Vaccine Truth-Teller Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Announces 2024 Democratic Presidential Campaign

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2023 Apr 5, 8:02pm   49,725 views  405 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a vaccine skeptic, sharp critic of the Covid-19 vaccines, and the nephew of 35th President John F. Kennedy, has launched a campaign for the Democratic Party’s nomination for president, challenging incumbent Joe Biden.


Try to imagine RFK Jr. debating the utterly corrupt, brain dead moron Joe Biden!

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165   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 22, 8:43am  

Oh and I was happy to find out Dennis Kasinish is his campaign director. Perhaps he will be his Veep pick.
166   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 7:17am  

Tenpoundbass says

That's what I originally thought, but you know the Democrats did elect John Fetterman, and brain dead Joe Biden.

Neither were elected.
167   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 7:20am  

RayAmerica says

RFK Jr. Calls on Biden to 'De-Escalate' the Ukraine War, Blasts the 'Military Industrial Complex'


Just embedding it:

original link
168   stereotomy   2023 Jun 23, 9:09am  

RayAmerica says

RFK Jr. Calls on Biden to 'De-Escalate' the Ukraine War, Blasts the 'Military Industrial Complex'


Damn, that nearly brought tears to my eyes. It's a shocking reminder of how low our political system and politicians have fallen.
169   AD   2023 Jun 23, 9:38am  

stereotomy says

Damn, that nearly brought tears to my eyes. It's a shocking reminder of how low our political system and politicians have fallen.

I think the transition was to the Obama admin as far as being more bought off by national security state and big bidness, even more so than the Clinton Crime Family. And Biden was in on it as Vice President back then.

Now Biden and the Dems can't put the genie back in the battle as far as being beholden to Google to Pfizer to Lockheed Martin to Blackrock. That Russian hoax - Hunter Biden laptop letter was signed by a lot of individuals with financial interests in the Ukraine war.

They will easily turn on Biden by getting the mainstream media to stop producing Biden puff pieces, and start writing concerns about Biden's health, etc.

170   richwicks   2023 Jun 23, 9:43am  

ad says

They will easily turn on Biden by getting the mainstream media to stop producing Biden puff pieces, and start writing concerns about Biden's health, etc.

If the rig is setup for the elections, there's no reason to remove Biden. At this point, it literally doesn't matter if he's dead.
171   Shaman   2023 Jun 23, 11:19am  

richwicks says

ad says

They will easily turn on Biden by getting the mainstream media to stop producing Biden puff pieces, and start writing concerns about Biden's health, etc.

If the rig is setup for the elections, there's no reason to remove Biden. At this point, it literally doesn't matter if he's dead.

I disagree. The Democrats are so brainwashed by the corporate media, which is itself so committed to neocons 4EVA that they’ll never willingly let someone other than Biden be the Dem nominee.

And RFK is clearly running as a centrist moderate populist which is NOT the campaign you’d ever do for a Primary Election. He won’t break 30% with Hiden Biden on the ticket. But if they remove Biden by simply getting out of the way to let evidence of his crimes surface and be acknowledged, there’s little the DNC machine can do to keep him in the race. He will be impeached and censured most likely. which should torpedo his chances enough that he either resigns or serves out the remainder of his term as the lamest of lame ducks.

That’s what’s necessary to get RFK to the General Election. And RFK is already campaigning like that’s the only election he has to win. What does he know?
172   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 23, 11:51am  

Tucker talks about RFK Jr. and a lot about the 'vaccines.' Watch it here: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1672014260480901120

173   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 24, 4:01pm  

The only Health-centric politician who doesn't look like a flabby fatass.

176   Patrick   2023 Jun 26, 7:29pm  


RFK, Jr. to Host Health Policy Roundtable Online Tuesday, June 27, 2023, 7:00 pm

Mr. Kennedy will meet with leading critics of prevailing health policy including Dr. Joe Mercola, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Patrick Gentempo, Maureen McDonnell, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, Sayer Ji and others. Anticipate a lively give-and-take involving topics rarely addressed in mainstream policy conversations.

Mr. Kennedy is known for his controversial and courageous stand for truth and freedom from government overreach in health policy.

We invite you to join Mr. Kennedy and these health leaders to witness part of the process of formation of a new health system to reduce chronic disease, cut costs, and allow the people of this country to thrive.

Here’s how you can participate:

Join us on Zoom by RSVPing below
Join or create a local watch party
Please join this event to find out how we can transform America’s health and reduce the chronic health epidemics that plague this nation.

June 27th at 7:00PM EST

Online Zoom Webinar

They have a signup form.
177   Patrick   2023 Jun 26, 7:33pm  


FDR once remarked that, "I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made." When I first heard this in my younger days, I thought it sounded like mere bravado. Nowadays, having lots of enemies in high places strikes me as the surest sign that one is doing the right thing.

For years, RFK, Jr. has done a splendid job of making enemies among the Vaccine Mafia, and they have made him pay dearly for it. ...

We believe the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex—responsible for the creation of SARS-CoV-2 and the criminal COVID-19 vaccine disaster—is an outgrowth of the Military-Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned about.

Mr. Kennedy’s speech presents a fascinating portrait of American history between Eisenhower’s warning and his uncle President John Kennedy’s assassination less than three years later. JFK tried to heed his predecessor’s warning.

RFK, Jr.’s speech about the danger and debasement of warmongering strongly resembles James Madison’s thoughts on the matter. As Madison wrote in a letter in 1795:

Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied; and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.

I highly recommend that our Substack readers listen to RFK Jr.’s revealing, heartfelt, and profound speech. If you too find it intriguing and inspiring, please share it with your networks.

OK, sharing:


original link
178   stfu   2023 Jun 27, 4:21am  

So Pat Netters with some lifting experience, is he or is he not doing roids or at least hormone therapy?


On the one hand he looks great for a guy in his 40's - except he's pushing 70. On another hand he's managing to struggle with 105 lbs. on the incline press and looks to struggle to complete 6 or 7 push ups. So -- body like a weight lifter but very little actual strength?

Not hating, except that I can't afford that sweet hormone therapy that apparently he and sean penn can.
179   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 27, 11:40am  

stfu says

On the one hand he looks great for a guy in his 40's - except he's pushing 70. On another hand he's managing to struggle with 105 lbs. on the incline press and looks to struggle to complete 6 or 7 push ups. So -- body like a weight lifter but very little actual strength?

The weight was not 105, it was 115 ... bar weighs 45, plates were two 25s and two 10s. Trust me on this one; the average 40 year old American male would not be able to do ONE rep on a bench press with 115 pounds. Of course, if you work out, that improves dramatically. I give the guy credit for doing what he's doing, instead of allowing himself to turn into a mush ball like most American men are doing.
180   stereotomy   2023 Jun 27, 1:28pm  

stfu says

So Pat Netters with some lifting experience, is he or is he not doing roids or at least hormone therapy?


On the one hand he looks great for a guy in his 40's - except he's pushing 70. On another hand he's managing to struggle with 105 lbs. on the incline press and looks to struggle to complete 6 or 7 push ups. So -- body like a weight lifter but very little actual strength?

Not hating, except that I can't afford that sweet hormone therapy that apparently he and sean penn can.

He could be suffering from the same disease that his uncle JFK had - Addison's disease, which is malfunction/underproduction of the adrenal glands. He's got the jowls, so maybe? If so, lots of potent hormones to counteract the pretty severe effects of the disease.
181   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 27, 5:04pm  

So I asked my black Democrat musician friend, what does he think about RFK Jr.?
He replied "Who?"
I said "Robert Kennedy Jr. you know he's running for President." He says," I haven't heard anything about that. He running against Trump?"
I said "no, he's one of the field that is primarying Joe Biden, he's polling at 20%."

Now before this conversation, I thought that 20% number might be bullshit like they were saying about Trump in the Summer of 2016. But after realizing just how contained the media can be at sheltering Tim from even realizing that Joe Biden is being primaried.. Then I imagine 80% of the Democrat voters might not know he's even running.

I asked him to listen to a couple of his speeches and report back
182   Patrick   2023 Jun 27, 5:32pm  

Thank you @Tenpoundbass

It's the person-to-person reporting which is the effective antidote to corporate media/CIA poison.
184   richwicks   2023 Jun 29, 3:44pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Now before this conversation, I thought that 20% number might be bullshit like they were saying about Trump in the Summer of 2016. But after realizing just how contained the media can be at sheltering Tim from even realizing that Joe Biden is being primaried.. Then I imagine 80% of the Democrat voters might not know he's even running.

Don't you ever find it infuriating that people still listen to corporate "news" and haven't found alternatives after 20 years of them lying about anything and everything?
185   Patrick   2023 Jun 29, 3:47pm  

As Brian Stelter of CNN famously said (I can't find the verbatim quote): "People don't watch the news to get informed. They watch the news to have their biases confirmed and feel better about themselves."
186   Patrick   2023 Jun 29, 4:48pm  

Scott Morefield

The Overton Window shift on vaccines caused by RFK Jr. is nothing short of stunning, but it would have never happened were it not for the Covidian overreach on the Covid jab. You did it to yourselves, but thanks, I guess.
188   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jun 29, 6:04pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Then I imagine 80% of the Democrat voters might not know he's even running.

Since Biden is not on the NH & Iowa primary ballots, RFK will win both. It will be interesting to see if the media just goes with a total coverage blackout in that case...as in, 80% of Democrats will not even know those primaries even happened.
189   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 29, 6:18pm  

Trollhole says

if the media just goes with a total coverage blackout in that case...as in, 80% of Democrats will not even know those primaries even happened.

I like where Irony is going with that!
190   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 29, 6:52pm  

An RFK vs. Trump Presidential Race would be OUR version of a Win-Win, what the NWO tries to do when they have Bush vs. Kerry.

Either way, we make progress on many fronts. RFK will certainly clean house in the Medical Deep State at the least, and be far more reasonable on geopolitics as well.
191   RayAmerica   2023 Jun 29, 9:14pm  

Watch the full Robert F. Kennedy Jr. NewsNation town hall


(I think he handled himself very well. Gave detailed answers along with explanations. Rare to hear any politician give anything other than a short little scripted soundbite)
192   WookieMan   2023 Jun 30, 5:41am  

Bitcoiner says

He is smart, knowledgeable and can articulate himself very well. Like his views too. You kinda get used to the voice but it is an unfortunate disadvantage. I hope he demolishes Biden.

90% of the people won't listen to the content even if it's good. The voice doesn't project power. It's a weakness. He can easily beat Biden and I think that's about it. Trump would just talk over him. He can't raise his voice. It would be the same thing as JFK and sweaty Nixon in a debate.

Trollhole says

Since Biden is not on the NH & Iowa primary ballots, RFK will win both. It will be interesting to see if the media just goes with a total coverage blackout in that case...as in, 80% of Democrats will not even know those primaries even happened.

Super delegates. The Dems system for electing a nominee is so stupid. I wish RFK luck, but I do think it's a long shot. Biden is just going to ignore him. And he can still be the nominee. No debates. Nothing.

How did we get here? RFK can barely talk. Biden can barely walk OR talk. I don't care about either of their positions. This is what the Democratic party brings to the table? I like RFK's stance on the vax, but he loses soy boy men and left women on that who preached the vaccine. There's a lot of them. I don't "need" a Democrat as a POTUS, it's just like really? This is the cream of the crop?
193   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 30, 6:43am  

I think he's going to pick up the Black vote, he's pro affirmative Action.
So you've got a sane sounding Kennedy, that has the Gibaway gene.

I don't know if he's just pandering, or if he really believes that. Perhaps his privileged upbringing its easier for him to feel guilty about it, that most people.
Maybe he did it, to attract more minority interest in him, because he knows the MSM is burying him.
I just want him to be the sane Democrat candidate, the fact that he does or doesn't support affirmative action is still a zero sum game. As it's an old standard cover tune of the Democrat party anyway. So it's got to be baked into every Democrat candidate. At least he doesn't carry all of the commie America hating luggage the rest of the field is schleping.
194   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 30, 12:51pm  

Patrick says

Thank you Tenpoundbass

It's the person-to-person reporting which is the effective antidote to corporate media/CIA poison.

Well I spoke to Tim today, he said he gave RFK Jr. a listen, and as he grunted and vocal fried(A tell that he doesn't really believe what he is saying, it's just a position he probably heard on The Young Turks) I don't know, he sounds too right wing to me... I said what on his antivax views. I told him how none of them have been through a long term trial study, and there are several that for sexually active drug users, why are we giving 3 year olds that vaccine? I also told him that he came out against the Affirmative Action ruling, he said it was wrong. Tim said "It was WRONG!".

Oh how the mighty has fallen, the Tim I once knew before Donald Trump ran for office. Was the top in his field locally as a phone solicitor, he made thousands a week. He never thought of himself as a victim of racial happenstance back then. His collogues were New York Italians and Jews that praised him for his phone prowess. He once told me about a story where he cornered the Beef Market one month in America. It made his company so much money, that the owner closed shop and retired the next month. He he got was a huge bonus on top of his commission.. He retired from that work about the time Donald Trump ran for office, and he's claimed victimhood status since then.
195   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 30, 12:57pm  

I did tell Tim that if he didn't even know Biden was being primaried, because the Left is such a Communist anti information regime. Then we can hope nobody else does either.
Tim said, I just thought he was running unopposed. I said I know, who shows up at a primary with only one unopposed candidate?
196   Patrick   2023 Jun 30, 5:37pm  


U.S. Health and Human Services Admits No Childhood Vaccine Has Undergone Pre-Licensing Safety Studies, Robert F. Kenendy Jr. Proves (Watch)

Democrat 2024 U.S. Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK Jr.) revealed to NewsNation’s Elizabeth Vargas that the U.S. government has admitted that there are no records of pre-licensing safety data for any childhood vaccine.

Kennedy sat before an audience of American voters for his first town hall with a national news network.

Vargas asked Kennedy about “one of the biggest controversies” surrounding his candidacy, namely his stance on childhood vaccines.

“Nearly every scientific and medical organization including the CDC, the FDA, the AMA, the American Academy of Pediatrics—all say you’re wrong on this issue,” Vargas claimed, before allowing an audience member to tell Kennedy his stance on vaccines is “dangerous.”

“Medical experts are deeply concerned about your message,” claims the audience member, who was said to be a doctor himself. “How can we help you to come to the side of science?”

RFK Jr. responded, pointing out the ad hominem nature of the audience member’s question.

“I think most people don’t know what my stance is on vaccines,” Kennedy began. “I’ve never been anti-vaccine. And I’ve said that hundreds and hundreds of times, but it doesn’t matter because that is a way of silencing—using a pejorative to describe me is his way of silencing or marginalizing me.”

RFK Jr. emphasized that his position on vaccines is that the drugs should be tested for safety before they are given to children.

“I think virtually every American would agree with my stance on vaccines, which is that vaccines should be tested like other medicines. They should be safety tested. And unfortunately, vaccines are not safety tested,” he argued.

The 2024 presidential contender then pointed out that no vaccine “has ever been subject to a pre-licensing placebo-controlled trial.”

He said: “Of the 72 vaccine doses now mandated essentially mandated—they recommended, but they’re really mandated for American children—none of them, not one, has ever been subject to a pre-licensing placebo-controlled trial.”

“Yes they have,” Vargas interjected before Kennedy corrected her, explaining that former National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HSS) corroborate his position.

“So I met with Dr. Fauci in 2016. And I agreed to go on Trump’s vaccine safety commission,” he continued. “We said to [Fauci], ‘Can you show us one test from any vaccine pre-licensing safety tests?’ And he said, ‘I’ll send it to you. I can’t find one now.'”

“He never did,” Kennedy said. “So we sued him,” adding, “And after a year of litigation and stonewalling, they said that they could not provide a single safety study for any vaccine that is on the childhood schedule—pre-licensing safety study.”

“So anybody who wants to read that can go to the Children’s Health Defense website and you can read HHS’s admission that not a single one has ever been safety tested pre-licensing,” he went on to say.

“What I’ve said is [that] other medicines are required to [provide pre-licensing safety testing], and we should have to do that for vaccines. If I’m wrong, show me the test, show me the study. You won’t be able to because there are none.”

He reasoned, “That means that we don’t know what the long-term risks are, the risk profile of those products.”

Kennedy’s lawsuit shows that in response to his Freedom of Information Act (FIOA) request, HHS confirmed that the Department’s “searches for records did not locate any records” of pre-licensing vaccine safety testing.

HHS conducted “a thorough search of its document tracking systems” as well as “a comprehensive review of all relevant indexes of HHS Secretarial Correspondence records maintained at Federal Records Centers that remain in the custody of HHS.”

“These searches did not locate records responsive to your request, or indications that records responsive to your request and in the custody of HHS are located at Federal Records Centers,” HHS admits in the court document.

HHS was asked to explain how the agency “justifies licensing any pediatric vaccine without first conducting a long-term clinical trial in which the rate of adverse reactions is compared between the subject group and a control group receiving an inert placebo.”

In its response, HHS affirmed that the health body does not collect the safety data because “[i]nert placebo controls are not required to understand the safety profile of a new vaccine, and are thus not required.”

You can read the full lawsuit here...
197   richwicks   2023 Jun 30, 6:00pm  

Patrick says

As Brian Stelter of CNN famously said (I can't find the verbatim quote): "People don't watch the news to get informed. They watch the news to have their biases confirmed and feel better about themselves."

And that is why nobody watches CNN. Stelter was an idiot.

Once people realize they are watching or reading propaganda, bullshit, they stop.

30 years ago, when I was first trying to find information, and listening to "many sources", I remember the awful cognitive dissonance I had. I happened to have a mentor engineer at the time that told me to eliminate my cognitive dissonance when I ran into a problem (great advice!) and it was such good advice, I applied it to everything until 10 years later, I realized there is no news at all in the West.

I was just stunned when the explanation for 9/11 was "Day h8 us 4 Я fweedumb" was the explanation, and nobody said anything. Bush was never challenged on that, although it's BY FAR the stupidest thing I've ever heard come out of a president's mouth, and I pay attention to what Joe Biden says.
198   Patrick   2023 Jun 30, 6:50pm  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

The unfortunate SCOTUS ruling striking down President Biden's #studentloan forgiveness program was the predictable result of Biden's failure to bring Congress together on this issue of crucial importance to young Americans.

Unfortunate? What is unfortunate about protecting innocent taxpayers from the irresponsible choices of students to major in indigenous black lesbian studies?

OK, here is one reason not to vote for Kennedy. I still like Kennedy, but pushing the cost of one group's very bad choices onto taxpayers in general is bad policy.
199   Patrick   2023 Jun 30, 6:51pm  

Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Jun 29
Regarding the Supreme Court banning affirmative action in higher ed — I know many Americans feel that purely race-based decisions are unfair. However, this feeling misses important context. The effects of racist policies going back centuries are now self-perpetuating.

Affirmative action understands this and uses race-based policies to undo the effects of racist policies.

He's losing me, quickly. Racism is always wrong, especially now.
200   Tenpoundbass   2023 Jun 30, 6:55pm  

He's still the closest thing to center.
As Far as the Democrat candidate goes.
Remember both primaries are at stake.
201   Patrick   2023 Jul 7, 10:08am  

From The Bee:

Biden One-Ups RFK Shirtless Photo By Posting Pantless Photo
202   RayAmerica   2023 Jul 7, 3:45pm  

Excellent article about RFK Jr.'s recent town hall interview.

I watched the segment referred to in which an angry radical Gay married man attacked RFK on his 'almost' appearance before the Mom's for Liberty group, which the Gay man wrongly stated that they were "against Gay marriage." Kennedy fell all over himself in an attempt to distance himself from this group which merely wants parents to have more say in regards to their children's public education.

Being that Kennedy is running as a Democrat, he's going to be subjected to this type of radical liberal element that has practically taken over the Party. Kennedy is presenting himself as an old style Democrat, which is what the party was under JFK, and to an extent, under his father RFK. It's simply not going to work. Marxism with a strong emphasis on a radicalized social agenda is the Democratic Party platform. They'll steamroll over any other Democrat that gets in their way.

Here's the article from the Daily Signal:

Robert Kennedy Jr. Proves He’s Willing to Bow to the Woke Rage Mob
203   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 7, 3:57pm  

Tenpoundbass says

Remember both primaries are at stake

You better believe they'l have a cardboard cutout of Joe ready to go for 2024. There won't be another candidate, even if he dies.
204   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 7, 4:32pm  

DhammaStep says

You better believe they'l have a cardboard cutout of Joe ready to go for 2024. There won't be another candidate, even if he dies.

If he dies, it all depends on WHEN he dies.

After the convention, pretty much every state has laws that allow for the parties' national committees to swap out their POTUS and V-POTUS candidates up until a certain date.

That date is usually tied into deadlines to print and distribute the ballots.

So if Joe dies during the primaries, then it will be one of the other candidates on the primary ballot (RFK, Jr, etc) who will sweep the primaries but the DNC can still rig the nomination.

But after the convention but before those deadlines, the DNC will probably pick Kamala and cross their fingers. Or if they want to risk pissing off the black and female base, they will pick Newsom probably.

But if it is past the deadlines, they are screwed. Dead Man will remain on the ballot.

These deadlines are different amongst the states, too. So some states will have Joe and some Kamala or Gavin. The remaining Joe ballots are pretty much Trump ballots.

Pretty much they would still be screwed. The Dems will fight in the courts...even try to get a judge to declare votes for the Dead Man is really for their alternate. Mostly for show for their base.

It would be awesome entertainment for us, though.

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