Challenge: name a billionaire that doesn't serve the government

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2023 Aug 19, 3:04am   892 views  17 comments

by richwicks   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

I can't think of one.

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1   Misc   2023 Aug 19, 3:39am  

Here's a list of Arizona Billionaires:

I doubt the Campbell Soup heir serves the government. Probably most of the others are in the clear as well.

Arizona's 11 wealthiest people, with Forbes overall ranking
Mark Shoen, U-Haul Holding shareholder, $4.8 billion, No. 592
Arturo Moreno, Los Angeles Angels owner, $4.1 billion, No. 697
E. Joe Shoen, U-Haul Holding shareholder, $4 billion, No. 715
Bob Parsons, GoDaddy founder, $3.4 billion, No. 878
Bennett Dorrance, developer and Campbell Soup heir, $3.4 billion, No. 867
Ernest Garcia II, Carvana controlling shareholder, $3.1 billion, No. 971
Stewart Horejsi and family, Berkshire Hathaway investor, $2.7 billion, No. 1,169
George Kurtz, CrowdStrike cybersecurity co-founder, $1.9 billion, No. 1,634
Peter Sperling, former Apollo Education Group executive, $1.6 billion, No. 1,908
Jerry Moyes and family, Swift Transportation co-founder, $1.5 billion, No. 2,031
Jahm Najafi, private-equity investor and Phoenix Suns part-owner, $1.3 billion, No. 2,220
2   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 8:22am  

Misc says

Bob Parsons, GoDaddy founder, $3.4 billion, No. 878

GoDaddy does. They have taken down companies and corporations by shutting down domains.

Misc says

Stewart Horejsi and family, Berkshire Hathaway investor, $2.7 billion, No. 1,169

Berkshire Hathaway is very directly involved with the government. They have been bailed out in the 2007 crash.

Misc says

George Kurtz, CrowdStrike cybersecurity co-founder, $1.9 billion, No. 1,634

Crowdstrike is the company that falsely claimed that the DNC emails were "hacked" by the Russians. They were copied to a thumb drive. They have no evidence that they were transmitted across an ocean.

The rest, other than Campbell Soup, I can't comment on.
3   mell   2023 Aug 20, 8:32am  

Goya foods CEO Rob Unanue.
4   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 8:42am  

I concede that I didn't put enough thought into this before I posted. Clearly there are billionaires not completely linked up with the government, but not in tech, and I doubt in banking, which is basically our real government anyhow, so there's no avoiding that. I don't think in energy production either, or pharmaceuticals. The Sackler is family is entirely immune to prosecution although they are just drug pushers.

In tech, it's particularly obvious to me there. There is no reason a computer chip can't be immune to viruses, but that would close backdoors. It's trivial to have binaries required to contain and verify a certificate. This could be done in hardware as the binary is loaded. Fail the certificate, you don't run. This has been talked about being implemented but, supposedly, the fear is it would only be used such that you were forced to ONLY run Windows on a computer. This is easily remedied by allowing you to install your own certificates.

It's very easy to do secure email, yet no commercial email system implements this. You have to install an open source emailer, and understand what you are doing when you install it.
5   GNL   2023 Aug 20, 9:02am  

The government is an octopus, no getting away from it. Every company is a tax collector for the government so...
6   GNL   2023 Aug 20, 9:03am  

There's a series on Netflix about oxycintin. The Sacklers are shit.
7   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 9:07am  

GNL says

There's a series on Netflix about oxycintin. The Sacklers are shit.

You want to know what the scam was?

They created Oxycontin. They, falsely, claimed that this opium wasn't addictive, and even better, you only had to take one dose a day. Not working for you? the doctor was instructed to increase the dose, not the frequency of the dose. This resulted in addiction.

Doctors have no clue, they follow orders now. What they should have done is reduce the dose, and increase the frequency of the dose. Sacklers are just fucking evil.
8   mell   2023 Aug 20, 9:29am  

richwicks says

GNL says

There's a series on Netflix about oxycintin. The Sacklers are shit.

You want to know what the scam was?

They created Oxycontin. They, falsely, claimed that this opium wasn't addictive, and even better, you only had to take one dose a day. Not working for you? the doctor was instructed to increase the dose, not the frequency of the dose. This resulted in addiction.

Doctors have no clue, they follow orders now. What they should have done is reduce the dose, and increase the frequency of the dose. Sacklers are just fucking evil.

Yeah, but it's a great drug, one of the best inventions for acute painkillers ever. It works. It's best in class. But you need to use it briefly for your acute pain, then taper off, like pretty much every other drug. There is no free lunch, maximum efficacy often comes with increased addiction risk or other side effects. This has been known now for decades. At this point this is not different than the coof toxxines. People who still believe anyone telling them they can take any painkiller for a prolonged time without major side effects cannot be helped. This is not on the Sackler's or any other boogeyman anymore. They should pay for what they did, so should any MD pushing this without severe warnings about addictions, but blaming addiction on them nowadays is ridiculous. The info has been out for decades and pretty clear.
9   GNL   2023 Aug 20, 9:40am  

IF the series is accurate, the Saklers lied and cajoled their way through the FDA. Even lied to congress. Fraud, yet these pharma companies continue to operate. Can I sell drugs as long as I put some kind of disclaimer on the bottle? At this point, r@ichwicks is correct, doctors just follow orders. What are they there for? Crack is addictive also and TPTB are simply legalized drug dealers. Although, I guess they do try to control it to some extent.
10   mell   2023 Aug 20, 9:44am  

GNL says

IF the series is accurate, the Saklers lied and cajoled their way through the FDA. Even lied to congress. Fraud, yet these pharma companies continue to operate. Can I sell drugs as long as I put some kind of disclaimer on the bottle? At this point, richwicks is correct, doctors just follow orders. What are they there for?

Yeah, they lied about the risk of severe addiction, but the efficacy is great. They should pay and they are/have been sued and paid/settled. About MDs just following orders, this has been a fact since decades as well. I only go to the MD for diagnostics I cannot access at home, I would never let them dictate any "therapy". They are mostly useless aside from surgeons these days, if not outright dangerous.
11   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 9:56am  

mell says

They should pay for what they did, so should any MD pushing this without severe warnings about addictions, but blaming addiction on them nowadays is ridiculous. The info has been out for decades and pretty clear.

Try to get the information out. Just try. Post it on Facebook, on Twitter, or Youtube.

Wait a few hours, and log in though a private or incognito window - do not log into your account. Is your post still there?

I felt the same goddamned way about the wars. "If we get lied into another war, fuck the public", but the public isn't allowed to know. I can't post on YouTube that Victoria Nuland picked out Ukraine's government 2 weeks and 4 days before the collapse of the previous one. I can't say that two European diplomats agreed that the shootings prior to that which led to the ouster of Viktor Yanukovych were working for "the revolution". I can't post that the Douma chemical attacks were staged and we know because two whistle-blowers from the OPCW told, in EXCRUCIATING detail, why they know it was staged and never happened.

We have nothing but propaganda, not only in television but ever "reputable" "news" source we can find. You won't see what I just said in the Economist, or NY Times, the BBC, NPR, PBS, Fox, anything.
12   mell   2023 Aug 20, 10:10am  

richwicks says

Try to get the information out. Just try. Post it on Facebook, on Twitter, or Youtube.

The info about oxycontin being highly addictive is there and has been there for decades now. Plenty of studies and case evidence. Don't know about the information about crimes and cover-ups, but the trial(s) have been public for a while now too. Oxycontin is highly addictive. period. If you don't know that by know, nothing can and will help.
13   richwicks   2023 Aug 20, 10:21am  

mell says

The info about oxycontin being highly addictive is there and has been there for decades now. Plenty of studies and case evidence. Don't know about the information about crimes and cover-ups, but the trial(s) have been public for a while now too. Oxycontin is highly addictive. period. If you don't know that by know, nothing can and will help.

I'm pointing out some poor bastard that is in constant pain was trusting a doctor to know this, and probably the doctor did. The doctor just didn't give a shit.

Hmm, what's something you ought to know but I bet you don't know? Did you know that Israel receives about 75% of its petroleum from Iraq now? Part of the reason for blowing that up and killing 800,000 people was to open that pipeline. Did you know that Dick Cheney wanted to run a pipeline from the Caspian Sea through Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, then Pakistan and was advocating for this since 1997? That's part of the reason we went to war with the Taliban for 20 years. Neither Georgia, Armenia, or Azerbijan was considered considered a viable route because they were under "Russian influence".

Nothing is really about money, it's all about geopolitical control, one way or another.
14   HeadSet   2023 Aug 20, 2:07pm  

mell says

Yeah, but it's a great drug, one of the best inventions for acute painkillers ever. It works. It's best in class. But you need to use it briefly for your acute pain, then taper off, like pretty much every other drug.

Sounds like morphine. Virtually no pain morphine cannot kill, but extreme care needs to be taken not to be addicted. No need for oxycontin then.
15   HeadSet   2023 Aug 20, 2:09pm  

richwicks says

They created Oxycontin. They, falsely, claimed that this opium wasn't addictive

Funny, because heroin was also claimed to be a non-addicting morphine substitute, hence the name "heroine" as in a female "hero."
16   mell   2023 Aug 20, 2:13pm  

HeadSet says

mell says

Yeah, but it's a great drug, one of the best inventions for acute painkillers ever. It works. It's best in class. But you need to use it briefly for your acute pain, then taper off, like pretty much every other drug.

Sounds like morphine. Virtually no pain morphine cannot kill, but extreme care needs to be taken not to be addicted. No need for oxycontin then.

The consensus in the pain management community is that oral oxycodone is 1.5 to 2 times as potent as oral morphine regarding analgesia
17   GNL   2023 Aug 20, 5:05pm  

IF, IF and IF the series "Painkiller" is accurate, the Sakler family faced no criminal charges (the prosecutor received a last minute phone call from the DOJ who supposedly got a call from the White House to make a deal to not prosecute the Saklers or any of the company's high ups) but did pay $4.5 billion but oxycontin is still being prescribed.

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