Archetypes and Stories

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2023 Feb 6, 11:08am   954 views  27 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (58)   💰tip   ignore  

In his recent Joe Rogan interview, Jordan Peterson points out that people have a deep need to see the world in terms of archetypal stories. Those stories used to be given by religion. But in the West, Christianity has declined as the primary unifying story, so people are eager for other stories to replace it so that they can make sense of the world once again.

One story that the left has latched onto is the archetype of the pure virgin (the earth, nature) being raped by the tyrrannical father/king figure (capitalism, patriarchy). The global warming religion is literally a new religion, with original sin (pollution), suffering (turning down the heat, cold showers), and redemption (restoring earth to eden).

Yet it's false. Global warming is obviously wrong, and worse, the increase in energy costs is severely harming the poor around the world, who get increasingly desperate and end up burning whatever they can find (wood, coal) instead of relatively clean natural gas, for example. So the left is actually anti-poor and bad for the environment.

At the highest levels, like the WEF, there is little doubt that people like Bill Gates want to kill off billions of people, which is just about the most depraved evil imaginable, especially since the world is also approaching a demographic crisis as fertility falls everywhere. Gates is a victim of the Malthusian Fallacy - that more people means more poverty - when in reality just the opposite is true. More people create more wealth because they can specialize better, and because population density gives them more opportunity for productive interactions.

So we need to map the facts onto the old archetypal stories in a good way instead of the woke way. It is the woke, the WEF, and Gates who have to be mapped onto, say, the archetype of the Pharaoh holding the world in slavery, and the conservatives mapped to the righteous people who want to be free and escape from Pharaoh.

Can you help write this story?

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1   Ceffer   2023 Feb 6, 11:18am  

Problem is, distortion to signal in archetypal stories is high, and religious/political control have created their own false, promoted mythologies of convenience. For example the original Old Testament bears little relationship to what you read in the Gideon bibles in the hotel rooms. It now appears most of what we have been taught about history is false or so edited as to be unrecognizable.

They want to kill most of the world's population not because of resources (they have suppressed many effective alternative energy sources in order to keep society addicted to oil heroin. Green alternatives are designed to fail.) but because of control.

Their master AI's have told them that they can effectively control 500 million people through imposed technocracy, so the other seven and a half billion or so have to go. Plus, they believe the dead empower them through blood sacrifice. The Globalists after all have their own demonic psychopathic superstitions and bizarre self regards.

Most religions have a combination of telling their members they are elevated amongst all others, have a Manifest Destiny to rule, and are entitled by God (or some demonic Idol Devil) to immolate everybody else (or even their own members who wander). It seems to be the standard model of tribal religion.
2   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 11:22am  

Ceffer says

Their master AI's have told them that they can effectively control 500 million people through imposed technocracy, so the other seven and a half billion or so have to go.

I do worry that the AI we are allowed to use, like ChatGPT, is only the tip of the iceberg, and that far more advanced AI is actually running the show on behalf of Soros, Schwab, Gates, etc.
3   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 11:25am  

Ceffer says

Problem is, distortion to signal in archetypal stories is high, and religious/political control have created their own false, promoted mythologies of convenience.

Still, I think we have a better chance of surviving if we come up with an alternate story presenting the facts using the same old archetypes that people intuitively recognize.
4   Ceffer   2023 Feb 6, 11:31am  

They HAVE to use AI and all the traditional criminal entities. dynasties, etc. are very big into technology. Look at the spectrum of political blackmail and technologic interest of Jeffrey and Jizzlaine. Jizzlaine's extended family of spook dynastics are heavily involved in technology endeavors.

The estimate is that 95 percent of market transactions are handled by split second AI, not slow humans who didn't have enough coffee. It's how they have created impossible fairy mountains of printing press fiat money in virtual space, that have absolutely no real world commodity backing.
5   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 11:32am  

Kunstler says the same things, but he needs to see that the attachment of the left to falsehood is based on the archetypes they have accepted. They need to keep their religion going or they feel at sea, lost. This is why the left is impervious to reason.

The solution is to give them new, better stories, which use archetypes but are rooted in reality instead of woke fantasy.


America was bundled up last week, huddled beside space heaters and wood-stoves against an Arctic super-blast that also distracted us from the global warming scare-talk which the agit-prop industry has ramped up to replace the disintegrating Covid-19 story in the public’s attention-space. Lesson: The more impotent and inept our government gets, the more it will seek the appearance of exquisite control over everything… employment… the weather. The key fallacy of the climate change crusade is that there’s nothing our government can do about it except posture and pretend — and issue more idiotic regulations that prevent people from doing business and leading their lives.

The citizenry, a.k.a. the public, has been successfully divided and groomed into two political factions. On the Left: those who believe anything government officials tell them, no matter how absurd. Most of that faction’s senior members used to be people who believed nothing the government told them, but then they got “Woke.” Now, they believe that mRNA vaccines are really good for you… that basing all social conduct on skin color will exorcise racism from society… and that sexual confusion is the highest-and-best psychological state of being. If you try to debate any of these points with them, they’ll block or cancel you. If that doesn’t work, they’ll orchestrate a new episode of political chaos as an excuse to push you around.

On the Right: those skeptical and worried about government overreach, those opposed to meddlesome official censorship, those who resist the manipulation of language to invert and subvert a formerly coherent value-system, those who recognize a hustle when they see it and coercion when they feel it, those who respect the long struggle of mankind to construct a comprehensible view of reality and mechanisms for testing it. Those who insist on a certain degree of personal liberty under a fair and upright rule-of-law.

Nothing is more self-evident than how implacably at-odds these two factions are. The ascendance of the Left follows exactly our glide-path into collapse. The so-called mass formation phenomenon rises as a function of suppressed panic over America’s wobbling business model, especially among the managerial class and the “experts” who are supposedly in charge. The more their management and expertise fails, the more desperately they seek to control every lever of daily life. Pretty soon, their policies become mindless — in the pure sense of the word.

The Right perceives that its opponents have lost their minds, but there is no arguing with people who are literally insane. What must be done is to wrest political power away from them. In the madness of the Left, power is solely a destructive force, and coercion is a form of pleasure-seeking. Unable to control the dynamics in-play, they seek to wreck the dynamics, to induce as much chaos as possible, so as to punish the non-insane.

That is exactly what the Green New Deal does. Unable to control the dynamic disruptive changes in the global oil-and-gas industry that our high-tech economies depend on, the Left pretends that there is work-around “Green” energy system that can replace fossil fuels with wind and solar devices that don’t scale up and which require fossil fuels to make and deploy. It’s slick and grandiosely hypothetical (i.e., wishful thinking), and the net effect of this major crusade will be to hasten the collapse and impoverishment of our society (ergo: the punishment).

Keep all this in mind as you watch the Congressional inquiries now just getting underway. Much as they are likely to reveal the insane and arguably criminal machinations of a panicked bureaucracy, and the figures who run it, the Left will remain impervious to any truthful revelations that emerge. Of course, many of these officials are culpable for actions extremely damaging to the people of this land, and the masses on the Left who supported those actions — such as mandatory vaccinations — will be among the most damaged. These True Believers will find it hard to admit that they did it to themselves.

So, the hearings upcoming, such as the House Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, will probably not change the minds of your friends and relatives stuck in the mass formation of Jacobin-Wokery. But the hearings will be a step in wresting power away from these maniacs. Part of that step must be to demonstrate the dishonesty of recent elections, so as to remove the implanted mechanisms that enabled that dishonesty: mail-in, no-ID ballots, “motor-voter” laws, electronic vote-counting machines. If that can be fixed, the left can be voted out of power.

The hearings will take place against the back-drop of our deteriorating charade over in Ukraine. The Zelensky regime that we employed to foment this conflict with Russia is losing its mojo for creating chaos in that corner of the world. The newly-announced tank caper will amount to nothing. Russia’s war-aim is simple: the elimination of chaos on its border. This rational objective is something that America’s Party of Chaos can’t understand. How will it react when chaos gets cancelled in Ukraine? Probably by attempting to foment chaos in another corner of the world, or on the home front — another reason that power must be wrested away from it.

Also, of course, there is the deteriorating economic scene in the background of things political. The insolvency contagion is spreading now among the big boys — the global corps, the national brands, the car-makers, the giant retailers who are shuttering their outlets by the hundreds. This change on the economic landscape is actually a positive trend. As the giants fall, their roles in daily life will be assumed by the smaller organisms occupying niches in local economic ecologies. This is one bright horizon for young people otherwise sunk in hopelessness. Get ready to do business! Opportunity awaits! When you embrace it, your insanity will dissolve and the world will look meaningful again.
6   Shaman   2023 Feb 6, 11:37am  

The problem with Ceffer’s analysis is that is assumes that all such stories are both false and have no relationship to reality, and that the morality they impart isn’t useful for developing and maintaining civilization. This is a false premise, as the cultural modalities provided by the Judeo/Christian communities are in fact the reason that western civilization developed so fast and became dominant over all other civilizations and cultures.

Science can’t do that, and Peterson is right to identify the global warmist cult as attempting to create a mythos to replace traditional culture and anchor its relevance in SCIENCE. But of course it’s not any more scientific than the story of the Buddha achieving Nirvana. It’s just another dogma, a salvation story, with an impartial universe somehow deciding the good from the bad. It’s stupid.
7   NuttBoxer   2023 Feb 6, 2:18pm  

Just stick to reality. You think the flight logs and pictures on Epstein island were bad, imagine what went on in that underground temple. Satanism is alive and well. But in the search for truth and rejection of lies, I see God coming back strong. Jesus vs Satan, the story as old as time, and more relevant now than ever.
8   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 3:28pm  

Shaman says

the cultural modalities provided by the Judeo/Christian communities are in fact the reason that western civilization developed so fast and became dominant over all other civilizations and cultures

I agree, but Western civilization started earlier, with the Greeks and Romans. The layer of Christianity on top of that was at first stifling, as the Catholic Church maintained power though an inflexible dogma and hierarchy. I think Western civilization really took off after The Enlightenment, which separated church and state, while most Western people still remained Christian and believed in the stories of the bible as a unifying factor.

Now I think we've lost that Christian cultural unity, and so people are in search of some other story to explain life, the universe, and everything. This is a huge opportunity for someone to step in with the right story, one that's optimistic and unifying.

I'm a little worried that it's also an opportunity for Islam, which has a simpler story than Christianity, but is even worse than medieval Catholicism in terms of violently stifling new ideas.
9   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 3:36pm  

Patrick says

I'm a little worried that it's also an opportunity for Islam, which has a simpler story than Christianity, but is even worse than medieval Catholicism in terms of violently stifling new ideas.

Religion has never fostered new ideas. It's a control mechanism. A more religious a society is, the more stagnant it is.

If there were no North and South America, we'd be, at best, in the Victorian Age today. It was the escape from religious domination that allowed for rapid development of technology.
10   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 3:57pm  

Yet people do think in terms of archetypes: Garden of Eden, king/pharaoh, priests, warriors, virgins, battles, human sacrifice, the young hero (Luke Skywalker, Harry Potter)...

If you don't provide them a structure in terms of archetypes, they will find it somewhere else, like the leftist Globull Warming religion which is killing large numbers of poor people by raising their energy costs and increasing pollution by inhibiting cheap natural gas so poor people are forced to burn whatever they can find to cook and to stay warm.
11   mell   2023 Feb 6, 4:40pm  

Patrick says


great word!
12   HeadSet   2023 Feb 6, 4:44pm  

richwicks says

If there were no North and South America, we'd be, at best, in the Victorian Age today. It was the escape from religious domination that allowed for rapid development of technology.

I think that is North America alone, as in USA and Canada. South of the Rio Grande is staunch Catholic and thus did not progress with the tech and wealth as the Protestant North. Otherwise, why aren't Mexico and Brazil with their resources and people, at least as rich as France?
13   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 5:02pm  

HeadSet says

richwicks says

If there were no North and South America, we'd be, at best, in the Victorian Age today. It was the escape from religious domination that allowed for rapid development of technology.

I think that is North America alone, as in USA and Canada. South of the Rio Grande is staunch Catholic and thus did not progress with the tech and wealth as the Protestant North. Otherwise, why aren't Mexico and Brazil with their resources and people, at least as rich as France?

South America like North America largely avoided WWII, and were major competitors at the end of WWII, but we have a CIA and we destroyed South America systematically.

The United States creates nearly every single problem that our "government" then turns around and complains about. Venezuela wouldn't be moving left, if the US didn't keep fucking them over, for example. Mexico wouldn't be 1/10th as corrupt if the CIA wasn't running drugs all the fucking time into this country to pay for black ops and just to make money.

South America would be smart, but wouldn't be allowed, to make a Confederation against the United States, and work for common interests. Let the drug dealers run wild, don't even try to prosecute them or bother them, completely legalize it. That would solve a great deal of corruption overnight. If the US wants to come in to (supposedly) stop drug production, let them. Let the US government pay for all the control. Ban foreign control of land and foreign ownership. It would piss of the US to no end, and would cause problems for certain, but it would be a good long term solution.

China, Russia, and India are leading the way, in that they will go along to get along with the US, PROVIDED its in their own interests. Russia has finally discovered there's literally no reason to work with the US, nothing they do is good enough. I've said it before, but I think the Neocons wouldn't be a better bunch of fuckups and saboteurs of the United States if they weren't placed into their position by our worst adversaries. These stupid fucking thugs, see everything with a gun pointed at it. They cannot be negotiated with, they can't be reasoned with, they just want conflict, and conflict in the long term, isn't profitable for anybody. Blow up Syria and you have a nation that has very little economic activity, end up having very little economic activity, but the US, wastes TRILLIONS doing this. Who is harmed the most?
14   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 5:02pm  

France went through the French Revolution, while none of Latin America did. France essentially became protestant even if it's still nominally Catholic.

Latin America remained tightly controlled by not only Catholicism, but also by a small economic elite which either steals whatever wealth the poor produce, or crushes whatever business threatens an elite monopoly. At least that's my impression of it. I think a Georgist land value tax would do wonders to improve the economic situation there.
15   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 5:10pm  

The Jewish religion is even better at unifying its members than Christianity, because it's not only about a common story, but the story is that all Jews are genetically descendants of one guy, Abraham. Descent from Abraham is probably not literally true, though millennia of inbreeding Jews are in fact all related to each other more than to the majority population in whatever country they are in. Among Ashkenazi (European) Jews, it's pretty extreme. I think all Ashkenazi Jews are on average the equivalent of 3rd cousin to each other by genetic distance. This is quite obvious on 23andme.

Islam is also pretty good at unifying its members, but Arab Muslims tend to have contempt for other converts to Islam, seeing themselves as the original and best Muslims. I heard this from a Pakistani guy who was annoyed by it.
16   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 5:25pm  

Patrick says

Descent from Abraham is probably not literally true, though millennia of inbreeding Jews are in fact all related to each other more than to the majority population in whatever country they are in.

THIS is a myth! There are 4 main Jewish groups that I'm aware of: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi, and MISCELLANEOUS.

Although Ashkenazi Jewish "scientists" are claiming common heritage, they are lying. the Ashkenazi probably aren't related to any of the other groups at all.

The problem is that the Jewish religion has a lot of really dumb myths. Like they were slaves of the Egyptians, or that Israel ever historically exist, or there was a King David. You'll hear this in THEIR mythology, but you're not going to find any of it in Roman, Egyptian, or Greek historical documents. If you think "a land for a people for a people without a land" is some sort of aberration of exaggeration and propaganda - this has long been a cultural trait of the Ashkenazi Jews. They make up shit all the time and then they scream "racist!" when you point out they're full of shit.

They constantly fabricate history and "facts". All the dead sea scrolls, for example, may quite well be forgeries. They were created in order to establish the mythical Israel as being real. Jewish people have always had a presence in what is now Israel, but it's unlikely they ever were the majority rulers of it, ever.
17   Ceffer   2023 Feb 6, 5:27pm  

HeadSet says

Otherwise, why aren't Mexico and Brazil with their resources and people, at least as rich as France?

Because the gringo Euros have been destabilizing them and fucking them out of their own wealth since forever. It's the economic hit man, Babylonian debt slavery writ large, with the corrupt leaders having the silver or the bullet option. Why does one think it is so easy to bribe scores of SudAmericans to cross our borders illegally? They know the history and they think we owe them. They kind of have a point, but that does not mean I believe in open borders if we want a country at all.

Even established Mexican immigrants don't want unleashed open borders. The Cartels are establishing beach heads, and that's not good for anybody but the elites who run or invest in the cartels (Intel agencies, China, and Globalists).
18   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 5:42pm  

richwicks says

Ashkenazi probably aren't related to any of the other groups at all.

I've read about the genetic origin of Jews, and I'm pretty sure there are genetic relationships among most of the various Jewish groups, though not as strong as within each group. There is a preponderance of Y chromosome J in all Jewish groups, and J is typical for the Middle East and among Arabs. Most European men's Y chromosome is R1 (R1b in western Europe, R1a in Eastern Europe). My own is R1b.

The origin of most of Jewish groups started with some Jewish men who were merchants, moved to where the trading opportunities were, and then converted and married local women, with the subsequent generations then becoming purely endogamous. And this is a bit ironic, because by mainstream Jewish law, it's female descent that makes you Jewish, not male descent.

Back to the original point: good stories have the power to unify people and get them to act in the best interest of the group, and to stamp out corruption. We lack that in the West now. Diversity divides us and promotes corruption.

The original Romans were all interrelated and unified in their fight for the glory of Rome. The Spanish conquistators were mostly cousins of each other. So they were fighting not just for individual glory, but for their extended families.
19   Ceffer   2023 Feb 6, 5:46pm  

Patrick says

My own is R1b.

I always knew you reeked of white privilege.
20   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 5:50pm  

Most sites claim that R1b moved from east to west, but Ireland is close to 100% R1b and it looks like the density drops off from there, implying that the Irish effectively colonized Europe with their Y chromosomes:

21   HeadSet   2023 Feb 6, 6:15pm  

Patrick says

Most sites claim that R1b moved from east to west, but Ireland is close to 100% R1b and it looks like the density drops off from there, implying that the Irish effectively colonized Europe with their Y chromosomes:

Europe was majority Celtic in pre-Roman times but then heavily mixed with Germanic and Slavic migration. The Germanics never really settled in Ireland en mass.
22   HeadSet   2023 Feb 6, 6:18pm  

Patrick says

My own is R1b

Does R1b by chance contain that gene that promotes tolerance of alcohol?
23   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 6:18pm  

HeadSet says

Europe was majority Celtic in pre-Roman times but then heavily mixed with Germanic and Slavic migration. The Germanics never really settled in Ireland en mass.

Could be. The Romans never colonized Ireland or Scotland either. They sent scouts, but the scouts reported back that the people were insanely violent, so the Romans didn't bother.
24   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 6:19pm  

HeadSet says

Does R1b by chance contain that gene that promotes tolerance of alcohol?

I'm pretty sure that most northern Europeans have a high tolerance for alcohol, but I'd think that would be encoded on some other chromosomes, since the Y chromosomes does not have much aside from triggers to make the fetus male.
25   NuttBoxer   2023 Feb 6, 10:22pm  

Patrick says

Descent from Abraham is probably not literally true

Abraham's son Issac/Israel had twelve sons, which the 12 tribes descended from. Jews are very careful about tracing their family genealogy, they all came from Abraham.
26   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 10:28pm  

That's the story, but Jewish men have widely varying Y chromosomes, so it can't be literally true as a strict paternal line thing.

But the point is that it's a good story, and having a good story keeps a culture unified and alive.
27   NuttBoxer   2023 Feb 7, 4:23pm  

After some of the things I watched regarding DNA, the accepted science in the realm of genetics seems tenuous at best.

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