Lab-Grown “Meat” is Made of “Immortalized” Cancer Cells

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2023 Feb 26, 2:01pm   1,920 views  29 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?

USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells ...

Dubbed clean meat, the efforts are distinct from “fake meat,” like the soy protein “chicken” you can find in your grocery store today. Unlike Morningstar or Boca Burgers, clean meat really is meat; it just grows in a lab instead of being part of an animal.

Okay, but what kinds of cells is that lab meat grown from?

Lab-Grown “Meat” is Made of “Immortalized” Cancer Cells

The big honking asterisk is that normal meat cells don’t just keep dividing forever. To get the cell cultures to grow at rates big enough to power a business, several companies, including the Big Three, are quietly using what are called immortalized cells, something most people have never eaten intentionally. Immortalized cells are a staple of medical research, but they are, technically speaking, precancerous and can be, in some cases, fully cancerous.

The article puts a “human face” on some of these cell lines, for example, the “HeLa line” made from the cervical cancer of Henrietta Lacks:

That’s where immortalized cells come in. They’ve been used in medical research since the early 1950s, when the first and most famous immortal cell line—derived from the cervical cancer cells of a woman named Henrietta Lacks—was successfully grown in a lab.

The distinction between pre-cancerous and cancerous cells is relatively minor: cancerous cells, by definition, can float away from the tumor site, travel through the blood or lymph, and start a new tumor (metastases) in another location in the body.

The distinction is important for the clinical outcome of a patient with a newly discovered tumor but involves only a minor bio-cellular distinction. ...

Thus, “lab meat” and “cell line” suppliers grow meat from tumor cells that are “immortalized”; in other words, their cells can endlessly replicate. This is why cancers never stop growing, after all!

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1   stereotomy   2023 Feb 26, 2:20pm  

VERY concerning if true. That being said, it's probably more true than false.

Eating bovine cancer - what could go wrong?
2   richwicks   2023 Feb 26, 2:34pm  

Patrick says


I'm doubtful that's a cancerous tissue, it has no blood circulation to it.
3   Ceffer   2023 Feb 26, 2:44pm  

I don't know. Maybe eating cancer is better than eating bugs. So many choices, so little time.
4   Tenpoundbass   2023 Feb 26, 3:28pm  

I wish I could eat your cancer when it turns black. Hey WAIT, I got a new complaint!
5   Nomograph   2023 Feb 26, 3:53pm  

There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.
6   Ceffer   2023 Feb 26, 4:10pm  

I think the cancer angle comes from growing these forms from cells without growth or boundary inhibitiors through lab manipulations in cultures rather than normal' cells. Whether that 'causes' cancer when these tissues are consumed is another issue.

However, one never knows what vectors they ponder for us. GMO's seem to be a thing. I don't know that trusting the food products of a self avowed, mass murdering genocidal maniac, who believes in releasing mosquitos to inject biotoxins, is ever a really good idea.
7   richwicks   2023 Feb 26, 4:23pm  

Nomograph says

There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.

I'll tell you the harm. I was a vegetarian for 1/2 my life and I'm over 50. If there's no need for cows and chickens, they won't exist.

Temple Grandin is right, there's nothing wrong about eating meat, but there's something said for humane slaughter. No reason to make an animal suffer, and also, there's no need to make a life miserable.
8   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 26, 8:55pm  

Nomograph says

There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.

Just like GMO's right? The slop they try to pass off as plant based burgers. Hey, while you're at it, add some East Palistine tap water, I hear that stuff's rich in chemical goodness!
9   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 26, 9:00pm  

Patrick says

Lab-Grown Meat Is Made of Cancer Cells. Would You Like It Rare or Medium?

Wait, so the guy manufacturing scamdemics isn't creating new foods to keep us healthy and strong!?
11   Patrick   2023 Feb 26, 9:39pm  

Nomograph says

There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this

Funny that the FDA blocks tumors from going into meat then.
12   Nomograph   2023 Feb 26, 10:07pm  

Patrick says

Funny that the FDA blocks tumors from going into meat then.

They generally don't allow meat from any diseased animals into the food supply, if they catch it. However, you can be assured that there is PLENTY of cancerous tissue that makes it into the grocery store. NBD, you can't catch cancer by eating cancer. That's just not how it works. Cancer is not an infectious disease, and there's no need to fall victim to fear mongering.
13   Nomograph   2023 Feb 26, 10:12pm  

Cancer is cause by a mutation that causes cells to reproduce faster than they normally would. For example, V600E mutation (valine to glutamic acic) in the BRAF kinase is associated with a number of cancers. If you eat said cancer, it won't cause your genes to mutate. Just like eating a tomato won't turn you into a tomato, even though you consume it's entire genome (raw in this case).
14   Nomograph   2023 Feb 26, 10:13pm  

Patrick says

Lab-Grown “Meat” is Made of “Immortalized” Cancer Cells

15   DhammaStep   2023 Feb 26, 11:22pm  

They couldn't give cancer to something that tasted better? Seriously, all of that fake stuff tastes awful.
16   Rin   2023 Feb 26, 11:49pm  

Nomograph says

Just like eating a tomato won't turn you into a tomato

It's a bit more complicated than that.

A tomato, avocado, etc, has it's proteins, carbohydrates, fatty lipids, nucleic acids, etc dissolved and recycled by the body. That's essentially the process of digestion.

In terms of fully cancerous tissues, it's more than just the above.

There are additional hormonal secretions, mini-peptides, etc, in which one's body's own pre-existing "benign" tissue cultures can react to. And thus, even if one cooks the cancerous meat to kill off any rapidly growing cell cultures, those additional co-factors by not be completely denatured and rendered inactive. And this is where we get into the whole concentration issues.

For normal meats, those hormonal a/o micro-peptides are in small quantities and thus, deflected by the body's defenses, however, if those concentrations grow a 1000 plus fold, the body's defenses may not be able to contain them enough to prevent them from stimulating the benign stationary tumors from being fully activated into something worse.

Many ppl have benign pre-cancerous tissues lurking about, which is mostly harmless.

This is how the mRNA vaccines have fooled our bodies. They disguise themselves as food stuff but then ... they overwhelm the body with billions of particulates and thus, take over one's protein making ribosomal complex.

So until those lab grown meats can declare and validate that no additional co-factors are resident in the final product, I'd retain my suspicion.
17   Nomograph   2023 Feb 27, 8:26am  

Rin says

t's a bit more complicated than that.

A tomato, avocado, etc, has it's proteins, carbohydrates, fatty lipids, nucleic acids, etc dissolved and recycled by the body. That's essentially the process of digestion.

In terms of fully cancerous tissues, it's more than just the above.

Actually, is NOT any more complicated than a tomato. It all gets digested.

Eating an immortalized cell line will not make you immortal 🤣
18   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Feb 27, 12:44pm  

Curious, would you eat a tumor extracted from an operation?

Rather than focusing on justifying why cancer cells are ok(Eat Ze Bugs!), because apparently dialing down quality is what's in fashion now days, how about addressing every other bio-engineered food, and the myriad of health problems they cause, and why This time it's different!...

This kind of dismissive pseudo-science, especially in the light of the last two years, is really baffling to me. How much fucking cancer, heart attacks, diabetes, etc do people need to wake the fuck up and realize they're being poisoned!?
19   Shaman   2023 Feb 27, 12:57pm  

Everyone has cancer cells in their body. Out of two trillion cells, there are always DNA mistakes being made and corrected. And sometimes they turn a cell cancerous. With a strong active immune system, you’ll never know you had cancer because your body will kill it.

But when you run your immune system down or it becomes damaged, or deficient, as in the case of AIDS, those cancer cells are free to proliferate into tumors which are more difficult for the immune system to eradicate, and impossible for a compromised immune system to control.

That’s why the jabs taking down your white blood cell counts dramatically is such a driver of cancers. And apparently this allowed “turbo cancer” in a fair number of people which kills them quite swiftly!
A student member of the local university board was advocating strongly for mandated jabs for faculty and students, and got her wish. A year later, in July 2022, she attended the board meeting and shared that she had been diagnosed with stage four cancer and that it was terminal. The doctors said no treatment was possible and she didn’t have much time left.
She died the next month.
21   Patrick   2023 Mar 7, 10:44am  

Shaman says

Everyone has cancer cells in their body. Out of two trillion cells, there are always DNA mistakes being made and corrected. And sometimes they turn a cell cancerous. With a strong active immune system, you’ll never know you had cancer because your body will kill it.

My father got skin cancer when he had leukemia, and I think it was probably that his immune system just couldn't remove it, but otherwise might have.
22   Eric Holder   2023 Mar 7, 11:13am  

Nomograph says

There's no harm whatsoever that could come from eating this, aside from normal risks associated with red meat. I'd imagine in 100 years, this will be the prime source of meat, poultry, and seafood.

Why? Even China's population is starting to decline. In 100 years there could be less pressure on food production, not more.
23   WookieMan   2023 Mar 7, 12:11pm  

Just buy cows and pigs from the source? That's the only way we get our meat. Might do a chicken coup on our new house. We generally get eggs from a friend and throw them a little cash. I don't cook to well done, but if I don't trust the source of it, I'll cook it to a higher temp. Poultry I'll brine it and it's still juicy or slow cook it on the smoker. Never have had food poisoning from anything I've cooked. Pre-covid I was the grill master at the annual company fish fry for my wife.

Owners would fry the fish and I'd do burgers and brats on the grill. Maybe did 100 of each. Free beer and they usually throw me a gift card of like $300 to a nice local golf course afterwards. Fun day. Know all the clients so it's grilling and shooting the shit with people I know. Only want to stab one of them in the throat. Hoping they start it back up this year. Cheap business event. All the fish is caught by the owners dad. Held at the shop in the middle of a cornfield. All are infrastructure type engineers and some of their crew workers. So a nice mix of white and blue collar workers having a good time.

Usual tangent aside, I HATE buying meat from the grocery store. Almost all of it has additives put into it for longer shelve life. That where the cancer is coming from. I was too late to the meat game, but I'm still young enough or so I hope. I wouldn't buy meat from a grocery store anymore unless on vacation. Otherwise it's from the farmers down the road. All the old dudes and wives live to 90+ around here. And party like farmers until old age. I'll trust that diet.
24   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Mar 7, 4:50pm  

We buy all our meat from a local farmer, who guarantees his facility for processing only uses that citric acid. FDA allows a lot worse to be used though, and it doesn't have to be labeled.
25   Patrick   2023 Jul 6, 8:22pm  

From a mailing list I'm on:

A few weeks ago, while the media focused on the Titanic submarine, the government quietly legalized the sale of lab-grown chicken and meat without any labeling. This happened with very little safety review, or public discussion. If you are okay with eating lab meat, cultured from cancer cells, then this post isn't for you.

If you are disturbed by this development, it may be wise to purchase chicken and meat with bones (like steak and ribs). I took this photo at the Whole Foods near my house this morning. The package on the left says 'grass fed ground beef', and the package on the right, which is on sale, simply says 'beef'. I'm going to look for indications (like 'grass fed') that chicken and beef are coming from animals, rather than labs.

26   komputodo   2023 Jul 6, 9:57pm  

Patrick says

USDA does not allow animal tumors to enter food chain. But lab-grown meat is made of tumor cells ..

The tumor cells fall into the category of "natural flavorings".
28   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2023 Jul 8, 2:16pm  

She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your heart-shaped box for weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

29   richwicks   2023 Jul 8, 2:33pm  

Shaman says

A student member of the local university board was advocating strongly for mandated jabs for faculty and students, and got her wish. A year later, in July 2022, she attended the board meeting and shared that she had been diagnosed with stage four cancer and that it was terminal. The doctors said no treatment was possible and she didn’t have much time left.
She died the next month.


If this was an eradication of the population, they targeted the right population, but we still need to do our duty and eradicate the people who did this and their entire gene line. We can do it humanely. We'll find out in a few years.

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