guys.

Loved my dogs. Love my life without them. I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Now or ever. I probably dislike my dogs somehow because of Iraq WMD's... Mirrors exist. In almost 15-18 years of being on this site, I've never seen a more negative user than you.

I'll let you all know how Florida and the Bahamas go in 3 weeks. Jesus fucking christ I didn't know men could be so thin skinned. Make your life better. Stop bitching and whining. I was one of the first if not the first that said in this site covid was bull shit. Yes I have a big car. I have a big family. Yes I tow a trailer. No I don't live in a shithole that you guys CONSTANTLY bitch about in CA.

Patrick has always been practical and open. Some of you guys are just dumb. Not gonna parse words. Grow up.
138   richwicks   2023 May 21, 9:50pm  

WookieMan says

In almost 15-18 years of being on this site, I've never seen a more negative user than you.

Ah, that's comforting to hear. I'm at the vanguard.

WookieMan says

ll let you all know how Florida and the Bahamas go in 3 weeks. Jesus fucking christ I didn't know men could be so thin skinned.

I've lived all over the country and traveled the planet. It's not an accomplishment. You're going to go to some safe haven resort to see other stupid Americans to enjoy a controlled artificial environment and think you've gone somewhere.

That's what you are going to do. How's your skin?

The only thing worth acquiring is knowledge, and you're never going to do that. I started this in my 20's. Experiences.. It's all controlled and in your mind. It's just endless clutter.

WookieMan says

Patrick has always been practical and open. Some of you guys are just dumb. Not gonna parse words. Grow up.

You're the one telling me where you're going on a trip. Why?

You want to attract envy. That's why you are doing it. Isn't that correct?
139   WookieMan   2023 May 22, 1:33am  

richwicks says

You're the one telling me where you're going on a trip. Why?

You want to attract envy. That's why you are doing it. Isn't that correct?

Because I can. Zero to do with envy. My wife and I live with jealousy from others on a daily basis. I've simply given up caring and just talk about what I want in public or anywhere. If that bothers someone they can eat shit.

richwicks says

I've lived all over the country and traveled the planet.

Highly unlikely, but hey, good for you. Instead of being an ass, be like "hey dude that's cool, have fun." The hypocrisy with this is laughable as well. "Don't talk about your trip, I traveled the universe....." lol.
140   richwicks   2023 May 23, 1:27am  

WookieMan says

Because I can. Zero to do with envy.

Well, possibly. Why do you think anybody would care?

WookieMan says

My wife and I live with jealousy from others on a daily basis.

Perhaps. Small people you live around.

WookieMan says

I've simply given up caring and just talk about what I want in public or anywhere. If that bothers someone they can eat shit.

Why would you think it bothers anybody?

There's people though that live entirely based off from the respect of others, their perceived respect of others is the only thing that justifies their own self worth. They buy Gucci, Pravda, Balenciaga, they have to have a Lexus or similar, they wear a Rolex, they have a huge pain in the ass white elephant home, they always need to be envied. That's their entire self worth.

Keeping up with the Joneses. Join the rat race, get to the finish line first, for no reason. It's not about their own enjoyment or their own self worth, it's "to be better than the rest". A fruitless existence. That was my parents. They're not bad people, not in any way, but Jesus, it was just about constant competition with their peers. All about appearance. I saw this directly, and it's just a dismal existence to me. A very 50's viewpoint of "success". Accumulate status, nothing else.

They don't need to be educated, knowledgeable, self aware, confident, anything like that. Their entire self worth is based on the perceived envy of others. I hated it. I much prefer to be anonymous, not envied, self aware, and able to understand any viewpoint. It's all in your mind. Nobody outside of me influences me, I'm so opposite. Maybe I've gone too far but I enjoy it. I am truly arrogant, however, I'm fully aware I do make mistakes, I'm ignorant, and I'm often wrong. I'll passively accept correction to continually improve. That's all I'm interested in. I don't know if arrogant is the right word. I'm looking to be a teacher, I'm looking for wisdom, I've achieved it in SOME ways. I know I don't know and at the same time, I know I know more than most. I consider that arrogance to say that.

I was like my parents in my 20's. That wore out quick. I was in Colorado, Boston, even Indiana - those Midwesterners couldn't be that bad, I hated them at the time, I respect them now, finally fell into Silly Con Valley. We're all smart, supposedly, nope! Idiot savants.

WookieMan says

Highly unlikely, but hey, good for you. Instead of being an ass, be like "hey dude that's cool, have fun." The hypocrisy with this is laughable as well. "Don't talk about your trip, I traveled the universe....." lol.

It doesn't matter where I lived, that's why I never talk about it. All that matters is what I know, and there's an infinite amount of what I don't know.

I'm always looking for pushback, and if I'm wrong about something I THINK I know, maybe I am, if I am, I'll absorb it, and I'll even admit error. Almost everything worthwhile I've learned in my lifetime was from finding out I'm wrong.

I do my absolute best to abandon ego in learning.

You are materialist, I grew up with that. When I was a kid, I grew up in a fucking museum. There were literally rooms I couldn't step into. Those were for guests only. It just seems so ludicrous to me. It was all about impressing people my parents were "friends" with, they barely knew. God, networking, it's just sucking up. It's beneath me.

It's that what you impose? Or are you "beneath my parents"?

Nobody gives a shit where you fly to. I can fly to Argentina tomorrow and visit my cousin, or go to Poland and see my 3rd cousins, tomorrow. Why would I want to do this? Amazing architecture, different culture, but I've my fill of it. You're going to an enclave of a bunch of American tourists in an American tourist site. You haven't gone anywhere.

When I went to Paris, I stayed in the 5th arrondissement. I stayed there, because I didn't want to be around a bunch of tourists. My french is shaky, but I could get by and it was much more interesting to interact with the population than other Americans there on business.

I'm not trying to embarrass you or shame you. There's more to life than accumulation of crap. So interesting to see other points of view, and that's what I've done for a long long time. Listen to other people, shut the fuck up, and resolve the differences between everybody you talk with silently. Almost nobody knows what is actually happening, but talk to enough of them, and you can figure it out.

I don't want your life. I can go summer in a cabin on a lake for 4 months, and I never have. I think you search for experiences, that's wears out, or did for me. I'm searching for knowledge, and I know how fucking stupid we all are and I'm no exception.
141   WookieMan   2023 May 23, 4:12am  

142   richwicks   2023 May 23, 12:21pm  

WookieMan says


All you're telling me with that is you cover your eyes and plug your ears. It's just willful ignorance.
143   mell   2023 May 23, 2:01pm  

richwicks says

When I was a kid, I grew up in a fucking museum. There were literally rooms I couldn't step into. Those were for guests only. It just seems so ludicrous to me. It was all about impressing people my parents were "friends" with, they barely knew. God, networking, it's just sucking up. It's beneath me.

I'd agree with this. When I was working hard and playing harder the only reason to network was to get laid. But there is a fine line between materialism and comfort and independence. The reason I have been working towards financial independence is to be as independent from others as possible, and increase my zero fucks given game for leftoid bullshit. No more working for the man, enjoying your hobbies, family, it's the better life. That being said, having a nice house in nature is great, but I don't give a fuck about impressing others. You have to compromise though if you want family and live in a family setting. Womyn and family structures always are at least somewhat about representing and showing off, and for good reasons initially. It meant your family weren't thugs, but trustworthy, and honorable businessmen, it's a positive feedback loop. But over time it has spiraled into mindless consumerism and impressing others. A man by himself can live a minimalistic life style, a family man has to compromise somewhat. Also often the boundaries are between being polite and tidy by showing guests a neat home and showing off / impressing them are blurry, one is about manners, the other about consumerism. Occasionally I have to remind my wife that I am not cleaning up for the cleaning lady, and not for my friends who have known me forever, that's reserved for her entourage.
144   richwicks   2023 May 23, 2:57pm  

mell says

I'd agree with this. When I was working hard and playing harder the only reason to network was to get laid. But there is a fine line between materialism and comfort and independence. The reason I have been working towards financial independence is to be as independent from others as possible, and increase my zero fucks given game for leftoid bullshit. No more working for the man, enjoying your hobbies, family, it's the better life. That being said, having a nice house in nat (some text omitted to shorten quote...) consumerism and impressing others. A man by himself can live a minimalistic life style, a family man has to compromise somewhat. Also often the boundaries are between being polite and tidy by showing guests a neat home and showing off / impressing them are blurry, one is about manners, the other about consumerism. Occasionally I have to remind my wife that I am not cleaning up for the cleaning lady, and not for my friends who have known me forever, that's reserved for her entourage.

I can find financial independence, to a point, but once you leave the system you can't effect it. I feel a duty to stay in it, although I'm out of it for now. I had to withdraw to maintain sanity as people were telling me "the unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated" without any sense of irony. I live among nutcases.

Status to me is simply knowledge. There are people so much more knowledgeable than I am on certain subjects. I'm compelled to spread this information. I'm considering making a game, which probably won't make me anything, that is called "Conspiracy". The idea is just give the player a bunch of questions about recent current events, with answers that are ruthlessly researched to be correct, let them draw the conclusions from what they unwittingly learn from the game. Every single question has to be absolutely correct, and researchable. There can be no room for any error.

I can do this for 9/11, Jeffrey Epstein, JFK, a bunch of things. Basically it would just be a bunch of questions of all the facts I know, and can prove to be true, and let the player just answer the questions, and later, put the pieces together themselves, without intervention. The game superficially is to know facts, but really, it's to allow them to experience what I experience in putting the facts together when they have all the facts.

The reason people don't do this already is they aren't plagued with my memory. I remember when Hunter Biden was hired for Burisma in 2014, and I remember Joe Biden getting Viktor Shokin fired in 2016.

Back to your post - women are always looking for status. I hate that about them. But most people are, but women, I've never found a woman not looking for it.

You know what would my dream home would be? A geodesic dome that contains a lawn and plants for 70% of the space, and a small area for sleeping, kitchen, and bathroom - heated throughout the year. Inside is outdoors, even when it's snowing. I still might build that one day, but I'll be fucked in taxes if I do. Basically, the living area, is just a literal living area.
145   mell   2023 May 23, 3:01pm  

Just build or buy a minimalistic Eichler.
146   richwicks   2023 May 23, 3:08pm  

mell says

Just build or buy a minimalistic Eichler.

Doesn't go far enough.

Living area that is alive, that is independent of the elements is what I want. The kitchen can be "outdoors". Some food fall to the ground? The ants will take care of it. The idea is the only thing that has to be devoid of spiders, ants, roaches, is the tiny bedrooms, the bathrooms, and where you store the food.

THOSE you need to clean. Nothing else.

How nice would that be? Step out of your bedroom onto a lawn, in your barefeet, in the middle of winter, in 72 degrees Fahrenheit? Walk down the path to the bathroom, and shower, and go to work. You're going to have to mow the lawn inside though.

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