Maui Residents Intentionally Murdered

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2023 Aug 16, 10:20am   43,211 views  339 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Fire blazed for days before it got to the town, no response.
Called 17 minute fire by locals because once it reached the town, burned everything down in 17 minutes.
When firefighters finally responded, no water at the hydrants.
Emergency response system did not activate, so no warning people were in danger until they heard the screams or felt the heat, and by then was too late.
Thousands unaccounted for according to locals.
Direct energy weapon research facility located very close to the town.
Head of facility bragged about getting the first direct energy weapon fully functional in only 18 months.
Wind was blowing from inside the island out to the sea, not common.
Governor forcing sale of land.
Residents get $700
Police that showed up blocked only road out of town.
FEMA has blocked all outside aid

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.

Ryan Cristian interviewed someone from Maui, he does not make claims without doing extensive research. This looks like warfare to me.

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217   The_Deplorable   2023 Sep 10, 6:04pm  

"They are still arresting people for visiting their own homes in Maui 31 days after the fires and the media ban remains active. What are they trying so hard to hide?"

Good Question... What sre they trying so hard to hide?
218   Ceffer   2023 Sep 10, 7:12pm  


Soo, what's the conclusion on whodunnit: was it Oprah, Soros or Chinese sattelites?

I think the Great Gaslight Gremlin dood it.

Looking like Chinese satellites in the service of Globalista shared agendas. Not so weird, considering Rockefellers, Rothschilds et alia have been heavily invested and influential with the CCP. The Rockefellers apparently have treated themselves to orgies of reproduction with dynastic Chinese families.

The Chinese are probably delighted that they can help the West in its own self immolation and self destruction on behalf of inbred, drool bucket Pharaonic cult families, fed by sociopathic sycophant retainers, with their delusions of grandeur.
219   Ceffer   2023 Sep 10, 7:57pm  

They're not getting their homes back, period. Hawaii has been full of saturated Masonic/Illuminati high jinks throughout its history (look at the Pharaonic rising sun symbol behind the Guv). At one point, all Hawaiians were declared dead by decree by their own king( Hawaiian Royalty were also Masons), so that development of native lands could proceed. You are looking at Globalist Masonic bullshit from top to bottom with the faux Governor and the faux police chief/coroner (it is illegal for police chief to also be the coroner, this is to destroy or cover up evidence from dead bodies in Lahaina and block any genuine investigations). Police chief wears a Masonic ring.
220   komputodo   2023 Sep 10, 9:00pm  


Soo, what's the conclusion on whodunnit: was it Oprah, Soros or Chinese sattelites?

what would the chinese gain by burning that small island and only the poor folks homes and not the rich people homes? Hey maybe it was the russians or trump supporters. Perhaps white supremacists.
221   Ceffer   2023 Sep 11, 12:01am  

Another DEW vid. Interesting comments that they act instantaneously once tracked to target, and they their destructive ability is 'cheaper' than rockets and bullets. Isn't it wonderful that they are cost effective?

original link
222   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 11, 8:56am  

If you watch the video I linked, they mention a homeowner who security cam caught a very bright light in the direction where one of the fires started. He confirmed there is NO electrical equipment in that direction. Some very odd burn patterns, something un-natural happened. And not by accident, too many people worked together to make this worse, and cover it up, from the get-go.

With all the evidence, and looking at who benefits the obvious culprit is state and federal government. Feels especially accurate stating that on 9/11.
223   Ceffer   2023 Sep 11, 10:21am  

The red pill diner's club special, that obviously many still don't want to swallow, is that international warfare is mercenary, can be purchased, and now comes quasi anonymously from the sky.

The 'natural disaster' ruse is wearing increasingly thin, and when 'acts of God' decisively become 'acts of Men' in the public consciousness, then the hunt is on for the perps and conspirators. Paradise, Santa Rosa, Colorado and the other DEW/HAARP events were gimmes, but Lahaina might be the threshold Waterloo for awareness of what is going on.

Weather warfare is clearly being waged against the BRICS as a last gasp of the G7 G20 type Globalists to impose hegemony. As if that will defy identification of means, motive and opportunity in the weather and DEW crimes.

Weather warfare and DEWs are also multi tasking as providing the false flag 'evidence' for the fake Globalist Global Warming scam.
224   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 11, 11:27am  

Yet it's all for shit because no one buys it. Our greatest ally after God will always be man's ego and subsequent ineptitude.
225   AD   2023 Sep 11, 12:01pm  

NuttBoxer says

With all the evidence, and looking at who benefits the obvious culprit is state and federal government. Feels especially accurate stating that on 9/11.

Who ultimately benefits ? What are the motives to do this ? What are the benefits ? Follow the money.

226   AD   2023 Sep 11, 12:06pm  

I agree as the errors compile. And when you get that many errors then there are too many red flags.

So whats next for natural disasters that raise this many red flags ? If it is planned, then how do they not get exposed ?


227   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Sep 11, 12:58pm  

To me it all looks like government incompetence and corruption. There's no conspiracy to kill people. But now that the catastrophe occurred, the government is corruptly trying to cover up their own incompetence and corruption.

"What are the odds it would go down just like this?" someone asks. That's not the way to analyze. There are an astronomical number of ways things could go wrong, but each way is astronomically low probability. 1/astronomical x astronomical still gives high probability that one of those myriad scenarios will play out. It's like thinking the lottery is rigged because the odds of a given person winning are practically zero yet someone seems to win almost every time. That's because the number of people "playing" is huge. (Note that certain lotteries, in the past, have been rigged! Also, there's no certainty that the current lotteries are clean.)
228   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 11, 1:08pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

There's no conspiracy to kill people.

You haven't listened to residents, or watched analysis, this is your speculation. The people on Maui responsible for handling this covered it up from the get-go. Lied about it as it was happening. And that sacred water, pawning it off on native tribes, total bullshit according to residents. But when you turn off the water during a fire, and block the only road out of town, you aren't trying to kill people?

That's too far fetched for me bro.
229   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 11, 1:10pm  

ad says

If it is planned, then how do they not get exposed ?

Don't rely on government I think is the big lesson here. Not for your warning system, not for your resources, and definitely NOT for your safety. Living in small towns helps, especially because alot of what I just said is easier to do in those places. But I'd also say a willingness to resist being slaughtered, to the point of using deadly force if necessary, is key. Show them we won't turn back into the fire.
230   Eric Holder   2023 Sep 11, 2:03pm  

Ceffer says

Looking like Chinese satellites in the service of Globalista shared agendas.

So CCP+Soros are culpable but Oprah is cleared of the suspicion?
231   Ceffer   2023 Sep 11, 2:07pm  

Oprah is likely a medium level executive who is beguiled that Satan will grant her eternal youth and fame in exchange for servitude to the agendas. She's a Realtor.

Soros is a higher level executive of MI6 and the NWO, but he follows orders as a governmental subversion specialist. I don't think he is into the real estate end of things.

CCP are just glad the West is destroying itself under any banner, and are happy to help in any way they can, especially since they are mad that they have been flooded by HAARPs because of their BRICS apostasy.
232   SunnyvaleCA   2023 Sep 11, 9:09pm  

NuttBoxer says

SunnyvaleCA says

There's no conspiracy to kill people.

You haven't listened to residents, or watched analysis, this is your speculation. The people on Maui responsible for handling this covered it up from the get-go. Lied about it as it was happening. And that sacred water, pawning it off on native tribes, total bullshit according to residents. But when you turn off the water during a fire, and block the only road out of town, you aren't trying to kill people?

That's too far fetched for me bro.

It seems plausible to me that the people responsible for handling the situation were corrupt and/or incompetent. For example, perhaps they pocketed the resources intended for fire prevention and/or they are so disorganized the prevention work just slipped through the cracks. But it's a huge step to say they purposely took steps (or didn't take steps) with the intention of killing people.
233   richwicks   2023 Sep 11, 9:17pm  

ad says

If it is planned, then how do they not get exposed ?

They get exposed all the time, but because it wasn't on "the news" 70% of people don't believe it.

It's pretty obvious that the Bush administration lied us into the Iraq war and lied about the weapons of mass destruction program. Where's the fallout? Bush was invited on all the major late night talk shows recently. It's pretty obvious that the US overthrew Ukraine that caused this current war. Where's the fallout? Well, it's not "on the news", so, it didn't happen.

The vaccines are entirely ineffective, and are dangerous. Where's the fallout? It's blatantly obvious they have killed people. Where is the fallout? Well, it's not "on the news"...

70% of the human population, isn't actually human. They are meat robots. You can't understand these people ONLY follow.
234   richwicks   2023 Sep 11, 9:19pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

To me it all looks like government incompetence and corruption.

@SunnyvaleCA - it's always designed to look like incompetence and corruption, when the government lies to people. Always. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, "Russian Collusion", the vaccine...

Look, never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity, UNLESS it's the government. They always hide behind stupidity, without exception.

"Oh, Epstein somehow oddly committed suicide, and the warden of the jail got a promotion after he 'killed himself'" - OOPS!

These aren't mistakes.

The Chief of Police of Maui is John Pelletier, the same chief of police when the Las Vegas shooting happened. WHAT ARE THE ODDS? About 0. He's a reliable criminal, and he's hiding under a badge, and very well by the way. It was him ultimately responsible for blocking exit routes from the fire.

SunnyvaleCA says

"What are the odds it would go down just like this?" someone asks. That's not the way to analyze.


If a company did this, you'd be asking questions.

Water was turned off, we have the emergency system on every fucking cell phone now - they didn't bother with that, they turned off the water, we have an emergency system on television and radio they didn't use, they blocked escape.

You don't understand a conspiracy, most people do not. Cops just followed orders "block the roads" - "OK sir!" They had no idea they were killing people, but that's what they did. You don't have to be aware of the conspiracy to be part of one.
235   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 11, 10:00pm  

SunnyvaleCA says

But it's a huge step to say they purposely took steps (or didn't take steps) with the intention of killing people.

I'm not taking the step, the evidence did it all for me. Most of it comes from easily verifiable GOVERNMENT sources. The accounts I listen to are from residents who live there. It's only a huge step for you because you haven't done the research, or aren't willing to face a reality that fucks up your worldview too much.

I let that ego trip go years ago, time to face the music...
236   Ceffer   2023 Sep 12, 9:37am  

Instead of 'I want to believe' it's 'I refuse to believe'. Don't be a co-conspirator with the evil.
238   stereotomy   2023 Sep 17, 9:00am  

Patrick says

It's interesting - that pic is reminiscent of the Boston "Escape" album cover, while one of @Ceffer's epic memes showed Auqua Teen Hunger Force's Last Stand in the style of Meatloaf's "Bat out of Hell" album cover.

Memes are experiencing something akin to that which occurred during the Renaissance, where art progressed from cartoons to full realism and perspective.
239   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 8:14am  

I repeat intentionally murdered:
240   richwicks   2023 Sep 19, 8:56am  

NuttBoxer says

I repeat intentionally murdered:

If that's you posting that, don't post on YouTube alone. Post elsewhere. YouTube, FaceBook, and Twitter all are absolutely infested with intelligence agents. I but that doesn't stay up for more than few days and even if it is, it won't be discoverable FROM YouTube.
241   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 9:02am  

Here's the thing. Why so secretive and non-standard about all of it? The best way to keep people from speculating is tell the truth and be transparent. So why won't they just do that? Simplest explanation, they don't want us to know. Because we wouldn't like what they'd say, and it would hurt them and their interests.

All you apologists saying this is just an accident, you're the conspiracy theorists. To believe that you have to ignore so many facts, it borders on religious fanaticism. But it's not religion it's government.

You have a lot in common with the Covidites and the Ukrainian warhawks.
242   SoTex   2023 Sep 19, 9:08am  

NuttBoxer says

All you apologists saying this is just an accident

I never said that but I'm pretty sure I'm on your list. I merely poo poo'd the idea it's DEWs and said the fire started with downed powerlines from high winds which is correct.

Definitely not an accident but rather criminal negligence among other things...

That first lady is hysterical. I don't have time right now to watch it all.
243   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 19, 9:47am  

just_passing_through says

NuttBoxer says

All you apologists saying this is just an accident

I never said that but I'm pretty sure I'm on your list. I merely poo poo'd the idea it's DEWs and said the fire started with downed powerlines from high winds which is correct.

Definitely not an accident but rather criminal negligence among other things...

That first lady is hysterical. I don't have time right now to watch it all.

Everybody in the video are reaffirming the fact of police blocking roads and exits to freeway. I don't think that particular thing was ever questioned here. But there is nothing there proving it was done intentionally to kill Lahaina peeps (and take their land presumably), especially taking into accout the testimony of one person on the video saying that police allowed vehicles from OUTSIDE of Lahaina to enter it.

The parallel with that East Palestine covfefe is obvious: the derailing is a fact, the clumsiness of cleanup and mitigation effort is a fact, but the jump to THEY CIA DERAILED IT INTENTIONALLY TO KILL ALL THE CHICKENS is a leap into the loony bin until any kind of evidence is provided. Which I don't expect to see because everybody who was supposed to get to the bottom of it has jumped on the next current thing.
244   Ceffer   2023 Sep 19, 10:53am  

Blue pills and soothing white pills. You can't make the willfully blind see. Or, the agenda pushers stop pushing.

The power company itself said the power lines were off for at least six hours before the fire started. That in and of itself is irrefutable and is an absolute index weighing events. The longer it takes for their narrative, just like the longer it takes to count votes, means they are finessing their fraud and destroying and rearranging 'evidence', as they habitually do with arrogance and contempt of the observers.
245   AmericanKulak   2023 Sep 19, 12:07pm  

Dirt worshippers prevent power company from cutting back dry brush. Dirt Worshippers wrap utility company in endless red tape to do maintenance or spend funds.
246   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 8:29pm  

just_passing_through says

I never said that but I'm pretty sure I'm on your list. I merely poo poo'd the idea it's DEWs and said the fire started with downed powerlines from high winds which is correct.

Definitely not an accident but rather criminal negligence among other things...

That first lady is hysterical. I don't have time right now to watch it all.

It's only about 16 minutes, and that first lady gets repeated, can skip like first two minutes of it. If you watch the whole thing, a lot of the residents are on the list. With them it makes more sense, they're so close it, and the admission will mean way more for them than us.

DEW may not be the cause, but something un-natural was, and I believe the electric department that their downed lines were without power, especially after watching that video. Heard wind direction was not off the ocean as it typical, not natural.

Criminal negligence is alot more realistic than accident.
247   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 8:35pm  


But there is nothing there proving it was done intentionally to kill Lahaina peeps (and take their land presumably), especially taking into accout the testimony of one person on the video saying that police allowed vehicles from OUTSIDE of Lahaina to enter it.

You heard people keep saying it was a death trap right, over and over. That people who went past the blockades found no downed power lines. And as you said, if you can enter on the road, then it's safe enough to leave on.

Again, I'll ask you to really think about this. If you see a fire coming, and you won't let anyone leave, what's your intent? If I start a fire(doesn't matter if it's by accident or not), and I lock the door so you can't go out that way, and you burn to death before reaching a window, what's the verdict in court?
248   SoTex   2023 Sep 19, 8:37pm  

NuttBoxer says

I believe the electric department that their downed lines were without power

You might be right about that. All the many powerlines, line those that fell on someone renting my vacation rental trying to escape. If you scroll way up you'll see the fallen over powerlines causing a fire in the morning.

Apparently the put out the fire in the morning and didn't leave anyone behind to make sure it didn't flare back up. Hours later sure. Which makes the cops stopping people due to downed powerlines even more sus.
249   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 8:44pm  

State forensics lab has a bunch of refrigerated semi's outside their building, of course fenced off. Rumor is 3,800 bodies. Fact is about 1,000 kids are still unaccounted for, according to state school records.

These people love to plan, test, and plan and test again. In the past year they've successfully engineered two disasters that have killed thousands, and will kill thousands more. They have brayed out depopulation for decades. They started the great sickening in the mid 90's. This looks like logical progression to me as they find it harder to kill us via wars, and we're successfully pushing back against their medical and industrial food scams. Of course you can read this progression for yourself in some of their released documents. Right now they're gauging how brazen these attacks can be without provoking a response that would endanger them. Seems like a good angle so far, we've reacted to be a bunch of fucking spineless apologists who will put up with anything.
250   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 19, 8:50pm  

just_passing_through says

Apparently the put out the fire in the morning and didn't leave anyone behind to make sure it didn't flare back up.

Watch that video from Ryan Cristian and the chick who lives over there. They include a video from a resident's surveillance cam that shows a very bright flash, not from electric company equipment. Towards the end of that video.
251   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 21, 10:01am  

Local police don't want anyone approaching the station anymore. They may be getting a hint of what's coming. Good defensive position up on a hill, but it won't save them.
253   SoTex   2023 Sep 24, 10:06am  


You don't have to log in to watch.

Some pictures of downed powerlines too that you definitely cannot drive across.
254   RWSGFY   2023 Sep 24, 10:12am  

just_passing_through says


You don't have to log in to watch.

Some pictures of downed powerlines too that you definitely cannot drive across.

CGI! CGI!! C! G!! I!!!
255   Ceffer   2023 Sep 24, 10:13am  

Pfizer. Now 'DEW safe'!

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