Flouride is actually poisonous, decreases intelligence.

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2023 Aug 8, 1:29pm   1,956 views  66 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


“Our meta-analysis confirms results of previous meta-analyses and extends them by including newer, more precise studies with individual-level exposure measures.

“The data support a consistent inverse association between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ …

“The results were robust to stratifications by risk of bias, gender, age group, outcome assessment, study location, exposure timing, and exposure type (including both drinking water and urinary fluoride).”

People on this site were mentioning the harmful effects of fluoride for years:


General Jack T. Ripper was right after all.

And what would be even funnier, I guess, is if it turned out to have actually been a communist plot.

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27   mell   2024 Feb 26, 10:00pm  

richwicks says

mell says

I find water fluoridation problematic, but not fluoride toothpaste. Or a fluoride varnish as long as you rinse it out right away. There are always pros and cons to everything, tooth decay and bad teeth/gums in general are associated with higher mortality and the enamel protective activity of flouride has been established long ago.

There's no evidence that flouride in toothpaste improves dental health.

That's not true. There are so many peer reviewed that you surely must be jesting. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398117

This is especially true for fluoride directly delivered to the enamel, i.e topical. Ingesting it however (e.g. water) has been found less beneficial if at all and with potentially neurotoxic side effects. Topical delivery definitely reduces tooth decay and has been found unproblematic if not ingested.
28   richwicks   2024 Feb 26, 10:35pm  

mell says

There are so many peer reviewed that you surely must be jesting. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398117

I'm not going to argue this. One thing I've learned over the last 3 years is that data isn't collected objectively for public health and this must have been going on for a long time. I don't care to argue this too much, and I know flouride is a toxin. I don't care if people use flouride, but I think it's about as beneficial as the last vaccination.
29   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 2:03am  

I haven't read a toothpaste label in decades, but if I recall correctly it does say not to swallow it. Same with mouthwash. Obviously gums bleed, so it's a porous part of the body. So it does get into the blood stream even if you don't ingest it down your throat.

I think dental hygiene is overhyped bigly or I have extremely tough teeth. I think more about food and drink choices honestly. I don't eat candy, sugar beverages like coke, or high sugar foods. Never get a dessert even if included in the meal. They say sweet tooth for a reason. I just brush in the morning and haven't had a cavity in my life. 🤷‍♂️
30   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 27, 8:43am  

RayAmerica says

Be careful all you want, but your system is absorbing a certain amount of that, day in and day out.

This is accurate. Even touching something to your skin creates a certain amount of absorption. So swishing it around in your mouth for a minute, yeah...

mell says

Yep. It does make sense not putting it into babies toothpastes since they often ingest it, but once you're old enough to understand how to brush and spit out fluoride in toothpastes should not be an issue anymore.

I can tell you for a fact with the kids strawberry toothpaste, my four year old will swallow it. She's been on the adult peppermint lately, which she doesn't like, so I don't think she swallows that, but you have to be careful probably at least until school starts, longer if you give them yummy tasting toothpaste.

WookieMan says

I think dental hygiene is overhyped bigly or I have extremely tough teeth. I think more about food and drink choices honestly.

Very good point. If you eat crap all day long, brushing won't make up for that. Calcium is tremendously better over fluoride for dental health, it's not even close. But besides the now retired dentist who still sells calcium products, I have never been able to find a dentist who will treat with it. Likely because if they're found out, their career is over.

Yes, me and my wife personally use these products:
31   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 9:06am  

NuttBoxer says

Very good point. If you eat crap all day long, brushing won't make up for that. Calcium is tremendously better over fluoride for dental health, it's not even close. But besides the now retired dentist who still sells calcium products, I have never been able to find a dentist who will treat with it. Likely because if they're found out, their career is over.

Yes, me and my wife personally use these products:

It's sales in the end. They gotta pay their bills. Not justifying it. A lot of products work, but a lot are snake oil crap. It's why I just don't take anything. Vitamin D and a multi-supplement daily is it. Nothing else.

Diet is the biggie. I used to have massive heart burn. Enough so it made me lose my voice for a while. Fasting works wonders in many ways. I haven't eaten in 24 hours. Had some beers last night, so not a true fast. We need food, but not as much as most people eat currently. Something clicked about 5 years ago. Who came up with 3 meals a day? The breakfast and lunch industry? lol. I'm a dinner only guy and the supplements I mentioned. Tough at times, but as someone that doesn't like to work out, it keeps me thin.
32   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 27, 10:16am  

It's how cartels work. See the AMA. The Scamdemic is the logical end result. Snake oil and profits are all you see in "modern" medicine.

I eat when I'm hungry. During the week I'm up earlier, so two meals. Weekend, sometimes just one. I never intentionally fast, just get busy sometimes and don't care to stop.

Had the same heartburn, started right after college and lasted a few years before we started our diet change. Most diets are heavily acidic, and inflammatory. Perfect conditions for heartburn.
33   WookieMan   2024 Feb 27, 12:26pm  

NuttBoxer says

I eat when I'm hungry. During the week I'm up earlier, so two meals. Weekend, sometimes just one. I never intentionally fast, just get busy sometimes and don't care to stop.

Agree. I just eat one big ass meal. Right now I'm kind of hungry. I'll wait till the kids get home and then start thinking about dinner. I actually don't know if I ate yesterday. I had beers. Looking to drop 5-8 lbs by Saturday for an event. I think I'll make it. I like being thin(ish). Medical issues aside I feel great and nothing showed up major at all. I still don't get what happened with the seizure. Happy to be alive. Wasn't wearing a seatbelt....
34   casandra   2024 Feb 27, 4:54pm  

I've also noticed that people with good teeth are not as susceptible to the retardation and liberalism associated with this treatment. The destruction of the penal gland is more noticeable to me with those who have very poor teeth. But thats just my own observations that I've figured out decades ago.
35   RayAmerica   2024 Feb 28, 7:53am  

In 1997, the FDA ordered toothpaste manufacturers to add a poison warning on all fluoride toothpastes sold in the U.S. The warning reads:

“Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.”
36   HeadSet   2024 Feb 28, 9:07am  

WookieMan says

I just eat one big ass

Amusing word choice.
37   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 5:41pm  


Joe Rogan: “There’s a Direct Correlation” Between Fluoride in the Water and Low IQs ...

Before the Union County commissioners voted, the Leader of the Union County Chapter of Moms for Liberty, Abigal Prado, spoke before the commissioners and shared, “Millions of pregnant women are currently being exposed to levels of fluoride that have the potential to lower their children’s IQ by at least four to six points.”

Prado referenced a 2019 study published in JAMA Pediatrics that revealed: “Fluoride exposure during pregnancy may be associated with adverse effects on child intellectual development, indicating the possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.”

Possible need?
38   WookieMan   2024 Mar 4, 1:36am  

HeadSet says

WookieMan says

I just eat one big ass

Amusing word choice.

I'm an idiot and I love it. I say and do some of the dumbest/funniest shit ever. Golf with me and if you don't laugh you're not human.

People get me in person. Online it's tougher. In the last month I legit could have banged 10 women. I'm faithful though so that didn't happen. My wife and I are very similar. Not sure if we influenced each other. But when we're on comedy wise you'll be laughing your as off when we both get in synch.

I'm an ass hole, but making people laugh for some reason makes me a bigger ass hole. Basically I won if that makes sense. I control you to an extent. A bit narcissistic. Whatever. I need to go back to bed. Fuck insomnia....
39   Robert Sproul   2024 Mar 4, 7:16am  

NuttBoxer says

Most diets are heavily acidic, and inflammatory. Perfect conditions for heartburn.

One thing that surprised me is that all canned foods are very acidic. The contents are acidified as a preservative and it does not need to be disclosed on the ingredient list.
40   HeadSet   2024 Mar 4, 7:36am  

Robert Sproul says

One thing that surprised me is that all canned foods are very acidic. The contents are acidified as a preservative and it does not need to be disclosed on the ingredient list.

Odd, it seems that all that salt would be sufficient. Even weal acids can slowly dissolve metal, so I guess you get that leached into the canned food as well.
41   richwicks   2024 Mar 4, 7:51am  

HeadSet says

Robert Sproul says

One thing that surprised me is that all canned foods are very acidic. The contents are acidified as a preservative and it does not need to be disclosed on the ingredient list.

Odd, it seems that all that salt would be sufficient. Even weal acids can slowly dissolve metal, so I guess you get that leached into the canned food as well.

You can check. Take a small amount of whatever is in the can and add baking soda to it. If it bubbles, it's acidic.

I don't believe this nonsense about acidic or alkaline diets. Your stomach is filled with acid anyhow. Any alkaline material you ingest will be neutralized .

The oh in your bloodstream is constant. If it changes, your going to die.
42   stereotomy   2024 Mar 4, 9:03am  

richwicks says

The ph in your bloodstream is constant. If it changes, your going to die.

Not if you're hit with the Andromeda Strain - then it could be a short-to -intermediate term lifesaver, as opposed to instant (curiously vax-like) clotting of the blood.
43   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 4, 10:34am  

WookieMan says

I still don't get what happened with the seizure.

Hopefully not an indicator of any nutritional deficiency. Only way to tell would be get some lab work done with a naturopath. Regular MD's aren't qualified to assess that.
44   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 4, 10:37am  

richwicks says

I don't believe this nonsense about acidic or alkaline diets. Your stomach is filled with acid anyhow. Any alkaline material you ingest will be neutralized .

I know for sure the alkaline water is questionable as to benefit. Our naturopath said it wouldn't affect PH. We just got it because it was the only bottled water where they add minerals back in.

But greasy, processed, or acidic foods do give me heartburn once in a while. Maybe those stomach acids don't appreciate the help?
45   Patrick   2024 May 22, 8:31pm  


A new study suggests a link between greater fluoride intake in pregnancy and toddlers with behavioral problems.

Children in the womb exposed to higher levels of fluoride ... later were more likely to experience temper tantrums, headaches, stomachaches, anxiety and symptoms linked to autism, according to research published Monday in JAMA Network Open. ...

“This is the first US-based study to examine this association,” lead study author Ashley Malin, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Florida’s College of Public Health and Health Professions and College of Medicine, said in a statement.

“Our findings are noteworthy, given that the women in this study were exposed to pretty low levels of fluoride — levels that are typical of those living in fluoridated regions within North America,” she added.

Communities have been adding fluoride to their drinking water for decades to help prevent tooth decay.

Fluoride has been shown to strengthen enamel, inhibit the growth of bacteria and replenish lost minerals.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2020, more than 209 million people, or 72.7% of the US population, receive fluoridated water through public water systems.
46   WookieMan   2024 May 23, 5:23am  

NuttBoxer says

WookieMan says

I still don't get what happened with the seizure.

Hopefully not an indicator of any nutritional deficiency. Only way to tell would be get some lab work done with a naturopath. Regular MD's aren't qualified to assess that.

Stress. I've had all the labs and scans. I'm a healthy human dude and feel good. I could work out more I suppose, but I'm not fat. I don't drink soda, don't eat fast food, and generally cook what I'd consider healthy. We grow most our veggies we use about 30-40% of the year. Weather sucks here and haven't gotten into the preserving game yet.

One thing I've noticed as you mentioned heartburn in another comment in this thread. I cut out all caffeine about 8 years ago. Poof, heartburn done. I can eat what I want and never get it. Stuff like spicy wings used to bother me. Still bothers my ass hole on the way out, but no more heartburn if I go out to eat and not eating home cooking.

The kids always want fast food. I just tell them we're poor and you'll have to eat at home... lol. I ate too much of that shit in my 20's when my body and metabolism could handle it. Everything is so damn salty and then I'll watch people put more table salt on their food. You need sodium, but I swear some people are seeking out a heart attack.
47   DhammaStep   2024 May 23, 5:44am  

My instincts tell me clean water scarcity is right around the corner. I've been thinking about distilling water. Anyone have any experience with distillation?
48   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 May 23, 6:27am  

There was a warning issued recently about water being attacked. Although water and infrastructure in general have been hinted at for a while as being targets(think false flag).

You should get a good filter, distilled leeches out all nutrients. But unless you live somewhere very remote, and can pump your water up by hand, you won't have to worry about distilling, but being killed by people desperate for water.
49   Ceffer   2024 May 23, 9:50am  

stereotomy says

Not if you're hit with the Andromeda Strain - then it could be a short-to -intermediate term lifesaver, as opposed to instant (curiously vax-like) clotting of the blood.

Apparently you haven't heard: Fauci's 'gain of function' Andromeda Strain works at all pH levels. Drinking Sterno and hyperventilating won't save you.
50   AmericanKulak   2024 May 23, 10:12am  

There are gravity filters that remove flouride as well as pathogens and metals and VOCs!


I have two pitchers and keep them in rotation, it's brainless to make a bigger one with a 5-gal food grade bucket.
52   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 12:57pm  


“There are no known benefits to the fetus from ingesting fluoride. And yet now we have several studies conducted in North America suggesting that there may be a pretty significant risk to the developing brain during that time.”

“Our findings are noteworthy, given that the women in this study were exposed to pretty low levels of fluoride — levels that are typical of those living in fluoridated regions within North America”

Ashley J. Malin, PhD - Lead author, “Maternal Urinary Fluoride and Child Neurobehavior at Age 36 Months” (JAMA Open Network)
53   Patrick   2024 Sep 26, 4:07pm  


September 25, 2024 | Fluoride Action Network
History has been made. After 7 years of pursuing legal action against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the risk posed to the developing brain by the practice of water fluoridation, the United States District Court of the Northern District of California has just ruled on behalf of the Fluoride Action Network and the plaintiffs in our precedent-setting court case. A U.S. federal court has now deemed fluoridation an “unreasonable risk” to the health of children, and the EPA will be forced to regulate it as such. The decision is written very strongly in our favor.

Below is an excerpt from the introduction of the ruling:

“The issue before this Court is whether the Plaintiffs have established by a preponderance of the evidence that the fluoridation of drinking water at levels typical in the United States poses an unreasonable risk of injury to health of the public within the meaning of Amended TSCA. For the reasons set forth below, the Court so finds. Specifically, the Court finds that fluoridation of water at 0.7 milligrams per liter (“mg/L”) – the level presently considered “optimal” in the United States – poses an unreasonable risk of reduced IQ in children..the Court finds there is an unreasonable risk of such injury, a risk sufficient to require the EPA to engage with a regulatory response…One thing the EPA cannot do, however, in the face of this Court’s finding, is to ignore that risk.”
54   Patrick   2024 Sep 28, 7:39am  


NBC ran a truly remarkable story this week headlined, “EPA must review risks of risks of fluoride in drinking water to children, judge rules.” Not that long ago, questioning flouride was on par with the Lizard People Hypothesis and was more likely to get you a lithium prescription than a court hearing.

But diligent anti-flouride activists haven’t given up, and were rewarded this week when a federal judge in San Francisco (of all places) sided with sanity following a non-jury trial. The judge ruled in the activists’ favor and ordered the EPA to beef up regulations for fluoride in drinking water, holding that the ubiquitous chemical poses an unreasonable potential risk to children at current levels.

“The scientific literature in the record provides a high level of certainty that a hazard is present; fluoride is associated with reduced IQ,” wrote Judge Edward Chen, an Obama appointee. It was a cautious decision that stopped far short of concluding the flouride is actually a public health menace. But it’s opened the door.

One thing is sure; flouride is big business and has long enjoyed the protection of the mindless follow the science trickery that deceived so many of us for so long. It’s not clear how the flouride scam was upheld for so long, since fluoridated drinking water is almost non-existent in Europe, yet Europeans’ teeth aren’t crumbling to dust.

Just say Nein! Or, Non! And so forth.

A brave decision like this would have been impossible until very recently. Even if some judge somewhere had ruled against flouride, the media would have relentlessly mocked it into oblivion and the judge had retired under pressure. But things are different now; now the media reported the story straight. We can thank the lost trust in our so-called expert class from the pandemic. Nobody believes their pallid assurances now, not even Obama judges. We want proof.
55   stereotomy   2024 Sep 28, 8:41am  

I use these guys for fluoride filtration in my drinking water. I also filter for lead (old Northeast lead pipe infrastructure) and other stuff. I have to say, after all the filtration, the water tastes good.

56   SoTex   2024 Sep 28, 8:45am  

stereotomy says

I use these guys for fluoride filtration in my drinking water. I also filter for lead (old Northeast lead pipe infrastructure) and other stuff. I have to say, after all the filtration, the water tastes good.


You could get much better for less at a fish store: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/7-stage-pro-150-gpd-water-saver-ro-di-system-bulk-reef-supply-bundle.html?queryID=95ca0a8ad4c419ba61a26df7788c0903&objectID=11149&indexName=brs_prod_m2_default_products

You'd just want to add a re-mineralization cartridge at the end for flavor. But really you can match crystalquest quite easily and even more cheaply by buying a similar setup made for drinking water at costco. They make small tanks that you can install under your kitchen sink.

Is there a reason to filter the water in the entire house? That sounds expensive right there.
57   SoTex   2024 Sep 28, 8:48am  

BTW that fish store filtration system isn't unlike the systems we use in molecular biology labs I've worked in:

58   SoTex   2024 Sep 28, 8:54am  


Okay, that's not as nice as the those costco used to sell but the RO will get rid of most stuff. Not hard to add in a DI filter as well if you want to remove ions.
59   Blue   2024 Sep 28, 10:22pm  

Apart from the general claims, look for the certification if the city water or supply pipes are not good.
stereotomy says


Couldn't find the certification.
Here is another similar whole house filter with NSF/ANSI - 42:

SoTex says


Good that it is NSF certified. "Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 58"
60   stereotomy   2024 Sep 29, 11:00am  

Thanks to @SoTex and @Blue for the additional recs!

I'm trying to avoid RO systems, though. Northeast water is primarily river/lake water, so the problem of massive mineral concentrations from deep groundwater sources is not a concern.

I lived in central TX for many years - God that water was horrible. NYC used to have the best water quality in the nation - they were bottling it and selling it in Commifornia back in the 80's. Then, they built suburbs around the lakes that sourced the water, and the water quality went to shit.
61   SoTex   2024 Sep 29, 11:46am  

stereotomy says

I lived in central TX for many years - God that water was horrible.

I can boil down a half pan of tap water and collect a thick layer of calcium carbonate dust lol.. It's good for your teeth and bones! I actually liked it in the early 80s but it's gone downhill since they started adding chloramines. Now it tastes like shit.
62   SoTex   2024 Sep 29, 11:50am  

Oh and the last house I rented had a tankless water heater. Instead of deposits collecting in the thank they were blown through all of the pipes and appliances in the house. I literally had a standing 3 month appointment with a plumber who would come and blow the pipes out. It looked like they were full of crushed coral.

Fortunately that neighborhood had it's own water supply separate from the county that fees most of the city and suburbs. So the new place I'm renting isn't as bad. This house also has a water softener. I'm trying to decide if I like that or not.
64   Patrick   2024 Oct 8, 10:09am  


Last week, I reported terrific news about the first federal decision in history finding that average water fluoridation levels pose an unreasonable health risk to children by potentially lowering their IQ. (Which explains a lot about the last 50 years, if you think about it.) Anyway, mercifully, something like a sort of intellectual exodus is surprisingly underway. It all began with AP’s September 25th headline, “Fluoride in drinking water poses enough risk to merit new EPA action, judge says.”

The Associated Press quoted University of Florida researcher Ashley Malin, PhD, who has published studies on the controversial chemical, and who called last month’s decision “the most historic ruling in the U.S. fluoridation debate that we’ve ever seen.”

On the other hand, the CDC’s so-called experts, who were dead wrong during covid, still call fluoride the greatest public health achievement of the last century. So. You choose.

Anyway, in the two weeks since the decision, a storm surge of people hedging their bets took off like a Boeing 747 with its wheels still on. Wait till you see the kinds of formerly verboten headlines appearing now. First, from News Nation, three days ago:

Fluoride may not do the dental job we thought: Study

... Soon, everybody will have always been against fluoride. Ladies and gentlemen, behold: another conspiracy theory becomes conspiracy fact.
65   Ceffer   2024 Oct 8, 10:20am  

Trace fluoride will reduce decay in developing children, but micro doses can be included with kiddie vitamins, it does not need to be in the water supply for everybody to do that (plus it remains optional). Also, it is unnecessary after the age of eight to ten or so. So why fluoridate the entire water supply for the entire population for kiddies who can get it in a safer, more measured dosage form otherwise and the rest of the population doesn't need it?

Fuckin' A, the John Birch Society was right all along. The Soviets fluoridated their population to increase passivity, too, apparently in even greater doses.

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