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DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says
As a parent, I don't want either. Lower the overall cost of living. We have the resources. A bit behind on manufacturing, but it's welfare at the core of it. I don't want money I didn't earn. No one should. Because it will expected in the future and never go away. No one will be motivated.
I don't care if it looks like she's copying JD. They're both wrong. Unless you're disabled, work. Or support someone that works. Government hand outs should make most men feel weak. Scary that it doesn't.
It's not a hand out if you're taxed too much to begin with, or taxed at all. To make this go away, come up with a flat tax of 15%-20% max for everyone, regardless of source of income. Otherwise it's valid as society will break down without kids wiping boomers asses
It's not a hand out if you're taxed too much to begin with, or taxed at all.
mell says
It's not a hand out if you're taxed too much to begin with, or taxed at all.
Are they promising a cash payment? Or a tax credit? You can't get a credit on your taxes unless you pay taxes.
You can't get a credit on your taxes unless you pay taxes.
Onvacation says
You can't get a credit on your taxes unless you pay taxes.
Yes, you can. The EIC can give you a refund when you do not pay taxes. It is a negative income tax.
mell says
Otherwise it's valid as society will break down without kids wiping boomers asses
AD says
Senior care will be a growth industry.
As will crematorium and mortician.
Looks like the banks are gonna have to write off at least $200 billion in bad credit card debt.
Misc says
Looks like the banks are gonna have to write off at least $200 billion in bad credit card debt.
Misc says
Looks like the banks are gonna have to write off at least $200 billion in bad credit card debt.
No one has to pay their debt.
AD says
Misc says
Looks like the banks are gonna have to write off at least $200 billion in bad credit card debt.
They don't have to write off anything. People understand debt from the consumer standpoint. ALL of it including consumer debt doesn't need to be repaid. I can't reiterate this anymore. No one has to pay their debt. Collections are paid debt. Short sell your house. There's literally no reason to pay anything. Taxes and student loans aside. You don't have to pay anything. Blacks got this down decades ago. Are white people this dumb?
Maybe they have a higher moral standard, not everybody thinks it's cool to default.
We're in a unique position as a country where the debt really doesn't need to be paid. I get there's investments in bonds and treasuries domestically. Internationally, WTF are they gonna do? They need us more than we need them and we could glass them over in two hours. We're in the highest leverage position on the planet.
It's the non-bank entities holding USTs - insurance companies, large corporations, pension systems, individual investors, etc. who would get burned in such a deal. So, something else would have to be done for them.
Pension systems are a coin flip
looks like it has steadied around 120% which is welcoming with all the deficit spending in the Biden Harris administration
The inflation helps that graph because it raises the GDP. Though most Americans don't benefit.
The_Deplorable says
Ah, how refreshingly conservative: clamoring for gubmint to step in and protect people from themselves. And since when a situation with at least 4 major players in the market - Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AmEx - is a "monopoly"?
Ah, how refreshingly conservative: clamoring for gubmint to step in and protect people from themselves. And since when a situation with at least 4 major players in the market - Visa, Mastercard, Discover and AmEx - is a "monopoly"?
People do all kinds of self-destructive shit. It used to be librul battle cry for gubmint to tell peeps what to do and not do "for their own good", because "gubmint knows better".
So now "conservatives" want the government meddling in people's finances, food they eat ... what's next? "Conservatives" clamoring for gubmint to make them vaccinate? I mean, if government know better at what rate I must borrow, it sure as shit knows what vaccine I should take, amirite? 🤡
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As interest rates rise, the math says that it's better if invest any spare cash rather than pay down debt, which is at a low fixed rate (house, student loan, small car loan). However, particularly with the mortgage, there is something to be said for the peace of mind of having it behind me and owning my home outright. I'm fully funding my 401(k), and have a six month emergency fund, but until now, any "free cash" beyond that, I've been diverting to the mortgage. As I sit right now, the goal is have it paid off in the next 5 to 7 years. With high yield savings paying about 4% right now, that's a 1% spread relative to my 3% mortgage.
As much as I could try to invest in the market 1) I'm not that good, and 2) the market has more or less peaked, and I don't see another major bull market given that we are seeing the end of the "everything bubble". Once I own the house free and clear, then I'll have plenty of "play money" to invest or whatever and hopefully catch the next upswing.