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You mean that if the 10 Year Treasury is paying at least 2% greater than the government-reported annual inflation such as PCE, then it will mean there will be more demand for "dollars" as in 10 Year Treasuries ?
Why do you think Trump is talking about De-dollarisation now?
Why do you think Trump is talking about De-dollarisation now?
That is why Trump realizes we have to be as energy independent as possible, as especially food prices will be hard hit with an increase in the price of diesel.
Perhaps also this means that the price of the cheapest laptop at Walmart goes up 50% because of de-dollarization.
And all of that will be sold for dollars. So much for 'de-dollarization'.
They will then be made in North America and a few other places.
but at a higher price because of de dolarization (and weakened USA dollar).
Europe and the US have to pay farmers to curtail production so as to maintain prices - their farmers are that productive because the climate and resources are at present abundant. Hell, Europe is trying to run its farmers off their lands because the cows fart too much.
First the USD was going to hyperinflate and lose the GRC.
Then was going to be replaced by the Euro.
Then SWIFT was going to be usurped by INSTEX.
Then the PetroYuan was going to kill the PetroDollar.
Then Shanghai Gold Exchange was touted as the killer app.
When that didn’t work the e-yuan was sure to do it.
After that came Libra.
During Covid the Fed did everything the dollar fatalists ever predicted and they assured me the DXY would never again go above 100.
Then the DXY went to a 30 year high.
Bitcoin and crypto have created fabulous wealth but have also solidified the USD as GRC via stable coins.
And amongst all of this stuff that has never worked over the years the BRICs continuously hinted “this year” would be their big launch. And yet Lucy pulls the football away every year.
Now that none of this stuff has worked the goalposts have been moved again and two new stories have emerged.
1) The USD wont lose Global Reserve Currency status but USTs will lose Global Reserve Asset status…never mind the fact that USTs losing GRA status would contribute to the USD returning to all time highs.
2) The USD is not the most important form of money but energy is. Never mind that money was invented so man could harness energy without having to use it directly.
I continue to love these de-dollarization stories for the same reason I love science fiction.
It’s creative, it’s interesting, it’s forward looking….and in 20 or 30 years some of it will be true..
First the USD was going to hyperinflate and lose the GRC.
Then was going to be replaced by the Euro.
Then SWIFT was going to be usurped by INSTEX.
Then the PetroYuan was going to kill the PetroDollar.
Then Shanghai Gold Exchange was touted as the killer app.
When that didn’t work the e-yuan was sure to do it.
After that came Libra.
brics has no currency it’s just cancel culture avoidance for inner trade between members, no middle man.
Three contiguous regions that comprise 50% of the world's GDP.
Only thing that matters is GDP to debt ratio.
And it totally lies about China's by excluding the massive debts held by SOEs.
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This is a 1hr video, but very good explanation of coming de-dollarization. Take sometime to listen to it.
I dont agree 100% with the points in the video but would like any financial experts thoughts about it.