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There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.
There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.
Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?
There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this
Funny that the FDA blocks tumors from going into meat then.
Lab-Grown “Meat” is Made of “Immortalized” Cancer Cells
Just like eating a tomato won't turn you into a tomato
t's a bit more complicated than that.
A tomato, avocado, etc, has it's proteins, carbohydrates, fatty lipids, nucleic acids, etc dissolved and recycled by the body. That's essentially the process of digestion.
In terms of fully cancerous tissues, it's more than just the above.
Everyone has cancer cells in their body. Out of two trillion cells, there are always DNA mistakes being made and corrected. And sometimes they turn a cell cancerous. With a strong active immune system, you’ll never know you had cancer because your body will kill it.
There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.
A few weeks ago, while the media focused on the Titanic submarine, the government quietly legalized the sale of lab-grown chicken and meat without any labeling. This happened with very little safety review, or public discussion. If you are okay with eating lab meat, cultured from cancer cells, then this post isn't for you.
If you are disturbed by this development, it may be wise to purchase chicken and meat with bones (like steak and ribs). I took this photo at the Whole Foods near my house this morning. The package on the left says 'grass fed ground beef', and the package on the right, which is on sale, simply says 'beef'. I'm going to look for indications (like 'grass fed') that chicken and beef are coming from animals, rather than labs.
USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells ..
A student member of the local university board was advocating strongly for mandated jabs for faculty and students, and got her wish. A year later, in July 2022, she attended the board meeting and shared that she had been diagnosed with stage four cancer and that it was terminal. The doctors said no treatment was possible and she didn’t have much time left.
She died the next month.
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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