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18   ElYorsh   2023 Mar 30, 6:28am  

Ok. 15 years that could have been a part of... But the state did declare itself free of slavery when it joined the USA.
19   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 9:22am  

ElYorsh says

Ok. 15 years that could have been a part of... But the state did declare itself free of slavery when it joined the USA.

Yes, you're correct. I'm not trying to jump down your throat, just correcting you.

California was never TECHNICALLY a slave state, but in reality, they had slavery. Chinese men that worked on the rail roads, they were all but slaves.

Slavery is a lot more complicated than what we are told. When slavery was forcibly (and suddenly) ended in the south, plantations had been destroyed. The slave owners were often dead or just destitute themselves, and they couldn't provide for the black men under their care - and nobody would hire these former slaves, so they just starved to death. I've heard MILLIONS perished.

I'm not defending the institution of slavery, but it wasn't just vicious slave owners that beat their "property" and murdered them for fun and sport which is the narrative I grew up with. Slave owners more often than not, cared for their slaves, just like a farmer cares for their animals, and I realize that's an uncomfortable comparison to make, but it's the closest one I can think of. Farmers aren't particularly happy with killing a chicken or a cow, but they aren't particularly uncomfortable with it either - quick and painless death and it "has to be done". There's a level of detachment, but it's not entirely detached.
20   ElYorsh   2023 Mar 30, 9:30am  

Cool. I wasn't trying to argue with you. Just pointing to the fact that MOST people think that California was always a part of the slave / master trade for being a USA state.
21   richwicks   2023 Mar 30, 9:57am  

ElYorsh says

Cool. I wasn't trying to argue with you. Just pointing to the fact that MOST people think that California was always a part of the slave / master trade for being a USA state.

Most people think that the civil war in the United States was about preserving the institution of slavery in the South. It wasn't. It was ONLY about preserving taxation on the South for the goods they produced and exported.

The South was offered the opportunity to permanently have slavery in their respective states. This was the Crittenden Compromise:


It is our (thankfully) failed 13th amendment. It would have permanently made slavery legal in the states that had it, and it part of the amendment was that it could NEVER be withdrawn, even by a new Constitutional amendment. The South refused to sign it because the war wasn't about slavery, it was about taxation. Slavery was part of the economy of course, but that was not their objection. It was about what they believed to be unfair taxation, and it was up to 80% on exported goods like cotton. Banks made enormous sums doing this, and the northern states were quite a bit in debt at the time, especially the cities.

Abraham Lincoln was a despicable tyrant and would be considered a horrific racist by today's standards. He believed in the abolition of slavery not because he thought the negro was equivalent to the white man, but because he didn't believe negroes should live among white men, he did not believe that the races should commingle in any way at all. His plan was to ship them off to Panama to make the Panama Canal, and to export them to Libera. Negroes were given $100 to expatriate to Liberia in gold. That's 5 ounces of gold, or about $10,000 today.

We are all taught false history. Unlearning it is a task.

BTW - there WERE abolitionists that objected to the institution of slavery, and did believe the negro was just as human and entirely equivalent to the white man. Several notable people proved that to be true, Frederick Douglass for example. He was a well educated, and impressive man and intellect. He was around 20 when he escaped his slavery in 1838. You have to wonder what he could have become if he was not in slavery for the first two decades of his life.
22   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 30, 2:19pm  

richwicks says

It is our (thankfully) failed 13th amendment. It would have permanently made slavery legal in the states that had it, and it part of the amendment was that it could NEVER be withdrawn, even by a new Constitutional amendment. The South refused to sign it because the war wasn't about slavery, it was about taxation. Slavery was part of the economy of course, but that was not their objection. It was about what they believed to be unfair taxation, and it was up to 80% on exported goods like cotton. Banks made enormous sums doing this, and the northern states were quite a bit in debt at the time, especially the cities.

If it wasn't for tariffs, we would have been like Mexico or Guatemala. The rich export raw materials, fight any industrialization or value added production, and import everything value-added from abroad.

During the South Carolina Succession crisis, other Southern states snickered as they considered the tariff to be small potatoes.
23   rocketjoe79   2023 Mar 30, 2:45pm  

Were there ever any Black slaves in California? Some came in from other states during the Gold Rush years, but California was never a Slave state.


The Enslavement of Indigenous Peoples by the Spanish In California is well documented. Those Missions didn't build themselves!
24   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 30, 2:53pm  

California needs to be Anglo-Saxonized, starting with the bizarre and alien Castellano-Conquistador Iberian water ownership laws.
25   GNL   2023 Mar 30, 4:56pm  

rocketjoe79 says

The Enslavement of Indigenous Peoples by the Spanish In California is well documented. Those Missions didn't build themselves!

Were those before 1850? You did say it was the Spanish who enslaved the indigenous peoples, correct?
26   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2023 Mar 30, 6:43pm  

I wonder if this is all really just the first volley in the effort to take peoples homes. That the only way in hell they can get anywhere at all on this…seize property from the wealthy and parcel it out as reparations.

The jackasses already created a false situation and let homelessness go unchecked in an effort to force the federal government to start providing more public housing. This could be a logical next effort.
28   Ceffer   2023 Apr 7, 10:24pm  

Misc says

Detroit with a 78% Black population is gonna see how much they can get in Reparations.

LOL! Probably the other 22 percent are mostly various immigrants with nowhere else to go. Those tax coffers are going to be quite the echo chambers with them plundering each other.
29   Misc   2023 Apr 7, 10:37pm  

Rich liberal college kids want to use University endowments for Reparations.

Obama's public Presidential Library harmed Black residents by pushing up the rents. Yep, it made the are nicer.

30   HeadSet   2023 Apr 8, 6:37pm  

Reparations is just an empty promise to keep Blacks voting Dem for the next decade in the hope the Blacks will get a payday. That is why the level of reparations is at the ridiculous amount of $5million plus a free house, etc. With such a jackpot, even if unlikely, why not vote Dem just in case? Just like how lottery tickets sell better when the prize hits in the hundred million level - abysmal chance of winning, but a ticket to get in the game.
31   Ceffer   2023 Apr 8, 6:47pm  

HeadSet says

Reparations is just an empty promise to keep Blacks voting Dem for the next decade

It appeals to the Dindu ghetto fantasies of plundering whitey and the Guv. If the Black voters fall for it, they have them pegged. Soros brags about it. Dem plantation politics, it's not a compliment. It presumes gullibility, idiocy and failure of the most ordinary economic math comprehension.

Obama demonstrated that Dems can promise them fantasy shit over and over, they fall for it every time, and nobody ever has to deliver on a thing.
32   Misc   2023 Nov 15, 1:52am  

Hey, ain't there elections coming up next year. Blacks ain't really pro-Biden. Time to start talking up reparations again. Of course, where there is a Black majority government it's easy to steal from the other Races.

33   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 1:16pm  

Reparations should consist solely of a free one-way ticket to Africa.
34   socal2   2023 Dec 1, 1:31pm  

Patrick says

Reparations should consist solely of a free one-way ticket to Africa.

Don't worry, Trump will be pushing Reparations before this election cycle is over with his new BLM friends.
35   Patrick   2023 Dec 1, 1:34pm  

As long as reparations are those one-way tickets, I'm all for it!
37   HeadSet   2024 Apr 22, 4:50am  

No one will get reparations. This false promise is just a way of keeping Black voters voting Dem until they get displaced by illegals.
38   clambo   2024 Apr 22, 7:23am  

I paid my reparations to the US Treasury last week when I filed my 1040.
39   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Apr 22, 7:38am  

clambo says

I paid my reparations to the US Treasury last week when I filed my 1040.

40   stereotomy   2024 Apr 22, 7:52am  

I started doing the family taxes at age 13. I'm the only one I know who does his own taxes - on paper, mailed in, bitches.
41   HeadSet   2024 Apr 22, 11:43am  

stereotomy says

I started doing the family taxes at age 13. I'm the only one I know who does his own taxes - on paper, mailed in, bitches.

Do you have Schedule E type rentals, cap gains, education or medical deductions/credits, Schedule C, self employment tax, recaptures, and so on? If all one is doing is W2 income, interest, and dividends, taxes are straight forward. I do my own taxes as well (along with my mom's and a family friend), but I use TurboTax Deluxe and efile.
43   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jun 12, 7:09pm  

Patrick says

All for show. They'll come up with some way for this to be deepsixed AND blame it on 'racist MAGA Republicans'.

Same RINOs who don't have any power.
44   Patrick   2024 Jun 30, 11:34am  


From the evidence below, failing very strong evidence that it was routine for merchant European slave traders to hunt down slaves themselves along the Slave Coast, the percentage of slaves delivered to the New World that were purchased from black slavers must be very close to 100%. There is simply no business model, consistent with the slave trade as we understand it, that supports or includes the practice of idling for weeks and months of slave hunting along the African coast instead of just purchasing the abundant slaves to be had there.
45   Ceffer   2024 Jun 30, 12:17pm  

Patrick says

Methinks that the lack of basic math skills amongst the KommieKunt feral printing press diploma apparatchiks is catching up with them. They are oblivious to all but their own corruption fantasizing about this absurd bolus of money laundering via bogus virtue signaling. It really is a living example of kakistocracy and killing the goose that lays the golden eggs (or Golden State, as it may be). Soros smiles.

Of course, we know it is always a dangling carrot for the stupids to get votes, a perpetually elusive promise of treasure from the government tap. It emanates from the ghetto think of those who think it is smart to rob the department store and put it out of business, then wonder why they have no place to shop.
46   HeadSet   2024 Jul 2, 1:39pm  

Ceffer says

we know it is always a dangling carrot for the stupids to get votes

Exactly. Everything will be promised, nothing will be paid.
47   Blue   2024 Jul 2, 2:07pm  

HeadSet says

Ceffer says

we know it is always a dangling carrot for the stupids to get votes

Exactly. Everything will be promised, nothing will be paid.

This is the modern application of Carl Marks theory!
48   Patrick   2024 Jul 2, 3:05pm  

Patrick says

There is simply no business model, consistent with the slave trade as we understand it, that supports or includes the practice of idling for weeks and months of slave hunting along the African coast instead of just purchasing the abundant slaves to be had there.

50   Misc   2024 Sep 10, 11:41am  

... but it was the White English that put an end to slavery.
51   AD   2024 Sep 10, 12:28pm  

Patrick says

Patrick says

There is simply no business model, consistent with the slave trade as we understand it, that supports or includes the practice of idling for weeks and months of slave hunting along the African coast instead of just purchasing the abundant slaves to be had there.

yeah Patrick, it was also part of tribal warfare in Africa as far as one tribe attacking another and then selling its captives to European slave traders

also almost related, but watch Mel Gibson's Apocalypto as far as this tribal warfare with the mother in law of the main protagonist or main character being sold in a slavery market within the Mayan city whereas the male captives were used for human sacrifice

53   GNL   2024 Oct 2, 5:06am  

In some ways, white people, as a group, are the dumbest around. Especially when it comes to altruism and virtue signaling.
54   WookieMan   2024 Oct 2, 6:33am  

I don't know if I've commented in this thread. I live in a rural area with a black kid living with me. We're not his legal guardians. This area is against black people. Not gonna lie. There's only a few others and their parents are kind of ghetto and don't fit in.

My nephew is adored here. Only one fat fuck stared at him one time eating breakfast for 20 minutes. You could tell he was the type "why is there a black in here." The teachers love him. The local ladies love him (girls his age). He's never felt disadvantaged or someone calling him a nigger.

My point is blacks can have it pretty damn good if they wanted it. My wife and I make that happen. But just stay out of the Rap/gang/Diddy culture. Obviously I'm not in CA, but blacks don't deserve reparations ever. We have more white trash druggies that need more help based on demographics and percentage of population.

Roughly 13% of the population shouldn't need that much help. They've got to figure out their culture. They have to figure out FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY. Men need to step up. I'm no prom king but tall and handsome(ish). I could bang and run a lot of women. I don't. I wanted a family. Until black men get jobs, stop chasing pussy and then running and dumping the woman, their culture is doomed. I fear it's too late in any of our lifetimes.

They had it going good in the late 60's to mid 80's. Rap culture comes around. Manufacturing is shipped overseas. Most blacks today would be better off being slaves than what they created. Hollywood has always overplayed the slave thing and hyperbolized it. It wasn't a whip fest. Did it happen yes. But what we don't ever see on TV is the 6'2" ripped black dude that fought back. That happened. Don't hear those stories. History is rewritten.

Think of slavery. A free place to live? Free food? No expenses? A job? Oh wait, that's most modern blacks. They literally got what they wanted but yet detest it. Now they're asking for more and producing less. Reparations for no one that even knows an actual slave is ridiculous.

Obviously it won't happen. It's a false promise. I do think blacks are waking up though. White people don't care about your skin color. Black women are not attractive to me, but that's my choice. I don't hate them is the point. I'm hoping this election cycle blacks wake up and realize the pawn they are. Kamala is an Indian (country). She not black. She talks down to them by changing her voice and dialect. She's ridiculing blacks. I hope they see it.

Sorry for the rant. This subject is personal to me. Blacks can have it great. They have to stop pretending to be victims when they're just lazy and want shoes and hoes. My nephew is the opposite of that and will do well.
55   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Oct 2, 8:41am  

WookieMan says

I live in a rural area with a black kid living with me. We're not his legal guardians

I know he's your SIL's kid. So if you're not legal guardians, how does that work out?
56   GNL   2024 Oct 2, 12:54pm  

What would cause you to say your area is against blacks? In what way? Show me a photo of your local political representatives.
57   WookieMan   2024 Oct 3, 8:30am  

GNL says

What would cause you to say your area is against blacks? In what way? Show me a photo of your local political representatives.

House Rep (FED) is black. I can get her on the phone and have hung with her multiple times. Nothing to do with politics.

It's the locals. There's 20% I would guess of people in my town that don't like blacks. There's a difference though. There are good blacks and bad blacks. They will accept them if they're good, more than whites even, especially kids.

It's not racist, it's reality. This is how most communities are. You think non-black Chicagoans like blacks? Nope. If you have a family and are black you're accepted anywhere 95% of the time. If it's a single mom with kids, you likely won't be accepted because the outcome is predictable. Thug kid with no dad.

Thing is it's no different than white trash. We've prevented our kids from hanging out with certain kids. We are rural and there are some poor white trash people and it was their fault how they got to that position. Color of skin doesn't move besides I'm not attracted to black women, but I'm not in the game of women now or probably ever. If anything with black women it's the hair. Not their skin color. Copious amounts of clown makeup on black skin too.

TL:DR - DADS!!!! For ANY skin color.

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