James David Vance

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2023 Feb 17, 3:21pm   8,184 views  217 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

The junior United States senator from Ohio since 2023.


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37   AD   2024 Feb 24, 9:40pm  

So they would only require Google Search to be sold off ?

The rest of Google is kept like Youtube, Gmail, Google Documents, Google Drive, Android / Chromebook, Google hardware like tablets, smartwatches, etc. ?

The problem is Google is not a monopoly as it has competitors like Tik Tok, Microsoft Bing and MSN, Facebook, etc.

39   Patrick   2024 Mar 15, 4:31pm  


Republican Senator J.D. Vance has fired back after it emerged that Tyson Foods is replacing American workers with illegal aliens.

Fox News anchor Jesse Watters reported that Tyson is shutting down its Iowa plant and killing 1,200 American jobs so it can shift operations to New York and hire illegal aliens instead.
40   RWSGFY   2024 May 21, 9:36am  

Donald Trump Is an Opioid for the Masses...

J.D. Vance

Opioid of the Masses

To many, Donald Trump feels good, but he can’t fix America’s growing social and cultural crisis, and the eventual comedown will be harsh.

A few Saturdays ago, my wife and I spent the morning volunteering at a community garden in our San Francisco neighborhood. After a few hours of casual labor, we and the other volunteers dispersed to our respective destinations: tasty brunches, day trips to wine country, art-gallery tours. It was a perfectly normal day, by San Francisco standards.

That very same Saturday, in the small Ohio town where I grew up, four people overdosed on heroin. A local police lieutenant coolly summarized the banality of it all: “It’s not all that unusual for a 24-hour period here.” He was right: in Middletown, Ohio, that too is a perfectly normal day.

Folks back home speak of heroin like an apocalyptic invader, something that assailed the town mysteriously and without warning. Yet the truth is that heroin crept slowly into Middletown’s families and communities—not by invasion but by invitation.

Very few Americans are strangers to addiction. Shortly before I graduated from law school, I learned that my own mother lay comatose in a hospital, the consequence of an apparent heroin overdose. Yet heroin was only her latest drug of choice. Prescription opioids—“hillbilly heroin” some call it, to highlight its special appeal among white working-class folks like us—had already landed Mom in the hospital and cost our family dearly in the decade before her first taste of actual heroin. And before her own father gave up the bottle in middle age, he was a notoriously violent drunk. In our community, there has long been a large appetite to dull the pain; heroin is just the newest vehicle.

Of course, the pain itself has increased in recent years, and it comes from many places. Some of it is economic, as the factories that provided many U.S. towns and cities material security have downsized or altogether ceased to exist. Some of it is aesthetic, as the storefronts that once made American towns beautiful and vibrant gave way to cash-for-gold stores and payday lenders. Some of it is domestic, as rising divorce rates reveal home lives as dependable as steel-mill jobs. Some of it is political, as Americans watch from afar while a government machine that rarely tries to speak to them, and acts in their interests even less, sputters along. And some of it is cultural, from the legitimate humiliation of losing wars fought by the nation’s children to the illegitimate sense that some fall behind only because others jump ahead.

During this election season, it appears that many Americans have reached for a new pain reliever. It too, promises a quick escape from life’s cares, an easy solution to the mounting social problems of U.S. communities and culture. It demands nothing and requires little more than a modest presence and maybe a few enablers. It enters minds, not through lungs or veins, but through eyes and ears, and its name is Donald Trump.

Last Sunday, the day before Memorial Day, I met a Marine veteran of the Vietnam War at a local coffee shop. “I was lucky,” he told me. “At least I came home. A lot of my buddies didn’t. The thing is, the media still talks about us like we lost that war! I like to think my dead friends accomplished something.” Imagine, for that man, the vengeful joy of a Trump rally. That brief feeling of power, of defiance, of sending a message to the very political and media establishment that, for 45 years, has refused to listen. Trump brings power to those who hate their lack of it, and his message is tonic to communities that have felt nothing but decline for decades.

In some ways, Trump’s large, national coalition defies easy characterization. He draws from a broad base of good people: kind folks who open their homes and hearts to people of all colors and creeds, married couples with happy homes and families who live nearby, public servants who put their lives on the line to fight fires in their communities. Not all Trump voters spend their days searching for an analgesic.

Yet a common thread among Trump’s faithful, even among those whose individual circumstances remain unspoiled, is that they hail from broken communities. These are places where good jobs are impossible to come by. Where people have lost their faith and abandoned the churches of their parents and grandparents. Where the death rates of poor white people go up even as the death rates of all other groups go down. Where too many young people spend their days stoned instead of working and learning.

Many years ago, our neighbor (and my grandma’s old friend) in Middletown moved out and rented his house on a Section 8 voucher—a federal program that offers housing subsidies to low-income people. One of the first folks to move in called her landlord to report a leaky roof. By the time the landlord arrived, he discovered the woman naked on her couch. After calling him, she had started the water for a bath, gotten high, and passed out. Forget about the original leak, now much of the upstairs—including her and her children’s possessions—was completely destroyed. Not every Trump voter lives like this woman, but nearly every Trump voter knows someone who does.

Though the details differ, men and women like my neighbor represent, in the aggregate, a social crisis of historic proportions. There is no group of people hurtling more quickly to social decay. No group of people fears the future more, dies with such frequency from heroin, and exposes its children to such significant domestic chaos. Not long ago, a teacher who works with at-risk youth in my hometown told me, “We’re expected to be shepherds to these children, but they’re all raised by wolves.” And those wolves are here—not coming in from Mexico, not prowling the halls of power in Washington or Wall Street—but here in ordinary American communities and families and homes.

What Trump offers is an easy escape from the pain. To every complex problem, he promises a simple solution. He can bring jobs back simply by punishing offshoring companies into submission. As he told a New Hampshire crowd—folks all too familiar with the opioid scourge—he can cure the addiction epidemic by building a Mexican wall and keeping the cartels out. He will spare the United States from humiliation and military defeat with indiscriminate bombing. It doesn’t matter that no credible military leader has endorsed his plan. He never offers details for how these plans will work, because he can’t. Trump’s promises are the needle in America’s collective vein.

The great tragedy is that many of the problems Trump identifies are real, and so many of the hurts he exploits demand serious thought and measured action—from governments, yes, but also from community leaders and individuals. Yet so long as people rely on that quick high, so long as wolves point their fingers at everyone but themselves, the nation delays a necessary reckoning. There is no self-reflection in the midst of a false euphoria. Trump is cultural heroin. He makes some feel better for a bit. But he cannot fix what ails them, and one day they’ll realize it.

I’m not sure when or how that realization arrives: maybe in a few months, when Trump loses the election; maybe in a few years, when his supporters realize that even with a President Trump, their homes and families are still domestic war zones, their newspapers’ obituaries continue to fill with the names of people who died too soon, and their faith in the American Dream continues to falter. But it will come, and when it does, I hope Americans cast their gaze to those with the most power to address so many of these problems: each other. And then, perhaps the nation will trade the quick high of “Make America Great Again” for real medicine.

J.D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.

41   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 15, 12:23pm  


J.D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.

And it's a Netflix original TV adaption, too.

And he's Trump's running mate.
42   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 12:24pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says


J.D. Vance is the author of Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis.

And it's a Netflix original TV adaption, too.

Wait, the guy is getting paid by Netfix? Oh, my!
43   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 15, 12:29pm  

Has Amy Adams and Glenn Close both playing hillbilly gals. Adams even gained weight.

44   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:13pm  

All the demons are screeching, must be a good choice.

Democrats call for Unity, animated:

45   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:20pm  

Kristol, howling

Banks, not happy

46   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 1:20pm  

AmericanKulak says

All the demons are screeching, must be a good choice.

"America's Hitler, Literally Hitler's VP"
47   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:22pm  

I'm literally shaking right now.

So many of the right people pissed off, must be good.
48   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 1:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

I'm literally shaking right now.

So many of the right people pissed off, must be good.

As if they would've endorsed enybody else picked by Trump. ANYBODY PICKED BY HITLER IS HITLER MINI ME, END OF STORY!
49   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:41pm  

Eric Holder says

As if they would've endorsed enybody else picked by Trump. ANYBODY PICKED BY HITLER IS HITLER MINI ME, END OF STORY!

Everybody who sucks, Eric. Not just the Dem Retardabase, but Nevertrump, FakeFed Fronts, etc.
50   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 1:45pm  

AmericanKulak says

Eric Holder says

As if they would've endorsed enybody else picked by Trump. ANYBODY PICKED BY HITLER IS HITLER MINI ME, END OF STORY!

Everybody who sucks, Eric. Not just the Dem Retardabase, but Nevertrump, FakeFed Fronts, etc.

JD WAS a nevertrumper. He IS getting royalties from Netfilx. But the moment he's picked he has NO REDEEMING QUALITIES WHATSOEVER! This is how modern politics works.
51   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:47pm  

This is his redeeming quality: If they try to get Trump, he's very Ukraine-skeptic.

52   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 1:48pm  

Eric Holder says

JD WAS a nevertrumper.

He came to the light side of the force, then was tested on J6 at the Nadir and he passed with flying colors. And spoke about the obviously stolen election.
53   Patrick   2024 Jul 15, 2:13pm  

I'm happy with the choice of Vance. He's:

- opposed to racism against white people
- opposed to war in Ukraine
- opposed to allowing criminal aliens to walk into the US

He's pretty much the opposite of homo-globo, so sounds good to me.
54   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 2:17pm  

AmericanKulak says

Eric Holder says

JD WAS a nevertrumper.

He came to the light side of the force, then was tested on J6 at the Nadir and he passed with flying colors. And spoke about the obviously stolen election.

You know what they say about those who flipped once? (Gee, Beavis, he said "vance").

I don't mind the guy. I just can't take him seriously.
55   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 2:21pm  

AmericanKulak says

This is his redeeming quality: If they try to get Trump, he's very Ukraine-skeptic.

This won't deter the Demon Rats, quite the opposite. It's not like they ever took winning seriously and have always looked for ways to lose w/o it being too obvious (going back to Obama admin, which is the same admin, really). If somebody else takes the job of losing to the Soviets off their hands they will be mightily relieved.
56   stereotomy   2024 Jul 15, 2:53pm  

At least Vance was never a pedophile.
57   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 3:21pm  

Vance on the Deep State

Posted by NeverTrumpers who think this is a reason NOT to like Vance

59   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 15, 3:25pm  


60   TechBrosWon   2024 Jul 15, 4:05pm  

AmericanKulak says


No wonder he has Hindu wife.
Hindus prepare their women well in dick worship.
61   Eric Holder   2024 Jul 15, 4:12pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

And? Flippers a.k.a. people w/o principles have been flocking to winners since time immemorial. Invite them into your tent but keep a weary eye on them and never turn your back more than half-way.
62   Ceffer   2024 Jul 15, 4:23pm  

AmericanKulak says


The truth may drain the circulation from her vestigial clit hood and dried ovaries, but it give me boner.
64   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 15, 6:05pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

It's the position he was given, not Vance himself.
65   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Jul 15, 6:08pm  

The Trump-Vance Ticket Is Bold Politics At Its Finest

Globalists and Wall Street/Kiev Journal upset

67   Patrick   2024 Jul 15, 11:59pm  

Vance was a Marine, which is another big plus. Marine basic training creates better men.

The only negative I can find so far is his attendance at Yale Law. The Ivy League is the source of elitist attitudes. Maybe he got out of there without getting infected though.
68   Patrick   2024 Jul 16, 6:01am  


As you almost certainly already know, in another flash of political genius, President Trump accelerated his plans to announce his Vice President and yesterday named freshman Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. The Associated Press ran the widely-covered story under the headline, “Trump picks Sen. JD Vance of Ohio, a once-fierce critic turned loyal ally, as his GOP running mate.” One of my best lifelong friends immediately texted me yesterday noting that Vance remarkably resembles the “Chad” meme:

To that strong comparison, you might also note that the Senator from Ohio also looks like he could be directly related to our second Republican President and brilliant Civil War general, Ulysses S. Grant:

Right? You see it too? I’m not imagining things, am I?

There is a lot that could be said about Trump’s bold choice. Vance is Mike Pence’s reverse opposite. J.D. is a political newcomer, having won his Ohio Senatorial seat in 2022 as his first public office. Vance is a veteran Marine, Yale lawyer, and bestselling author. His 2016 rags-to-riches story Hillbilly Elegy was adapted into a Netflix movie starring Glenn Close as Vance’s troubled mother. Close was nominated for an Academy Award for her performance.

J.D. Vance is 39 years old — just a few years younger than U.S. Grant when that military veteran ran for office.

Demonstrating Trump’s political brilliance, Vance started his political career in 2016 as a self-described “Never Trumper.” But by 2021, he’d apologized, recanted, and joined Team MAGA. This was politically masterful since Vance’s early skepticism builds a sympathetic bridge for anti-Trump Republicans, helping cure Trump’s greatest intra-party weakness. And Senator Vance ticks all the C&C boxes. Vance was deeply skeptical of pandemic overreach and opposed vaccine mandates. He was one of East Palestine’s strongest advocates. And his nomination is catastrophic for Proxy War proponents; Vance once famously remarked, “I don’t really care what happens to Ukraine.”

Without seeming unsympathetic to the plight of Ukraine’s luckless citizens, at this point in history we prefer that our politicians focus on fixing our border instead of fixing Ukraine’s. Ukraine’s border has received more U.S. taxpayer money than has our own porous border, and we are still waiting for the thank-you cards.
69   Patrick   2024 Jul 16, 6:09am  


Additionally, he has made lots of statements virus fear mongering (when there was nothing to fear monger about), he is invested in mRNA company, and his position is that mRNA shots are “relatively experimental vaccines” (what is “relatively experimental”, I would like to know?) and that “people should have choice”. Of EUA poison. As a Yale Law School graduate and editor of their journal, he can’t be bothered to look at the kill box EUA Countermeasures law! God help us all. ...

I am not going to comment more specifically on the assassination attempt, other than quote this post (although I do not agree with the author 100%):

So the shooter cleary (sic) intended to kill Trump. Well, why now? Well, it’s before the Republican National Convention and Trump hasn’t announced his Vice President yet. If he was killed it would create huge chaos with no clear front-runner; the Republicans would be in an even worse situation compared to the Democrats. In other words, the motivation for this shooter to be backed by globohomo institutions is extremely strong.

My own opinion - one of the main goals of globohomo is to get rid of the elections permanently. Elections already do not really matter in practice of government, but they take a huge effort, risk, cost, and take a lot of fighting between political campaigns over the same set of mega-donors. The One World Government agenda envisions a Platonic-Marxist system of “ideal” government: a fake-unified Politburo that opaquely rules over subdued, dumbed-down, zombified, asset-stripped global slave class who own nothing but are “happy”. Understanding that this is the end state that the Blob aims at, we can chart a few possible migration paths to reach it from the current state of affairs. A very plausible path would include some sort of violence/civil unrest right before the elections, which an assassination of a popular political figure like Trump may easily precipitate. And that is a big motive!

Well, that's a big negative for Vance, but maybe he will come to see the truth about the death jabs like he saw the truth about Trump - through Trump himself has not yet admitted the screamingly obvious horrific harm that the death jabs have inflicted on the whole world.

On the bright side, I see the extremely accurate and pointed term "globohomo" going mainstream.

(UPDATE: Vance was being sarcastic, not serious. My bad.)
70   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 16, 7:24am  

71   Nomograph   2024 Jul 16, 8:29am  

Patrick says

Well, that's a big negative for Vance

I see several major negatives for Vance:

1. Flip flops from one extreme to the other on major issues, indicating that he forms strong opinions without understanding the facts. For example, he flip flopped on Trump, who went from devil incarnate to god. Highly polar flip flopping indicates a propensity for polarization, and a likelihood of responding emotionally.

2. Advocates appeasement of Putin. A policy of appeasement toward aggressors weakens America and the entire West. How often has appeasement worked? A better approach would be a demonstration of power by unification of the west and give Putin an ultimatum. A unified West is much, much stronger than Russia, and appeasement is simply a show of weakness.

3. Advocates for Big Government. Government-mandated jab, government-mandated pregnancy (even in cases of rape and incest with minors). He advocates that a 13-year old girl who was raped by her uncle and becomes pregnant MUST carry that pregnancy to term, and at the same time MUST be held down and vaccinated against her will. That is Big Government at its absolute worst. He has other Nanny-State stances such as government intervention in free markets, etc. Basically this guy is a libertarian's worst nightmare.

Supporting Vance is supporting government control over your body, your children's body, and the markets you participate in.

72   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 16, 9:32am  

On the other hand his floppability (is this even a word?) means he'll flop in whatever place Trump wants him to be. So his positions now (or in the past) don't really matter.
73   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 16, 10:11am  

Nomograph says

2. Advocates appeasement of Putin. A policy of appeasement toward aggressors weakens America and the entire West. How often has appeasement worked? A better approach would be a demonstration of power by unification of the west and give Putin an ultimatum. A unified West is much, much stronger than Russia, and appeasement is simply a show of weakness.

Non-US NATO has more money and more people than the US. It's closer to them.

I must have missed the two decades-long commitment of Germany and Spain in Afghanistan with an appropriate level of troops (ie not a company of 100 nurses from the country in an Alliance with 90M people and the 3rd largest economy in the world, more like a divison of armor)

I think the US should definitely airlift pallets of Euro Money and battalions of Italian Soldiers to Ukraine on C-130s to help since we have the logistics they don't
74   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 16, 10:14am  



Patrick says

Well, that's a big negative for Vance, but maybe he will come to see the truth about the death jabs like he saw the truth about Trump - through Trump himself has not yet admitted the screamingly obvious horrific harm that the death jabs have inflicted on the whole world.

Wait a tick, @Patrick. That was given in a "Sarcastic" tone, more evidence Sarcasm is hard to read in a short tweet and for the use of "/s"

Vance had many other tweets about Masking and Mandate orders

75   Patrick   2024 Jul 16, 10:19am  



Wait a minute, given that that's AFTER the previous tweets, he's being sarcastic, not serious.

76   RWSGFY   2024 Jul 16, 10:37am  

Patrick says



Wait a minute, given that that's AFTER the previous tweets, he's being sarcastic, not serious.


Yeah, this is why sarcasm rarely worth it.

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