World War III Watch

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2023 Feb 21, 9:53am   107,024 views  941 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Putin Suspends New START Nuclear Treaty, Puts Nuclear Missiles On Combat Readiness

"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.


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125   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 28, 9:32am  

socal2 says

Agreed - that is why I keep pointing out the quickest way to end the war and avert WWIII is for Putin to end his illegal invasion and bring his troops home.

There is no conceivable "win" for Russia that doesn't involve MANY more dead on all sides and further world instability.

Whereas a Ukrainian "win" (Russia leaving and going back to status quo ante) would end the violence and world instability overnight.

socal2 says

Agreed - that is why I keep pointing out the quickest way to end the war and avert WWIII is for Putin to end his illegal invasion and bring his troops home.

There is no conceivable "win" for Russia that doesn't involve MANY more dead on all sides and further world instability.

Whereas a Ukrainian "win" (Russia leaving and going back to status quo ante) would end the violence and world instability overnight.

Would be awesome if it were just that simple, but if that were true, war never would have started. If you want a more balanced view, check out antiwar.com
126   socal2   2023 Feb 28, 9:56am  

NuttBoxer says

Would be awesome if it were just that simple, but if that were true, war never would have started.

It is that simple.

Every other option is much more complicated and risks much more death and escalation.

Russia has to face the fact that they failed in their mission in the first month of the war by failing to topple Kiev and the central government. Russia has no hope of achieving their original goals now. Through Russia's incompetence and barbarity, they have alienated (or killed?) the remaining ethnic pro-Russian population that Putin claimed he cared so much about necessitating this useless war that has gotten hundreds of thousands of people killed.

So what is driving all this now - other than one man's vanity?
127   AmericanKulak   2023 Feb 28, 10:01am  

Fight for America's Ladies!

128   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 1, 6:52am  

We've sent a never ending supply of MONEY and war material, but that's not enough. Not for Zelensky, that is. Now he's asking for American blood.

Zelensky Said What? “The U.S. Will Have to Send Their Sons and Daughters” and “They Will Be Dying”

129   WookieMan   2023 Mar 1, 7:33am  

socal2 says

Russia has to face the fact that they failed in their mission in the first month of the war by failing to topple Kiev and the central government. Russia has no hope of achieving their original goals now. Through Russia's incompetence and barbarity, they have alienated (or killed?) the remaining ethnic pro-Russian population that Putin claimed he cared so much about necessitating this useless war that has gotten hundreds of thousands of people killed.

Pretty good summary. I'm not pro either nation. Frankly it seems like someone gave toddlers bottles of vodka in the sand box. Everyone's hands are dirty on this war. It's 100% unnecessary. And before idiots start bringing up our wars, this Ukraine/Russia conflict is exponentially worse on an exponential scale because it's run by idiots.

We lost less people in Afghanistan than Chicago over the same period. I suppose it was cheaper for the domestic killing versus Afghanistan, but this Russia/Ukraine war is awful for both sides. Europeans are pussies (NATO). I don't think our government has the gumption to throw our citizens at it, just weapons to Ukrainians. This escalates and expands to the Polish border though, Russia gets smoked and they know it. There's no sense in any of it.

The only net positive is I'm sure we're continuing to make weapons and people have jobs. And our young adults aren't dying in a drunken war so far. No one has been a true aggressor to Russia in a while. It's all rhetoric. They have oil and gas they can sell and Europe or the US seemingly have ZERO intentions of invading/attacking Russia. Basically this is stupid.
130   socal2   2023 Mar 1, 7:53am  

RayAmerica says

We've sent a never ending supply of MONEY and war material, but that's not enough. Not for Zelensky, that is. Now he's asking for American blood.

Zelensky Said What? “The U.S. Will Have to Send Their Sons and Daughters” and “They Will Be Dying”


If you watch his entire statement, he is clearly talking about if Russia wins in Ukraine and then starts attacking neighboring NATO countries - then the US would have an obligation to send troops to protect NATO countries.
131   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 2, 9:55am  

Step by step, the escalation continues ...

Cross-Border 'Terror Attack' On Russia Involved Dozens Of Armed (Ukrainian) Saboteurs Attacking Villages

Russian presidency spokesman Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said militants entered the Bryansk Oblast in Western Russia and attacked villages there, resulting in the death of one civilian and another wounded. "This is an attack by terrorists," Peskov said.


PS: The day is coming when Ukraine uses one of its American supplied weapons against Russian civilians, which could conceivably lead to retaliatory attacks upon American targets. We are witnessing the process of incrementalism that leads to the start of major wars.
132   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 2, 10:09am  

Mark this day down in history. An NBC reporter actually states the truth regarding Zelensky's insane stated goal to attack Crimea:

NBC Reporter Goes To Crimea, Shocks Viewers By Telling The Truth (video)

133   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 11:21am  

RayAmerica says

PS: The day is coming when Ukraine uses one of its American supplied weapons against Russian civilians, which could conceivably lead to retaliatory attacks upon American targets. We are witnessing the process of incrementalism that leads to the start of major wars.

Yes this leads to a major war. No we will not be attacked by Russia. No nukes. No attacks on US bases or territories. They don't have the capability. All their conflicts have been on the same land mass as long as there been a USSR or Russia.

I don't trust our DOD, but there's no chance Russia advances on the US when they can't even take out a Texas sized country that is mostly fields and a few big cities and suburban sized towns that are mostly shit anyway. Much of their weapons have already been destroyed. They have submarines, but I highly doubt they're active and working. They have literally no offensive capability. They could be launching missiles from subs today. They can't. They're a drunk, brut force country. They have no attack capabilities that aren't from the WWII era.
134   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 2, 11:46am  

Apparently that reporter is now on a Ukrainian hit list!? No link to actual site, so take this with a grain of salt:

Yes, it's an onion link, it's what I use.

135   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 12:21pm  

socal2 says

Russia has legitimate rights to their former Commie Slave colonies they occupied after WWII

Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union before WW2.
Crimea was part of Russia since 1922. Before that the Crimean Peninsula was a perennial battleground. .
What do you suppose the Bidens were doing in Ukraine before Russia invaded?
136   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 12:30pm  

socal2 says

Russia getting double-crossed by their Nazi allies, is in no way a legitimate excuse for Russia being the aggressor again in Ukraine 80 years later!

You meant Soviet Union.

Russia has legitimate reasons to stop the neoconservative envelopement of their country.

Funny how Hillary was beating the war drums against Russia in 2016, then peace for 4 years. Now that Biden the corrupt (senior) is in power we're at war with Russia.
137   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 4:04pm  

cisTits says

Onvacation says

Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union before WW2.

And a big chunk of Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire before that.

Who gives a shit? Texas was part of Mexico. Also ever hear of the Louisiana purchase? Should the French now attack us? That's the same logic. I swear to god the retard pills are in circulation of late here. AND I give no shits about Ukraine or Russia. Let them kill each other. Let's manufacture weapons that create jobs stateside. As long as we're not losing enlisted men it's a win win outside of the money. Russia is toast long term regardless.
138   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 5:59pm  

WookieMan says

AND I give no shits about Ukraine or Russia. Let them kill each other. Let's manufacture weapons that create jobs stateside. As long as we're not losing enlisted men it's a win win outside of the money.

You do know that makes the world worse for everyone? All of the money that goes into Ukraine could be used in the United States. Manufacturing weapons means we manufacture less consumer goods. Wars are inflationary. Refugees lower the standard of living. Not to mention the environmental damage modern weapons of war cause.

The same globalist that are trying to kill or enslave us are the ones fighting in Ukraine against Russia. Trump was impeached for trying to investigate what was going on. Many of our politicians and their families have become rich over Ukrainian corruption.

We should have no interest in Ukraine. The real war, for liberty and freedom, is right here in America.
139   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 6:00pm  

WookieMan says

Russia is toast long term regardless.

That's neocon thinking. Can't we just get along?
140   socal2   2023 Mar 2, 6:02pm  

Onvacation says

WookieMan says

Russia is toast long term regardless.

That's neocon thinking. Can't we just get along?


Shouldn't that be directed at Putin?
141   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 6:08pm  

socal2 says

Onvacation says

WookieMan says

Russia is toast long term regardless.

That's neocon thinking. Can't we just get along?


Shouldn't that be directed at Putin?


The United States overthrew Ukraine. This entire situation is PRECISELY what the United States wanted, right down to controlling Russia's ability to send energy to Europe.

This war could have been easily prevented, and it wasn't, because the puppets the CIA put in power were ordered to encourage it.

Want to prevent future wars? Just send all the Neocons to prison. There, we'll FINALLY have a peace dividend.
142   socal2   2023 Mar 2, 6:09pm  

cisTits says

WookieMan says

Who gives a shit?

Exactly my point. social2 apparently does.

I care in that I don't want to see needless death and world instability because Russia is so fucking incompetent getting hundreds of thousands of people killed in their failed war.

Some folks here only seem to care and support Russia's illegal invasion to punish Ukraine for being a money laundering playground of US Democrats.

As much as I loathe the Democrats, I would never in a million years cheer on fucking Putin's Russia to succeed in an illegal and total cock-up of an invasion that has gotten so many people killed.
143   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 6:11pm  

socal2 says

Shouldn't that be directed at Putin?

Do you deny that the west started this war?

Why do the neocons want to strangle Russia?

the goal was ultimately to create the conditions for regime change in Russia. By “overextending and unbalancing” Russia in the military, economic and diplomatic spheres the U.S. could realistically hope to replace the Russian state with one of its own choosing, as it had done with Ukraine.

144   socal2   2023 Mar 2, 6:13pm  

richwicks says

This entire situation is PRECISELY what the United States wanted, right down to controlling Russia's ability to send energy to Europe.

Ah - America pulling all the strings?

The geniuses in the Biden (and former Obama) administration goaded Russia into launching a massive invasion and fighting a losing battle for over a year?

Russia is too stupid and just playing along like a little pawn?
145   socal2   2023 Mar 2, 6:18pm  

Onvacation says

Do you deny that the west started this war?

The war started a year ago when Russia foolishly invaded Ukraine with 200,000+ troops.

Oh, are you talking about the "Cold War"?

How far back are we going to go to justify Russia's illegal invasion?
146   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 6:19pm  

socal2 says

Some folks here only seem to care and support Russia's illegal invasion to punish Ukraine for being a money laundering playground of US Democrats.

There would be no war if the US got their thumb on top of the warmongers and murderers that started this whole thing.

The FSB revealed that the US did a coup by producing the recording between Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt. That fact Americans did NOTHING about that, makes all Americans complicit.

Remember, what brought down the USSR was that the US just reported the truth on what a criminal government the USSR was. Russia is now doing what we USED to do - telling the public the truth. So everything that government wants to lie about and continue to lie about is now called "Russian propaganda" - from Hunter Biden's laptops, to vaccines being neither safe nor effective.

Russia is no friend of the people of the United States, but they recognize we have a common enemy and they are pointing it out, JUST LIKE the US did back in the 1980's with Radio Free America.

The war in Ukraine will end the SECOND the US stops funding it, it wouldn't even started if the US didn't fund the Ukrainian civil war in the first place, even if the US still overthrew the nation. This can all stop, but no. Let Ohio get poisoned, open the borders, and send 100 billion to continue this war.

Russia will win this war, but it's going to be a war of attrition. They'll wipe out the male Ukrainian population, because Ukraine's puppet government is forcing them to fight, and it's going to take years because the US wants to "weaken Russia". That's the goal. It's not to topple Russia, simply to weaken it. It's just another human tragedy caused by the Neocons that drag us into every fucking war, by lying to the public, and by their laptop media that protects them.
147   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 6:22pm  

socal2 says

The geniuses in the Biden (and former Obama) administration goaded Russia into launching a massive invasion and fighting a losing battle for over a year?

We don't know what the situation is. Let me remind you that "Afghanistan was won" 10 years ago. That's what our media was saying.

I understand I don't have complete information, I understand both sides lie. I understand what this war is about, it's a proxy war, a war of attrition to weaken each side, this is Vietnam II or III or IV or whatever. I don't bother to pay attention to what the propagandists say, on EITHER side.

The goals at this point is for the US to weaken Russia, and for Russia to weaken the EU and the United States. I expect this war to go on for YEARS. Hopefully I'm wrong, but being cynical serves me well.
148   Onvacation   2023 Mar 2, 6:24pm  

socal2 says

The war started a year ago when Russia foolishly invaded Ukraine with 200,000+ troops.

Oh, are you talking about the "Cold War"?

socal2 says

The war started a year ago when Russia foolishly invaded Ukraine with 200,000+ troops.

Oh, are you talking about the "Cold War"?

You're being obtuse.
149   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 6:31pm  

socal2 says

I care in that I don't want to see needless death and world instability because Russia is so fucking incompetent getting hundreds of thousands of people killed in their failed war.

From the Russian prospective it needed to happen and has been happening. I get 2014 and our role and Crimea but this was always in the works with Putin regardless. He's trying to create a legacy. What I don't think he realizes is in modern times no one really truly cares. In American history books he'll declared a war mongering dictator. I also think he is souring with Russia nationals as well. They just don't have an outlet. Putin and the oligarchs control everything.

We are similar, but as flawed as the US is with media, you generally can find out what you want. It's the execution of doing anything about it that's the problem. I've literally gotten a direct response from the county prosecutor that admitted evidence that I produced was illegal with what my kids school district was doing. They violated OMA and reporting what they were doing with tax payer money. I could have sued and taken action, but that's money out of my pocket two fold since I'd be suing the body I pay taxes to, essentially myself.

Our legal system on the Federal, state, county and city level is shit. They look the other way. So the DOD thinks they can get away with anything. The FBI thinks they can get away with anything. The CIA thinks they can get away with anything. Guess what they do. There are no consequences and that's because of fucking lawyers. Politicians are bad, but the "police" so to speak with regards to lawyers do nothing.

Put this way I could run a kid over with a 0.25 BAC and get out of it. Lawyers control everything. Even judges. Now just take this to the federal level. FBI, CIA, DOD, FDA, CDC, etc all have the best lawyers. If we had a true legal system things would be substantially different.
150   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 6:41pm  

socal2 says

Onvacation says

Do you deny that the west started this war?

The war started a year ago when Russia foolishly invaded Ukraine with 200,000+ troops.

Oh, are you talking about the "Cold War"?

How far back are we going to go to justify Russia's illegal invasion?

It started in 2014 when the United States overthrew Ukraine.


original link

Even the secretary general of NATO has admitted this. When a politician tells the truth, which is INCREDIBLY rare, listen. What's happened is clear, please stop clouding the issue. I have pointed out what is going on, countless times here. I get people complaining that I repeat myself, what I don't get though, are people contesting what I'm saying.

So long as people keep repeating falsehoods, I'll keep correcting them.
151   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 2, 7:18pm  

Watched War Games last night. I think it's a really under-rated movie. Early hacker genre, good suspense, somehow still light-hearted, and a great lesson more than a few people here need to be reminded of. There are no winners in war, so the best move is not to play.
152   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 3, 9:27am  

This can't be. I thought the defeat of the Russian forces was imminent and that the next conquest for the victorious Ukraine army was Crimea.

Bakhmut "Practically Surrounded" As Wagner Chief Urges Zelensky Surrender His Forces 'To Save Lives'

"As we reported earlier this week, Zelensky and his top aides have lately issued statements appearing to pave the way for a 'strategic withdrawal' - or in reality a retreat - as better-armed and numerically superior Russian forces have the city almost completely encircled."


PS: Attention Joe Biden: Please send more boatloads of taxpayers money in order to save Ukraine. Your 10% will naturally go into your off-shore account, as per usual, Your pal and partner Zelensky.
153   socal2   2023 Mar 3, 1:40pm  

RayAmerica says

This can't be. I thought the defeat of the Russian forces was imminent and that the next conquest for the victorious Ukraine army was Crimea.

Bakhmut "Practically Surrounded" As Wagner Chief Urges Zelensky Surrender His Forces 'To Save Lives'

Even if Russia manages to capture Bakmut (hasn't happened yet) - how massively pathetic is it for Russia (and the US fanboy club?) to celebrate Bakhmut as some sort of major achievement for Russia after 4+ months of losing thousands of men to this meat grinder?

How many months and how many thousands of Russian lives were lost or grievously wounded to capture this one city? Yeah yeah - they were just throw away Russian prisoners from Wagner, but Russia is already in a demographic death spiral and can't afford to lose thousands of fertile men for a lost cause. This is not WWII where Russia had an endless supply of peasants who had 8+ kids per family.

At this rate, it will take Russia 50+ more years and a million lives to get back to the ground they temporarily held in the first month of the war.
154   richwicks   2023 Mar 3, 1:51pm  

socal2 says

At this rate, it will take Russia 50+ more years and a million lives to get back to the ground they temporarily held in the first month of the war.

Again the purpose of the war is to drag it out, for both Russia and the United States. It's a war of attrition.
156   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 4, 4:36pm  

I don't get it. How can we call ourselves Americans giving shit tons of money to some foreign country, and leaving people in Ohio to die from being poisoned? Seems like the only thing that should be discussed on this topic is how to turn all that fucking fake support and sentiment to good use for the people suffering in East Palestine.

By the way. I have noticed some of you who barely mentioned the train wreck except to downplay it, have been VERY vocal in support of Ukraine. What does that say about your priorities?
157   richwicks   2023 Mar 4, 4:56pm  

socal2 says

So what is driving all this now - other than one man's vanity?

This has been answered many times before, but you just ignore it in favor of bullshit US propaganda. It's tiresome. You ask questions and you ignore answers.

Putin is just like our president, a figurehead. I imagine Putin has some ACTUAL power though, unlike Biden, but if Putin drops dead tomorrow, that won't end the war. Remember when Georgia attacked S. Ossetia, and Russia went in to put an end to that? It wasn't Putin that did that, it was Dmitry Medvedev.

It's Western FICTION that Putin is the "one man behind this". It's stupid and childish to believe that.
158   komputodo   2023 Mar 4, 7:49pm  

NuttBoxer says

By the way. I have noticed some of you who barely mentioned the train wreck except to downplay it, have been VERY vocal in support of Ukraine. What does that say about your priorities?

It says they get virtue signaling points for backing ukraine and none for the ohio disaster
159   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 5, 11:01am  

I think it says they've been duped by propaganda. Especially effective propaganda because it plays on their nationalism, and hatred of Russia, which as they point out, they have good reasons for. But I don't know a single patnetter who's ever virtue signaled. We're way too based for that.
160   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 11, 11:51am  

Old, satirical movie depicting how World War III could start. Free to watch:


161   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 12, 10:43am  

3/11/23 interview of Gen. Michael Flynn ... covering a lot of very important subjects, including the upcoming global financial crisis, along with a potential WW III.

General Michael Flynn Issues Emergency Message to Humanity
162   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 12:37pm  

How it was:

“Violence is not my weapon,” he said.

So shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in late February and Ukraine prohibited men of military age from leaving the country, Klever sneaked out to London.

Klever’s mistake, which would bring devastating consequences, was writing to a friend about being smuggled out and making it to London.

The friend betrayed his trust and posted their conversation on social media. It went viral, and Ukrainians all over the internet exploded with anger and resentment.

“You are a walking dead person,” one Twitter message said. “I’m going to find you in any corner in the world.”

The notion of people — especially men — leaving war-torn Ukraine for safe and comfortable lives abroad has provoked a moral dilemma among Ukrainians that turns on one of the most elemental decisions humans can make: fight or flee.

Thousands of Ukrainian men of military age have left the country to avoid participating in the war, according to records from regional law enforcement officials and interviews with people inside and outside Ukraine. Smuggling rings in Moldova, and possibly other European countries, have been doing a brisk business. Some people have paid up to $15,000 for a secret nighttime ride out of Ukraine, Moldovan officials said.

The draft dodgers are the vast exception. That makes it all the more complicated for them — morally, socially and practically. Ukrainian society has been mobilised for war against a much bigger enemy, and countless Ukrainians without military experience have volunteered for the fight. To maximise its forces, the Ukrainian government has taken the extreme step of prohibiting men aged 18 to 60 from leaving, with few exceptions.

https://bdnews24.com/society/ukraines-draft-dodgers-face-guilt-shame-and-reproach (reprinted from NYT)

How it's going:

According to recent reports, Ukraine has recently begun experiencing some military recruitment issues, a problem that has plagued Russia since the start of its war in Ukraine.

On Wednesday, Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) announced it had blocked 26 Telegram channels that were allegedly helping people of military age avoid mobilization. The news came following a February 26 report The Economist that said, "Ukraine has visibly stepped up mobilization activities in the first two months of this year."

The Economist further detailed that mobilization in Ukraine has become increasingly aggressive with reports of draft notices being issued at military funerals and officials patrolling ski resorts for people avoiding enlistment summons.



In a country like Ukraine there are inevitably less-than-legal ways to escape the call-up, too. “It’s a dialectic of nature,” says Colonel Kevlyuk, who worked in the army’s general staff until 2021. “Wherever there is demand, you’ll always find someone to supply it.” Some arrange fictitious marriages with mothers of three or more children. Others get corrupt military doctors to issue a medical exemption For a few thousand dollars one can pay to be smuggled across the border. But the appetite for risk is falling after a series of well-publicised draft-dodging prosecutions.
Government officials say that any excesses are being tackled as they come to light. But with the army set on achieving a breakthrough on the battlefield before the summer, the recruitment of less-motivated Ukrainians will surely be stepped up and scandals will probably persist. The armed forces may respond to legal challenges by sharpening up their bureaucracy, but there are other ways to deal with them. Informed sources say that at least two lawyers disputing draft orders have abruptly been called up themselves. As the army well knows, mobilised lawyers are automatically barred from practising.

163   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 12, 12:40pm  

cisTits says

Meanwhile, the Russians executed a substantial mobilization which has added upwards of 400,000 thousand effectives to their forces. Contrary to almost-universal predictions that Russian armaments would have long-since been exhausted, and their economy crumbled under the weight of western sanctions, neither has occurred.

The problem with the initial invasion is that the pro segment of the army was material rich but infantry poor, though well trained, but had no follow on forces to keep the areas they swept through clear and stop defeated elements of the AFU from regrouping. Then, because it was kept secret, there was no logistical prep to resupply the Russian advance AND the swept through areas were reoccupied by AFU elements since there was nothing to "Hold" the roads open.

As usual, after a year or two the Russians will get their shit together, in pretty much every single war Russia ever fought, and then it's a whole new ballgame. Russia always sucks in the first few innings or the first quarter of the game.

Then before you know it, Cossacks are inspiring the Kan Kan in Paris.
164   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 12, 12:56pm  

AmericanKulak says

cisTits says

Meanwhile, the Russians executed a substantial mobilization which has added upwards of 400,000 thousand effectives to their forces. Contrary to almost-universal predictions that Russian armaments would have long-since been exhausted, and their economy crumbled under the weight of western sanctions, neither has occurred.

The problem with the initial invasion is that the pro segment of the army was material rich but infantry poor, though well trained, but had no follow on forces to keep the areas they swept through clear and stop defeated elements of the AFU from regrouping. Then, because it was kept secret, there was no logistical prep to resupply the Russian advance AND the swept through areas were reoccupied by AFU elements since there was nothing to "Hold" the roads open.

As usual, after a year or two the Russians will get their shit together, in pret...

In the war which ended with Cossacks in Paris their opponent was fighting on multiple fronts. In the other war where they "got their shit together later" everybody loves to mention not only their opponent was fighting on multiple fronts but also decisive amounts of armaments, materiel and other supplies was handed to them by the allies (read USA). And in the war between these two thir opponent was also fighting on multiple fronts but they managed to completely collapse first as an army and then as a country. Oh, and in the smallish war before that one they had their ass handed to them both on land and on the sea (this is when their previous loss of a flagship happened, btw) by an "inferior" adversary supported by the West.

Which one of the scenarios are most similar to today's war?

The one mentioned the last checks most marks, imo: the opponent is not fighting on multiple fronts, the flagship is already lost and the Western support is there (albeit too little and too late).

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