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Misc says
I would love to see him get a following of other like minded people to run as independents in races across the country.-That would be famous
And probably hand the election to the Dems.
Funny, just yesterday the media was saying that it would hand the election to Trump.
Doesn't matter, they're just going to steal the election anyhow, again.
"Doesn't matter, they're just going to steal the election anyhow"
"Yep, and an independent RFK gives them a new tool. They just need to shift enough Trump votes to RFK for Biden to win. No need for another unbelievable 81 million votes, Biden can win with less than a majority."
Except Biden has absolutely no support! None! And he is going to need millions of votes to win.
The_Deplorable says
Except Biden has absolutely no support! None! And he is going to need millions of votes to win.
Biden never had any support. In the next election, I expect another portion of the population to wake up.
That's not accurate. Yes they cheated a lot and will try it again, but there is a big base of never Trumpers and never Republicans who would vote for a squirrel as long as it's pointing left and a member of the democratic party. If I had to estimate it's in between 40-45% of voters, the rest were strategicallly cheated/manufactured votes in swing states to beat the electoral college.
No we are all in agreement that they cheat(ed). But there are plenty of deranged leftoids in this country who won't vote Republican, even if their life or livelihood depends on it. Look no further than the covid clot shot
There are more people aware of the shitshow of this government than ANY time in my lifetime
Just ask Snowden, Brand, Trump, Assange, Seth Rich, the list goes on and on.
People lost jobs, lost family and friends due to COVID lies and vaccine mandates for a man made flu like bioweapon. We are not witnessing a great awakening, instead we are diving deeper into deception.
America is the Apex civilization with the Apex form of government and based on Judeo Christian values.
The reason America is failing is that we have turned our back on the truths that made our families, churches and government the envy of the rest of the world.
Your understanding of what a Christian is is flawed,
But God can lead you out of the darkness, even if you don’t believe the darkness surrounds you. One day, it will smack you in the face and you’ll no longer be able to deny what you need, a Savior.
My assessment isn't based on what they say, and what they claim, it's what they do.
Trump is a savior.
The only thing that really changes you, is you.
So if you are assessing what a Christian is by what they do, chances are most of your assessment is based on observations of false/fake “Christians”.
It’s true that to make a change a person must act on the call from God, but to come back from the dead (Spiritually speaking as when a person becomes a Christian) takes a supernatural birth.
Deep State Assassination Plot Thwarted? Heavily Armed Man With U.S. Marshals Badge Tried to Infiltrate RFK Jr’s Detail
"If I Don't Make it Back Alive..."
A closer look at the armed man (disguised as a U.S. Marshal) who demanded a meeting with RFK, Jr. ...
A darker interpretation of the refusal to provide Kennedy with Secret Service protection is that the Biden administration isn’t concerned about the possibility that he may, on the campaign trail, suffer the same fate that befell his uncle and father.
The darkest interpretation is that the Biden administration welcomes the possibility of Kennedy being assassinated on the campaign trail, and therefore does not wish to prevent it.
As long as he siphons off votes for Biden, who cares?
Conservatives are discovering RFK’s less well-known policies now that he’s running as an independent. For example, the New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left.”
According to the Post, RFK’s campaign website pretty clearly advocates for reparations, which are deeply unpopular with Republicans and sane people. RFK’s website explained:
“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure. These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution. RFK Jr. will find ways to offer this redress that are legal, fair, and win the approval of Americans of all races.”
RFK is amazing on vaccines and medical freedom. Can conservatives can overlook his far-left policy positions? For me, I’m just glad RFK is in the race so the vaccine issue stays on the table.
We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.
About ten days ago I wrote about the Los Angeles DA’s office indifference to a heavily armed man, disguised as a U.S. Marshall, who attended an event for presidential candidate RFK, Jr. and—with the authority conveyed by his disguise—demanded a personal meeting with the candidate. In spite of the man’s violation of two state gun laws and one federal law (against impersonating a federal agent), the DA’s office showed no interest in the case, downgraded it to a misdemeanor and referred it the the LA City attorney’s office. The armed man posted $10,000 bail, was released, and the criminal proceedings were suspended when his attorney raised doubts about his mental capacity.
Now comes the news that an intruder was arrested at the Kennedy’s home yesterday not once, but twice. After his initial detainment, he was released from custody and returned to the Kennedy residence, where he was arrested a second time in the same day.
U.S. NEWSPoll: Kennedy Takes Almost A Quarter Of Votes In 3-Way Matchup Against Biden And Trump
Finds that Biden is more likely to beat Trump with RFK Jr. in the mix
A new Quinnipac poll has found that in a hypothetical three way matchup between Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden and Donald Trump the independent comes out with around a quarter of the votes.
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Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!