World War III Watch

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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   106,501 views  929 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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846   PeopleUnited   2024 Apr 4, 5:38am  

richwicks says

The US intends to make all of the Middle East a vassal state, like Europe is.

Bologna, the globalists manipulate every government to consolidate their control. All states are vassal to the satanic globalists New world order. The USA is not the boogie man. The globalists are.
847   WookieMan   2024 Apr 4, 6:46am  

AD says

And what's going down in eastern Ukraine has not helped much. Even Finland (was) rushed to get into NATO.

Regardless of body count, this is exactly the reason Russia has already lost. Next is the Kerch Bridge. If the bridge gets blown to bits more, supplying the southern front quickly and efficiently is toast. Get defensive positions to the west and then make a southern assault to completely cut Crimea off.

As usual I don't have a pony in this race. Just war gaming. This will become a defensive war on both sides at the end of the day. Fighting will dwindle with each side trying to retain territory. It's clear Russia doesn't have the forces to overwhelm Ukraine after 3 years basically. That's why I'm convinced this goes on for another decade and maybe longer.

Russia will collapse though. Putin is not a young man. There will be a power struggle/vacuum when he dies or leaves office. We'll see what other infrastructure Ukraine will hit within Russia. They're literally just an exporter of gas and oil. Cut that off to any significant degree and they're screwed. Europe can get those resources from elsewhere albeit expense AF. Better than having civilians and troops killed as Russia decides to move further and further West.

At no point was NATO going to attack Russia. EVER. That's why this whole conflict is stupid. What would stop Russia after controlling Ukraine from going further west? NATO was never going to be an attacking force. The Soviets tried it with fucking Cuba for Christs sake. USSR and Russia have always been the aggressor. And before you go there Rich, yes, we were the aggressor in Iraq and Afghanistan... don't need to hear it again.
848   Robert Sproul   2024 Apr 4, 8:27am  

WookieMan says

What would stop Russia after controlling Ukraine from going further west?

Putin's intelligence and common sense. He doesn't even 'want' Ukraine let alone more territory, he just can't tolerate US proxy NATO at that border. Almost exactly analogous to Cuba.
849   Robert Sproul   2024 Apr 4, 8:40am  

AD says

Nah, the Germans still want them there.

Germany can't even get their gold back from the Fed. They stood still for the devastating attack on their energy infrastructure, the largest industrial terrorism attack in history. Germany is totally subservient to the US/Globalist agenda. They have made any pushback to the 'Camp of the Saints' immigrant invasion illegal. The German people themselves are indoctrinated into happily accepting the required self-immolation.
850   socal2   2024 Apr 4, 8:40am  

Robert Sproul says

Putin's intelligence and common sense. He doesn't even 'want' Ukraine let alone more territory, he just can't tolerate US proxy NATO at that border. Almost exactly analogous to Cuba.

So what is Putin going to do about the brand new NATO members Sweden and Finland now at Russia's border?

Cuba was over half a century ago during the height of the Cold War with Marxism sweeping across parts of Europe and the 3rd world (including South/Central America). I think we all can agree that Marxism was an absolute cancer on humanity and worth resisting. But it is a different world today. No one in their right mind thinks Ukraine (or anyone) is going to invade or wants anything in shithole Russia.

Apparently Putin can't "tolerate" having Ukraine living next door with more favorable relations to the EU and the West, but Putin can tolerate getting over 300,000 of his young men killed or grievously wounded, 2 new NATO members on his border, loss of half his Black Sea naval fleet and stuck in an unwinnable war?
851   Robert Sproul   2024 Apr 4, 8:50am  

So my comment was that Putin has no expansionary ambition, you are saying he does?
Ukraine has long been a red-line. Most NATO expansion took place when Russia could not defend itself and was solely an attempt to control Russian resources, or maybe you think we were spreading !Democracy and Freedom!.
852   socal2   2024 Apr 4, 9:28am  

Robert Sproul says

So my comment was that Putin has no expansionary ambition, you are saying he does?

I just can't understand Putin's ROI considering the hundreds of thousands of people he has gotten killed on both sides with no end in site.

Ukraine being more friendly with their EU neighbors is a "red line" for Russia - but having 2 brand new NATO members on Russia's border and the entirety of the EU increasing their military budgets is not? If Russia intended to rape Ukraine for their economic resources or something that could quickly cover the billions Russia has spent of their fuckup of a war - I might be able to understand Putin's motivations.

But right now, I just see Russia banging their heads against a wall with very little to show for it.
853   richwicks   2024 Apr 4, 9:41am  

socal2 says

I just can't understand Putin's ROI considering the hundreds of thousands of people he has gotten killed on both sides with no end in site.

Because he hasn't gotten 100's of thousands of Russians killed. Those are Ukrainians, and they won't work on the behalf of the Russian Federation anyhow, they work on behalf of the US empire.

socal2 says

but having 2 brand new NATO members on Russia's border and the entirety of the EU increasing their military budgets is not?

NATO is a paper tiger. In a real conflict between the EU and NATO, it's nuclear, and military doesn't matter. The modern military is used to expand business goals and to control foreign nations to varying extents. The military is really obsolete if all you want to do is defend your borders. It's been obsolete since July 16, 1945.

socal2 says

If Russia intended to rape Ukraine for their economic resources or something that could quickly cover the billions Russia has spent of their fuckup of a war - I might be able to understand Putin's motivations.

No, the US intends to (and will!) rape Ukraine of their economic resources but not for the benefit of the United States, but of the banking system that controls the United States. They will benefit.

The incentive of Russia is they want to be left alone, and to do this, they are going to extinguish a country to show others "this is what happens when you suck up to the United States to fuck with us".

socal2 says

But right now, I just see Russia banging their heads against a wall with very little to show for it.

Both sides are going to lose, nobody really walks out of a war ahead - unless they avoid it. That's why the US did so well after WWII, the US hardly went in and was the last industrial economy still standing at the end.

Russia has been placed under sanctions, they've finally been forced to amp up their own manufacturing, they have ways to avoid sanctions now, they have built up relationships with India and China, they don't depend on european goods or services or euroes. They are now entirely independent of the SWIFT banking system and they are showing the world the US is a paper tiger.

What has the US gotten out of it? Well, the US got nothing out of it, but Blackrock has a lot of land they forcibly took over, the energy industries now have a new customer base in Europe, and it only cost the US a few trillion dollars, again.

It's not a question of who gets ahead in war, it's who is pushed further back. The US and Europe were.
854   socal2   2024 Apr 4, 9:46am  

richwicks says

Because he hasn't gotten 100's of thousands of Russians killed.

I provided you nearly 20 links reporting Russian casualties yesterday.

You will continue to ignore ANY information that doesn't comport to your fevered imagination of massive conspiracy theories believing there is a "Satanist Pedo Joo" around every corner.
855   richwicks   2024 Apr 4, 9:52am  

socal2 says

I provided you nearly 20 links reporting Russian casualties yesterday.

Well point of the post you did. I don't recall it.

I will ignore everything if you start posting from our government or known propaganda agencies, meaning western media. That is not to say that there might not be correct information in one of those 20 links, it means you are incapable of thinking if you continue to reference sources that consistently lie. I no longer see any reason to deal with people who after 20 years of being lied to can't realize it. The (supposed) opinions of such "people" are worthless.

Let's see:

socal2 says


That was your first link. Associated Propaganda is your first source.

Unimaginable to me not to have sentience. I bet you can't imagine at all.
856   socal2   2024 Apr 4, 10:05am  

richwicks says

That was your first link. Associated Propaganda is your first source.

How about the Al Jazeera report that claims 50,000 Russia deaths by last summer using data from Russian sources and confirming names at Russian cemeteries?


"Nearly 50,000 Russian men have died in the war in Ukraine, according to the first independent statistical analysis of Russia’s war dead.

Two independent Russian media outlets, Mediazona and Meduza, working with a data scientist from Germany’s Tübingen University, used Russian government data to shed light on one of Moscow’s closest-held secrets — the true human cost of its invasion of Ukraine."


Keep in mind, this is from last July before Russia started their latest (and failed) offensive that got tens of thousands more Russians killed and wounded.
857   richwicks   2024 Apr 4, 10:19am  

socal2 says

How about the Al Jazeera report

I said previously:

richwicks says

I will ignore everything if you start posting from our government or known propaganda agencies, meaning western media.

and I meant that.

Your opinion isn't worth considering. That's not to say you're wrong, it's just that you don't care if you're right. I'm not going through the shit you consider a mind, because you won't do it yourself. I am tired of dealing with people who don't worry about thinking and have no problem passing on bullshit. You just did.

This is your fucking source:

EXPLAINER: Can the spread of monkeypox be stopped?

I am sick of tired of having to deal with the confusion of "minds" that continue to reference this bullshit. 20 years ago, I recognized what was mainstream "news" was bullshit. 2 decades ago. If you haven't caught up by now, you're too infantile to take seriously. I'm fucking fed up with it.

At the end of this war, which our stupid fucking neocons started, who have a 100% track record of lying the ENTIRE time, we'll find out what happened. Your article in AP said:


A U.S. intelligence report declassified in mid-December 2023 estimated that 315,000 Russian troops had been killed or wounded in Ukraine. If accurate, the figure would represent 87% of the roughly 360,000 troops Russia had before the war, according to the report.

If the Russian military was that weak, the US would invade them. 360,000 * (1 - 0.87) = 47,000 left. The US supposedly has around 35,000 troops in Germany now.


As of September 2021, there are around 35,000 US troops stationed in Germany.

You would't even think to do any math or look anything up, would you? You read passively, and do no thinking. You don't even consider that it's even possible for you to know if you're reading bullshit or not. You feel this is entirely outside of your ability and grasp to do some middle school arithmetic. You're everywhere.
858   socal2   2024 Apr 4, 10:24am  

richwicks says

Your opinion isn't worth considering.

So I can just put you on ignore?

The Al Jazeera link you clearly didn't read used Russian media sources and confirmed cemetery headstones to provide the Russian death estimate.
859   richwicks   2024 Apr 4, 10:48am  

socal2 says

So I can just put you on ignore?

You can, but that won't prevent me from responding to you, without your knowledge. I'm OK with that.

Where is the error in my reasoning? If you're just going to pick out bullshit without even doing cursory basic thinking to determine if what you are reading is even REASONABLE, why should I consider you EVER do that?

I do more work about your reasoning than you do. I just demonstrated it. How can you want to express an opinion, when all your opinion is, is some fucking nonsense from a bunch of websites of lying assholes, who you KNOW are lying assholes? Don't you have ANY shame about being wrong or being used?

Most of you THINGS don't. Don't you even know what consciousness is?

socal2 says

The Al Jazeera link you clearly didn't read

No, I didn't. I hit your first link, read the article, spent a few minutes looking up how horse shit they have been, and still are:


(those are the two I didn't use), and then did a basic math to check to see if the figures of what the "intelligence" agencies made any fucking sense (surprise! Of course they didn't, they NEVER do), then began to wonder how many US troops are stationed in Europe, found two articles that claim (who knows if that's true?) about 35,000 in Germany, and reported on that.

I'm not going through everything you post to see if it's all nonsense. I'll stop at one.

You know what fucking sucks? Because I have the ability to think, and I use it, I get punished for that. People will dismiss what I conclude without doing even the most basic thinking about it, and will insist that whatever nonsense they got from some "authoritative source", which they KNOW have lied over and over and over again, must be right. I have really really tried to treat these people as actual people, and I've been struggling not to finally divorce myself from them in the last 3 years, but the last few months, it's coming to a head. I might just break off entirely.

I'm tired of living around a bunch of meat robot NPC idiots that get OFFENDED when they are questioned about what they BELIEVE they "think", and are resentful when being shown they were actually wrong. I'm doing a fucking favor for these fucks. "Oh, I showed you were brainwashed and believed a bunch of bullshit, and were being used like a stupid whore? I'm sorry, I should have allowed you to keep getting fucked in the asshole and be treated like the little bitch you are".
860   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 4, 8:59pm  

"Israel wants USA to attack Iran, dragging us into war." Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

861   Patrick   2024 Apr 5, 10:11am  


Antony Blinken, our Secretary of State, who announced yesterday that Ukraine will get rushed into NATO ASAP. Do you understand that would mean a direct, automatic, peremptory declaration of war against Russia, requiring all of NATO — that is, their combined militaries — to go kinetic inside Ukraine and theoretically inside Russia, too, (a move that has not worked out well for anyone in all of history), because Article Five of the NATO charter states that an armed attack against one is an attack against all, and must be answered with counter-attack? Thus, you see, Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three.

You might also consider that NATO does not have the capacity to fight that war. The European members don’t have sufficient troops and equipment, or financial reserves for that matter. And there is, of course, America’s under-recruited DEI army of transsexuals and video-gamers, with equipment that has already proven inadequate on-the-ground in Ukraine, and a logistical route for delivery of all that which runs 5,000 miles across an ocean and then another continent. . . whereas our opponent (Russia) is right next door to the battlefield and churning out munitions like there is no tomorrow (which there might well not be for all concerned). Even Adolf Hitler, the last fool to attempt a conquest of Russia, wouldn’t like those odds.

And why would Russia desist from firing hypersonic missiles at Berlin, Paris, London, New York and. . . ? You get the idea. In which case the USA, backstopping NATO, would lob swarms of our nuclear missiles into Russia. . . and the whole shootin’ match ends up twenty minutes later a smoldering, civilization-ending mess. Smooth move, Tony Blinken.
863   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 5, 10:25am  

Patrick says

Article Five of the NATO charter states that an armed attack against one is an attack against all, and must be answered with counter-attack?

In bold above: no such thing is stated in Article 5.

The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defense recognized by Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area.

So members may do or don't do whatever they like. No must be answered by a counter-attack.

For our response, we can fly over some military surgeons to perform Trans surgery on Allied troops, for example

Oh, and Ukraine is not in the North Atlantic area.
864   Shaman   2024 Apr 5, 10:28am  

I’m fairly certain that this announcement is to ensure Russia does not stop the war against Ukraine but pushes forward to claim Kyiv and the rest of it.

After all, if you were Russia hearing that essentially as soon as Ukraine wasn’t in a war it would become a staging area for NATO missiles, what would you do?
You’d be forced to eliminate it as an independent nation.
865   HeadSet   2024 Apr 5, 11:20am  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Oh, and Ukraine is not in the North Atlantic area.

Such geography did not stop Turkey, Romania, Poland or the Baltic states from joining.
866   AD   2024 Apr 5, 12:20pm  

HeadSet says

Such geography did not stop Turkey, Romania, Poland or the Baltic states from joining.

Poland joining NATO along with the war on former Yugoslavia was enough to get Putin in power.

867   socal2   2024 Apr 5, 4:20pm  

Patrick says

You might also consider that NATO does not have the capacity to fight that war. The European members don’t have sufficient troops and equipment, or financial reserves for that matter.

Huh? Provided the goal was just to expel Russian troops from Ukrainian land, NATO (i.e. US) airpower alone would mop the floor of Russian invasion troops! Russian front lines and artillery sites would be taken out in less than a week and Ukrainian troops could roll right through.

Have you all forgotten how crazy advanced and better Western airpower is than everyone else? Especially against conventional and entrenched targets?

Russia has been pinned down for over 2 years in the same front lines against a smaller weaker Ukrainian army that doesn't even have a freaking air force.

Russia has numbers, but they have been massively attrited over the last 3 years and are currently getting worked by $1,000 drones.
868   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 5, 5:02pm  

socal2 says

Huh? Provided the goal was just to expel Russian troops from Ukrainian land, NATO (i.e. US) airpower alone would mop the floor of Russian invasion troops! Russian front lines and artillery sites would be taken out in less than a week and Ukrainian troops could roll right through.

Holy Shit.

Plz tell us you are only shiposting here. Trolling.

You believe all that complete bullshit you just wrote?

socal2 says

Russia has numbers, but they have been massively attrited over the last 3 years and are currently getting worked by $1,000 drones.

More bullshit. It's the Ukeys that have been massively attritted, not the Russians.

Wow. Just wow.

You related to.this one?

869   socal2   2024 Apr 5, 6:38pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

Holy Shit.

Plz tell us you are only shiposting here. Trolling.

You believe all that complete bullshit you just wrote?

I believe everything I write.

You actually think Russia's air force could stand a chance against NATO's let alone the US? What does Russia have in its arsenal (other than nuking the planet) that could stop US air power from wiping out Russia's front lines and artillery sites in Ukraine?

FFS - 3 years on, Russia still hasn't controlled the airspace in Ukraine and that is why they have been mired in WWI trench warfare achieving nothing but dead Russians and Ukrainians.

There are still a few major things the US military is really good at - and that is air power.
870   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 8:21pm  

socal2 says

believing there is a "Satanist Pedo Joo" around every corner.

Isn't one enough???
871   Onvacation   2024 Apr 5, 8:22pm  

Oh. I thought you said "Satanist Pedo Joe".
872   richwicks   2024 Apr 5, 8:55pm  

socal2 says

Have you all forgotten how crazy advanced and better Western airpower is than everyone else? Especially against conventional and entrenched targets?

Why did the US lose in Afghanistan?
873   WookieMan   2024 Apr 5, 10:58pm  

richwicks says

Why did the US lose in Afghanistan?

Again, you're older and probably haven't talked to boots on the ground vets. It was a police force with little conflict. We never went in with the attempt to "win" something. Thats been known for a decade. Afghani's liked US troops. The Taliban hated US troops. Your average Afghan had zero issues with Americans being there. I know two friends/vets very well that said it was nothing and the locals liked them. They still have Afghan friends they communicate with.

Bush, Obama and Trump all went to Afghanistan. You don't send a sitting POTUS there if it's remotely dangerous. Biden fucked up the withdrawal and made Afghani's look horrible even though they're not. We all know it was Saudis. The deaths within Afghanistan were mostly local conflict. We didn't just carpet bomb civilians.

You need to get out of the house and talk to people that are in the know. You clearly don't.
874   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 20, 11:04am  

As Ukraine continues to lose men, battles and equipment ...

Hungary’s President Viktor Orbán: “NATO Is Sliding Towards War.”

On Friday, the AP reported that Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán told members of his Fidesz party at the closed-door event in Budapest that the continent is on the brink. He described the EU as an oppressive force that had made its member countries active participants in the war in Ukraine.

This is what the AP reported but they left a lot out:

“They see the war as their own war, and they fight it as if it’s their own war,” Orbán said of EU leaders. No EU country has engaged its soldiers in the war in Ukraine.

“The leadership in Brussels has to go,” Orbán said. “It does not deserve another chance. There must be change in Brussels.”

The long-serving Orbán goes into June’s EU elections facing significant challenges at home and abroad. He faces the recent resignations of senior Hungarian officials and a battered economy struggling under the weight of billions in funding the EU has withheld from Hungary allegedly over rule-of-law and corruption concerns.

More here: https://www.independentsentinel.com/hungarys-president-viktor-orban-nato-is-sliding-towards-war/
875   RWSGFY   2024 Apr 20, 1:46pm  

Yawn, pedo Orban thinks that Mongoloig horde sloowly oozing westwars and making tacticsl gains at a speed of 18 ft per week is "winning battlles". I can't believe there is nobody in Hungarian military capable of explaining the difference. Does he pretend to be that stupid? To what end?
876   richwicks   2024 Apr 21, 1:08am  

WookieMan says

Again, you're older and probably haven't talked to boots on the ground vets. It was a police force with little conflict. We never went in with the attempt to "win" something.

We went there to put in a pipeline between the Caspian Sea, through Turkmenistan then Afghanistan (which gasp wanted money for it!) and then exiting through Pakistan. How do I know this?

Dick Cheney said it in 1998 in front of the CATO institute.


Do the Afghans know this? NO. Maybe there were other reasons, probably were, sure the MIC loved it, of course, they always love war.

Oh and look, both posts are before September 11, 2001. Gee, why would I possibly think that 9/11 was a setup? I mean, they did find the passport of one of the terrorists in perfect condition a few blocks away, who would question that after it went through a fireball, was somehow torn out of a pocket maybe, went through all that furniture and wreckage, and somebody just found it! What luck!

There was a plan ALREADY IN PLACE to go into Afghanistan, if they just had an excuse.. Which they did, in Rebuilding America's Defenses which was released by PNAC on September 10, 2000.


Page 51, first full paragraph on the page:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor. Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirement of current missions.

Oh, and who was PNAC? Well imagine my shock!


It's our good friend (now "Democrat") William Kristol who is always lying about foreign policy and Robert Kagan, the husband of the wonderful Victoria Nuland. I wonder why they have different last names, like you wouldn't want to know they are husband and wife.

Oh, but these people don't conspire or talk to one another. Our "free media" would talk about if it were true, SOMEBODY would be able to connect the dots. Yeah, people have. Doesn't do any good.

WookieMan says

You need to get out of the house and talk to people that are in the know. You clearly don't.

The only people in the know are obsessive dipshits like me that spend years collecting this information, and a FEW people in intelligence that care to put the puzzle pieces together and if they do, can't talk about it and the people pulling the strings.

Deary me! If I could only get out more and talk to a regular mechanic or farmer or soldier in Afghanistan - they know what is going on, just like AMERICANS do. You knew all this right?

Like you know the Emad Salem was an Egyptian intelligence agent implanted into the group that bombed the WTC in 1993 by the FIB, who WARNED THEM, the group was about to bomb something in NYC. You know that right?


I mean, you're going to read everything I sent, every link, verify I'm not full of shit, and not just posting random crap and find out for yourself that I am indeed telling you the truth? No. There's a conspiracy right in front of you, explained in detail - who cares? Let them do it again - and they will. Maybe talk to my congressman or representative, that will help!!

They attempted to prosecute Emad Salem as a co-conspirator, even though he worked for the FBI, even though he warned the FBI. They were going to, then he started releasing audio tapes he had containing conversations with his FBI handler. He was just paranoid, right?


Oh no, it's been deleted! It's almost like youtube deletes information to prevent discovery of anything, or confirmation. I have the video, should I post it?

original link

It doesn't matter. Who cares? All it amounts to is a bunch effort to show to cattle that don't care. So 3,000 people got horribly murdered on that day, and then all the first responders died of horrible diseases and we went on to 2 decades of fruitless wars, spending trillions, killing millions. What does that matter? Why learn anything about history, let's just repeat it!

I mean, our nation is in such great shape, and besides, let's talk about drag time story hour and 2SLGBTQ+ BS, and whether men should be able to compete in women's sports, and other really important things. That's what the man on the street knows, all they are concerned about, like it's some sort of psy-op distraction - and so maybe a bunch of kids get their lives ruined and sterilize themselves, kill themselves later, as long as you're distracted that's all that matters.

Do you think our actual rulers give a shit if kids transgender to the opposite sex, or if they have abortions, or anything? They are psychopaths. I bet if I talk to one of those psychopath's functionaries, they will listen and think "wow, I should rethink what I've been doing for the last 20 years while I made 100 million dollars on insider trading as a representative". Information is 3 decades old, and 0.001% of the population that ISN'T a sociopath in government or controlling it, cares. I don't get the government I deserve, YOU do. I have the government you deserve.

I would love to have somebody check over my thinking and explain "well, this is why you're wrong", nobody does. People who agree, are silent, people who disagree, they don't have a reason to disagree, they just can't imagine it's this bad. It probably isn't this bad, it's probably much worse.
877   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 29, 2:48pm  

This is NUCLEAR madness and Putin isn’t bluffing | Redacted with Clayton Morris

"This weekend Poland took the unbelievable next step in bringing long-range tactical nuclear weapons to Russia’s doorstep. Putin says these nukes would be 'priority targets'. The West is agitating for nuclear war. In today's video we're going over the latest weekend developments between NATO and Russia."

878   richwicks   2024 Apr 29, 6:37pm  

RayAmerica says

This is NUCLEAR madness and Putin isn’t bluffing | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Bullshit. I grew up under threats of global warming, thermo nuclear war, acid rain, rain forrest depletion, ozone layer depletion, ocean level rising, ocean acidification, polar bears starving, the end of winter in the UK .....

Constant alarmism. It's all fake and gay designed to sap your energy.

Enjoy the last bullshit, our "pandemic"? We nearly all died!!!!!

You are constantly misdirected to fake emergencies. We never address real ones, and never have in all my life
879   RayAmerica   2024 May 13, 10:46am  

Warmonger Lindsey Graham Suggests Dropping Nuclear Bombs on Iran and Palestine to Protect Israel (VIDEO)


Senator Graham responded, “When you’re telling the world you’re going to restrict weapons delivery to the Jewish state who is fighting a three-front war for their survival, it emboldens Iran, it emboldens Hamas.”

“Historians would say, why is it okay for Reagan to do it and not President Biden?” said Welker.

Graham answered, “Why is it okay for America to drop two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to end their existential threat war? Why was it okay for us to do that? I thought it was okay. To Israel, do whatever you have to do to survive, again, military officials say the technology has changed.”

Last December, Graham also told FOX News that now is the time to “Hit Iran… Blow it off the map.”

Lindsey Graham: “I’ve been saying for six months now, hit Iran. They have oil fields out in the open. They have the Revolutionary Guard headquarters you can see from space. Blow it off the map.”

This is the same neocon senator who wanted war with nuclear Russia and wanted Putin eliminated.

Lindsey wants his war with Russia.

Back in March, he called for the assassination of Vladimir Putin. The man is dangerous.
880   RayAmerica   2024 May 24, 12:40pm  

This is a pretty big story because of who it is that is saying this; the head of state of a major European nation:

NATO ‘preparing for war’ with Russia – Orban

Hungary is reassessing its role within the bloc as it has no wish to take part in a conflict against Moscow, the PM has said

What is happening today in Brussels and Washington… looks like warming up for a possible direct military conflict. We can safely call it the preparation of Europe’s entry into the war,” Orban said, adding that there are working groups within NATO that are assessing the best ways for the bloc to further boost its participation in the conflict.

He warned that the end result of these actions could be a direct conflict between the EU, NATO, and Russia – a “grim prospect,” as the conflict would involve nuclear powers.

881   RWSGFY   2024 May 24, 12:51pm  

Checking the size and capabilities of HU military... Yep, looks pretty pathetic. Let's kick these useless fucks out and let the Nazis make a lampshade out of pedo Orban's hide, BWAHAHAHAHA.
882   socal2   2024 May 24, 1:12pm  

Doesn't look like Russia's latest offensive gained much ground despite the massive cost of life and treasure.

Putin is now floating a ceasefire?

883   Eric Holder   2024 May 24, 1:19pm  

socal2 says

Doesn't look like Russia's latest offensive gained much ground despite the massive cost of life and treasure.

Putin is now floating a ceasefire?


884   RayAmerica   2024 May 24, 1:48pm  

Yes, Socal2, any day now, Putin will be surrendering to the masterful battle commander Zelensky.

Maybe Putin is running low on those 'Chinese Golf Carts' that you claim the Russians are now using?
885   RayAmerica   2024 May 27, 2:11pm  

No sane person starts out thinking 'let's start a world war.' That's not what happened when WW I began, at it didn't happen in WW II. What happens, is that once tensions begin to escalate, matters take on a life of their own and eventually spin out of control. More and more, I'm feeling that this is exactly what is happening now ...

Poland and Baltic Countries Prepare To Send Troops Into Ukraine if Russia Makes a Strategic Breakthrough: REPORT (from Gateway Pundit)

Against the backdrop of continuing Russian advances, some Western leaders have started to advocate missile strikes inside Russian territory, from NATO’s Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg up to chief warmonger, former British Premier Boris Johnson:

Now, some European neighboring countries have started preparing to introduce their troops into Ukraine in case of strategic Russian advances in Eastern Ukraine.

The Baltic states and Poland have warned Germany that they could send troops to Ukraine if the situation gets noticeably worse for Kiev due to its allies being reluctant to supply it with weapons.

Reported by Der Spiegel:

“If the Russians succeed in a strategic breakthrough in eastern Ukraine because the West is reluctant to help Kiev, the situation could escalate sharply. In this case, the Baltic countries and Poland will not wait for Russian troops to deploy on their borders, Baltic politicians warn, they will send troops themselves to Ukraine."

That would make NATO a party to the conflict—exactly what German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and US President Joe Biden fear.

More here: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/05/poland-baltic-countries-prepare-send-troops-ukraine-if/

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