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Deep State Assassination Plot Thwarted? Heavily Armed Man With U.S. Marshals Badge Tried to Infiltrate RFK Jr’s Detail
"If I Don't Make it Back Alive..."
A closer look at the armed man (disguised as a U.S. Marshal) who demanded a meeting with RFK, Jr. ...
A darker interpretation of the refusal to provide Kennedy with Secret Service protection is that the Biden administration isn’t concerned about the possibility that he may, on the campaign trail, suffer the same fate that befell his uncle and father.
The darkest interpretation is that the Biden administration welcomes the possibility of Kennedy being assassinated on the campaign trail, and therefore does not wish to prevent it.
As long as he siphons off votes for Biden, who cares?
Conservatives are discovering RFK’s less well-known policies now that he’s running as an independent. For example, the New York Post ran a story yesterday headlined, “RFK Jr. comes out in favor of reparations, carving out lane to Biden’s left.”
According to the Post, RFK’s campaign website pretty clearly advocates for reparations, which are deeply unpopular with Republicans and sane people. RFK’s website explained:
“During Jim Crow, Black banks, businesses, hospitals, schools, and farms were targeted for destruction. Racists knew that without these, the Black community had no chance of building wealth. We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure. These programs complement direct redress payments or tax credits to the descendants of the victims of Jim Crow and other victims of persecution. RFK Jr. will find ways to offer this redress that are legal, fair, and win the approval of Americans of all races.”
RFK is amazing on vaccines and medical freedom. Can conservatives can overlook his far-left policy positions? For me, I’m just glad RFK is in the race so the vaccine issue stays on the table.
We must set federal dollars aside to rebuild Black infrastructure.
About ten days ago I wrote about the Los Angeles DA’s office indifference to a heavily armed man, disguised as a U.S. Marshall, who attended an event for presidential candidate RFK, Jr. and—with the authority conveyed by his disguise—demanded a personal meeting with the candidate. In spite of the man’s violation of two state gun laws and one federal law (against impersonating a federal agent), the DA’s office showed no interest in the case, downgraded it to a misdemeanor and referred it the the LA City attorney’s office. The armed man posted $10,000 bail, was released, and the criminal proceedings were suspended when his attorney raised doubts about his mental capacity.
Now comes the news that an intruder was arrested at the Kennedy’s home yesterday not once, but twice. After his initial detainment, he was released from custody and returned to the Kennedy residence, where he was arrested a second time in the same day.
U.S. NEWSPoll: Kennedy Takes Almost A Quarter Of Votes In 3-Way Matchup Against Biden And Trump
Finds that Biden is more likely to beat Trump with RFK Jr. in the mix
A new Quinnipac poll has found that in a hypothetical three way matchup between Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Biden and Donald Trump the independent comes out with around a quarter of the votes.
How I Will Free America From Corporate Capture
NOV 14, 2023
Last month in Philadelphia, the home of American Independence, I announced myself as an independent candidate for president. My candidacy is not only about being independent from the two political parties. My goal is to make the federal government independent too — independent of the corporate and financial interests that have a merciless grip on our democracy.
For decades Republicans have railed against Big Government and Democrats have complained about Big Business. Behind the scenes though, they have capitulated to both. The result is that we now face something much more dangerous: the combination of Big Government and Big Business.
As an Independent candidate for president beholden to neither major party, my mission is to dissolve this corrupt merger of state and corporate power.
A key feature of the state-corporate merger is the capture of federal agencies by industries they are supposed to regulate. This is why our nation’s most serious problems are never solved, but only seem to get worse.
Is it any wonder that our food is unwholesome, when pesticide companies and food conglomerates control the U.S. Department of Agriculture?
Is it any wonder that we wage endless wars when the defense contractors control the intelligence agencies, the Department of Defense, and the State Department?
How can we expect our environment to be anything but a toxic mess, when polluters and extractive industries dominate the EPA, Bureau of Land Management, and Department of the Interior? (In a lawsuit I helped file and win against the chemical-agriculture giant Monsanto, I learned that the head of the pesticide division of the EPA had been secretly colluding with Monsanto for years.)
The health of our nation has succumbed over the last two generations to an epidemic of chronic illness. Could that have anything to do with the fact that Big Pharma runs the CDC, NIH, and NIAID (the agency Anthony Fauci controlled for four decades)?
We are losing our First Amendment right to free speech because Big Tech is in cahoots with the intelligence agencies, the FCC, and CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency).
The American middle class has been decimated and its wealth siphoned to the top, in large part because of the influence that Wall Street and the big investment firms — JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street — have over the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Federal Reserve, and Department of the Treasury.
Many politicians, when they come into office, sincerely want to fix the government. Donald Trump famously vowed to drain the swamp. But when new presidents get in office they are helpless against the institutional inertia of the sprawling federal bureaucracy. So they make “safe” appointments at the various agencies, meaning people who are in the tank with industry. The result is business as usual.
President Trump’s inaugural committee got a million dollars from Pfizer and he then appointed a business associate of Pfizer to run the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who then left through the revolving door to join Pfizer’s board. That’s not draining the swamp. That IS the swamp.
President Biden does the same thing. He has appointed executives of BlackRock to top economic posts, confirming BlackRock’s moniker as “The Fourth Branch of Government.”
I am not interested in business as usual. I’ve spent 40 years suing federal agencies. Now I’m going to turn that experience toward reclaiming them. The first step is to replace their top-level management with people who are not beholden to a corporate agenda.
I will recruit these people from among activists who have been fighting to do what the agencies should have been doing all along — protect the public interest. I will also draw from the ranks of reformers and whistleblowers inside the agencies themselves, and I will promote officials who have earned a reputation for resisting the corporate agenda.
I will go through the federal bureaucracy agency by agency to install honest, competent leadership. They will change the organizational culture of those agencies so that their employees — the majority of whom are decent civil servants who really do want to serve the public interest — can do their jobs.
I will also usher in a new era of transparency. It is commonplace today to receive page after page of heavy redactions from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. It is as if our federal agencies have forgotten who their real bosses are — the people of the United States.
Change won’t come overnight, but with the cooperation of the many honest people inside these agencies, it may come sooner than most would expect. The American people can help the process by raising their expectations. For too long, we have simply accepted as normal an oppositional relationship to our government.
People have lost trust in their government — for good reason. Cleaning up the agencies and making them transparent servants of the public interest is an important step to earn that trust back.
those agencies so that their employees — the majority of whom are decent civil servants who really do want to serve the public interest — can do their jobs.
As an Independent candidate for president beholden to neither major party, my mission is to prevent the re-election of Trump who wants to prevent the fascistic corrupt merger of state and corporate power.
Patrick says
As an Independent candidate for president beholden to neither major party, my mission is to prevent the re-election of Trump who wants to undo the fascistic corrupt merger of state and corporate power.
Fixed it for you
JFK Jr's candidacy is to be a receptacle to dump enough Trump votes so that Biden wins.
Finally! German TV MDR Breaks the Story, Highlighting Potential DNA Risks in COVID Vaccines for the First Time
A significant development
"Umschau," MDR's reputable investigative program, aired a segment on December 12, 2023, that cast a spotlight on the serious issue of DNA contamination in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccines. The episode reported on findings from Professor Brigitte König's independent Magdeburg laboratory, which discovered substantial foreign DNA contamination in five batches of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine.
The DNA levels found exceeded the World Health Organization (WHO) limits, raising significant concerns over the safety of the vaccine used in global mass vaccination efforts.
The research highlighted that the least contaminated batch contained foreign DNA 83 times over the WHO's limit, while the most contaminated batch had DNA levels 354 times above the safety threshold. These startling results have intensified scrutiny over mRNA vaccines' production and regulatory oversight.
Dr. Jürgen Kirchner pressed for the vaccine's withdrawal under a specific clause in the Medicines Act, which mandates the removal of questionable products from the market. Kirchner presented these findings to the Bundestag's Petitions Committee in September 2023.
This development is quite substantial. It's been nine months since Kevin McKernan first identified the DNA contamination, a topic I covered in my March 2023 piece.
Patrick Bet-David Shuts Down Fredo Cuomo’s Attempt to Discredit RFK Jr.
Patrick Bet-David was born on October 18, 1978, in Tehran, in the former Imperial State of Iran.[8][9] He is of Assyrian (paternal line) and Armenian (maternal line) descent.
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Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!