Do You Want the Unfiltered Truth About the Status of the Ongoing Ukraine Conflict? Check this out ...

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2023 May 29, 2:24pm   26,736 views  179 comments

by RayAmerica   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant.

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79   RayAmerica   2023 Jul 3, 3:53pm  

Over two hours long, but well worth the time. Don't miss this fantastic interview with Col. Douglas Macgregor:

Col. Douglas Macgregor | PBD Podcast

In this Episode, Col. Douglas Macgregor joins PBD and Tom. They discuss Russia, Ukraine, the woke military, the Trump Tape, China, and much more. Douglas Macgregor is a decorated combat veteran, the author of five books, graduate of West Point, a PhD, and a Defense and Foreign Policy consultant.

80   RayAmerica   2023 Jul 11, 11:50am  

Another great interview with Col. Douglas Macgregor.

Explains, among other items, cluster bombs, and why he considers them to be so evil.

Douglas Macgregor & Kim Iversen: The Russians Have 750.000 Troops Ready to Attack
81   The_Deplorable   2023 Jul 11, 6:07pm  

Biden Says The US Is Low On Artillery Ammunition...

That is why he is sending cluster bombs to Ukraine until more munitions are produced!

Biden told CNN "This is a war relating to munitions. And they’re running out of that ammunition, and we’re low on it. And so... I took the recommendation of the Defense Department to allow... [the cluster bombs]"

A White House official said: "We are authorizing cluster munitions to ensure that Ukraine is not left defenseless while we wait for our own domestic production of ammunition to ramp up substantially..." https://nypost.com/2023/07/09/biden-lets-slip-during-interview-us-low-on-artillery-ammunition-rounds-as-it-tries-to-aid-ukraine/

Wow, we are waiting "for our own domestic production of ammunition to ramp up substantially!"

In other words the rape and plunder of the USA is so complete we don't have any artillery shells left to defend ourselves!
82   richwicks   2023 Jul 11, 6:44pm  

The_Deplorable says

A White House official said: "We are authorizing cluster munitions to ensure that Ukraine is not left defenseless while we wait for our own domestic production of ammunition to ramp up substantially..." https://nypost.com/2023/07/09/biden-lets-slip-during-interview-us-low-on-artillery-ammunition-rounds-as-it-tries-to-aid-ukraine/

Wow, we are waiting "for our own domestic production of ammunition to ramp up substantially!"

Somebody needs to get on www.alibaba.com...

Seriously - some parts of our military equipment is made in China. That's how clueless and incompetent our government is.

The_Deplorable says

In other words the rape and plunder of the USA is so complete we don't have any artillery shells left to defend ourselves!

Well, that's what Americans get for allowing their government to rape and pillage for 20 years a bunch of countries that we have no fucking business being in. This is what people deserve when they can't even be troubled to know what wars the United States is in.

This are the chickens coming home to roost.
83   GNL   2023 Jul 11, 6:56pm  

richwicks says

Well, that's what Americans get for allowing their government to rape and pillage for 20 years a bunch of countries that we have no fucking business being in. This is what people deserve when they can't even be troubled to know what wars the United States is in.

It's not like we citizens can do anything about it.
84   richwicks   2023 Jul 11, 6:57pm  

GNL says

richwicks says

Well, that's what Americans get for allowing their government to rape and pillage for 20 years a bunch of countries that we have no fucking business being in. This is what people deserve when they can't even be troubled to know what wars the United States is in.

It's not like we citizens can do anything about it.

Most citizens don't even CARE to know, so certainly they won't even try to do anything about it, they won't even discuss it.

But they'll scream like mad that we live in a free and fair dumbocrazy and boy will they attack you if YOU dare to talk about it.
85   RayAmerica   2023 Jul 30, 9:51am  

The latest from Ret. Col. Douglas Magregor:

The Russian Forces Have Broken Through In Great Strength

86   RayAmerica   2023 Aug 6, 10:26am  

If NATO Goes Toe-To-Toe With The Russians NATO WILL LOSE - Ret. Col. Douglas Macgregor

87   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Aug 6, 10:59am  

GNL says

richwicks says

Well, that's what Americans get for allowing their government to rape and pillage for 20 years a bunch of countries that we have no fucking business being in. This is what people deserve when they can't even be troubled to know what wars the United States is in.

It's not like we citizens can do anything about it.

yeah no one asked me, we out here just get told. and if we disagree we are dismissed as “russian bots”.
88   Ceffer   2023 Aug 6, 11:44am  

When the military is controlled by the City of London, and the P3 Masons through the Vatican, the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC etc., its activities become entirely detached from the will of our citizens. We are just taxation gimps.
89   richwicks   2023 Aug 6, 9:52pm  

GNL says

richwicks says

Well, that's what Americans get for allowing their government to rape and pillage for 20 years a bunch of countries that we have no fucking business being in. This is what people deserve when they can't even be troubled to know what wars the United States is in.

It's not like we citizens can do anything about it.

American's aren't even bothered enough to know who were are bombing or why so they can't even mount any sort of defense against it, they can't even complain about it.

That's a complete failure of civic responsibility.

I take some credit for educating people about the Ukraine war, the coup that I think is the most obvious coup in history, the division of the country because of the Holodomor and the reason Crimea isn't ever going to be allowed to be owned by Ukraine as it's a major Russian military base.

I give Ukraine a 0% chance of winning this war, without NATO coming in to fight directly, and I don't think Europe is interested in this war, although the United States is. Europe is going to be facing a choice of whether they want to do WWII, or just like Russia take over Eastern Ukraine, and leave Western Ukraine to rot in disarray.

I really don't think the US is even interested in Ukraine wining this war. Once it's finally over, Ukrainians are going to be desperate for peace, tired of war, and American oligarchs are going to go in and take over the resources of Western Ukraine, and none of it will benefit the Ukrainian people. The US is doing to Ukraine what they are trying to do with Southern Syria or what we did to Iraq.

NONE of this is good for the United States as a nation, but a few very wealthy powerful people will walk out ahead.
90   RayAmerica   2023 Aug 13, 8:57am  

Youtube has pulled all of Macgregor's latest videos. Macgregor has been telling the truth about the failed Ukraine offensive, linking it to proof that Ukraine cannot defeat Russia. If the American people become educated to the fact that this is a failed cause, they will demand a stop to the money pouring into Ukraine. Obviously, Youtube is doing their part to keep people in the dark.
91   Patrick   2023 Aug 13, 8:27pm  

Sadly, Macgregor was naive enough to trust GooTube.

I hope he gets a clue and moves to Rumble or some other uncensored service now.
92   richwicks   2023 Aug 13, 8:44pm  

Patrick says

Sadly, Macgregor was naive enough to trust GooTube.

I hope he gets a clue and moves to Rumble or some other uncensored service now.

I wrote on his channel multiple times asking him to move to another site or have a backup.

I hate youtube anyhow. You can't find anything even if you know exactly what you're looking for, if it's anything related to a current event, propaganda tv news is shoved down your throat, 1/2 your comments never show up and are shadowbanned, and you can't have an authentic conversation there.
93   richwicks   2023 Aug 13, 9:04pm  

@RayAmerica - this might be a backup channel of it: https://www.youtube.com/@DouglasMacgregorFanChannel
95   RWSGFY   2023 Aug 28, 8:09am  

Unfiltered truth about McGregor's lack of functioning brain cells:

96   HeadSet   2023 Aug 28, 10:11am  


Unfiltered truth about McGregor's lack of functioning brain cells:


Understand that this guy Ryan McBeth is a military contractor who profits from war. He lost me when he said "The media never claimed that Ukraine was winning."
97   socal2   2023 Aug 28, 11:00am  

HeadSet says

Understand that this guy Ryan McBeth is a military contractor who profits from war. He lost me when he said "The media never claimed that Ukraine was winning."

I follow pretty closely, and don't recall the MSM flat out saying that Ukraine is winning. Most have been critical of Ukraine's slow counteroffensive. At best they will say that Ukraine has done better than expected and Russia has done worse.

Whereas McGregor has said several times that Russia is less than a week from total victory, most notably saying this a few days before Ukraine's major success in Kharkiv and Kherson.
98   AD   2023 Aug 28, 9:21pm  


1) EU is offering about $55 billion (US dollars) to Ukraine from 2024 to 2027


2) Biden is asking for $24 billion for Ukraine in the 2024 budget. The 2022 and 2023 budgets each funded about $50 billion for Ukraine.


3) Maybe this is part of the wind down as the 2025 budget may be based on a cease fire at least.

99   mell   2023 Aug 28, 10:39pm  

socal2 says

HeadSet says

Understand that this guy Ryan McBeth is a military contractor who profits from war. He lost me when he said "The media never claimed that Ukraine was winning."

I follow pretty closely, and don't recall the MSM flat out saying that Ukraine is winning. Most have been critical of Ukraine's slow counteroffensive. At best they will say that Ukraine has done better than expected and Russia has done worse.

Whereas McGregor has said several times that Russia is less than a week from total victory, most notably saying this a few days before Ukraine's major success in Kharkiv and Kherson.

We have to fight them over there so we don't have to fight them here. The media and warmonger narrative sounds like the same bullshit that was spouted during the Vietnam War. And the US eventuality retreated with its tail tucked. This conflict is fucking asinine and could be wound down starting with a ceasefire and diplomacy tomorrow. It's irrelevant who is "leading" in this war as both sides tech is approximately close enough to waste many more lives over the next years
101   richwicks   2023 Aug 28, 11:53pm  

socal2 says

I follow pretty closely, and don't recall the MSM flat out saying that Ukraine is winning.

This is like saying "I don't recall the MSM saying I needed to get a vaccination".

Stop being gaslit and stop gaslighting other people. Everybody is sick of it.
102   AD   2023 Aug 29, 12:59am  

richwicks says

socal2 says

I follow pretty closely, and don't recall the MSM flat out saying that Ukraine is winning.

This is like saying "I don't recall the MSM saying I needed to get a vaccination".

True, as it seems like the MSM reports daily only good news about the Ukraine military such as it taking out a few Russian tanks, a Russian helicopter, etc.

So the string of good news over the last 18 months gives the perception or impression that Ukraine is faring well in the war.

Its no different than other MSM indoctrination or "blue pilled" programming such as when they promoted vaccinations and masks, and made Fauci look like a well-intentioned and competent public servant.

103   WookieMan   2023 Aug 29, 3:28am  

ad says

True, as it seems like the MSM reports daily only good news about the Ukraine military such as it taking out a few Russian tanks, a Russian helicopter, etc.

I don't have a pony in this race. Regardless of what is being reported, Russia looks weak, there's no doubting that. Really don't know the end goal for any of the parties involved. Russia would get stomped by NATO/EU allies in a real conflict. This really is just a waste of life and time. Give Russia a sliver of land to the east to Crimea and call it a day. This is beyond retarded at this point
104   socal2   2023 Aug 29, 7:20am  

WookieMan says

ad says

True, as it seems like the MSM reports daily only good news about the Ukraine military such as it taking out a few Russian tanks, a Russian helicopter, etc.

I don't have a pony in this race. Regardless of what is being reported, Russia looks weak, there's no doubting that. Really don't know the end goal for any of the parties involved. Russia would get stomped by NATO/EU allies in a real conflict. This really is just a waste of life and time. Give Russia a sliver of land to the east to Crimea and call it a day. This is beyond retarded at this point

But but Russia has nukes and is saving Christianity or something by using Chechen and Syrian jihadis to kill Ukrainians.

Of course this war had totally exposed Russia as a third rate military power. It will take decades to recover the men and material that Putin foolishly threw away in his botched invasion. Russia was already in a demographic death spiral before the war.

Ukraine is suffering massively as well but is forging a history and national identity that can propel their society for generations.
105   richwicks   2023 Aug 30, 2:30am  

WookieMan says

Russia looks weak

OMG - nobody cares what Russia "looks" like.

What's happening?

Appearance, your assessment of the situation is pointless. MY viewpoint is pointless. Propaganda is stupid. I'm so tired of it. It doesn't matter what Americans think about this war, at all, in any relevant way - it won't change the outcome of this war.

Propaganda is used to give morale to the troops fighting this stupid fucking war. In this stupid fucking war for the US, it's only used to fund this stupid fucking war, to get compliance to fund this stupid fucking war. $700 to every family on Maui that had their homes destroyed through what I think was arson, billions to Ukraine for a bullshit proxy war that never had to happen. They need your support to continue money laundering, that's it. They want your compliance. You're giving them that, and your compliance won't change the outcome of the war, it will just change how much fucking money they make off from this stupid fucking war.

As long as the puppets support it, money will be spent on it. There's NO POSSIBILITY that Ukraine will win. This is a money laundering operation, just like Afghanistan was, and every war after that was.

Ukraine is fucked. They are outnumbered. It's like Texas going to war with the United States. I'd hope that Texas would win, but I know they wouldn't.
106   AmericanKulak   2023 Aug 30, 2:48am  

Betrayus and a Kagan wrote a WaPo piece trying to Keep Hope Alive for the Ukrainian Counteroffensive.

Here's the FT's published map:


The FT is definitely biased and the Insitute for the Study of War is as well.

Yet the best they can come up with is a couple of breaches of Russia's first layer of admitted three layers of defense.

I think more square feet were exchanged during peak Trench Warfare in WW1. Most of the area in question in open rural fields, not dense urban areas.

This all being said, the fact that Ukraine is launching a shitty offensive at all doesn't speak well about Russian Military Organization.
107   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 7, 7:59am  

It's not Macgregor, but it is well worth the time to watch:

This Counter-offensive Is A Complete Utter Failure

108   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 8, 9:19am  

Latest post (Sep. 7th.)

Charlie Kirk interviews Col. Douglas Macgregor: America Is Courting Catastrophe With Russia

109   richwicks   2023 Sep 9, 5:13am  

RayAmerica says

It's not Macgregor, but it is well worth the time to watch:

This Counter-offensive Is A Complete Utter Failure


Larry Johnson properly identifies what the war is actually about. Ukraine allowed itself to be raped by oligarchs, and Putin won't allow that to be done in Russia. He put an end to it starting in 2000. Russia is FAR from perfect, but it's better off than Ukraine.
110   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 13, 7:04am  

The latest dose of reality and truth for those that believe the silly notion that Ukraine can win this war. Macgregor also covers a variety of related topics, including the future of Europe and the NATO alliance, what's really behind the continuing supplies to Ukraine, etc. Slightly over an hour in length, but well worth the time.

Col Douglas Macgregor: The Russians Are Breaking Through

112   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 15, 7:34pm  

Let's hear from a general instead of always-wrong colonel, shall we?

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce Gen. Gurulev:

Interesting from the Russian general and MP Gurulev who took it to Telegram to say that Ukrainians have changed tactics, that they effectively combat minefields, that their drones are endless, and that the Russian counter-battery fire is still ineffective.

We've actually heard these things many times before but it is curious to hear this from a top-level official who decided to share this over 3 months after the start of the CO, indicating that things are worsening.


This is how unfiltered AF looks like, folks.
113   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 18, 11:36am  

The following is provided as a public service as a means to counter balance the Ukrainian comedian's trip to America, in his quest of more $Billions for Ukraine's lost cause:

Latest interview ...

Col Douglas Macgregor: Eight Were Destroyed By The Russians


Along with a recent speech that Macgregor delivered at the Ron Paul Institute:

115   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 20, 2:15pm  

Latest truth from Col. Douglas Macgregor:

"The Ukrainian Face Of The War Is Over"

117   RayAmerica   2023 Sep 24, 10:35am  

Col Douglas Macgregor: "The Russians Will Finish This War” (video)

118   GNL   2023 Sep 24, 12:42pm  

RayAmerica says

Col Douglas Macgregor: Eight Were Destroyed By The Russians

8 what?

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